def __init__(self): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) self.removeStu = Ui_removeStudentDialog() self.removeStu.setupUi(self) self.model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() self.conn() self.removeStu.sel_student = QSqlRelationalTableModel(db=self.db) self.removeStu.sel_student.setTable("Student") if not self.conn(): QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Error', 'database contecting error') # get student name self.student_query = QSqlQuery() self.student_query.exec_("Select Student_name FROM Student") while record = self.student_query.record() item = QtGui.QStandardItem() = str(record.value(0)) item.setText( self.model.appendRow(item) # set up list view model self.removeStu.studentListView.setModel(self.model) self.removeStu.studentListView.setSelectionMode( QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.removeStu.ok_btn.clicked.connect(self.submit) self.removeStu.cancel_btn.clicked.connect(self.close) self.removeStu.Search_btn.clicked.connect(
def __init__(self): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) self.removeStu = Ui_removeStudentDialog() self.removeStu.setupUi(self) self.model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() self.conn() self.removeStu.sel_student = QSqlRelationalTableModel(db = self.db) self.removeStu.sel_student.setTable("Student") if not self.conn(): QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( self, 'Error', 'database contecting error') # get student name self.student_query = QSqlQuery() self.student_query.exec_("Select Student_name FROM Student") while record = self.student_query.record() item = QtGui.QStandardItem() = str(record.value(0)) item.setText( self.model.appendRow(item) # set up list view model self.removeStu.studentListView.setModel(self.model) self.removeStu.studentListView.setSelectionMode(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.removeStu.ok_btn.clicked.connect(self.submit) self.removeStu.cancel_btn.clicked.connect(self.close) self.removeStu.Search_btn.clicked.connect(
class removeStudentData(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) self.removeStu = Ui_removeStudentDialog() self.removeStu.setupUi(self) self.model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() self.conn() self.removeStu.sel_student = QSqlRelationalTableModel(db=self.db) self.removeStu.sel_student.setTable("Student") if not self.conn(): QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Error', 'database contecting error') # get student name self.student_query = QSqlQuery() self.student_query.exec_("Select Student_name FROM Student") while record = self.student_query.record() item = QtGui.QStandardItem() = str(record.value(0)) item.setText( self.model.appendRow(item) # set up list view model self.removeStu.studentListView.setModel(self.model) self.removeStu.studentListView.setSelectionMode( QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.removeStu.ok_btn.clicked.connect(self.submit) self.removeStu.cancel_btn.clicked.connect(self.close) self.removeStu.Search_btn.clicked.connect( def search(self): stu_name = self.removeStu.Student_lineEdit.text() stu_query = QSqlQuery() stu_query.exec_( "select Student_name FROM Student where Student_name like '%%%s%%'" % stu_name) model = QSqlQueryModel() model.setQuery(stu_query) self.removeStu.studentListView.setModel(model) def submit(self): studentList = [] #selected student stuAddressCounter = 0 # counter to see if address used more then once guardCounter = 0 # same for guardian secondaryGuardCounter = 0 # build student for selected in self.removeStu.studentListView.selectedIndexes(): studentList.append(str( for student in studentList: getId = QSqlQuery() getId.exec_("Select Student_id FROM Student WHERE \ Student_name = '%s'" % student) while record = getId.record() = int(record.value(0)) # get addresses getAddress = QSqlQuery() # select address for a single student and then check if others have same address getAddress.exec_("Select Student_address from Student WHERE \ Student_address = (Select Student_address from Student WHERE\ Student_name = '%s')" % student) while record = getAddress.record() addressId = int(record.value(0)) stuAddressCounter += 1 # get guardians getGuardian = QSqlQuery() getGuardian.exec_( "Select Guardian_primary, Guardian_secondary from Student WHERE \ Guardian_primary = (Select Guardian_primary from Student WHERE \ Student_name = '%s') AND (Guardian_secondary = (Select Guardian_secondary from Student WHERE \ Student_name = '%s') OR Guardian_secondary IS NULL) " % (student, student)) while record = getGuardian.record() guardId = int(record.value(0)) guardIdSecondary = int(record.value(1)) guardCounter += 1 if (guardIdSecondary != None): secondaryGuardCounter += 1 # double check with user before removal self.confirmMessage = "Are you sure you want to remove '%s' from the system? This will remove all relevant information, including payments and billing. This action can not be reversed." \ %(student) self.confirmReply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( self, 'Confirm', self.confirmMessage, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if (self.confirmReply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes): self.confirm = QSqlQuery() self.confirm.exec_( "DELETE from Student WHERE Student_name = '%s'" % student) self.confirm.exec_( "DELETE from Student_Class WHERE Student_id = %d" % self.confirm.exec_( "DELETE from Credits WHERE Student_id = %d" % self.confirm.exec_( "DELETE from Discount WHERE Student_id = %d" % self.confirm.exec_( "DELETE from Payment WHERE Student_id = %d" % ''' # delete if this student is the only student that lives at their address. # Prevent delete if someone still in the system lives at the address # and make sure not to delete the NONE addreess ''' ''' # delete if this guardian is the only student that lives at their address. # Prevent delete if someone still in the system lives at the address # and make sure not to delete the NONE addreess ''' if (guardCounter == 1 and guardId != 0): guardAddressCounter = 0 # check guardian addresses getAddress.exec_( "Select Guardian_address from Guardian WHERE \ Guardian_address = (Select Guardian_address from Guardian WHERE\ Graudian_id = %d)" % guardId) while record = getAddress.record() guardAddressId = int(record.value(0)) if (guardAddressId != None): guardAddressCounter += 1 # Delete guardian if only one student tied to them self.confirm.exec_( "DELETE from Guardian WHERE Guardian_id = %d" % guardId) if (secondaryGuardCounter == 1 and guardIdSecondary != 0): # same for secondary guardian secondaryAddressCounter = 0 getAddress.exec_( "Select Guardian_address from Guardian WHERE \ Guardian_address = (Select Guardian_address from Guardian WHERE\ Graudian_id = %d)" % guardIdSecondary) while record = getAddress.record() secondaryAddressId = int(record.value(0)) if (secondaryAddressId != None): secondaryAddressCounter += 1 self.confirm.exec_( "DELETE from Guardian WHERE Guardian_id = %d" % guardIdSecondary) ''' Here are the three checks to see if the address can be deleted safely 1. if 1 student and 1 guardian and 1 secondary 2. 1 student and 1 guardian 3. 1 student Otherwise do not delete address and finsh removal ''' if ((stuAddressCounter == 1 and guardAddressCounter == 1 and secondaryAddressCounter == 1) and addressId != 0): self.confirm.exec_( "DELETE from Address WHERE Address_id = %d" % addressId) elif ((stuAddressCounter == 1 and guardAddressCounter == 1 and secondaryAddressCounter == 0) and addressId != 0): self.confirm.exec_( "DELETE from Address WHERE Address_id = %d" % addressId) elif ((stuAddressCounter == 1 and guardAddressCounter == 0 and secondaryAddressCounter == 0) and addressId != 0): self.confirm.exec_( "DELETE from Address WHERE Address_id = %d" % addressId) self.message = "Student removed" #refresh list self.refreshModel() self.confirmReply = QtGui.QMessageBox.information( self, 'Message', self.message) ''' refreshModel resets the list view after a removal ''' def refreshModel(self): self.model.clear() self.student_query = QSqlQuery() self.student_query.exec_("Select Student_name FROM Student") while record = self.student_query.record() item = QtGui.QStandardItem() = str(record.value(0)) item.setText( self.model.appendRow(item) self.removeStu.studentListView.setModel(self.model) self.removeStu.studentListView.setSelectionMode( QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) def conn(self): self.db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QMYSQL") self.db.setHostName("") self.db.setDatabaseName("db_dancesoft_f15") self.db.setUserName("dancesoft_f15") self.db.setPassword("DanceSoft") return
class removeStudentData(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) self.removeStu = Ui_removeStudentDialog() self.removeStu.setupUi(self) self.model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel() self.conn() self.removeStu.sel_student = QSqlRelationalTableModel(db = self.db) self.removeStu.sel_student.setTable("Student") if not self.conn(): QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( self, 'Error', 'database contecting error') # get student name self.student_query = QSqlQuery() self.student_query.exec_("Select Student_name FROM Student") while record = self.student_query.record() item = QtGui.QStandardItem() = str(record.value(0)) item.setText( self.model.appendRow(item) # set up list view model self.removeStu.studentListView.setModel(self.model) self.removeStu.studentListView.setSelectionMode(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.removeStu.ok_btn.clicked.connect(self.submit) self.removeStu.cancel_btn.clicked.connect(self.close) self.removeStu.Search_btn.clicked.connect( def search(self): stu_name = self.removeStu.Student_lineEdit.text() stu_query = QSqlQuery() stu_query.exec_("select Student_name FROM Student where Student_name like '%%%s%%'" % stu_name) model = QSqlQueryModel() model.setQuery(stu_query) self.removeStu.studentListView.setModel(model) def submit(self): studentList = [] #selected student stuAddressCounter = 0 # counter to see if address used more then once guardCounter = 0 # same for guardian secondaryGuardCounter = 0 # build student for selected in self.removeStu.studentListView.selectedIndexes(): studentList.append(str( for student in studentList: getId = QSqlQuery() getId.exec_("Select Student_id FROM Student WHERE \ Student_name = '%s'" % student) while record = getId.record() = int(record.value(0)) # get addresses getAddress = QSqlQuery() # select address for a single student and then check if others have same address getAddress.exec_("Select Student_address from Student WHERE \ Student_address = (Select Student_address from Student WHERE\ Student_name = '%s')" % student) while record = getAddress.record() addressId = int(record.value(0)) stuAddressCounter += 1 # get guardians getGuardian = QSqlQuery() getGuardian.exec_("Select Guardian_primary, Guardian_secondary from Student WHERE \ Guardian_primary = (Select Guardian_primary from Student WHERE \ Student_name = '%s') AND (Guardian_secondary = (Select Guardian_secondary from Student WHERE \ Student_name = '%s') OR Guardian_secondary IS NULL) " % (student, student)) while record = getGuardian.record() guardId = int(record.value(0)) guardIdSecondary = int(record.value(1)) guardCounter += 1 if (guardIdSecondary != None): secondaryGuardCounter += 1 # double check with user before removal self.confirmMessage = "Are you sure you want to remove '%s' from the system? This will remove all relevant information, including payments and billing. This action can not be reversed." \ %(student) self.confirmReply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'Confirm', self.confirmMessage, QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No) if (self.confirmReply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes): self.confirm = QSqlQuery() self.confirm.exec_("DELETE from Student WHERE Student_name = '%s'" % student) self.confirm.exec_("DELETE from Student_Class WHERE Student_id = %d" % self.confirm.exec_("DELETE from Credits WHERE Student_id = %d" % self.confirm.exec_("DELETE from Discount WHERE Student_id = %d" % self.confirm.exec_("DELETE from Payment WHERE Student_id = %d" % ''' # delete if this student is the only student that lives at their address. # Prevent delete if someone still in the system lives at the address # and make sure not to delete the NONE addreess ''' ''' # delete if this guardian is the only student that lives at their address. # Prevent delete if someone still in the system lives at the address # and make sure not to delete the NONE addreess ''' if (guardCounter == 1 and guardId != 0): guardAddressCounter = 0 # check guardian addresses getAddress.exec_("Select Guardian_address from Guardian WHERE \ Guardian_address = (Select Guardian_address from Guardian WHERE\ Graudian_id = %d)" % guardId) while record = getAddress.record() guardAddressId = int(record.value(0)) if (guardAddressId != None): guardAddressCounter += 1 # Delete guardian if only one student tied to them self.confirm.exec_("DELETE from Guardian WHERE Guardian_id = %d" % guardId) if (secondaryGuardCounter == 1 and guardIdSecondary != 0): # same for secondary guardian secondaryAddressCounter = 0 getAddress.exec_("Select Guardian_address from Guardian WHERE \ Guardian_address = (Select Guardian_address from Guardian WHERE\ Graudian_id = %d)" % guardIdSecondary) while record = getAddress.record() secondaryAddressId = int(record.value(0)) if (secondaryAddressId != None): secondaryAddressCounter += 1 self.confirm.exec_("DELETE from Guardian WHERE Guardian_id = %d" % guardIdSecondary) ''' Here are the three checks to see if the address can be deleted safely 1. if 1 student and 1 guardian and 1 secondary 2. 1 student and 1 guardian 3. 1 student Otherwise do not delete address and finsh removal ''' if ((stuAddressCounter == 1 and guardAddressCounter == 1 and secondaryAddressCounter == 1) and addressId != 0): self.confirm.exec_("DELETE from Address WHERE Address_id = %d" % addressId) elif ((stuAddressCounter == 1 and guardAddressCounter == 1 and secondaryAddressCounter == 0) and addressId != 0): self.confirm.exec_("DELETE from Address WHERE Address_id = %d" % addressId) elif ((stuAddressCounter == 1 and guardAddressCounter == 0 and secondaryAddressCounter == 0) and addressId != 0): self.confirm.exec_("DELETE from Address WHERE Address_id = %d" % addressId) self.message = "Student removed" #refresh list self.refreshModel() self.confirmReply = QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, 'Message', self.message) ''' refreshModel resets the list view after a removal ''' def refreshModel(self): self.model.clear() self.student_query = QSqlQuery() self.student_query.exec_("Select Student_name FROM Student") while record = self.student_query.record() item = QtGui.QStandardItem() = str(record.value(0)) item.setText( self.model.appendRow(item) self.removeStu.studentListView.setModel(self.model) self.removeStu.studentListView.setSelectionMode(QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) def conn(self): self.db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QMYSQL") self.db.setHostName("") self.db.setDatabaseName("db_dancesoft_f15") self.db.setUserName("dancesoft_f15") self.db.setPassword("DanceSoft") return