"""Example how to compute and plot reflected regions."""
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from regions import CircleSkyRegion, EllipseAnnulusSkyRegion, RectangleSkyRegion
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gammapy.maps import WcsNDMap

position = SkyCoord(83.63, 22.01, unit="deg", frame="icrs")

on_circle = CircleSkyRegion(position, 0.3 * u.deg)

on_ellipse_annulus = EllipseAnnulusSkyRegion(
    inner_width=1.5 * u.deg,
    outer_width=2.5 * u.deg,
    inner_height=3 * u.deg,
    outer_height=4 * u.deg,
    angle=130 * u.deg,

another_position = SkyCoord(80.3, 22.0, unit="deg")
on_rectangle = RectangleSkyRegion(center=another_position,
                                  width=2.0 * u.deg,
                                  height=4.0 * u.deg,
                                  angle=50 * u.deg)

# Now we plot those regions. We first create an empty map
empty_map = WcsNDMap.create(skydir=position,
                            width=10 * u.deg,
                            binsz=0.1 * u.deg,