def render(self, mode='live', **kwargs):
        # Render the environment to the screen
        if mode == 'file':
            self._render_to_file(kwargs.get('filename', 'render.txt'))

        elif mode == 'live':
            if self.visualization == None:
                self.visualization = StockTradingGraph(self.df)

            # if self.current_step > LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE:
                self.current_step, self.net_worth, self.trades, window_size=LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE)
    def render(self, mode='live', **kwargs):
        # Render the environment to the screen
        if mode == 'file':
            self._render_to_file(kwargs.get('filename', 'render.txt'))

        elif mode == 'live':
            if self.visualization == None:
                self.visualization = StockTradingGraph(
                    self.df, self.training_set_size, kwargs.get('title', None))

            if self.current_step > self.lookback_days:
class StockTradingEnv(gym.Env):
    """A stock trading environment for OpenAI gym"""
    metadata = {'render.modes': ['live', 'file', 'none']}
    visualization = None

    def __init__(self, df):
        super(StockTradingEnv, self).__init__()

        self.df = self._adjust_prices(df)
        self.reward_range = (0, MAX_ACCOUNT_BALANCE)

        # Actions of the format Buy x%, Sell x%, Hold, etc.
        self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array([0, 0]),
                                       high=np.array([3, 1]),

        # Prices contains the OHCL values for the last five prices
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0,
                                                   LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE + 2),

    def _adjust_prices(self, df):
        adjust_ratio = df['Adjusted_Close'] / df['Close']

        df['Open'] = df['Open'] * adjust_ratio
        df['High'] = df['High'] * adjust_ratio
        df['Low'] = df['Low'] * adjust_ratio
        df['Close'] = df['Close'] * adjust_ratio

        return df

    def _next_observation(self):
        frame = np.zeros((5, LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE + 1))

        # Get the stock data points for the last 5 days and scale to between 0-1
        np.put(frame, [0, 4], [
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step +
                        LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE, 'Open'].values / MAX_SHARE_PRICE,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step +
                        LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE, 'High'].values / MAX_SHARE_PRICE,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step +
                        LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE, 'Low'].values / MAX_SHARE_PRICE,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step +
                        LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE, 'Close'].values /
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step +
                        LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE, 'Volume'].values /

        # Append additional data and scale each value to between 0-1
        obs = np.append(frame, [
            [self.balance / MAX_ACCOUNT_BALANCE],
            [self.max_net_worth / MAX_ACCOUNT_BALANCE],
            [self.shares_held / MAX_NUM_SHARES],
            [self.cost_basis / MAX_SHARE_PRICE],
            [self.total_sales_value / (MAX_NUM_SHARES * MAX_SHARE_PRICE)],

        return obs

    def _take_action(self, action):
        current_price = random.uniform(self.df.loc[self.current_step, "Open"],
                                       self.df.loc[self.current_step, "Close"])

        action_type = action[0]
        amount = action[1]

        if action_type < 1:
            # Buy amount % of balance in shares
            total_possible = int(self.balance / current_price)
            shares_bought = int(total_possible * amount)
            prev_cost = self.cost_basis * self.shares_held
            additional_cost = shares_bought * current_price

            self.balance -= additional_cost
            self.cost_basis = (prev_cost + additional_cost) / (
                self.shares_held + shares_bought)
            self.shares_held += shares_bought

            if shares_bought > 0:
                    'step': self.current_step,
                    'shares': shares_bought,
                    'total': additional_cost,
                    'type': "buy"

        elif action_type < 2:
            # Sell amount % of shares held
            shares_sold = int(self.shares_held * amount)
            self.balance += shares_sold * current_price
            self.shares_held -= shares_sold
            self.total_shares_sold += shares_sold
            self.total_sales_value += shares_sold * current_price

            if shares_sold > 0:
                    'step': self.current_step,
                    'shares': shares_sold,
                    'total': shares_sold * current_price,
                    'type': "sell"

        self.net_worth = self.balance + self.shares_held * current_price

        if self.net_worth > self.max_net_worth:
            self.max_net_worth = self.net_worth

        if self.shares_held == 0:
            self.cost_basis = 0

    def step(self, action):
        # Execute one time step within the environment

        self.current_step += 1

        delay_modifier = (self.current_step / MAX_STEPS)

        reward = self.balance * delay_modifier + self.current_step
        done = self.net_worth <= 0 or self.current_step >= len(
            self.df.loc[:, 'Open'].values)

        obs = self._next_observation()

        return obs, reward, done, {}

    def reset(self):
        # Reset the state of the environment to an initial state
        self.balance = INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE
        self.net_worth = INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE
        self.max_net_worth = INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE
        self.shares_held = 0
        self.cost_basis = 0
        self.total_shares_sold = 0
        self.total_sales_value = 0
        self.current_step = 0
        self.trades = []

        return self._next_observation()

    def _render_to_file(self, filename='render.txt'):
        profit = self.net_worth - INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE

        file = open(filename, 'a+')

        file.write(f'Step: {self.current_step}\n')
        file.write(f'Balance: {self.balance}\n')
            f'Shares held: {self.shares_held} (Total sold: {self.total_shares_sold})\n'
            f'Avg cost for held shares: {self.cost_basis} (Total sales value: {self.total_sales_value})\n'
            f'Net worth: {self.net_worth} (Max net worth: {self.max_net_worth})\n'
        file.write(f'Profit: {profit}\n\n')


    def render(self, mode='live', **kwargs):
        # Render the environment to the screen
        if mode == 'file':
            self._render_to_file(kwargs.get('filename', 'render.txt'))

        elif mode == 'live':
            if self.visualization == None:
                self.visualization = StockTradingGraph(
                    self.df, kwargs.get('title', None))

            if self.current_step > LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE:

    def close(self):
        if self.visualization != None:
            self.visualization = None
class StockTradingEnv(gym.Env):
    """A stock trading environment for OpenAI gym"""
    metadata = {'render.modes': ['live', 'file', 'none']}
    visualization = None

    def __init__(self, config):
        # super(StockTradingEnv, self).__init__()

        self.df = config['df']
        # self.reward_range = (0, MAX_ACCOUNT_BALANCE)
        self.lookback_window_size = 40
        self.initial_balance = 10000
        self.commission = 0.00075
        self.serial = False

        # Actions of the format Buy x%, Sell x%, Hold, etc.
        # self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete([3, 10])

        self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array([0, 0]),
                                       high=np.array([3, 1]),

        # Prices contains the OHCL values for the last five prices
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-np.finfo(np.float32).max,
                                            shape=(18, ),

    # def _adjust_prices(self, df):
    #     # adjust_ratio = df['Adjusted_Close'] / df['Close']

    #     df['Open'] = df['Open'] * adjust_ratio
    #     df['High'] = df['High'] * adjust_ratio
    #     df['Low'] = df['Low'] * adjust_ratio
    #     df['Close'] = df['Close'] * adjust_ratio

    #     return df

    def _next_observation(self):
        frame = np.zeros(12)

        # Get the stock data points for the last 5 days and scale to between 0-1
        # =================
        np.put(frame, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.9, 10, 11], [
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1, 'low'].values,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1, 'MOM'].values,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1, 'RSI'].values,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1, 'EMA'].values,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1, 'PPO'].values,

        # Append additional data and scale each value to between 0-1
        # obs = np.append(frame, [
        #     [self.balance],
        #     [self.max_net_worth],
        #     [self.shares_held],
        #     [self.cost_basis],
        #     [self.total_sales_value],
        # ])
        obs = np.append(frame,
                        [[self.balance], [self.btc_bought], [self.btc_sold],
                         [self.cost], [self.sales], [self.net_worth]])
        # print(obs)

        return obs

    def _take_action(self, action):
        current_price = random.uniform(self.df.loc[self.current_step, "open"],
                                       self.df.loc[self.current_step, "close"])

        self.buy_and_hold = self.initial_balance * current_price

        action_type = action[0]
        amount = action[1]
        # print('amount', amount)

        self.btc_bought = 0
        self.btc_sold = 0
        self.cost = 0
        self.sales = 0

        if action_type < 1:

            self.btc_bought = self.balance * current_price * amount
            self.cost = self.btc_bought * current_price * (1 + self.commission)
            self.btc_held += self.btc_bought
            self.balance -= self.cost

            # Buy amount % of balance in shares
            # total_possible = int(self.balance / current_price)
            # shares_bought = int(total_possible * amount)
            # prev_cost = self.cost_basis * self.shares_held
            # additional_cost = shares_bought * current_price

            # self.balance -= additional_cost
            # self.cost_basis = (
            #     prev_cost + additional_cost) / (self.shares_held + shares_bought)
            # self.shares_held += shares_bought

            # if shares_bought > 0:
            #     self.trades.append({'step': self.current_step,
            #                         'shares': shares_bought, 'total': additional_cost,
            #                         'type': "buy"})

        elif action_type < 2:
            # Sell amount % of shares held
            # shares_sold = int(self.shares_held * amount)
            # self.balance += shares_sold * current_price
            # self.shares_held -= shares_sold
            # self.total_shares_sold += shares_sold
            # self.total_sales_value += shares_sold * current_price

            self.btc_sold = self.btc_held * amount
            self.sales = self.btc_sold * current_price * (1 - self.commission)
            self.btc_held -= self.btc_sold
            self.balance += self.sales

            # if shares_sold > 0:
            #     self.trades.append({'step': self.current_step,
            #                         'shares': shares_sold, 'total': shares_sold * current_price,
            #                         'type': "sell"})

        if self.btc_sold > 0 or self.btc_bought > 0:
                self.btc_sold if self.btc_sold > 0 else self.btc_bought,
                self.sales if self.btc_sold > 0 else self.cost,
                "sell" if self.btc_sold > 0 else "buy"

        self.net_worth = self.balance + self.btc_held * current_price

        # if self.net_worth > self.max_net_worth:
        #     self.max_net_worth = self.net_worth

        # if self.shares_held == 0:
        #     self.cost_basis = 0
        # self.account_history = np.append(self.account_history, [
        #     [self.net_worth],
        #     [btc_bought],
        #     [cost],
        #     [btc_sold],
        #     [sales]
        # ])

    def step(self, action):
        # Execute one time step within the environment

        self.current_step += 1

        delay_modifier = (self.current_step / MAX_STEPS)

        # reward = self.balance * delay_modifier + self.current_step
        reward = self.net_worth - INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE
        done = self.net_worth <= 0 or self.current_step >= len(
            self.df.loc[:, 'open'].values)

        obs = self._next_observation()

        return obs, reward, done, {}

    def reset(self):
        # Reset the state of the environment to an initial state
        self.balance = INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE
        self.net_worth = INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE
        self.max_net_worth = INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE
        self.shares_held = 0
        self.btc_held = 0
        self.btc_bought = 0
        self.btc_sold = 0
        self.cost = 0
        self.sales = 0
        self.cost_basis = 0
        self.total_shares_sold = 0
        self.total_sales_value = 0
        self.current_step = 0
        # self.account_history = np.array([
        #     [self.net_worth],
        #     [0],
        #     [0],
        #     [0],
        #     [0]
        # ])
        self.trades = []

        return self._next_observation()

    def _render_to_file(self, filename='render.txt'):
        profit = self.net_worth - INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE

        file = open(filename, 'a+')

        file.write('Step: {}\n'.format(self.current_step))
        file.write('Balance: {}\n'.format(self.balance))
        file.write('Shares held: {} (Total sold: {})\n'.format(
            self.shares_held, self.total_shares_sold))
            'Avg cost for held shares: {} (Total sales value: {})\n'.format(
                self.cost_basis, self.total_sales_value))
        file.write('Net worth: {} (Max net worth: {})\n'.format(
            self.net_worth, self.max_net_worth))
        file.write('Profit: {}\n\n'.format(profit))


    def render(self, mode='live', **kwargs):
        # Render the environment to the screen
        if mode == 'file':
            self._render_to_file(kwargs.get('filename', 'render.txt'))

        elif mode == 'live':
            if self.visualization == None:
                self.visualization = StockTradingGraph(self.df)

            if self.current_step > LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE:

    def close(self):
        if self.visualization != None:
            self.visualization = None
class StockTradingEnv(gym.Env):
    """A stock trading environment for OpenAI gym"""
    metadata = {'render.modes': ['live', 'file', 'none']}
    visualization = None

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.df = config['df']
        self.render_title = config['render_title']
        self.lookback_window_size = LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE
        self.initial_balance = INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE
        self.commission = 0.00075
        self.serial = False
        self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=np.array([0, 0]),
                                       high=np.array([3, 1]),
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-np.finfo(np.float32).max,
                                            shape=(18, ),

    def _next_observation(self):
        frame = np.zeros(12)

        np.put(frame, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.9, 10, 11], [
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1, 'low'].values,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1, 'MOM'].values,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1, 'RSI'].values,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1, 'EMA'].values,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1,
            self.df.loc[self.current_step:self.current_step + 1, 'PPO'].values,

        obs = np.append(frame,
                        [[self.balance], [self.btc_bought], [self.btc_sold],
                         [self.cost], [self.sales], [self.net_worth]])

        return obs

    def _take_action(self, action):
        current_price = random.uniform(self.df.loc[self.current_step, "open"],
                                       self.df.loc[self.current_step, "close"])

        action_type = action[0]
        amount = action[1]

        self.btc_bought = 0
        self.btc_sold = 0
        self.cost = 0
        self.sales = 0

        if action_type < 1:

            self.btc_bought = self.balance * amount / current_price
            self.cost = self.btc_bought * current_price * (1 + self.commission)
            self.shares_held += self.btc_bought
            self.balance -= self.cost

        elif action_type < 2:

            self.btc_sold = self.shares_held * amount
            self.sales = self.btc_sold * current_price * (1 - self.commission)
            self.shares_held -= self.btc_sold
            self.balance += self.sales

        if self.btc_sold > 0 or self.btc_bought > 0:
                self.btc_sold if self.btc_sold > 0 else self.btc_bought,
                self.sales if self.btc_sold > 0 else self.cost,
                "sell" if self.btc_sold > 0 else "buy"

        self.net_worth = self.balance + self.shares_held * current_price
        self.buy_and_hold = self.initial_bought * current_price

    def step(self, action):
        # Execute one time step within the environment
        self.current_step += 1

        net_worth_and_buyhold_mean = (self.net_worth + self.buy_and_hold) / 2
        reward = (self.net_worth -
                  self.buy_and_hold) / net_worth_and_buyhold_mean
        # print('\nnet',self.net_worth,'buyandhold',self.buy_and_hold,'btc_bought',self.btc_bought,'balance',self.balance,'shares_held',self.shares_held,'balance on sold',self.balance,'reward', reward)
        done = self.net_worth <= 0 or self.balance <= 0 or self.current_step >= len(
            self.df.loc[:, 'open'].values)

        obs = self._next_observation()

        return obs, reward, done, {}

    def reset(self):
        # Reset the state of the environment to an initial state
        self.balance = INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE
        self.net_worth = INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE
        self.shares_held = 0
        self.btc_bought = 0
        self.btc_sold = 0
        self.cost = 0
        self.sales = 0
        self.current_step = 0
        self.first_price = self.df.loc[0, "close"]

        self.initial_bought = self.initial_balance / self.first_price
        self.trades = []

        return self._next_observation()

    def _render_to_file(self, filename='render.txt'):
        profit = self.net_worth - INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE

        file = open(filename, 'a+')

        file.write('Step: {}\n'.format(self.current_step))
        file.write('Balance: {}\n'.format(self.balance))
        file.write('Shares held: {}\n'.format(self.shares_held))
        file.write('Avg cost for held shares: {}\n'.format(self.cost))
        file.write('Net worth: {}\n'.format(self.net_worth))
        file.write('Buy and hold strategy: {}\n'.format(self.buy_and_hold))
        file.write('Profit: {}\n\n'.format(profit))


    def render(self, mode='live', **kwargs):
        # Render the environment to the screen
        if mode == 'file':
            self._render_to_file(kwargs.get('filename', 'render.txt'))

        elif mode == 'live':
            if self.visualization == None:
                self.visualization = StockTradingGraph(self.df,

            if self.current_step > LOOKBACK_WINDOW_SIZE:

    def close(self):
        if self.visualization != None:
            self.visualization = None