def handle_div(self, label, result, *operands):
    """Handles the div instruction of IR.
    restore_rax = True
    restore_rdx = True

    # This will be true only if the second operand is immediate.
    restore_r15 = False

    # Create dummy register objects for RAX and RDX and force color them to
    # ensure they take RAX and RDX values. So we can spill these two registers.
    # Also create memory object to where they get spilled.
    if self.is_register(result):
      if result.color == 0:
        restore_rax = False
      elif result.color == 3:
        restore_rdx = False

    # We may want %rax register to move the first dividend to %rax if it is
    # not already in %rax, so create a dummy %rax register in any case.
    rax = Register()
    rax.color = 0     # Color of RAX

    # We want to clear the contents of %rdx no matter what, so create a dummy
    # register for it.
    rdx = Register()
    rdx.color = 3     # Color of RDX

    # Store %rax and %rdx in memory if they have to be restored
    if restore_rax:
      rax.memory = Memory()

      rax_operands = (rax, rax.memory)
      self.handle_store(label, None, *rax_operands)

    if restore_rdx:
      rdx.memory = Memory()

      rdx_operands = (rdx, rdx.memory)
      self.handle_store(label, None, *rdx_operands)

    if not (self.is_register(operands[0]) and operands[0].color == 0):
      mov = MOV(rax, operands[0])
      self.add_instruction(label, mov)

    # Clear %rdx, because x86_64 DIV instruction uses both %rax and %rdx as
    # the divisor
    xor = XOR(rdx, rdx)
    self.add_instruction(label, xor)

    if isinstance(operands[1], Immediate):
      # Create a dummy register object for %r15 for moving the operand to it.
      r15 = Register()
      r15.color = 13

      if not(self.is_register(result) and result.color == 13):
        restore_r15 = True
        r15.memory = Memory()
        r15_operands = (r15, r15.memory)
        self.handle_store(label, None, *r15_operands)

      mov = MOV(r15, operands[1])
      self.add_instruction(label, mov)

      idiv = IDIV(r15)
      idiv = IDIV(operands[1])

    self.add_instruction(label, idiv)

    mov = MOV(result, rax)
    self.add_instruction(label, mov)

    if restore_rax:
      self.handle_load(label, rax, rax.memory)
    if restore_rdx:
      self.handle_load(label, rdx, rdx.memory)
    if restore_r15:
      self.handle_load(label, r15, r15.memory)