def get_mentee_reports_for_month(user, dateobj=None): """Return a dictionary with Mentee reports for month in dateobj. If dateobj==None return the reports of the previous month. """ if not dateobj: one_month_before = go_back_n_months(, first_day=True) else: one_month_before = dateobj two_months_before = go_back_n_months(one_month_before, first_day=True) mentees = get_mentees(user) mentees_list = {'month': one_month_before.strftime("%B %Y"), 'reports': []} for mentee in mentees: month_first_report = get_month_first_report(mentee) current_report = get_object_or_none(Report, user=mentee, month=one_month_before) previous_report = get_object_or_none(Report, user=mentee, month=two_months_before) if not previous_report and two_months_before >= month_first_report: status = 'notfilled' elif current_report and current_report.empty: status = 'empty' else: status = '' mentees_list['reports'].append({'user': mentee, 'status': status, 'report': current_report}) return mentees_list
def handle(self, *args, **options): """Prepares a list of reps to be notified and the required template variables. """ date = go_back_n_months(, 1) rep_group = Group.objects.get(name='Rep') reps = (rep_group.user_set .exclude(userprofile__registration_complete=False) .exclude(reports__month__year=date.year, reports__month__month=date.month)) reps_without_report = reps.values_list('id', flat=True) month = number2month(date.month) subject = self.SUBJECT % month data = {'year': date.year, 'month': month} if options['dry_run']: email_reps = reps.values_list('email', flat=True) for recipient in email_reps: msg = 'Second notification sent to %s' % recipient print(msg) else: send_remo_mail(reps_without_report, subject, self.EMAIL_TEMPLATE, data)
def get_mentee_reports_for_month(user, dateobj=None): """Return a dictionary with Mentee reports for month in dateobj. If dateobj==None return the reports of the previous month. """ if not dateobj: dateobj = go_back_n_months(, first_day=True) mentees = get_mentees(user) mentees_list = {'month': dateobj.strftime("%B %Y"), 'reports': []} for mentee in mentees: report = get_object_or_none(Report, user=mentee, month=dateobj) if report is None: status = 'notfilled' elif report.overdue: status = 'overdue' else: status = '' mentees_list['reports'].append({'user': mentee, 'status': status, 'report': report}) return mentees_list
def handle(self, *args, **options): """Prepares a list of reps to be notified and the required template variables. """ rep_group = Group.objects.get(name='Rep') reps = rep_group.user_set.exclude( userprofile__registration_complete=False) date = go_back_n_months(, 2) reps_without_report = reps.exclude(reports__month__year=date.year, reports__month__month=date.month) mentors = [ for rep in reps_without_report] month = number2month(date.month) subject = self.SUBJECT % month data = {'year': date.year, 'month': month, 'reps_without_report': reps_without_report} if options['dry_run']: for mentor in mentors: msg = 'Email sent to mentor: %d' % mentor print(msg) else: send_remo_mail(mentors, subject, self.EMAIL_TEMPLATE, data)
def handle(self, *args, **options): """Prepares a list of reps to be notified and the required template variables. """ date = go_back_n_months(, 2) rep_group = Group.objects.get(name='Rep') reps = (rep_group.user_set .exclude(userprofile__registration_complete=False) .exclude(reports__month__year=date.year, reports__month__month=date.month)) reps_without_report = reps.values_list('id', flat=True) month = number2month(date.month) subject = self.SUBJECT % month data = {'year': date.year, 'month': month} if options['dry_run']: email_reps = reps.values_list('email', flat=True) for recipient in email_reps: msg = 'Third notification sent to %s' % recipient print(msg) else: send_remo_mail(reps_without_report, subject, self.EMAIL_TEMPLATE, data)
def report_set_overdue_pre_save(sender, instance, raw, **kwargs): """Set overdue on Report object creation.""" today = previous_month = go_back_n_months(today, first_day=True) if not and not raw: if previous_month > instance.month or (previous_month == instance.month and > OVERDUE_DAY): instance.overdue = True
def report_set_overdue_pre_save(sender, instance, raw, **kwargs): """Set overdue on Report object creation.""" today = previous_month = go_back_n_months(today, first_day=True) if not and not raw: if (previous_month > instance.month or (previous_month == instance.month and > OVERDUE_DAY)): instance.overdue = True
def test_overdue_true_2(self, fake_requests_obj): """Test overdue report (second test).""" today = # act like it's OVERDUE_DAY + 1 fake_date = datetime.datetime(year=today.year, month=today.month, day=OVERDUE_DAY+1) (fake_requests_obj.expects_call().returns(fake_date)) month_year = go_back_n_months(today) report = Report.objects.create(user=self.user, month=month_year) eq_(report.overdue, True)
def handle(self, *args, **options): """Prepares a list of reps to be notified and the required template variables. """ rep_group = Group.objects.get(name='Rep') reps = rep_group.user_set.exclude( userprofile__registration_complete=False) date = go_back_n_months(, 1) data = {'year': date.year, 'month': number2month(date.month)} send_remo_mail(reps, self.SUBJECT, self.EMAIL_TEMPLATE, data)
def test_overdue_false_2(self, fake_requests_obj): """Test not overdue report (first test).""" # marginal case today = # act like it's OVERDUE_DAY fake_date = datetime.datetime(year=today.year, month=today.month, day=OVERDUE_DAY) (fake_requests_obj.expects_call().returns(fake_date)) month_year = go_back_n_months(today) report = Report.objects.create(user=self.user, month=month_year) eq_(report.overdue, False)
def test_overdue_true_2(self, fake_requests_obj): """Test overdue report (second test).""" today = # act like it's OVERDUE_DAY + 1 fake_date = datetime.datetime(year=today.year, month=today.month, day=OVERDUE_DAY + 1) (fake_requests_obj.expects_call().returns(fake_date)) month_year = go_back_n_months(today) report = Report.objects.create(user=self.user, month=month_year) eq_(report.overdue, True)
def handle(self, *args, **options): """Prepares a list of reps to be notified and the required template variables. """ rep_group = Group.objects.get(name='Rep') reps = rep_group.user_set.exclude( userprofile__registration_complete=False) date = go_back_n_months(, 1) month = number2month(date.month) subject = self.SUBJECT % month data = {'year': date.year, 'month': month} send_remo_mail(reps, subject, self.EMAIL_TEMPLATE, data)
def new_reps_reminder(): """Send email to reps-mentors listing new subscribers the past month.""" prev = go_back_n_months(now().date()) prev_date = prev.strftime('%B %Y') reps = UserProfile.objects reps_num = reps.count() new_reps = reps.filter(date_joined_program__month=prev.month) email_template = 'emails/new_reps_monthly_reminder.txt' subject = '[Info] New Reps for %s' % prev_date recipient = settings.REPS_MENTORS_LIST data = {'reps': new_reps, 'date': prev_date, 'reps_num': reps_num} send_generic_mail.delay([recipient], subject, email_template, data)
def current_report(request, edit=False): display_name = request.user.userprofile.display_name previous_month = utils.go_back_n_months(, first_day=True) month_name = utils.number2month(previous_month.month) report = utils.get_object_or_none( Report, user__userprofile__display_name=display_name, month=previous_month) view = 'reports_view_report' if edit or not report: view = 'reports_edit_report' redirect_url = reverse(view, kwargs={'display_name': display_name, 'year': previous_month.year, 'month': month_name}) return redirect(redirect_url)
def handle(self, *args, **options): """Prepares a list of reps to be notified and the required template variables. """ rep_group = Group.objects.get(name='Rep') reps = (rep_group.user_set .exclude(userprofile__registration_complete=False) .values_list('id', flat=True)) date = go_back_n_months(, 1) reps_without_report = reps.exclude(reports__month__year=date.year, reports__month__month=date.month) month = number2month(date.month) subject = self.SUBJECT % month data = {'year': date.year, 'month': month} send_remo_mail(reps_without_report, subject, self.EMAIL_TEMPLATE, data)
def handle(self, *args, **options): """Prepares a list of reps to be notified and the required template variables. """ rep_group = Group.objects.get(name="Rep") reps = rep_group.user_set.exclude(userprofile__registration_complete=False) date = go_back_n_months(, 2) reps_without_report = reps.exclude(reports__month__year=date.year, reports__month__month=date.month) mentors = [ for rep in reps_without_report] month = number2month(date.month) subject = self.SUBJECT % month data = {"year": date.year, "month": month, "reps_without_report": reps_without_report} send_remo_mail(mentors, subject, self.EMAIL_TEMPLATE, data)
def test_view_current_report_page(self): """Test view report page.""" # If anonymous, return an error. c = Client() response = c.get(reverse('reports_view_current_report'), follow=True) self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'main.html') for m in response.context['messages']: pass eq_(m.tags, u'warning') # Login. c.login(username='******', password='******') # If report does not exist, render edit page. response = c.get(reverse('reports_view_current_report'), follow=True) self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'edit_report.html') # If report exists, render report. ReportFactory.create(user=self.user, empty=True, mentor=self.mentor, month=go_back_n_months( response = c.get(reverse('reports_view_current_report'), follow=True) self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'view_report.html')
def handle(self, *args, **options): """Prepares a list of reps to be notified and the required template variables. """ rep_group = Group.objects.get(name="Rep") reps = rep_group.user_set.exclude(userprofile__registration_complete=False) id_reps = reps.values_list("id", flat=True) date = go_back_n_months(, 1) month = number2month(date.month) subject = self.SUBJECT % month data = {"year": date.year, "month": month} if options["dry_run"]: email_reps = reps.values_list("email", flat=True) for recipient in email_reps: msg = "First notification sent to %s" % recipient print(msg) else: send_remo_mail(id_reps, subject, self.EMAIL_TEMPLATE, data)
def test_view_current_report_page(self): """Test view report page.""" # If anonymous, return an error. c = Client() response = c.get(reverse('reports_view_current_report'), follow=True) self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'main.html') for m in response.context['messages']: pass eq_(m.tags, u'warning') # Login. c.login(username='******', password='******') # If report does not exist, render edit page. response = c.get(reverse('reports_view_current_report'), follow=True) self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'edit_report.html') # If report exists, render report. Report.objects.create(user=self.user, empty=True, month=go_back_n_months( response = c.get(reverse('reports_view_current_report'), follow=True) self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'view_report.html')