def test_execute_sql_pandas_pyspark_livy(self):
        mock_spark_session = MagicMock()
        client = PandasScalaLivyClient(mock_spark_session, 10)

        # Set up spark session to return JSON
        result_json = "{\"buildingID\":0,\"date\":\"6/1/13\",\"temp_diff\":12}\n" \
        self.execute_responses = [result_json]
        mock_spark_session.execute.side_effect = self._next_response_execute

        # pandas to return
        records = [{u'buildingID': 0, u'date': u'6/1/13', u'temp_diff': 12},
                   {u'buildingID': 1, u'date': u'6/1/13', u'temp_diff': 0}]
        desired_result = pd.DataFrame(records)

        command = "command"

        result = client.execute_sql(command)

        # Verify basic calls were done

        # Verify result is desired pandas dataframe
        assert_frame_equal(desired_result, result)
    def test_execute_sql_pandas_scala_livy_no_results(self):
        mock_spark_session = MagicMock()
        client = PandasScalaLivyClient(mock_spark_session, 10)

        # Set up spark session to return JSON
        result_json = ""
        result_columns = "res1: Array[String] = Array(buildingID, date, temp_diff)"
        self.execute_responses = [result_json, result_columns]
        mock_spark_session.execute.side_effect = self._next_response_execute

        # pandas to return
        columns = ["buildingID", "date", "temp_diff"]
        desired_result = pd.DataFrame.from_records(list(), columns=columns)

        command = "command"

        result = client.execute_sql(command)

        # Verify basic calls were done

        # Verify result is desired pandas dataframe
        assert_frame_equal(desired_result, result)