def getDonorsByAge(): try: lower_age = int(validateInput("Lower Age", "Integer")) upper_age = int(validateInput("Upper Age", "Integer")) SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM donor WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(year, date_of_birth, CURDATE()) BETWEEN %s AND %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (lower_age, upper_age)) table = from_db_cursor(cfg.cursor) table.align = "r" print(table) except Exception as e: print(cfg.RED, "Query failed", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def addToInventory(): try: inventory = {} inventory["barcode"] = int(validateInput("Blood Barcode", "Integer")) # Check if tests are negative SQL_query = "SELECT test_result FROM blood WHERE blood.blood_barcode = %s" cfg.dict_cursor.execute(SQL_query, (inventory["barcode"])) result = cfg.dict_cursor.fetchone()["test_result"] if result == "Positive": print(cfg.CYAN, "Blood is unhealthy, cannot store in inventory", cfg.RESET, sep="") return elif result == "Pending": print(cfg.CYAN, "Blood can be stored only after test results are released", cfg.RESET, sep="") return inventory["comp_id"] = int(validateInput("Component ID", "Integer")) inventory["storage_date"] = validateInput( "Date of Storage (YYYY/MM/DD)", "Date") SQL_query = "INSERT INTO blood_inventory (blood_barcode, component_id, order_id, date_of_storage)" \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (inventory["barcode"], inventory["comp_id"], None, inventory["storage_date"])) cfg.db.commit() print(cfg.GREEN, "Insert successful", cfg.RESET, sep="") # update blood inventory SQL_query = "UPDATE blood_inventory " \ "JOIN component ON blood_inventory.component_id = component.component_id " \ "SET date_of_expiry = date_of_storage + INTERVAL max_storage_duration DAY " \ "WHERE blood_inventory.blood_barcode = %s AND blood_inventory.component_id = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (inventory["barcode"], inventory["comp_id"])) cfg.db.commit() except Exception as e: cfg.db.rollback() print(cfg.RED, "Failed to insert into database", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def addBloodDonationCenter(): try: center = {} center["address"] = validateInput("Address", "Address") center["phoneno"] = validateInput("Phone Number", "Integer") SQL_query = "INSERT INTO blood_donation_center (phone_number, address) VALUES(%s, %s)" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (center["phoneno"], center["address"])) cfg.db.commit() print(cfg.GREEN, "Insert successful", cfg.RESET, sep="") except Exception as e: cfg.db.rollback() print(cfg.RED, "Failed to insert into database", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def updateDonorDetails(): try: donor_id = int(validateInput("Donor ID", "Integer")) options = [ "Update Phone Number", "Update Email ID", "Add New Address", "Remove Address" ] for i in range(0, len(options)): print(f'{i + 1}. {options[i]}') try: choice = int(input("Enter choice> ")) except ValueError: print(cfg.RED, "Invalid Choice", cfg.RESET, sep="") return if choice == 1: phone_number = validateInput("New Phone Number", "Integer") SQL_query = "UPDATE donor SET phone_number = %s WHERE donor_id = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (phone_number, donor_id)) elif choice == 2: email_id = validateInput("New Email ID", "Email") SQL_query = "UPDATE donor SET email_id = %s WHERE donor_id = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (email_id, donor_id)) elif choice == 3: address = validateInput("New Address", "Address") SQL_query = "INSERT INTO donor_address (donor_id, address) VALUES (%s, %s)" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (donor_id, address)) elif choice == 4: address = validateInput("Address", "Address") SQL_query = "DELETE FROM donor_address WHERE donor_id = %s AND address = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (donor_id, address)) else: return cfg.db.commit() print(cfg.GREEN, "Update successful", cfg.RESET, sep="") except Exception as e: cfg.db.rollback() print(cfg.RED, "Failed to update database", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def addHospital(): try: hospital = {} hospital["name"] = validateInput("Hospital Name", "Name") hospital["phoneno"] = validateInput("Phone Number", "Integer") hospital["email"] = validateInput("Email ID", "Email") hospital["address"] = validateInput("Address", "Address") SQL_query = "INSERT INTO hospital (name, address, email_id, phone_number)" \ "VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (hospital["name"], hospital["address"], hospital["email"], hospital["phoneno"])) cfg.db.commit() print(cfg.GREEN, "Insert successful", cfg.RESET, sep="") except Exception as e: cfg.db.rollback() print(cfg.RED, "Failed to insert into database", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def getDailyOrders(): try: date = validateInput("Date (YYYY/MM/DD)", "Date") SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE date_of_order = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (date)) table = from_db_cursor(cfg.cursor) table.align = "r" print(table) except Exception as e: print(cfg.RED, "Query failed", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def getDonorsFromEmployee(): try: employee_id = int(validateInput("Employee ID", "Integer")) SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM donor WHERE employee_id = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (employee_id)) table = from_db_cursor(cfg.cursor) table.align = "r" print(table) except Exception as e: print(cfg.RED, "Query failed", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def removeDonor(): try: donor_id = int(validateInput("Donor ID", "Integer")) SQL_query = "DELETE FROM donor WHERE donor_id = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (donor_id)) cfg.db.commit() print(cfg.GREEN, "Delete successful", cfg.RESET, sep="") except Exception as e: cfg.db.rollback() print(cfg.RED, "Failed to delete from database", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def addReceptionist(): try: receptionist = {} receptionist["fname"] = validateInput("First Name", "Name") receptionist["mname"] = validateInput("Middle Name*", "Name", opt=True) receptionist["lname"] = validateInput("Last Name", "Name") receptionist["cid"] = int(validateInput("Center ID", "Integer")) receptionist["phoneno"] = validateInput("Phone Number", "Integer") SQL_query = "INSERT INTO receptionist (center_id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, phone_number) " \ "VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" cfg.cursor.execute( SQL_query, (receptionist["cid"], receptionist["fname"], receptionist["mname"] if receptionist["mname"] != "" else None, receptionist["lname"], receptionist["phoneno"])) cfg.db.commit() print(cfg.GREEN, "Insert successful", cfg.RESET, sep="") except Exception as e: cfg.db.rollback() print(cfg.RED, "Failed to insert into database", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def addTestResult(): try: blood_barcode = int(validateInput("Blood Barcode", "Integer")) result = {} result["blood_type"] = validateInput("Blood Type", "Blood") result["hiv1"] = validateInput("HIV 1 (true/false)", "Bool") == "true" result["hiv2"] = validateInput("HIV 2 (true/false)", "Bool") == "true" result["hepatitis_b"] = validateInput("Hepatitis B (true/false)", "Bool") == "true" result["hepatitis_c"] = validateInput("Hepatitis C (true/false)", "Bool") == "true" result["htlv1"] = validateInput("HTLV 1 (true/false)", "Bool") == "true" result["htlv2"] = validateInput("HTLV 2 (true/false)", "Bool") == "true" result["syphilis"] = validateInput("Syphilis (true/false)", "Bool") == "true" SQL_query = "INSERT INTO test_result (blood_barcode, blood_type, hiv1, hiv2, hepatitis_b, hepatitis_c, htlv1, htlv2, syphilis) " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" cfg.cursor.execute( SQL_query, (blood_barcode, result["blood_type"], result["hiv1"], result["hiv2"], result["hepatitis_b"], result["hepatitis_c"], result["htlv1"], result["htlv2"], result["syphilis"])) cfg.db.commit() print(cfg.GREEN, "Insert successful", cfg.RESET, sep="") # Update blood table SQL_query = "UPDATE blood SET test_result = %s WHERE blood.blood_barcode = %s" cfg.cursor.execute( SQL_query, ("Positive" if True in result.values() else "Negative", blood_barcode)) cfg.db.commit() except Exception as e: cfg.db.rollback() print(cfg.RED, "Failed to insert into database", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def getDonationsFromTestResults(): try: test_result = validateInput("Test Result (Negative/Positive/Pending)", "Result") SQL_query = "SELECT donor_participation.*, blood.test_result FROM donor_participation " \ "JOIN blood ON donor_participation.blood_barcode = blood.blood_barcode " \ "WHERE blood.test_result = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (test_result)) table = from_db_cursor(cfg.cursor) table.align = "r" print(table) except Exception as e: print(cfg.RED, "Query failed", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def getDonorsDonatedAtCenter(): try: center_id = int(validateInput("Center ID", "Integer")) SQL_query = "SELECT DISTINCT donor.* FROM donor " \ "JOIN donor_participation ON donor.donor_id = donor_participation.donor_id " \ "JOIN blood_donation_center ON donor_participation.center_id = blood_donation_center.center_id " \ "WHERE blood_donation_center.center_id = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (center_id)) table = from_db_cursor(cfg.cursor) table.align = "r" print(table) except Exception as e: print(cfg.RED, "Query failed", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def getDonorsFromBloodType(): try: blood_type = validateInput("Blood Type ([ABO][+-])", "Blood") SQL_query = "SELECT DISTINCT donor.* FROM donor " \ "JOIN donor_participation ON donor.donor_id = donor_participation.donor_id " \ "JOIN blood ON donor_participation.blood_barcode = blood.blood_barcode " \ "JOIN test_result ON blood.blood_barcode = test_result.blood_barcode " \ "WHERE blood_type = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (blood_type)) table = from_db_cursor(cfg.cursor) table.align = "r" print(table) except Exception as e: print(cfg.RED, "Query failed", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def getOrderDetails(): try: order_id = int(validateInput("Order ID", "Integer")) SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_id = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (order_id)) table = from_db_cursor(cfg.cursor) table.align = "r" print(table) SQL_query = "SELECT * FROM order_components WHERE order_id = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (order_id)) table = from_db_cursor(cfg.cursor) table.align = "r" print(table) except Exception as e: print(cfg.RED, "Query failed", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def addDonor(): try: donor = {} donor["fname"] = validateInput("First Name", "Name") donor["mname"] = validateInput("Middle Name*", "Name", opt=True) donor["lname"] = validateInput("Last Name", "Name") donor["dob"] = validateInput("Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD)", "Date") year, month, day = map(int, donor["dob"].split("/")) if (( - date(year, month, day)).days // 365) < 18: print(cfg.CYAN, "Donor must be 18 years or above to donate!", cfg.RESET, sep="") return donor["eid"] = int( validateInput("Employee ID of Receptionist", "Integer")) donor["phoneno"] = validateInput("Phone Number", "Integer") donor["email"] = validateInput("Email ID", "Email") donor["sex"] = validateInput("Sex (M/F/Other)", "Sex") SQL_query = "INSERT INTO donor (employee_id, first_name, middle_name, last_name, phone_number, email_id, date_of_birth, gender, date_of_registration) " \ "VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, CURDATE())" cfg.cursor.execute( SQL_query, (donor["eid"], donor["fname"], donor["mname"] if donor["mname"] != "" else None, donor["lname"], donor["phoneno"], donor["email"], donor["dob"], donor["sex"])) cfg.db.commit() print(cfg.GREEN, "Insert successful", cfg.RESET, sep="") except Exception as e: cfg.db.rollback() print(cfg.RED, "Failed to insert into database", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def addDonation(): try: donor_id = int(validateInput("Donor ID", "Integer")) center_id = int(validateInput("Center ID", "Integer")) SQL_query = "SELECT gender FROM donor WHERE donor_id = %s" cfg.dict_cursor.execute(SQL_query, (donor_id)) sex = cfg.dict_cursor.fetchone()["gender"] donation = {} donation["bp"] = validateInput("Blood Pressure (systolic/diastolic)", "BP") sys, dia = map(int, donation["bp"].split("/")) if sys > 180 or dia > 100: print( cfg.CYAN, "Blood pressure must be below 180 (systolic) and 100 (diastolic) to donate", cfg.RESET, sep="") return donation["haem"] = float( validateInput("Haemoglobin Level (g/dl)", "Float")) if donation["haem"] > 20: print(cfg.CYAN, "Haemoglobin level must be below 20 g/dl to donate", cfg.RESET, sep="") return if sex == 'M' and donation["haem"] < 13: print(cfg.CYAN, "Haemoglobin level must be above 13 g/dl to donate", cfg.RESET, sep="") return if sex == 'F' and donation["haem"] < 12.5: print(cfg.CYAN, "Haemoglobin level must be above 12.5 g/dl to donate", cfg.RESET, sep="") return donation["weight"] = float(validateInput("Weight (kg)", "Float")) if (donation["weight"] < 50): print(cfg.CYAN, "Weight must be greater than 50kg to donate", cfg.RESET, sep="") return donation["travel"] = input("Travel History*: ") SQL_query = "INSERT INTO donation (blood_pressure, haemoglobin_level, date_of_donation, weight, travel_history) " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, CURDATE(), %s, %s)" cfg.cursor.execute( SQL_query, (donation["bp"], donation["haem"], donation["weight"], donation["travel"] if donation["travel"] != "" else None)) cfg.db.commit() print(cfg.GREEN, "Insert successful", cfg.RESET, sep="") # Insert into blood blood = {} blood["description"] = input("Blood Description*: ") SQL_query = "INSERT INTO blood (description, test_result) VALUES (%s, %s)" cfg.cursor.execute( SQL_query, (blood["description"] if blood["description"] != "" else None, "Pending")) cfg.db.commit() # Insert into donor participation donor_participation = {} donor_participation["donor_id"] = donor_id donor_participation["center_id"] = center_id SQL_query = "SELECT MAX(donation_id) AS 'max' FROM donation" cfg.dict_cursor.execute(SQL_query) donor_participation["donation_id"] = cfg.dict_cursor.fetchone()["max"] SQL_query = "SELECT MAX(blood_barcode) AS 'max' FROM blood" cfg.dict_cursor.execute(SQL_query) donor_participation["barcode"] = cfg.dict_cursor.fetchone()["max"] SQL_query = "INSERT INTO donor_participation (blood_barcode, donor_id, center_id, donation_id) " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" cfg.cursor.execute( SQL_query, (donor_participation["barcode"], donor_participation["donor_id"], donor_participation["center_id"], donor_participation["donation_id"])) cfg.db.commit() except Exception as e: cfg.db.rollback() print(cfg.RED, "Failed to insert into database", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")
def placeOrder(): try: order_id = None order_placed = False total_cost = 0 order = {} order["hospital_id"] = int(validateInput("Hospital ID", "Integer")) while True:'clear', shell=True) options = ["Add Item", "Finish Order"] for i in range(0, len(options)): print(f'{i + 1}. {options[i]}') try: choice = int(input("Enter choice> ")) except ValueError: print(cfg.RED, "Error: Invalid Choice", cfg.RESET, sep="") input("Press Enter to CONTINUE> ") continue if choice == 2: break if choice != 1: print(cfg.RED, "Error: Invalid Choice", cfg.RESET, sep="") input("Press Enter to CONTINUE> ") continue order["b_type"] = validateInput("Blood Type", "Blood") order["c_type"] = validateInput( "Component Type (RBC, Plasma, Platelets)", "Component") # calculate stock of specified item SQL_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS stock FROM blood_inventory " \ "JOIN blood ON blood_inventory.blood_barcode = blood.blood_barcode " \ "JOIN test_result ON blood.blood_barcode = test_result.blood_barcode " \ "JOIN component ON blood_inventory.component_id = component.component_id " \ "WHERE order_id IS NULL AND date_of_expiry >= CURDATE() " \ "AND test_result.blood_type = %s AND component.component_type = %s" cfg.dict_cursor.execute(SQL_query, (order["b_type"], order["c_type"])) stock = cfg.dict_cursor.fetchone()["stock"] if stock == 0: print(cfg.CYAN, "Requested item out of stock!", cfg.RESET, sep="") input("Press Enter to CONTINUE> ") else: print(f"Quantity available: {stock}") order["quantity"] = int(validateInput("Quantity", "Integer")) if order["quantity"] > stock: print(cfg.CYAN, "Too many items requested!", cfg.RESET, sep="") input("Press Enter to CONTINUE> ") elif order["quantity"] == 0: print(cfg.CYAN, "Quantity cannot be 0", cfg.RESET, sep="") input("Press Enter to CONTINUE> ") else: if not order_placed: # insert into to orders table order_placed = True SQL_query = "INSERT INTO orders (hospital_id, date_of_order, total_cost) VALUES (%s, CURDATE(), 0)" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (order["hospital_id"])) cfg.db.commit() SQL_query = "SELECT MAX(order_id) as 'max' FROM orders" cfg.dict_cursor.execute(SQL_query) order_id = cfg.dict_cursor.fetchone()["max"] # calculate cost of order component SQL_query = "SELECT blood_type_cost FROM blood_cost WHERE blood_type = %s" cfg.dict_cursor.execute(SQL_query, (order["b_type"])) items_cost = int( cfg.dict_cursor.fetchone()["blood_type_cost"]) total_cost += items_cost * order["quantity"] # find available items in blood inventory SQL_query = "SELECT blood_inventory.blood_barcode, blood_inventory.component_id FROM blood_inventory " \ "JOIN blood ON blood_inventory.blood_barcode = blood.blood_barcode " \ "JOIN test_result ON blood.blood_barcode = test_result.blood_barcode " \ "JOIN component ON blood_inventory.component_id = component.component_id " \ "WHERE order_id IS NULL AND date_of_expiry >= CURDATE() " \ "AND test_result.blood_type = %s AND component.component_type = %s " \ "ORDER BY date_of_expiry" cfg.dict_cursor.execute(SQL_query, (order["b_type"], order["c_type"])) for _ in range(0, order["quantity"]): item = cfg.dict_cursor.fetchone() # update order_id of ordered items in blood inventory SQL_query = "UPDATE blood_inventory SET order_id = %s WHERE blood_barcode = %s AND component_id = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (order_id, item["blood_barcode"], item["component_id"])) cfg.db.commit() # insert into to order_components table SQL_query = "INSERT INTO order_components (order_id, blood_type, component_type, quantity) " \ "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (order_id, order["b_type"], order["c_type"], order["quantity"])) cfg.db.commit() print( cfg.GREEN, f"Items added successfully (cost: {items_cost * order['quantity']})", cfg.RESET, sep="") input("Press Enter to CONTINUE> ") SQL_query = "UPDATE orders SET total_cost = %s WHERE order_id = %s" cfg.cursor.execute(SQL_query, (total_cost, order_id)) cfg.db.commit() if total_cost > 0: print(cfg.GREEN, f"Order successful (total cost: {total_cost})", cfg.RESET, sep="") else: print(cfg.RED, f"Order discarded (total cost: {total_cost})", cfg.RESET, sep="") except Exception as e: cfg.db.rollback() print(cfg.RED, "Failed to insert into database", cfg.RESET, sep="") print(cfg.RED, "ERROR>>>>>>>>>>>>> ", e, cfg.RESET, sep="")