def test_haardetector():
    Excersize the Haar feature detector.
    Asserts that some basic test cases are correct.

    path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    image = plt.imread('%s/../examples/data/cameraman.png' % path)
    options = {}
    options['levels'] = 5
    options['threshold'] = 0.2
    options['locality'] = 5

    features = detect(image, HaarDetector, options, debug=True)

    assert len(features['points'].items()) > 0
def test_haardetector():
    Asserts that at-least one feature is detected in the "camera-man" image, 
    which should contain many features.
    path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    image = plt.imread('{0}/../examples/data/cameraman.png'.format(path))
    options = {
        'levels': 5,
        'threshold': 0.2,
        'locality': 5
    features = detector.detect(image, detector.HaarDetector, options)
    # Asserts that there are features present:
    assert len(features['points'].items()) > 0
Detects haar salient features in an image - 

import scipy.ndimage as nd
from matplotlib.pyplot import imread, plot, imshow, show
from register.features.detector import detect, HaarDetector

# Load the image.
image = imread('data/cameraman.png')
#image = nd.zoom(image, 0.50)

options = {}
options['levels'] = 5         # number of wavelet levels
options['threshold'] = 0.2    # threshold between 0.0 and 1.0 to filter out weak features (0.0 includes all features)
options['locality'] = 5       # minimum (approx) distance between two features  

features = detect(image, HaarDetector, options)

imshow(image, cmap='gray')

for id, point in features['points'].items():
    plot(point[1], point[0], 'or')
