 def __init__(self, ctx, queue, z_bounds, init_chunk_array_kernel):
     num_layers = z_bounds[1] - z_bounds[0]
     self.array_buffer = RenderBuffer(ctx, queue, self.dtype_array.itemsize, 0) # may not grow
     self.layer_buffer = RenderBuffer(ctx, queue, 2**14, 2**12)
     self.chunk_buffer = RenderBuffer(ctx, queue, 2**14, 2**12) # The chunks
     self.data, offset = self.array_buffer.allocate_data(self.dtype_array)
     self.layers = [ ChunkLayer(*self.layer_buffer.allocate_data(self.dtype_layer)) for i in range(num_layers) ]
     self.z_bounds = z_bounds
     self.x_bounds = (2**30, -2**30)
     self.y_bounds = (2**30, -2**30)
     self.chunk_layers_ptr = self.layer_buffer._d_buffer.int_ptr
     self.voxel_data = VoxelData(ctx, queue)
     self.init_chunk_array_kernel = init_chunk_array_kernel
     self.ctx = ctx
     self.queue = queue
class ChunkArray(object):
    Stores chunk layers in a array structure.
    dtype_array = numpy.dtype( [ ('x_bounds', numpy.int32, 2), ('y_bounds', numpy.int32, 2), ('z_bounds', numpy.int32, 2),
                                 ('chunk_layers_ptr', numpy.uintp), ('chunks_ptr', numpy.uintp), ('voxel_levels_ptr', numpy.uintp, 6) ] )
    dtype_layer = numpy.dtype( [ ('x_bounds', numpy.int32, 2), ('y_bounds', numpy.int32, 2), ('chunk_offset', numpy.uint32) ] )
    dtype_chunk = numpy.dtype( [ ('level', numpy.int), ('voxel_offset', numpy.uint32) ] )
    def __init__(self, ctx, queue, z_bounds, init_chunk_array_kernel):
        num_layers = z_bounds[1] - z_bounds[0]
        self.array_buffer = RenderBuffer(ctx, queue, self.dtype_array.itemsize, 0) # may not grow
        self.layer_buffer = RenderBuffer(ctx, queue, 2**14, 2**12)
        self.chunk_buffer = RenderBuffer(ctx, queue, 2**14, 2**12) # The chunks
        self.data, offset = self.array_buffer.allocate_data(self.dtype_array)
        self.layers = [ ChunkLayer(*self.layer_buffer.allocate_data(self.dtype_layer)) for i in range(num_layers) ]
        self.z_bounds = z_bounds
        self.x_bounds = (2**30, -2**30)
        self.y_bounds = (2**30, -2**30)
        self.chunk_layers_ptr = self.layer_buffer._d_buffer.int_ptr
        self.voxel_data = VoxelData(ctx, queue)
        self.init_chunk_array_kernel = init_chunk_array_kernel
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.queue = queue
    def get_layer(self, z):
        if z < self.z_bounds[0] or z >= self.z_bounds[1]:
            raise IndexError("%d index is out of bounds (layer not found)" % z)
        return self.layers[z - self.z_bounds[0]]
    def get_chunk(self, x, y, z):
        layer = self.get_layer(z)
        if (x < layer.x_bounds[0] or x >= layer.x_bounds[1] or
            y < layer.y_bounds[0] or y >= layer.y_bounds[1]):
            raise IndexError("Layer %d found, but not chunk (%d, %d) in it. " % (z, x, y))
        x_offset = x - layer.x_bounds[0]
        y_offset = y - layer.y_bounds[0]
        return layer.chunks[x_offset + y_offset*(layer.y_bounds[1]-layer.y_bounds[0])]
    def get_voxel(self, x, y, z):
        chunk_x, voxel_x = divmod(x, 32)
        chunk_y, voxel_y = divmod(y, 32)
        chunk_z, voxel_z = divmod(z, 32)
        chunk = self.get_chunk(chunk_x, chunk_y, chunk_z)
        return chunk.get_voxel((voxel_x, voxel_y, voxel_z))
    def allocate_layer(self, z, x_bounds, y_bounds):
        layer = self.get_layer(z)
        x_size = x_bounds[1] - x_bounds[0]
        y_size = y_bounds[1] - y_bounds[0]
        if x_bounds[0] < self.x_bounds[0]:
            self.x_bounds[0] = x_bounds[0]
        if x_bounds[1] > self.x_bounds[1]:
            self.x_bounds[1] = x_bounds[1]
        if y_bounds[0] < self.y_bounds[0]:
            self.y_bounds[0] = y_bounds[0]
        if y_bounds[1] > self.y_bounds[1]:
            self.y_bounds[1] = y_bounds[1]
        layer.x_bounds = x_bounds
        layer.y_bounds = y_bounds
        layer.chunks = [ Chunk(*self.chunk_buffer.allocate_data(self.dtype_chunk)) for i in range(x_size*y_size) ]
        layer.chunk_offset = layer.chunks[0].offset / self.dtype_chunk.itemsize
    def allocate_chunk(self, x, y, z, level):
        chunk = self.get_chunk(x, y, z)
        chunk.level = level
        data, offset = self.voxel_data.allocate_buffer(level)
        chunk.voxel_offset = offset / self.voxel_data.test_dtype.itemsize
        chunk.voxel_data = data
    def upload_buffers(self):
        self.init_chunk_array_kernel(self.queue, (1,), None, 
                                      *[ self.voxel_data.level_buffers[i]._d_buffer for i in range(self.voxel_data.num_levels) ])
    def x_bounds(self):
        "x_min, x_max"
    def y_bounds(self):
        "y_min, y_max"
    def z_bounds(self):
        "z_min, z_max"

    @render_property("chunk_layers_ptr", None)
    def chunk_layers_ptr(self):
    @render_property("chunks_ptr", None)
    def chunks_ptr(self):
    def voxel_levels_ptr(self):
        "voxel_t* [6]"