def runthread(self): logger.logI(, logger.I, _("Starting generation of the ISO image")) # Make a last verification on the SquashFS squashfs.doSFSChecks(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.squashfs", configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolevel])) self.setProgress(, 5) # Generate MD5 checksums logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Generating MD5 sums")) files = open(isotreel + "md5sum.txt", "w") for x in fsutil.listdir(isotreel, {"recurse": True}): i = re.sub(r"^ *" + isotreel + "/*", "./", x) if not "isolinux" in i and not "md5sum" in i: logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Writing MD5 sum of") + " " + i) fmd5 = fsutil.genFinalMD5(i, x) if fmd5 != "" and fmd5 != None: files.write(fmd5) files.close() self.setProgress(, 15) logger.logI(, logger.I, _("Generating the ISO")) location = (configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isodir]) + "/" + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolocation])) patt = re.compile("^ *([0-9]+)\.?[0-9]*%.*$") appnd = "32" if sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32: appnd = "64" os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"] = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + "/isatty" + appnd + ".so" isocmd = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isogenerator]) + " -o " + location + " " + isogenopts + " -V \"" + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.label]) + "\" " + isotreel), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) oldprogress = 0 while isocmd.poll() is None: output = isocmd.stderr.readline() match = patt.match(output) if match != None: progress = int( if progress > oldprogress: # 1.4285714285714286 is just 100 / 70 self.setProgress(, 15 + int(utilities.floatDivision(progress, 1.4285714285714286))) oldprogress = progress sys.stdout.write(output) sys.stdout.flush() os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"] = "" self.setProgress(, 85) # Generate the MD5 sum logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Generating MD5 sum for the ISO")) files = open(location + ".md5", "w") files.write(fsutil.genFinalMD5("./" + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolocation]), location)) files.close()
def run(self): logger.logI(, _("Starting generation of the ISO image")) # Make a last verification on the SquashFS squashfs.doSFSChecks(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.squashfs", configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolevel])) # Generate MD5 checksums logger.logV(, _("Generating MD5 sums")) files = open(isotreel + "md5sum.txt") for x in fsutil.listdir(isotreel, {"recurse": True}): i = re.sub(r"^ *" + isotreel + ".*", ".", x) if i.find("isotree") == -1 and i.find("md5sum") == -1: logger.logVV(, _("Writing MD5 sum of") + " " + i) files.write(fsutil.genFinalMD5(i)) files.close() logger.logI(, _("Generating the ISO")) os.system(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isogenerator]) + " " + isogenopts + " -V " + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.label]) + " -o " + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolocation])) # Generate the MD5 sum logger.logV(, _("Generating MD5 sum for the ISO")) files = open(configs[configutils.isolocation] + ".md5", "w") files.write(fsutil.genFinalMD5(i)) files.close()