def testRuns(self): runs = [ dict(start=101, end=500, value="Foo"), dict(start=0, end=100, value="Bar"), dict(start=0, end=10, value="Foo"), dict(start=401, end=500, value="Baz"), dict(start=501, end=502, value="Bork") ] legend = visual_aides.MapLegend(legend=[("F", "Foo", ( 0xff, 0x00, 0x00)), ("B", "Bar", (0x00, 0xff, 0x00)), ("Bz", "Baz", (0x00, 0x00, 0xff)), ("Bk", "Bork", (0xff, 0xff, 0xff))]) rbmap = visual_aides.RunBasedMap(runs=runs, legend=legend, resolution=10, column_count=5) cells = list(rbmap.cells) self.assertEqual(len(rbmap.rows), 11) self.assertEqual(len(cells), 51) # Should be blended 1:1 self.assertEqual(cells[0]["bg"], (127.5, 127.5, 0)) # Shouldn't blend. self.assertEqual(cells[-1]["bg"], (0xff, 0xff, 0xff))
def render(self, renderer): renderer.table_header([ dict(name="Dogma", width=35, style="full"), dict(name="Bessy", width=65, type="bool", style="cow"), dict(name="Pilsner", width=50, style="full"), dict(name="Nowrap", width=10, nowrap=True) ]) fixtures = self.session.LoadProfile("tests/fixtures") beer =["ascii_art"]["beer"] phys_map =["fixtures"]["phys_map"] renderer.table_row( ("This is a renderer stress-test. The flags should have correct" " colors, the beer should be yellow and the cell on the left" " should not bleed into the cell on the right.\n" "This is a really " "long column of text with its own newlines in it!\n" "This bovine experience has been brought to you by Rekall."), True, utils.AttributedString("\n".join(beer["ascii"]), beer["highlights"]), ("This is a fairly long line that shouldn't get wrapped.\n" "The same row has another line that shouldn't get wrapped.")) renderer.section("Heatmap test:") cells = [] for digit in itertools.islice(algo.EulersDecimals(), 0xff): cells.append(dict(heat=float(digit + 1) * .1, value=digit)) randomized = visual_aides.Heatmap( caption="Offset (p)", # Some of the below xs stand for eXtreme. The other ones just # look cool. column_headers=["%0.2x" % x for x in xrange(0, 0xff, 0x10)], row_headers=["0x%0.6x" % x for x in xrange(0x0, 0xfffff, 0x10000)], cells=cells, greyscale=False) gradual = visual_aides.Heatmap( caption="Offset (v)", column_headers=["%0.2x" % x for x in xrange(0, 0xff, 0x10)], row_headers=["0x%0.6x" % x for x in xrange(0x0, 0xfffff, 0x10000)], cells=[dict(value="%x" % x, heat=x / 255.0) for x in xrange(256)], greyscale=False) ranges_legend = visual_aides.MapLegend(phys_map["ranges_legend"]) ranges = visual_aides.RunBasedMap(caption="Offset (p)", legend=ranges_legend, runs=phys_map["runs"]) renderer.table_header([ dict(name="Random Heatmap", style="full", width=60, align="c"), dict(name="Gradual Heatmap", style="full", width=60, align="c"), dict(name="Legend", style="full", orientation="horizontal") ]) renderer.table_row(randomized, gradual, visual_aides.HeatmapLegend()) renderer.table_header([ dict(name="Greyscale Random", style="full", width=60, align="c"), dict(name="Memory Ranges", style="full", width=80, align="c"), dict(name="Ranges Legend", style="full", width=30, orientation="vertical") ]) randomized.greyscale = True renderer.table_row(randomized, ranges, ranges_legend)
def render(self, renderer): renderer.table_header([("Physical Start", "phys", "[addrpad]"), ("Physical End", "phys", "[addrpad]"), ("Virtual", "virt", "[addrpad]"), ("Pages", "pages", ">10"), ("Type", "type", "")]) boot_params = self.profile.get_constant_object("_PE_state", "PE_state").bootArgs # Code from: # xnu-1699.26.8/osfmk/i386/AT386/model_dep.c:560 memory_map = self.profile.Array( boot_params.MemoryMap, vm=self.physical_address_space, target="EfiMemoryRange", target_size=int(boot_params.MemoryMapDescriptorSize), count=(old_div(boot_params.MemoryMapSize, boot_params.MemoryMapDescriptorSize))) runs = [] for memory_range in memory_map: start = memory_range.PhysicalStart end = (memory_range.PhysicalStart + 0x1000 * memory_range.NumberOfPages) runs.append( dict(value=utils.SmartUnicode(memory_range.Type), start=start, end=end)) renderer.table_row(start, end, memory_range.VirtualStart.cast("Pointer"), memory_range.NumberOfPages, memory_range.Type) # Render a heatmap. # Automatically lower resolution for large images. resolution = 0x1000 * 0x10 # 16 pages - conservative start. column_count = 12 end = runs[-1]["end"] # Keep it under 200 rows. while end / resolution / column_count > 200: resolution *= 2 notes = ("Resolution: %(pages)d pages (%(mb).2f MB) per cell.\n" "Note that colors of overlapping regions are blended " "using a weighted average. Letters in cells indicate " "which regions from the legend are present. They are " "ordered proportionally, by their respective page " "counts in each cell.") % dict( pages=old_div(resolution, 0x1000), mb=old_div(resolution, 1024.0**2)) legend = visual_aides.MapLegend( notes=notes, legend=[("Am", "kEfiACPIMemoryNVS", (0x00, 0xff, 0x00)), ("Ar", "kEfiACPIReclaimMemory", (0xc7, 0xff, 0x50)), ("Bc", "kEfiBootServicesCode", (0xff, 0xa5, 0x00)), ("Bd", "kEfiBootServicesData", (0xff, 0x00, 0x00)), ("M", "kEfiConventionalMemory", (0xff, 0xff, 0xff)), ("Ec", "kEfiLoaderCode", (0x00, 0xff, 0xff)), ("Ed", "kEfiLoaderData", (0x00, 0x00, 0xff)), ("I", "kEfiMemoryMappedIO", (0xff, 0xff, 0x00)), ("X", "kEfiReservedMemoryType", (0x00, 0x00, 0x00)), ("Rc", "kEfiRuntimeServicesCode", (0xff, 0x00, 0xff)), ("Rd", "kEfiRuntimeServicesData", (0xff, 0x00, 0x50))]) heatmap = visual_aides.RunBasedMap(caption="Offset (p)", legend=legend, runs=runs, resolution=resolution, column_count=column_count) renderer.table_header([ dict(name="Visual mapping", width=120, style="full"), dict(name="Legend", orientation="vertical", style="full", width=40) ]) renderer.table_row(heatmap, legend)