def test_write_to_disk_no_effective(self): """If a version is somehow associated with a proposed rule (or a final rule has been misparsed), we should get an exception""" xml = Mock() xml.effective = None with self.assertRaises(versions.InvalidEffectiveDate): versions.write_to_disk(xml, entry.Version('12', '1000', '11'))
def test_write_to_disk_no_effective(monkeypatch): """If a version is somehow associated with a proposed rule (or a final rule has been misparsed), we should get a warning""" xml = Mock(effective=None, version_id='vv123') monkeypatch.setattr(versions, 'logger', Mock()) versions.write_to_disk(xml, entry.Version('12', '1000', '11')) assert versions.logger.warning.called assert 'vv123' in versions.logger.warning.call_args[0]
def test_write_to_disk(): """If a version has been delayed, its effective date should be part of the serialized json""" xml = Mock(effective=date(2002, 2, 2), version_id='111', fr_citation=Citation(1, 1)) path = entry.Version('12', '1000') versions.write_to_disk(xml, path / '111') xml.version_id = '222' versions.write_to_disk(xml, path / '222', versions.Delay(by='333', until=date(2004, 4, 4))) assert (path / '111').read().effective == date(2002, 2, 2) assert (path / '222').read().effective == date(2004, 4, 4)
def test_write_to_disk(): """If a version has been delayed, its effective date should be part of the serialized json""" xml = Mock(effective=date(2002, 2, 2), version_id='111', fr_citation=Citation(1, 1)) path = entry.Version('12', '1000') versions.write_to_disk(xml, path / '111') xml.version_id = '222' versions.write_to_disk( xml, path / '222', versions.Delay(by='333', until=date(2004, 4, 4))) assert (path / '111').read().effective == date(2002, 2, 2) assert (path / '222').read().effective == date(2004, 4, 4)
def test_write_to_disk(self): """If a version has been delayed, its effective date should be part of the serialized json""" xml = Mock() path = entry.Version('12', '1000') with self.cli.isolated_filesystem(): xml.configure_mock(effective=date(2002, 2, 2), version_id='111', published=date(2002, 1, 1)) versions.write_to_disk(xml, path / '111') xml.configure_mock(version_id='222') versions.write_to_disk( xml, path / '222', versions.Delay(by='333', until=date(2004, 4, 4))) self.assertEqual((path / '111').read().effective, date(2002, 2, 2)) self.assertEqual((path / '222').read().effective, date(2004, 4, 4))