class TestReduce(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): path = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.path = path self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() os.chdir( return 0 def tearDown(self): os.chdir(self.cwd) self.tmpdir.cleanup() def test_batch_reduce(self): filename = os.path.join(self.path, "test_batch_reduction.xls") b = BatchReducer(filename, data_folder=self.path, verbose=False) b.reduce(show=False) def test_batch_reduce_ipython(self): filename = os.path.join(self.path, "test_batch_reduction.xls") refnx.reduce.batchreduction._have_ipython = False b = BatchReducer(filename, data_folder=self.path, verbose=False) b.reduce(show=False) refnx.reduce.batchreduction._have_ipython = True b = BatchReducer(filename, data_folder=self.path, verbose=False) b.reduce(show=False)
class TestReduce(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): path = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.path = path self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() os.chdir( return 0 def tearDown(self): os.chdir(self.cwd) self.tmpdir.cleanup() def test_smoke(self): # a quick smoke test to check that the reduction can occur a, fname = reduce_stitch([708, 709, 710], [711, 711, 711], data_folder=self.path, rebin_percent=2)'test1.dat') def test_reduction_method(self): # a quick smoke test to check that the reduction can occur a = PlatypusReduce('PLP0000711.nx.hdf', data_folder=self.path, rebin_percent=4) # try reduction with the reduce method a.reduce('PLP0000708.nx.hdf', data_folder=self.path, rebin_percent=4) # try reduction with the __call__ method a('PLP0000708.nx.hdf', data_folder=self.path, rebin_percent=4) # this should also have saved a couple of files in the current # directory assert_(os.path.isfile('./PLP0000708_0.dat')) assert_(os.path.isfile('./PLP0000708_0.xml')) # try writing offspecular data a.write_offspecular('offspec.xml', 0) def test_event_reduction(self): # check that eventmode reduction can occur, and that there are the # correct number of datasets produced. a = PlatypusReduce( os.path.join(self.path, 'PLP0011613.nx.hdf'), reflect=os.path.join(self.path, 'PLP0011641.nx.hdf'), integrate=0, rebin_percent=2, eventmode=[0, 900, 1800]) assert_equal(a.ydata.shape[0], 2) # check that the resolutions are pretty much the same assert_allclose(a.xdata_sd[0] / a.xdata[0], a.xdata_sd[1] / a.xdata[1], atol=0.001) # check that the (right?) timestamps are written into the datafile tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'PLP0011641_1.xml')) tree.find('.//REFentry').attrib['time'] # TODO, timestamp is created in the local time stamp of the testing # machine. The following works if reduced with a computer in Australian # EST. # assert_(t == '2012-01-20T22:05:32') # what happens if you have too many frame bins a = PlatypusReduce( os.path.join(self.path, 'PLP0011613.nx.hdf'), reflect=os.path.join(self.path, 'PLP0011641.nx.hdf'), integrate=0, rebin_percent=2, eventmode=[0, 25200, 27000, 30000]) assert_equal(a.ydata.shape[0], 1)
class TestPlatypusNexus(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): path = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.path = path self.f113 = PlatypusNexus(os.path.join(self.path, "PLP0011613.nx.hdf")) self.f641 = PlatypusNexus(os.path.join(self.path, "PLP0011641.nx.hdf")) self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() os.chdir( return 0 def tearDown(self): os.chdir(self.cwd) self.tmpdir.cleanup() def test_chod(self): flight_length = self.f113.chod() assert_almost_equal(flight_length[0], 7141.413818359375) assert_almost_equal(flight_length[1], 808) flight_length = self.f641.chod(omega=1.8, twotheta=3.6) assert_almost_equal(flight_length[0], 7146.3567785516016) assert_almost_equal(flight_length[1], 808) def test_phase_angle(self): # TODO. Add more tests where the phase_angle isn't zero. phase_angle, master_opening = self.f641.phase_angle() assert_almost_equal(phase_angle, 0) assert_almost_equal(master_opening, 1.04719755) def test_background_subtract_line(self): # checked each step of the background subtraction with IGOR # so this test background correction should be correct. # create some test data xvals = np.linspace(-10, 10, 201) yvals = np.ceil(gauss(xvals, 0, 100, 0, 1) + 2 * xvals + 30) # add some reproducible random noise np.random.seed(1) yvals += np.sqrt(yvals) * np.random.randn(yvals.size) yvals_sd = np.sqrt(yvals) mask = np.zeros(201, np.bool) mask[30:70] = True mask[130:160] = True profile, profile_sd = plp.background_subtract_line(yvals, yvals_sd, mask) verified_data = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, "background_subtract.npy")) assert_almost_equal(verified_data, np.c_[profile, profile_sd]) def test_find_specular_ridge(self): xvals = np.linspace(-10, 10, 201) yvals = np.ceil(gauss(xvals, 0, 1000, 0, 1)) detector = np.repeat(yvals[:, np.newaxis], 1000, axis=1).T detector_sd = np.sqrt(detector) output = plp.find_specular_ridge(detector[np.newaxis, :], detector_sd[np.newaxis, :]) assert_(len(output) == 2) assert_almost_equal(output[0][0], 100) def test_background_subtract(self): # create some test data xvals = np.linspace(-10, 10, 201) yvals = np.ceil(gauss(xvals, 0, 100, 0, 1) + 2 * xvals + 30) # add some reproducible random noise np.random.seed(1) yvals += np.sqrt(yvals) * np.random.randn(yvals.size) yvals_sd = np.sqrt(yvals) # now make an (N, T, Y) detector image n_tbins = 10 detector = np.repeat(yvals, n_tbins).reshape(xvals.size, n_tbins).T detector_sd = np.repeat(yvals_sd, n_tbins).reshape(xvals.size, n_tbins).T detector = detector.reshape(1, n_tbins, xvals.size) detector_sd = detector_sd.reshape(1, n_tbins, xvals.size) mask = np.zeros((1, n_tbins, 201), np.bool) mask[:, :, 30:70] = True mask[:, :, 130:160] = True det_bkg, detSD_bkg = plp.background_subtract(detector, detector_sd, mask) # each of the (N, T) entries should have the same background subtracted # entries verified_data = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, "background_subtract.npy")) it = np.nditer(detector, flags=["multi_index"]) it.remove_axis(2) while not it.finished: profile = det_bkg[it.multi_index] profile_sd = detSD_bkg[it.multi_index] assert_almost_equal(verified_data, np.c_[profile, profile_sd]) it.iternext() def test_calculate_bins(self): bins = plp.calculate_wavelength_bins(2.0, 18, 2.0) assert_almost_equal(bins[0], 1.98) assert_almost_equal(bins[-1], 18.18) def test_event(self): # When you use event mode processing, make sure the right amount of # spectra are created out = self.f113.process(eventmode=[0, 900, 1800], integrate=0) assert_(np.size(out[1], axis=0) == 2) def test_event_folder(self): # When you use event mode processing, make sure the right amount of # spectra are created out = self.f113.process(eventmode=[0, 900, 1800], integrate=0, event_folder=self.path) def test_multiple_acquisitions(self): """ TODO: add a dataset which has multiple spectra in it, and make sure it processes. """ pass def test_reduction_runs(self): # just check it runs self.f113.process() # check that event mode reduction gives the same output as non-event # mode reduction. spectrum0 = self.f113.process(direct=True) spectrum1 = self.f113.process(direct=True, eventmode=[], integrate=0) assert_allclose(spectrum0[1][0], spectrum1[1][0], rtol=0.001) # check that the wavelength resolution is roughly right, between 7 and # 8%. res = self.f113.processed_spectrum["m_lambda_fwhm"][0] / self.f113.processed_spectrum["m_lambda"][0] assert_array_less(res, np.ones_like(res) * 0.08) assert_array_less(np.ones_like(res) * 0.07, res) def test_save_spectrum(self): # test saving spectrum self.f113.process() # can save the spectra by supplying a filename self.f113.write_spectrum_xml("test.xml") self.f113.write_spectrum_dat("test.dat") # can save by supplying file handle: with open("test.xml", "wb") as f: self.f113.write_spectrum_xml(f) # can save by supplying file handle: with open("test.dat", "wb") as f: self.f113.write_spectrum_xml(f) def test_accumulate_files(self): fnames = ["PLP0000708.nx.hdf", "PLP0000709.nx.hdf"] pths = [os.path.join(self.path, fname) for fname in fnames] plp.accumulate_HDF_files(pths) f8, f9, fadd = None, None, None try: f8 = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.path, "PLP0000708.nx.hdf"), "r") f9 = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.path, "PLP0000709.nx.hdf"), "r") fadd = h5py.File(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "ADD_PLP0000708.nx.hdf"), "r") f8d = f8["entry1/data/hmm"][0] f9d = f9["entry1/data/hmm"][0] faddd = fadd["entry1/data/hmm"][0] assert_equal(faddd, f8d + f9d) finally: if f8 is not None: f8.close() if f9 is not None: f9.close() if fadd is not None: fadd.close() def test_accumulate_files_reduce(self): # test by adding a file to itself. Should have smaller stats fnames = ["PLP0000708.nx.hdf", "PLP0000708.nx.hdf"] pths = [os.path.join(self.path, fname) for fname in fnames] plp.accumulate_HDF_files(pths) # it should be processable fadd = PlatypusNexus(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "ADD_PLP0000708.nx.hdf")) fadd.process() # it should also be reduceable reducer = ReducePlatypus(os.path.join(self.path, "PLP0000711.nx.hdf")) reduced = reducer.reduce(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "ADD_PLP0000708.nx.hdf")) assert_("ydata" in reduced) # the error bars should be smaller reduced2 = reducer.reduce(os.path.join(self.path, "PLP0000708.nx.hdf")) assert_(np.all(reduced["ydata_sd"] < reduced2["ydata_sd"]))
class TestPlatypusNexus(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): path = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.path = path self.f113 = PlatypusNexus(os.path.join(self.path, 'PLP0011613.nx.hdf')) self.f641 = PlatypusNexus(os.path.join(self.path, 'PLP0011641.nx.hdf')) self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory() os.chdir( return 0 def tearDown(self): os.chdir(self.cwd) self.tmpdir.cleanup() def test_chod(self): flight_length = self.f113.chod() assert_almost_equal(flight_length[0], 7141.413818359375) assert_almost_equal(flight_length[1], 808) flight_length = self.f641.chod(omega=1.8, twotheta=3.6) assert_almost_equal(flight_length[0], 7146.3567785516016) assert_almost_equal(flight_length[1], 808) def test_phase_angle(self): # TODO. Add more tests where the phase_angle isn't zero. phase_angle, master_opening = self.f641.phase_angle() assert_almost_equal(phase_angle, 0) assert_almost_equal(master_opening, 1.04719755) def test_background_subtract_line(self): # checked each step of the background subtraction with IGOR # so this test background correction should be correct. # create some test data xvals = np.linspace(-10, 10, 201) yvals = np.ceil(gauss(xvals, 0, 100, 0, 1) + 2 * xvals + 30) # add some reproducible random noise np.random.seed(1) yvals += np.sqrt(yvals) * np.random.randn(yvals.size) yvals_sd = np.sqrt(yvals) mask = np.zeros(201, np.bool) mask[30:70] = True mask[130:160] = True profile, profile_sd = plp.background_subtract_line(yvals, yvals_sd, mask) verified_data = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'background_subtract.npy')) assert_almost_equal(verified_data, np.c_[profile, profile_sd]) def test_find_specular_ridge(self): xvals = np.linspace(-10, 10, 201) yvals = np.ceil(gauss(xvals, 0, 1000, 0, 1)) detector = np.repeat(yvals[:, np.newaxis], 1000, axis=1).T detector_sd = np.sqrt(detector) output = plp.find_specular_ridge(detector[np.newaxis, :], detector_sd[np.newaxis, :]) assert_(len(output) == 5) assert_almost_equal(output[0][0], 100) def test_background_subtract(self): # create some test data xvals = np.linspace(-10, 10, 201) yvals = np.ceil(gauss(xvals, 0, 100, 0, 1) + 2 * xvals + 30) # add some reproducible random noise np.random.seed(1) yvals += np.sqrt(yvals) * np.random.randn(yvals.size) yvals_sd = np.sqrt(yvals) # now make an (N, T, Y) detector image n_tbins = 10 detector = np.repeat(yvals, n_tbins).reshape(xvals.size, n_tbins).T detector_sd = np.repeat(yvals_sd, n_tbins).reshape(xvals.size, n_tbins).T detector = detector.reshape(1, n_tbins, xvals.size) detector_sd = detector_sd.reshape(1, n_tbins, xvals.size) mask = np.zeros((1, n_tbins, 201), np.bool) mask[:, :, 30:70] = True mask[:, :, 130:160] = True det_bkg, detSD_bkg = plp.background_subtract(detector, detector_sd, mask) # each of the (N, T) entries should have the same background subtracted # entries verified_data = np.load(os.path.join(self.path, 'background_subtract.npy')) it = np.nditer(detector, flags=['multi_index']) it.remove_axis(2) while not it.finished: profile = det_bkg[it.multi_index] profile_sd = detSD_bkg[it.multi_index] assert_almost_equal(verified_data, np.c_[profile, profile_sd]) it.iternext() def test_calculate_bins(self): bins = plp.calculate_wavelength_bins(2., 18, 2.) assert_almost_equal(bins[0], 1.98) assert_almost_equal(bins[-1], 18.18) def test_event(self): # When you use event mode processing, make sure the right amount of # spectra are created out = self.f113.process(eventmode=[0, 900, 1800], integrate=0) assert_(np.size(out[1], axis=0) == 2) def test_event_folder(self): # When you use event mode processing, make sure the right amount of # spectra are created self.f113.process(eventmode=[0, 900, 1800], integrate=0, event_folder=self.path) def test_multiple_acquisitions(self): """ TODO: add a dataset which has multiple spectra in it, and make sure it processes. """ pass def test_reduction_runs(self): # just check it runs self.f113.process() # check that event mode reduction gives the same output as non-event # mode reduction. spectrum0 = self.f113.process(direct=True) spectrum1 = self.f113.process(direct=True, eventmode=[], integrate=0) assert_allclose(spectrum0[1][0], spectrum1[1][0], rtol=0.001) # check that the wavelength resolution is roughly right, between 7 and # 8%. res = (self.f113.processed_spectrum['m_lambda_fwhm'][0] / self.f113.processed_spectrum['m_lambda'][0]) assert_array_less(res, np.ones_like(res) * 0.08) assert_array_less(np.ones_like(res) * 0.07, res) def test_save_spectrum(self): # test saving spectrum self.f113.process() # can save the spectra by supplying a filename self.f113.write_spectrum_xml('test.xml') self.f113.write_spectrum_dat('test.dat') # can save by supplying file handle: with open('test.xml', 'wb') as f: self.f113.write_spectrum_xml(f) # can save by supplying file handle: with open('test.dat', 'wb') as f: self.f113.write_spectrum_xml(f) def test_accumulate_files(self): fnames = ['PLP0000708.nx.hdf', 'PLP0000709.nx.hdf'] pths = [os.path.join(self.path, fname) for fname in fnames] plp.accumulate_HDF_files(pths) f8, f9, fadd = None, None, None try: f8 = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.path, 'PLP0000708.nx.hdf'), 'r') f9 = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.path, 'PLP0000709.nx.hdf'), 'r') fadd = h5py.File(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'ADD_PLP0000708.nx.hdf'), 'r') f8d = f8['entry1/data/hmm'][0] f9d = f9['entry1/data/hmm'][0] faddd = fadd['entry1/data/hmm'][0] assert_equal(faddd, f8d + f9d) finally: if f8 is not None: f8.close() if f9 is not None: f9.close() if fadd is not None: fadd.close() def test_accumulate_files_reduce(self): # test by adding a file to itself. Should have smaller stats fnames = ['PLP0000708.nx.hdf', 'PLP0000708.nx.hdf'] pths = [os.path.join(self.path, fname) for fname in fnames] plp.accumulate_HDF_files(pths) # it should be processable fadd = PlatypusNexus(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'ADD_PLP0000708.nx.hdf')) fadd.process() # it should also be reduceable reducer = PlatypusReduce(os.path.join(self.path, 'PLP0000711.nx.hdf')) reduced = reducer.reduce(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'ADD_PLP0000708.nx.hdf')) assert_('ydata' in reduced) # the error bars should be smaller reduced2 = reducer.reduce(os.path.join(self.path, 'PLP0000708.nx.hdf')) assert_(np.all(reduced['ydata_sd'] < reduced2['ydata_sd'])) def test_manual_beam_find(self): # you can specify a function that finds where the specular ridge is. def manual_beam_find(detector, detector_sd): beam_centre = np.zeros(len(detector)) beam_sd = np.zeros(len(detector)) beam_centre += 50 beam_sd += 5 return beam_centre, beam_sd, np.array([40]), np.array([60]), [[]] # the manual beam find is only mandatory when peak_pos == -1. self.f113.process(manual_beam_find=manual_beam_find, peak_pos=-1) assert_equal(self.f113.processed_spectrum['m_beampos'][0], 50) # manual beam finding also specifies the lower and upper pixel of the # foreground assert_equal(self.f113.processed_spectrum['lopx'][0], 40) assert_equal(self.f113.processed_spectrum['hipx'][0], 60) def test_fore_back_region(self): # calculation of foreground and background regions is done correctly centres = np.array([100., 90.]) sd = np.array([5., 11.5]) lopx, hipx, background_pixels = fore_back_region(centres, sd) assert_(len(lopx) == 2) assert_(len(hipx) == 2) assert_(len(background_pixels) == 2) assert_(isinstance(lopx[0], numbers.Integral)) assert_(isinstance(hipx[0], numbers.Integral)) calc_lower = np.floor(centres - sd * EXTENT_MULT) assert_equal(lopx, calc_lower) calc_higher = np.ceil(centres + sd * EXTENT_MULT) assert_equal(hipx, calc_higher) y1 = np.atleast_1d( np.round(lopx - PIXEL_OFFSET).astype('int')) y0 = np.atleast_1d( np.round(lopx - PIXEL_OFFSET - EXTENT_MULT * sd).astype('int')) y2 = np.atleast_1d( np.round(hipx + PIXEL_OFFSET).astype('int')) y3 = np.atleast_1d( np.round(hipx + PIXEL_OFFSET + EXTENT_MULT * sd).astype('int')) bp = np.r_[np.arange(y0[0], y1[0] + 1), np.arange(y2[0], y3[0] + 1)] assert_equal(bp, background_pixels[0]) def test_basename_datafile(self): # check that the right basename is returned pth = 'a/b/c.nx.hdf' assert_(basename_datafile(pth) == 'c') pth = 'c.nx.hdf' assert_(basename_datafile(pth) == 'c')