class ActivationResource(ModelResource):
    """ Activation Resource.

    Uses ``activation_view``, which must be an intance of class from ``registration``
    package. Of course you also can write your own activation-view class,
    see https://django-registration.readthedocs.org/en/latest/views.html

    The resource expects a data POST with ``activation_key`` key.
    activation_view = ActivationView()

    class Meta:
        queryset = RegistrationProfile.objects.all()
        authorization = Authorization()
        allowed_methods = ['post']

    def obj_create(self, bundle, **kwargs):
        if 'activation_key' not in bundle.data:
            raise BadRequest('You must pass activation_key')

        activated_user = self.activation_view.activate(
            bundle.request, bundle.data['activation_key'])
        if activated_user:
            return bundle
        raise BadRequest('Wrong activation_key')