def get_context(self): context = super().get_context() context.AMOUNT = 10000 context.COMMISSION = 100 context.swap_id = generate_random_key() context.swap_address = AtomicSwapHandler.make_address_from_data( context.swap_id) context.secret_key = generate_random_key() context.secret_lock = hash256(context.secret_key) = context.created_at = int( context.email_address = "" context.sender_address_non_local = "" swap_info = AtomicSwapInfo() swap_info.swap_id = context.swap_id swap_info.is_closed = False swap_info.is_approved = True swap_info.is_initiator = False swap_info.amount = context.AMOUNT swap_info.created_at = context.created_at swap_info.email_address_encrypted_optional = context.email_address swap_info.sender_address = self.account_address1 swap_info.sender_address_non_local = context.sender_address_non_local swap_info.receiver_address = self.account_address2 swap_info.secret_lock = context.secret_lock context.swap_info = swap_info return context
def _swap_init(self, context, signer_pubkey, swap_init_payload): """ if SecretLockOptionalBob is provided, Bob uses _swap_init to respond to requested swap Otherwise, Alice uses _swap_init to request a swap and thus, Bob can't receive funds until Alice "approves". """"0. Check if swap ID already exists") # 0. Check if swap ID already exists if self.get_swap_info_from_swap_id(context, swap_init_payload.swap_id, to_raise_exception=False): raise InvalidTransaction( 'Atomic swap ID has already been taken, please use a different one!' ) # END swap_info = AtomicSwapInfo() swap_info.swap_id = swap_init_payload.swap_id swap_info.is_closed = False swap_info.amount = swap_init_payload.amount swap_info.created_at = swap_init_payload.created_at swap_info.email_address_encrypted_optional = swap_init_payload.email_address_encrypted_by_initiator swap_info.sender_address = AccountHandler.make_address_from_data( signer_pubkey) swap_info.sender_address_non_local = swap_init_payload.sender_address_non_local swap_info.receiver_address = swap_init_payload.receiver_address if not AccountHandler.is_handler_address(swap_info.receiver_address): raise InvalidTransaction( 'Receiver address is not of a Token type.')"1. Ensure transaction initiated within an hour") # 1. Ensure transaction initiated within an hour swap_info.secret_lock = swap_init_payload.secret_lock_by_solicitor created_at = self.get_datetime_from_timestamp(swap_info.created_at) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if not (now - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) < created_at < now): raise InvalidTransaction( 'Transaction is created a long time ago or timestamp is assigned set.' ) # END"2. Check weather the sender is Alice") # 2. Check weather the sender is Alice: swap_info.is_initiator = not swap_init_payload.secret_lock_by_solicitor # if Bob swap_info.is_approved = not swap_info.is_initiator # END # 3. Transfer funds to zero address."3. Transfer funds to zero address") commission = int(_get_setting_value(context, SETTINGS_SWAP_COMMISSION)) if commission < 0: raise InvalidTransaction('Wrong commission address.')"4. Get sender's account {}".format( swap_info.sender_address)) account = get_account_by_address(context, swap_info.sender_address) total_amount = swap_info.amount + commission if account.balance < total_amount: raise InvalidTransaction( 'Not enough balance to perform the transaction in ' 'the amount (with a commission) {}.'.format(total_amount)) transfer_payload = AccountClient.get_transfer_payload( ZERO_ADDRESS, total_amount) token_updated_state = AccountHandler._transfer_from_address( context, swap_info.sender_address, transfer_payload)"Save state") return {**self.get_state_update(swap_info), **token_updated_state}