def run(self): # Edit the casper.conf # Strangely enough, casper uses the "quiet" flag if the build system is either Debian or Ubuntu if config.VStatus is False: logger.logI(, _("Editing casper and LSB configuration files")) logger.logV(, _("Editing casper.conf")) buildsys = "Ubuntu" if configutils.parseBoolean(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.casperquiet])) is False: buildsys = "" unionfs = configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.unionfs]) if unionfs == "overlayfs" and aptutil.compVersions(aptutil.getPkgVersion(aptutil.getPkg("casper", aptcache)), "1.272", logger.logW(, _("Using DEFAULT instead of overlayfs")) unionfs = "DEFAULT" self.varEditor(tmpsys + "etc/casper.conf", { "USERNAME": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.username]), "USERFULLNAME": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.userfullname]), "HOST": configutils.getValue(configs[]), "BUILD_SYSTEM": buildsys, "FLAVOUR": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.flavour]), "UNIONFS": unionfs}) logger.logV(, _("Editing lsb-release")) self.varEditor(tmpsys + "etc/lsb-release", { "DISTRIB_ID": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.sysname]), "DISTRIB_RELEASE": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.version]), "DISTRIB_CODENAME": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.codename]), "DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.description])})
def run(self): logger.logI(tn, _("Generating compressed filesystem")) # Generate the SquashFS file # Options: # -b 1M Use a 1M blocksize (maximum) # -no-recovery No recovery files # -always-use-fragments Fragment blocks for files larger than the blocksize (1M) # -comp Compression type logger.logVV(tn, _("Generating options")) opts = "-b 1M -no-recovery -no-duplicates -always-use-fragments" opts = opts + " -comp " + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.sfscomp]) opts = opts + " " + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.sfsopts]) sfsex = "dev etc home media mnt proc sys var usr/lib/ubiquity/apt-setup/generators/40cdrom" sfspath = isotreel + "casper/filesystem.squashfs" logger.logI(tn, _("Adding the edited /etc and /var to the filesystem")) os.system("mksquashfs " + tmpsys + " " + sfspath + " " + opts) logger.logI(tn, _("Adding the rest of the system")) os.system("mksquashfs / " + sfspath + " " + opts + " -e " + sfsex) # Make sure the SquashFS file is OK doSFSChecks(sfspath, int(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolevel]))) # Find the size after it is uncompressed logger.logV(tn, _("Writing the size")) files = open(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.size", "w") files.write(fsutil.getSFSInstSize(sfspath) + "\n") files.close()
def runthread(self): # Generate the package manifest logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Generating package manifests")) logger.logVV(, logger.I, _( "Generating filesystem.manifest and filesystem.manifest-desktop")) writer = open(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest", "w") writer_desktop = open( isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop", "w") # installedVersion throws an error when it doesn't exist in 'Package' # TODO: figure out why, but for now.. check for attribute as well for i in config.AptCache: if not hasattr(i,'installedVersion') or i.installedVersion is None or len(i.installedVersion) <= 0: continue name = i.fullname.strip() ver = i.installedVersion.strip() strs = name + " " + ver + "\n" writer.write(strs) if (not name in configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.remafterinst])): writer_desktop.write(strs) writer.close() writer_desktop.close() logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Generating filesytem.manifest-remove")) writer = open(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest-remove", "w") for i in configutils.parseMultipleValues(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.remafterinst])): writer.write(i.strip() + "\n") writer.close()
def exclude(names, files, tn=""): excludes = [] for i in files: excludes.extend(fnmatch.filter(names, i)) logger.logV(tn, logger.I, _("Created exclude list") + " " + "(" + str(len(excludes)) + " " + str(gettext.ngettext("entry", "entries", len(excludes))) + " " + _("allocated") + ")") return excludes
def runthread(self): logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Copying preseed files to the ISO tree")) for i in fsutil.listdir(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.preseed])): logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Copying") + " " + i + " " + _("to the ISO tree")) copyFile(i, isotreel + "preseed/",
def fscopy(src, dst, excludes1, tn=""): # Get a list of all files files = listdir(src, {"recurse": True, "dirs": True, "symlinks": True}, tn) # Exclude the files that are not wanted excludes = [] if len(excludes1) > 0: excludes = exclude(files, excludes1) makedir(dst) # Copy the files for file in files: # Make sure we don't copy files that are supposed to be excluded if file in excludes: logger.logVV(tn, file + " " + _("is to be excluded. Skipping a CPU cycle")) continue fullpath = os.path.join(src, file) newpath = os.path.join(dst, file) dfile = delink(fullpath) if dfile is not None: logger.logVV(tn, file + " " + _("is a symlink. Creating an identical symlink at") + " " + newpath) os.symlink(dfile, newpath) elif os.path.isdir(fullpath): logger.logVV(tn, _("Recursing into") + " " + file) fscopy(fullpath, newpath, excludes, tn) else: logger.logVV(tn, _("Copying") + " " + fullpath + " " + _("to") + " " + newpath) shutil.copy2(fullpath, newpath) logger.logV(tn, _("Setting permissions")) shutil.copystat(src, dst)
def runthread(self): # Remove these files as they can conflict inside the installed system logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Removing personal configurations that can break the installed system" )) fsutil.rmfiles([ tmpsys + "etc/X11/xorg.conf*", tmpsys + "etc/resolv.conf", tmpsys + "etc/hosts", tmpsys + "etc/hostname", tmpsys + "etc/timezone", tmpsys + "etc/mtab", tmpsys + "etc/fstab", tmpsys + "etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent*", tmpsys + "etc/cups/ssl/server.crt", tmpsys + "etc/cups/ssl/server.key", tmpsys + "etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key", tmpsys + "etc/ssh/", tmpsys + "etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key", tmpsys + "etc/ssh/", # tmpsys + "etc/group", tmpsys + "etc/passwd", tmpsys + "etc/shadow", # tmpsys + "etc/shadow-", tmpsys + "etc/gshadow", tmpsys + "etc/gshadow-", tmpsys + "etc/wicd/wired-settings.conf", tmpsys + "etc/wicd/wireless-settings.conf", tmpsys + "etc/printcap", tmpsys + "etc/cups/printers.conf" ])
def runthread(self): # Create the logs logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Creating empty logs")) for i in [ "dpkg.log", "lastlog", "mail.log", "syslog", "auth.log", "daemon.log", "faillog", "lpr.log", "mail.warn", "user.log", "boot", "debug", "mail.err", "messages", "wtmp", "bootstrap.log", "dmesg", "kern.log", "", ]: logger.logVV(, logger.I, logger.MTab + _("Creating") + " " + i) fsutil.touch(tmpsys + "var/log/" + i)
def runthread(self): # Generate the package manifest logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Generating package manifests")) logger.logVV(, logger.I, _( "Generating filesystem.manifest and filesystem.manifest-desktop")) writer = open(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest", "w") writer_desktop = open( isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop", "w") for i in config.AptCache: if i.installedVersion is None or len(i.installedVersion) <= 0: continue name = i.fullname.strip() ver = i.installedVersion.strip() strs = name + " " + ver + "\n" writer.write(strs) if (not name in configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.remafterinst])): writer_desktop.write(strs) writer.close() writer_desktop.close() logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Generating filesytem.manifest-remove")) writer = open(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest-remove", "w") for i in configutils.parseMultipleValues(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.remafterinst])): writer.write(i.strip() + "\n") writer.close()
def runthread(self): logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Copying ISOLINUX to the ISO tree")) copyFile("/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin", isotreel + "isolinux/",, True) self.setProgress(, 20) copyFile("/usr/lib/syslinux/vesamenu.c32", isotreel + "isolinux/",, True) self.setProgress(, 40) logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Copying isolinux.cfg to the ISO tree")) copyFile(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolinuxfile]), isotreel + "isolinux/isolinux.cfg",, True) self.setProgress(, 50) # Edit the isolinux.cfg file to replace the variables logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Editing isolinux.cfg")) splash = os.path.basename( configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.splash])) shutil.copy2(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.splash]), isotreel + "isolinux/" + splash) self.setProgress(, 70) for i in [["LABEL", configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.label])], ["SPLASH", splash], ["TIMEOUT", configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.timeout])]]: fsutil.ife( fsutil.ife_getbuffers(isotreel + "isolinux/isolinux.cfg"), lambda line: [True, re.sub("\$" + i[0], i[1], line)])
def runthread(self): logger.logI(, logger.I, _( "Making the ISO compatible with a USB burner")) logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Writing .disk/info")) files = open(isotreel + ".disk/info", "w") files.write(getDiskName() + "\n") files.close() self.setProgress(, 20) logger.logV(, logger.I, _( "Making symlink pointing to the ISO root dir")) if os.path.lexists(isotreel + "ubuntu"): fsutil.rm(isotreel + "ubuntu", False, os.symlink(isotreel, isotreel + "ubuntu") self.setProgress(, 40) logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Writing release notes URL")) files = open(isotreel + ".disk/release_notes_url", "w") files.write(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.url]) + "\n") files.close() self.setProgress(, 60) logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Writing .disk/base_installable")) fsutil.touch(isotreel + ".disk/base_installable") self.setProgress(, 80) logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Writing CD Type")) files = open(isotreel + ".disk/cd_type", "w") files.write("full_cd/single\n") files.close()
def runthread(self): # Remove these files as they can conflict inside the installed system logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Removing personal configurations that can break the installed system")) fsutil.rmfiles( [ tmpsys + "etc/X11/xorg.conf*", tmpsys + "etc/resolv.conf", tmpsys + "etc/hosts", tmpsys + "etc/hostname", tmpsys + "etc/timezone", tmpsys + "etc/mtab", tmpsys + "etc/fstab", tmpsys + "etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent*", tmpsys + "etc/cups/ssl/server.crt", tmpsys + "etc/cups/ssl/server.key", tmpsys + "etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key", tmpsys + "etc/ssh/", tmpsys + "etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key", tmpsys + "etc/ssh/", # tmpsys + "etc/group", tmpsys + "etc/passwd", tmpsys + "etc/shadow", # tmpsys + "etc/shadow-", tmpsys + "etc/gshadow", tmpsys + "etc/gshadow-", tmpsys + "etc/wicd/wired-settings.conf", tmpsys + "etc/wicd/wireless-settings.conf", tmpsys + "etc/printcap", tmpsys + "etc/cups/printers.conf", ] )
def runthread(self): logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Removing cached lists")) fsutil.adrm( tmpsys + "var/lib/apt/lists/", {"excludes": True, "remdirs": False, "remsymlink": True, "remfullpath": False}, ["*.gpg", "*lock*", "*partial*"],, )
def commitChanges(cache, ap, ip): logger.logV( tn, logger.D, _("Install count: ") + str(cache.install_count) + _("Removal count: ") + str(cache.delete_count)) s = cache.commit(ap, ip) return s
def run(self): logger.logV(, _("Removing temporary files in /var")) # Remove all files in these directories (but not directories inside them) for i in ["etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/", "var/run", "var/log", "var/mail", "var/spool", "var/lock", "var/backups", "var/tmp", "var/crash", "var/lib/ubiquity"]: fsutil.adrm(tmpsys + i, {"excludes": False, "remdirs": False, "remsymlink": True, "remfullpath": False}, None,
def runthread(self): logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Removing cached lists")) fsutil.adrm( tmpsys + "var/lib/apt/lists/", { "excludes": True, "remdirs": False, "remsymlink": True, "remfullpath": False }, ["*.gpg", "*lock*", "*partial*"],
def runThread(threadid, threadsdone, threadsrunning, threads, lock, **options): thread = getThread(threadid, threads) if not thread["thread"].is_alive() and not threadid in threadsdone and not threadid in threadsrunning: threadsrunning.append(threadid) logger.logV(tn, logger.I, _("Starting") + " " + thread["tn"] + "...") thread["thread"].start() if options.get("poststart") is not None and lock is not None: with lock: options["poststart"](threadid, threadsrunning, threads)
def runthread(self): logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Removing cached lists")) fsutil.adrm(tmpsys + "var/lib/apt/lists/", excludes=["*.gpg", "*lock*", "*partial*"], remdirs=False, remsymlink=True, remfullpath=False, remoriginal=False,, progressfunc=self.progressfunc)
def exclude(names, files, tn=""): excludes = [] for i in files: excludes.extend(fnmatch.filter(names, i)) logger.logV( tn, logger.I, _("Created exclude list") + " " + "(" + str(len(excludes)) + " " + str(gettext.ngettext("entry", "entries", len(excludes))) + " " + _("allocated") + ")") return excludes
def runThread(threadid, threadsdone, threadsrunning, threads, lock, **options): thread = getThread(threadid, threads) if not thread["thread"].is_alive() and not threadid in threadsdone and not threadid in threadsrunning: threadsrunning.append(threadid) logger.logV(tn, logger.I, _("Starting") + " " + getThread(threadid, threads)["tn"] + "...") thread["thread"].start() if options.get("poststart") != None and lock != None: with lock: options["poststart"](threadid, threadsrunning, threads) print(threadid)
def checkThread(threadid, threadsdone, threadsrunning, threads, lock, **options): if threadid in threadsrunning: if (not getThread(threadid, threads)["thread"].is_alive() or getThread(threadid, threads)["thread"].isFinished()): threadsrunning.remove(threadid) threadsdone.append(threadid) logger.logV(tn, logger.I, getThread(threadid, threads)["tn"] + " " + _("has finished. Number of threads running: ") + str(len(threadsrunning))) if options.get("postend") != None and lock != None: with lock: options["postend"](threadid, threadsrunning, threads)
def checkThread(threadid, threadsdone, threadsrunning, threads, lock, **options): thread = getThread(threadid, threads) if threadid in threadsrunning: if not thread["thread"].is_alive(): thread["thread"].wait() threadsrunning.remove(threadid) threadsdone.append(threadid) logger.logV(tn, logger.I, thread["tn"] + " " + _("has finished. Number of threads running: ") + str(len(threadsrunning))) if options.get("postend") is not None and lock is not None: with lock: options["postend"](threadid, threadsrunning, threads)
def runthread(self): # Create the logs logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Creating empty logs")) for i in [ "dpkg.log", "lastlog", "mail.log", "syslog", "auth.log", "daemon.log", "faillog", "lpr.log", "mail.warn", "user.log", "boot", "debug", "mail.err", "messages", "wtmp", "bootstrap.log", "dmesg", "kern.log", "" ]: logger.logVV(, logger.I, logger.MTab + _("Creating") + " " + i) fsutil.touch(tmpsys + "var/log/" + i)
def runthread(self): # Edit the casper.conf # Strangely enough, casper uses the "quiet" flag if the build system is either Debian or Ubuntu if config.VStatus is False: logger.logI(, logger.I, _("Editing casper and LSB configuration files")) logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Editing casper.conf")) buildsys = "Ubuntu" if configutils.parseBoolean( configutils.getValue( configs[configutils.casperquiet])) is False: buildsys = "" unionfs = configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.unionfs]) if unionfs == "overlayfs" and aptutil.compVersions( aptutil.getPkgVersion(aptutil.getPkg("casper", aptcache)), "1.272", logger.logI(, logger.W, _("Using DEFAULT instead of overlayfs")) unionfs = "DEFAULT" self.varEditor( tmpsys + "etc/casper.conf", { "USERNAME": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.username]), "USERFULLNAME": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.userfullname]), "HOST": configutils.getValue(configs[]), "BUILD_SYSTEM": buildsys, "FLAVOUR": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.flavour]), "UNIONFS": unionfs }) logger.logI(, logger.I, _("Applying permissions to casper scripts")) # Make sure the casper scripts work cbs = "/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper-bottom/" for i in fsutil.listdir(cbs): fsutil.chmod(i, 0o755, logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Editing lsb-release")) self.varEditor( tmpsys + "etc/lsb-release", { "DISTRIB_ID": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.sysname]), "DISTRIB_RELEASE": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.sysversion]), "DISTRIB_CODENAME": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.codename]), "DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.description]) })
def runthread(self): # Create the logs logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Creating empty logs")) a = ["dpkg.log", "lastlog", "mail.log", "syslog", "auth.log", "daemon.log", "faillog", "lpr.log", "mail.warn", "user.log", "boot", "debug", "mail.err", "messages", "wtmp", "bootstrap.log", "dmesg", "kern.log", ""] la = len(a) inc = 100 / la for i in range(la): logger.logVV(, logger.I, logger.MTab + _("Creating") + " " + a[i]) fsutil.touch(tmpsys + "var/log/" + a[i]) self.setProgress(, (i + 1) * inc)
def runthread(self): logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Removing temporary files in /var")) # Remove all files in these directories (but not directories inside them) a = ["etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/", "var/run", "var/log", "var/mail", "var/spool", "var/lock", "var/backups", "var/tmp", "var/crash", "var/lib/ubiquity"] la = len(a) inc = 100 / la rinc = inc / 100 for i in range(la): fsutil.adrm( tmpsys + a[i], excludes=[], remdirs=False, remsymlink=False, remfullpath=False, remoriginal=False,, progressfunc=lambda p: self.progressfunc(inc * i + p * rinc))
def run(self): logger.logV(, _("Writing disk definitions")) defineWriter(isotreel + "README.diskdefines", {"DISKNAME": getDiskName(), "TYPE": "binary", "TYPEbinary": ct, "ARCH": config.Arch, "ARCH" + config.Arch: ct, "DISKNUM": "1", "DISKNUM1": ct, "TOTALNUM": "0", "TOTALNUM0": ct }) # For some reason casper needs (or used to need) the diskdefines in its own directory copyFile(isotreel + "README.diskdefines", isotreel + "casper/README.diskdefines")
def runthread(self): logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Writing disk definitions")) defineWriter(isotreel + "README.diskdefines", {"DISKNAME": getDiskName(), "TYPE": "binary", "TYPEbinary": ct, "ARCH": config.Arch, "ARCH" + config.Arch: ct, "DISKNUM": "1", "DISKNUM1": ct, "TOTALNUM": "0", "TOTALNUM0": ct }) # For some reason casper needs (or used to need) the diskdefines in its own directory copyFile(isotreel + "README.diskdefines", isotreel + "casper/README.diskdefines",
def runthread(self): if configutils.parseBoolean(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.enablewubi])) is True: logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Generating the windows autorun.inf")) files = open(isotreel + "autorun.inf", "w") files.write("[autorun]\n") files.write("open=wubi.exe\n") files.write("icon=wubi.exe,0\n") files.write("label=Install " + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.sysname]) + "\n") files.write("\n") files.write("[Content]\n") files.write("MusicFiles=false\n") files.write("PictureFiles=false\n") files.write("VideoFiles=false\n") files.close()
def runthread(self): logger.logI(, logger.I, _("Starting generation of the ISO image")) # Make a last verification on the SquashFS squashfs.doSFSChecks(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.squashfs", configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolevel])) self.setProgress(, 5) # Generate MD5 checksums logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Generating MD5 sums")) files = open(isotreel + "md5sum.txt", "w") for x in fsutil.listdir(isotreel, {"recurse": True}): i = re.sub(r"^ *" + isotreel + "/*", "./", x) if not "isolinux" in i and not "md5sum" in i: logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Writing MD5 sum of") + " " + i) fmd5 = fsutil.genFinalMD5(i, x) if fmd5 != "" and fmd5 != None: files.write(fmd5) files.close() self.setProgress(, 15) logger.logI(, logger.I, _("Generating the ISO")) location = (configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isodir]) + "/" + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolocation])) patt = re.compile("^ *([0-9]+)\.?[0-9]*%.*$") appnd = "32" if sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32: appnd = "64" os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"] = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + "/isatty" + appnd + ".so" isocmd = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isogenerator]) + " -o " + location + " " + isogenopts + " -V \"" + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.label]) + "\" " + isotreel), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) oldprogress = 0 while isocmd.poll() is None: output = isocmd.stderr.readline() match = patt.match(output) if match != None: progress = int( if progress > oldprogress: # 1.4285714285714286 is just 100 / 70 self.setProgress(, 15 + int(utilities.floatDivision(progress, 1.4285714285714286))) oldprogress = progress sys.stdout.write(output) sys.stdout.flush() os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"] = "" self.setProgress(, 85) # Generate the MD5 sum logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Generating MD5 sum for the ISO")) files = open(location + ".md5", "w") files.write(fsutil.genFinalMD5("./" + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolocation]), location)) files.close()
def run(self): logger.logV(, _("Copying ISOLINUX to the ISO tree")) copyFile("/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin", isotreel + "isolinux/", True) copyFile("/usr/lib/syslinux/vesamenu.c32", isotreel + "isolinux/", True) logger.logVV(, _("Copying isolinux.cfg to the ISO tree")) copyFile(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolinuxfile], isotreel + "isolinux/isolinux.cfg", True)) # Edit the isolinux.cfg file to replace the variables logger.logV(_("Editing isolinux.cfg")) for i in [["LABEL", configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.label])], ["SPLASH", configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.splash])], ["TIMEOUT", configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.timeout])]]: fsutil.ife(fsutil.ife_getbuffers(isotreel + "isolinux/isolinux.cfg"), lambda line: re.sub("\$" + i[0], i[1], line))
def run(self): if configutils.parseBoolean(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.enablewubi])) is True: logger.logV(, _("Generating the windows autorun.inf")) files = open(isotreel + "autorun.inf", "w") files.write("[autorun]\n") files.write("open=wubi.exe\n") files.write("icon=wubi.exe,0\n") files.write("label=Install " + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.sysname]) + "\n") files.write("\n") files.write("[Content]\n") files.write("MusicFiles=false\n") files.write("PictureFiles=false\n") files.write("VideoFiles=false\n") files.close()
def run(self): logger.logV(, logger.I, "Setting up Ubiquity") if os.getenv("KDE_FULL_SESSION") != None: aptutil.instPkg(aptutil.getPkg("ubiquity-frontend-kde", aptcache), self.depcache) aptutil.remPkg(aptutil.getPkg("ubiquity-frontend-gtk", aptcache), self.depcache, True) else: aptutil.remPkg(aptutil.getPkg("ubiquity-frontend-kde", aptcache), self.depcache, True) aptutil.instPkg(aptutil.getPkg("ubiquity-frontend-gtk", aptcache), self.depcache) if configutils.parseBoolean(config[configutils.popcon]): logger.logV(, logger.I, "Setting up Popularity Contest") aptutil.instPkg(aptutil.getPkg("popularity-contest"), self.depcache) else: aptutil.remPkg(aptutil.getPkg("popularity-contest"), self.depcache, True) aptutil.commitChanges(self.depcache, self.ap, self.ip)
def checkThread(threadid, threadsdone, threadsrunning, threads, lock, **options): thread = getThread(threadid, threads) if threadid in threadsrunning: if not thread["thread"].is_alive(): thread["thread"].wait() threadsrunning.remove(threadid) threadsdone.append(threadid) logger.logV( tn, logger.I, thread["tn"] + " " + _("has finished. Number of threads running: ") + str(len(threadsrunning))) if options.get("postend") is not None and lock is not None: with lock: options["postend"](threadid, threadsrunning, threads)
def runthread(self): logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Removing temporary files in /var")) # Remove all files in these directories (but not directories inside them) for i in [ "etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/", "var/run", "var/log", "var/mail", "var/spool", "var/lock", "var/backups", "var/tmp", "var/crash", "var/lib/ubiquity" ]: fsutil.adrm( tmpsys + i, { "excludes": False, "remdirs": False, "remsymlink": True, "remfullpath": False }, None,
def runthread(self): # Create the logs logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Creating empty logs")) a = [ "dpkg.log", "lastlog", "mail.log", "syslog", "auth.log", "daemon.log", "faillog", "lpr.log", "mail.warn", "user.log", "boot", "debug", "mail.err", "messages", "wtmp", "bootstrap.log", "dmesg", "kern.log", "" ] la = len(a) inc = 100 / la for i in range(la): logger.logVV(, logger.I, logger.MTab + _("Creating") + " " + a[i]) fsutil.touch(tmpsys + "var/log/" + a[i]) self.setProgress(, (i + 1) * inc)
def listdir(dirs, options, tn=""): logger.logV(tn, _("Gathering a list of files in") + " " + dirs) listed = os.listdir(dirs) returnme = [] returnme.append(dirs) for i in listed: if options.symlinks is True and os.path.islink(i): returnme.append(i) if options.dirs is True and os.path.isdir(i): if options.recurse is True: returnme.extend(listdir(i, options)) else: returnme.append(i) if os.path.isfile(i): returnme.append(i) return returnme
def run(self): logger.logI(, _("Making the ISO compatible with a USB burner")) logger.logVV(, _("Writing .disk/info")) files = open(isotreel + ".disk/info", "w") files.write(getDiskName()) files.close() logger.logV(, _("Making symlink pointing to the ISO root dir")) os.symlink(isotreel + "ubuntu", isotreel) logger.logVV(, _("Writing release notes URL")) files = open(isotreel + ".disk/release_notes_url", "w") files.write(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.url]) + "\n") files.close() logger.logVV(, _("Writing .disk/base_installable")) fsutil.touch(isotreel + ".disk/base_installable") logger.logVV(, _("Writing CD Type")) files = open(isotreel + ".disk/cd_type", "w") files.write("full_cd/single\n") files.close()
def run(self): # Generate the package manifest logger.logV(, _("Generating package manifests")) logger.logVV(, _("Generating filesystem.manifest")) pkglistu = os.popen("dpkg -l") writer = open(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest", "w") for i in pkglistu: splitted = i.split() if not splitted[1].strip() in config[configutils.remafterinst]: writer.write(splitted[1].strip() + " " + splitted[2].strip() + "\n") writer.close() logger.logVV(, _("Generating filesytem.manifest-remove")) writer = open(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest-remove", "w") for i in config[configutils.remafterinst]: writer.write(i.strip() + "\n") writer.close() # We don't want any differences, so we'll just copy filesystem.manifest to filesystem.manifest-desktop logger.logVV(, _("Generating filesystem.manifest-desktop")) copyFile(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest", isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop")
def runthread(self): if configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.enablewubi]) is True: logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Generating the windows autorun.inf")) files = open(isotreel + "autorun.inf", "w") files.write("[autorun]\n") files.write("open=wubi.exe\n") files.write("icon=wubi.exe,0\n") files.write("label=Install " + configutils.getValue( configs[configutils.sysname]) + "\n") files.write("\n") files.write("[Content]\n") files.write("MusicFiles=false\n") files.write("PictureFiles=false\n") files.write("VideoFiles=false\n") files.close() self.setProgress(, 50) logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Copying WUBI to the ISO tree")) copyFile(config.relinuxdir + "/wubi.exe", isotreel + "wubi.exe",
def runthread(self): # Edit the casper.conf # Strangely enough, casper uses the "quiet" flag if the build system is either Debian or Ubuntu if config.VStatus is False: logger.logI(, logger.I, _("Editing casper and LSB configuration files")) logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Editing casper.conf")) buildsys = "Ubuntu" if configutils.parseBoolean(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.casperquiet])) is False: buildsys = "" unionfs = configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.unionfs]) if unionfs == "overlayfs" and aptutil.compVersions( aptutil.getPkgVersion(aptutil.getPkg("casper", aptcache)), "1.272", ): logger.logI(, logger.W, _("Using DEFAULT instead of overlayfs")) unionfs = "DEFAULT" self.varEditor( tmpsys + "etc/casper.conf", { "USERNAME": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.username]), "USERFULLNAME": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.userfullname]), "HOST": configutils.getValue(configs[]), "BUILD_SYSTEM": buildsys, "FLAVOUR": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.flavour]), "UNIONFS": unionfs, }, ) logger.logI(, logger.I, _("Applying permissions to casper scripts")) # Make sure the casper scripts work cbs = "/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper-bottom/" for i in fsutil.listdir(cbs): fsutil.chmod(i, 0o755, logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Editing lsb-release")) self.varEditor( tmpsys + "etc/lsb-release", { "DISTRIB_ID": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.sysname]), "DISTRIB_RELEASE": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.sysversion]), "DISTRIB_CODENAME": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.codename]), "DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION": configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.description]), }, )
def listdir(dirs, options = {}, tn = ""): utilities.setDefault(options, recurse = True, dirs = True, symlinks = False) logger.logV(tn, logger.I, utilities.utf8all(_("Gathering a list of files in"), " ", dirs)) listed = [] if options["recurse"]: listed = os.walk(utilities.utf8(dirs), True, None, options["symlinks"]) else: listed = os.listdir(utilities.utf8(dirs)) returnme = [] for i in listed: if options["dirs"]: if options["recurse"]: returnme.append(utilities.utf8(i[0])) elif os.path.isdir(i): returnme.append(utilities.utf8(i)) if options["recurse"]: for x in i[2]: returnme.append(utilities.utf8(os.path.join(i[0], x))) elif os.path.isfile(i) or os.path.islink(i): returnme.append(utilities.utf8(i)) return returnme
def runthread(self): logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Removing temporary files in /var")) # Remove all files in these directories (but not directories inside them) a = [ "etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/", "var/run", "var/log", "var/mail", "var/spool", "var/lock", "var/backups", "var/tmp", "var/crash", "var/lib/ubiquity" ] la = len(a) inc = 100 / la rinc = inc / 100 for i in range(la): fsutil.adrm( tmpsys + a[i], excludes=[], remdirs=False, remsymlink=False, remfullpath=False, remoriginal=False,, progressfunc=lambda p: self.progressfunc(inc * i + p * rinc))
def listdir(dirs, options={}, tn=""): utilities.setDefault(options, recurse=True, dirs=True, symlinks=False) logger.logV( tn, logger.I, utilities.utf8all(_("Gathering a list of files in"), " ", dirs)) listed = [] if options["recurse"]: listed = os.walk(utilities.utf8(dirs), True, None, options["symlinks"]) else: listed = os.listdir(utilities.utf8(dirs)) returnme = [] for i in listed: if options["dirs"]: if options["recurse"]: returnme.append(utilities.utf8(i[0])) elif os.path.isdir(i): returnme.append(utilities.utf8(i)) if options["recurse"]: for x in i[2]: returnme.append(utilities.utf8(os.path.join(i[0], x))) elif os.path.isfile(i) or os.path.islink(i): returnme.append(utilities.utf8(i)) return returnme
def run(self): logger.logI(, _("Starting generation of the ISO image")) # Make a last verification on the SquashFS squashfs.doSFSChecks(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.squashfs", configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolevel])) # Generate MD5 checksums logger.logV(, _("Generating MD5 sums")) files = open(isotreel + "md5sum.txt") for x in fsutil.listdir(isotreel, {"recurse": True}): i = re.sub(r"^ *" + isotreel + ".*", ".", x) if i.find("isotree") == -1 and i.find("md5sum") == -1: logger.logVV(, _("Writing MD5 sum of") + " " + i) files.write(fsutil.genFinalMD5(i)) files.close() logger.logI(, _("Generating the ISO")) os.system(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isogenerator]) + " " + isogenopts + " -V " + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.label]) + " -o " + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolocation])) # Generate the MD5 sum logger.logV(, _("Generating MD5 sum for the ISO")) files = open(configs[configutils.isolocation] + ".md5", "w") files.write(fsutil.genFinalMD5(i)) files.close()
def runthread(self): # Generate the package manifest logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Generating package manifests")) logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Generating filesystem.manifest and filesystem.manifest-desktop")) pkglistu = config.AptCache.packages writer = open(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest", "w") writer_desktop = open(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest-desktop", "w") for i in pkglistu: if i.current_ver == None: continue name = i.get_fullname(True).strip() ver = i.current_ver.ver_str.strip() strs = name + " " + ver + "\n" writer.write(strs) if (not name in configutils.parseMultipleValues(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.remafterinst]))): writer_desktop.write(strs) writer.close() writer_desktop.close() logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Generating filesytem.manifest-remove")) writer = open(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.manifest-remove", "w") for i in configutils.parseMultipleValues(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.remafterinst])): writer.write(i.strip() + "\n") writer.close()
def runthread(self): self.event = threading.Event() self.ap = aptutil.AcquireProgress(lambda p: self.percentfunc(p / 2)) self.ip = aptutil.InstallProgress( lambda p: self.percentfunc(50 + p / 2), lambda: self.finishfunc(self.event)) logger.logI(, logger.I, _("Setting up distro dependencies")) logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Setting up Ubiquity")) if configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.instfront]).lower() == "kde": self.instPkg("ubiquity-frontend-kde", True) self.remPkg("ubiquity-frontend-gtk") else: self.instPkg("ubiquity-frontend-gtk", True) self.remPkg("ubiquity-frontend-kde") logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Setting up Popularity Contest")) if configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.popcon]): self.instPkg("popularity-contest") else: self.remPkg("popularity-contest") if configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.memtest]): logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Setting up memtest86+")) self.instPkg("memtest86+") logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Setting up other distro dependencies")) self.instPkg("ubuntu-minimal") self.instPkg("syslinux", True) self.instPkg("discover") self.instPkg("coreutils") self.instPkg("bash") self.instPkg("initramfs-tools") self.instPkg("casper") self.instPkg("laptop-detect") logger.logI(, logger.I, _( "Setting up relinux generation dependencies")) self.instPkg("squashfs-tools", True) self.instPkg("genisoimage", True) configutils.saveBuffer(config.Configuration) aptutil.commitChanges(self.aptcache, self.ap, self.ip) self.exec_()
def threadLoop(threads1_, **options): logger.logV(tn, logger.D, "Running thread loop") # Remove pointers threads1 = copy.deepcopy(threads1_) # Initialization threadsdone = [] threadsrunning = [] threadids = [] threads = [] pslock = None pelock = None if "poststart" in options: pslock = threading.RLock() if "postend" in options and options["postend"] == options["poststart"]: pelock = pslock logger.logVV(tn, logger.D, "Check poststart") if "postend" in options and pelock == None: pelock = threading.RLock() logger.logVV(tn, logger.D, "Check postend") # Remove duplicates for i in threads1: if not i in threads: threads.append(i) logger.logVV(tn, logger.D, "Check remduplicates") addOptional(threads) # Generate the threads for i in range(len(threads)): temp_ = threads[i]["thread"] kw = {"tn": logger.genTN(threads[i]["tn"])} if "threadargs" in options: for x in options["threadargs"].keys(): kw[x] = options["threadargs"][x] temp = temp_(**kw) threads[i]["thread"] = temp logger.logVV(tn, logger.D, "Check genthreads") # Generate the thread IDS for i in range(len(threads)): threadids.append(i) logger.logVV(tn, logger.D, "Check genthreadids") # Make sure thread dependencies are made as IDs, and not actual thread dictionaries for i in range(len(threads)): for x in range(len(threads[i]["deps"])): if threads[i]["deps"][x] in threads: for y in range(len(threads)): if threads[i]["deps"][x] == threads[y]: threads[i]["deps"][x] = y break logger.logVV(tn, logger.D, "Check threaddeps") # Actual loop def _ActualLoop(threads, threadsdone, threadsrunning, threadids): logger.logVV(tn, logger.D, "Check ActualLoop") #global threads, threadsdone, threadsrunning, threadids while config.ThreadStop is False: # Clear old threads for x in threadsrunning: checkThread(x, threadsdone, threadsrunning, threads, pelock, **options) # End if all threads are done if len(threadsdone) >= len(threads): logger.logVV(tn, logger.D, "Ending ActualLoop") break # Run runnable threads for x in findRunnableThreads(threadids, threadsdone, threadsrunning, threads, **options): runThread(x, threadsdone, threadsrunning, threads, pslock, **options) time.sleep(float(1.0 / config.ThreadRPS)) # Make a new thread (so that the user can continue on using relinux) t = threading.Thread(target = _ActualLoop, args = (threads, threadsdone, threadsrunning, threadids)) t.start()
def runthread(self): # Setup the password and group stuff logger.logI(, logger.I, _("Removing conflicting users")) passwdf = tmpsys + "etc/passwd" #passwdfile = open(passwdf, "r") #passwdstat = fsutil.getStat(passwdf) #passwdbuffer = configutils.getBuffer(passwdfile) #passwdfile.close() #passwdfile = open(passwdf, "w") buffers = fsutil.ife_getbuffers(passwdf) pe = pwdmanip.parsePasswdEntries(buffers[3]) buffers[3] = pe # Users to "delete" on the live system logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Gathering users to remove")) nobody = "" for x in pe: if x["user"] == "nobody": nobody = x max_uid = 1999 sysrange = 500 if not isinstance(nobody, dict): logger.logV(, logger.E, _("User 'nobody' could not be found!")) else: nuid = int(nobody["uid"]) if nuid <= 100: # nobody has been assigned to the conventional system UID range max_uid = 1999 sysrange = 100 elif nuid < 500: # nobody has been assigned to the RHEL system UID range max_uid = 1999 sysrange = 500 elif nuid >= 65530 and nuid <= 65535: # nobody has been assigned to the highest possible unsigned short integer (16 bit) range max_uid = nuid - 1 sysrange = 555 elif nuid >= 32766: # nobody has been assigned to the highest possible signed short integer (16 bit) range max_uid = nuid - 1 sysrange = 500 else: max_uid = 1999 sysrange = 555 usrs = pwdmanip.getPPByUID(numrange.gen_num_range(sysrange, max_uid), pe) print(usrs) if config.VVStatus is False: logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Removing them")) logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Removing users in /etc/passwd")) fsutil.ife( buffers, lambda line: [True, pwdmanip.PPtoEntry(line)] if not line in usrs else [False, ""]) # Rewrite the password file #for i in ppe: # if not i in usrs: # passwdfile.write(pwdmanip.PPtoEntry(i)) #fsutil.copystat(passwdstat, passwdf) #passwdfile.close() # Now for the group file logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Removing users in /etc/group")) groupf = tmpsys + "etc/group" buffers = fsutil.ife_getbuffers(groupf) pe = pwdmanip.parseGroupEntries(buffers[3]) buffers[3] = pe fsutil.ife(buffers, lambda line: self._parseGroup(line, usrs)) # Work on both shadow files shadowf = tmpsys + "etc/shadow" gshadowf = tmpsys + "etc/gshadow" buffers = fsutil.ife_getbuffers(shadowf) gbuffers = fsutil.ife_getbuffers(gshadowf) pe = pwdmanip.parseShadowEntries(buffers[3]) buffers[3] = pe # If you look carefully (or just do a quick google search :P), you will notice that gshadow files # are very similar to group files, so we can just parse them as if they were group files pe = pwdmanip.parseGroupEntries(gbuffers[3]) gbuffers[3] = pe logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Removing users in /etc/shadow")) fsutil.ife(buffers, lambda line: self._parseShadow(line, usrs)) logger.logVV(, logger.I, _("Removing users in /etc/gshadow")) fsutil.ife(gbuffers, lambda line: self._parseGroup(line, usrs)) logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Creating backups")) shutil.copy2(tmpsys + "etc/passwd", tmpsys + "etc/passwd-") shutil.copy2(tmpsys + "etc/group", tmpsys + "etc/group-") shutil.copy2(tmpsys + "etc/shadow", tmpsys + "etc/shadow-") shutil.copy2(tmpsys + "etc/gshadow", tmpsys + "etc/gshadow-")
def runthread(self): logger.logI(tn, logger.I, _("Generating compressed filesystem")) # Generate the SquashFS file # Options: # -b 1M Use a 1M blocksize (maximum) # -no-recovery No recovery files # -always-use-fragments Fragment blocks for files larger than the blocksize (1M) # -comp Compression type logger.logVV(tn, logger.I, _("Generating options")) opts = "-b 1M -no-recovery -no-duplicates -always-use-fragments" opts = opts + " -comp " + configutils.getValue( configs[configutils.sfscomp]) opts = opts + " " + configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.sfsopts]) sfsex = "dev etc home media mnt proc sys var run usr/lib/ubiquity/apt-setup/generators/40cdrom tmp" sfspath = isotreel + "casper/filesystem.squashfs" if os.path.exists(sfspath): fsutil.rm(sfspath) # This line would match the pattern below: [==========/ ] 70/300 20% patt = re.compile("^ *\[=*. *\] *[0-9]*/[0-9]* *([0-9]*)% *$") appnd = "32" if sys.maxsize > 2**32: appnd = "64" # Hack to make sure all output is given os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"] = os.path.split( os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] + "/isatty" + appnd + ".so" logger.logI(tn, logger.I, _("Adding the edited /etc and /var to the filesystem")) logger.logI(tn, logger.I, logger.MTab + _("This might take a couple of minutes")) sfscmd = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split("mksquashfs " + tmpsys + " " + sfspath + " " + opts), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) oldprogress = 0 while sfscmd.poll() is None: output = sfscmd.stdout.readline() match = patt.match(output) if match is not None: sys.stdout.write("\r" + sys.stdout.flush() progress = int( if progress > oldprogress: self.setProgress(tn, int(utilities.floatDivision(progress, 2))) oldprogress = progress elif len(output.strip()) > 0: logger.logI(tn, logger.I, output.rstrip(), noterm=True, nogui=True) sys.stdout.write("\n") logger.logI(tn, logger.I, _("Adding the rest of the system (this can take a while)")) sfscmd = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split("mksquashfs / " + sfspath + " " + opts + " -e " + sfsex), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) oldprogress = 0 while sfscmd.poll() is None: output = sfscmd.stdout.readline() match = patt.match(output) if match is not None: sys.stdout.write("\r" + sys.stdout.flush() progress = int( if progress > oldprogress: self.setProgress( tn, 50 + int(utilities.floatDivision(progress, 2))) oldprogress = progress elif len(output.strip()) > 0: logger.logI(tn, logger.I, output.rstrip(), noterm=True, nogui=True) sys.stdout.write("\n") os.environ["LD_PRELOAD"] = "" # Make sure the SquashFS file is OK doSFSChecks(sfspath, int(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.isolevel]))) # Find the size after it is uncompressed logger.logV(tn, logger.I, _("Writing the size")) files = open(isotreel + "casper/filesystem.size", "w") files.write(str(fsutil.getSFSInstSize(sfspath)) + "\n") files.close()
def runthread(self): logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Generating RAMFS")) os.system("mkinitramfs -o " + isotreel + "casper/initrd.gz " + configutils.getKernel(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.kernel]))) '''copyFile("/boot/initrd.img-" + configutils.getKernel(configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.kernel])),
def runthread(self): if configutils.getValue(configs[configutils.memtest]): logger.logV(, logger.I, _("Copying memtest to the ISO tree")) copyFile("/boot/memtest86+.bin", isotreel + "isolinux/memtest",