文件: meta.py 项目: toxa81/reframe
    def __prepare__(metacls, name, bases, **kwargs):
        namespace = super().__prepare__(name, bases, **kwargs)

        # Regression test parameter space defined at the class level
        local_param_space = namespaces.LocalNamespace()
        namespace['_rfm_local_param_space'] = local_param_space

        # Directive to insert a regression test parameter directly in the
        # class body as: `P0 = parameter([0,1,2,3])`.
        namespace['parameter'] = parameters.TestParam

        # Regression test var space defined at the class level
        local_var_space = namespaces.LocalNamespace()
        namespace['_rfm_local_var_space'] = local_var_space

        # Directives to add/modify a regression test variable
        namespace['variable'] = variables.TestVar
        namespace['required'] = variables.UndefineVar()
        return metacls.MetaNamespace(namespace)
    def __prepare__(metacls, name, bases, **kwargs):
        namespace = super().__prepare__(name, bases, **kwargs)

        # Keep reference to the bases inside the namespace
        namespace['_rfm_bases'] = [
            b for b in bases if hasattr(b, '_rfm_var_space')

        # Regression test parameter space defined at the class level
        local_param_space = namespaces.LocalNamespace()
        namespace['_rfm_local_param_space'] = local_param_space

        # Directive to insert a regression test parameter directly in the
        # class body as: `P0 = parameter([0,1,2,3])`.
        namespace['parameter'] = parameters.TestParam

        # Regression test var space defined at the class level
        local_var_space = namespaces.LocalNamespace()
        namespace['_rfm_local_var_space'] = local_var_space

        # Directives to add/modify a regression test variable
        namespace['variable'] = variables.TestVar
        namespace['required'] = variables.Undefined

        # Utility decorators
        namespace['_rfm_ext_bound'] = set()

        def bind(fn, name=None):
            '''Directive to bind a free function to a class.

            See online docs for more information.

            .. note::
               Functions bound using this directive must be re-inspected after
               the class body execution has completed. This directive attaches
               the external method into the class namespace and returns the
               associated instance of the :class:`WrappedFunction`. However,
               this instance may be further modified by other ReFrame builtins
               such as :func:`run_before`, :func:`run_after`, :func:`final` and
               so on after it was added to the namespace, which would bypass
               the logic implemented in the :func:`__setitem__` method from the
               :class:`MetaNamespace` class. Hence, we track the items set by
               this directive in the ``_rfm_ext_bound`` set, so they can be
               later re-inspected.

            inst = metacls.WrappedFunction(fn, name)
            namespace[inst.__name__] = inst

            # Track the imported external functions
            return inst

        def final(fn):
            '''Indicate that a function is final and cannot be overridden.'''

            fn._rfm_final = True
            return fn

        namespace['bind'] = bind
        namespace['final'] = final
        namespace['_rfm_final_methods'] = set()

        # Hook-related functionality
        def run_before(stage):
            '''Decorator for attaching a test method to a given stage.

            See online docs for more information.
            return hooks.attach_to('pre_' + stage)

        def run_after(stage):
            '''Decorator for attaching a test method to a given stage.

            See online docs for more information.
            return hooks.attach_to('post_' + stage)

        namespace['run_before'] = run_before
        namespace['run_after'] = run_after
        namespace['require_deps'] = hooks.require_deps
        namespace['_rfm_hook_registry'] = hooks.HookRegistry()

        # Machinery to add a sanity function
        def sanity_function(fn):
            '''Mark a function as the test's sanity function.

            Decorated functions must be unary and they will be converted into
            deferred expressions.

            _def_fn = deferrable(fn)
            setattr(_def_fn, '_rfm_sanity_fn', True)
            return _def_fn

        namespace['sanity_function'] = sanity_function
        namespace['deferrable'] = deferrable

        # Machinery to add performance functions
        def performance_function(units, *, perf_key=None):
            '''Decorate a function to extract a performance variable.

            The ``units`` argument indicates the units of the performance
            variable to be extracted.
            The ``perf_key`` optional arg will be used as the name of the
            performance variable. If not provided, the function name will
            be used as the performance variable name.
            if not isinstance(units, str):
                raise TypeError('performance units must be a string')

            if perf_key and not isinstance(perf_key, str):
                raise TypeError("'perf_key' must be a string")

            def _deco_wrapper(func):
                if not utils.is_trivially_callable(func, non_def_args=1):
                    raise TypeError(
                        f'performance function {func.__name__!r} has more '
                        f'than one argument without a default value')

                def _perf_fn(*args, **kwargs):
                    return _DeferredPerformanceExpression(
                        func, units, *args, **kwargs)

                _perf_key = perf_key if perf_key else func.__name__
                setattr(_perf_fn, '_rfm_perf_key', _perf_key)
                return _perf_fn

            return _deco_wrapper

        namespace['performance_function'] = performance_function
        namespace['_rfm_perf_fns'] = namespaces.LocalNamespace()
        return metacls.MetaNamespace(namespace)
    def __prepare__(metacls, name, bases, **kwargs):
        namespace = super().__prepare__(name, bases, **kwargs)

        # Initialize the various class level helper data structures

        # Keep reference to the bases inside the namespace
        namespace['_rfm_bases'] = [
            b for b in bases if hasattr(b, '_rfm_var_space')

        # Regression test parameter space defined at the class level
        namespace['_rfm_local_param_space'] = namespaces.LocalNamespace()

        # Regression test var space defined at the class level
        namespace['_rfm_local_var_space'] = namespaces.LocalNamespace()

        # Regression test fixture space
        namespace['_rfm_local_fixture_space'] = namespaces.LocalNamespace()

        # Utility decorators
        namespace['_rfm_ext_bound'] = set()

        # Loggable properties
        namespace['_rfm_loggable_props'] = []

        namespace['_rfm_final_methods'] = set()
        namespace['_rfm_hook_registry'] = hooks.HookRegistry()
        namespace['_rfm_local_hook_registry'] = hooks.HookRegistry()
        namespace['_rfm_perf_fns'] = namespaces.LocalNamespace()

        def bind(fn, name=None):
            '''Directive to bind a free function to a class.

            See online docs for more information.

            .. note::
               Functions bound using this directive must be re-inspected after
               the class body execution has completed. This directive attaches
               the external method into the class namespace and returns the
               associated instance of the :class:`WrappedFunction`. However,
               this instance may be further modified by other ReFrame builtins
               such as :func:`run_before`, :func:`run_after`, :func:`final` and
               so on after it was added to the namespace, which would bypass
               the logic implemented in the :func:`__setitem__` method from the
               :class:`MetaNamespace` class. Hence, we track the items set by
               this directive in the ``_rfm_ext_bound`` set, so they can be
               later re-inspected.

            inst = metacls.WrappedFunction(fn, name)
            namespace[inst.__name__] = inst

            # Track the imported external functions
            return inst

        # Register all builtins
        for name in builtins.__all__:
            namespace[name] = getattr(builtins, name)

        namespace['bind'] = bind
        return metacls.MetaNamespace(namespace)
    def __prepare__(metacls, name, bases, **kwargs):
        namespace = super().__prepare__(name, bases, **kwargs)

        # Keep reference to the bases inside the namespace
        namespace['_rfm_bases'] = [
            b for b in bases if hasattr(b, '_rfm_var_space')

        # Regression test parameter space defined at the class level
        local_param_space = namespaces.LocalNamespace()
        namespace['_rfm_local_param_space'] = local_param_space

        # Directive to insert a regression test parameter directly in the
        # class body as: `P0 = parameter([0,1,2,3])`.
        namespace['parameter'] = parameters.TestParam

        # Regression test var space defined at the class level
        local_var_space = namespaces.LocalNamespace()
        namespace['_rfm_local_var_space'] = local_var_space

        # Directives to add/modify a regression test variable
        namespace['variable'] = variables.TestVar
        namespace['required'] = variables.Undefined

        def bind(fn, name=None):
            '''Directive to bind a free function to a class.

            See online docs for more information.

            inst = metacls.WrappedFunction(fn, name)
            namespace[inst.__name__] = inst
            return inst

        namespace['bind'] = bind

        # Hook-related functionality
        def run_before(stage):
            '''Decorator for attaching a test method to a pipeline stage.

            See online docs for more information.

            if stage not in _USER_PIPELINE_STAGES:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'invalid pipeline stage specified: {stage!r}')

            if stage == 'init':
                raise ValueError('pre-init hooks are not allowed')

            return hooks.attach_to('pre_' + stage)

        namespace['run_before'] = run_before

        def run_after(stage):
            '''Decorator for attaching a test method to a pipeline stage.

            See online docs for more information.

            if stage not in _USER_PIPELINE_STAGES:
                raise ValueError(
                    f'invalid pipeline stage specified: {stage!r}')

            # Map user stage names to the actual pipeline functions if needed
            if stage == 'init':
                stage = '__init__'
            elif stage == 'compile':
                stage = 'compile_wait'
            elif stage == 'run':
                stage = 'run_wait'

            return hooks.attach_to('post_' + stage)

        namespace['run_after'] = run_after
        namespace['require_deps'] = hooks.require_deps

        # Machinery to add a sanity function
        def sanity_function(fn):
            '''Mark a function as the test's sanity function.

            Decorated functions must be unary and they will be converted into
            deferred expressions.

            _def_fn = deferrable(fn)
            setattr(_def_fn, '_rfm_sanity_fn', True)
            return _def_fn

        namespace['sanity_function'] = sanity_function
        namespace['deferrable'] = deferrable
        return metacls.MetaNamespace(namespace)