class LevelState(GameState): """ This state is where the player will move the hero around the map interacting with npcs, other players, objects, etc. Expects to load a specially formatted TMX map created with Tiled. Layers: Control Tiles Upper Partial Tiles Lower Partial Tiles Lower Full Tiles The control layer is where objects and boundries are placed. It will not be rendered. Your map must not have any spaces that are open. Each space must have a tile in it. Blank spaces will not be rendered properly and will leave annoying trails on the map. The control layer must be created with the utility included with lib2d. It contains metadata that lib2d can use to layout and position objects correctly. """ def __init__(self, area, startPosition=None): GameState.__init__(self) self.area = area global state state = self def activate(self): global hero_body self.blank = True self.background = (109, 109, 109) self.foreground = (0, 0, 0) self.msgFont = pygame.font.Font((res.fontPath("volter.ttf")), 9) self.border = gui.GraphicBox("dialog2-h.png", hollow=True) self.borderFilled = gui.GraphicBox("dialog2.png") self.player_vector = (0,0,0) self.hero_jump = 25 self.input_changed = False self.music_pos = 0.0 self.updateText = False self.messages = [] = None # allow the area to get needed data self.area.load() # load the children for child in self.area.getChildren(): child.load() # get the root and the hero from it root = self.area.getRoot() self.hero = root.getChildByGUID(1) self.hero.move_speed = 16 # add the hero to this map if it isn't ready there if not self.area.hasChild(self.hero): self.area.add(self.hero) hero_body = self.area.getBody(self.hero) # make a list of elevators in the level self.elevators = pytmx.buildDistributionRects(self.area.tmxdata, "Elevators", real_gid=None) # load sounds from area for filename in self.area.soundFiles: SoundMan.loadSound(filename) self.text = {} self.text['grab'] = "You grab onto {}" self.text['ungrab'] = "You let go of {}" self.reactivate() def deactivate(self): res.fadeoutMusic(1000) # unload the children for child in self.area.getChildren(): child.unload() self.area.music_pos = float( / 1000 SoundMan.unload() def reactivate(self): # play music if any has been set in tiled try: res.playMusic(, start=self.area.music_pos) except AttributeError: res.fadeoutMusic() self.music_playing = False else: self.music_playing = True def drawInfobar(self, surface, rect): # draw the static portions of the sidebar sw, sh, sw, sh = rect self.border.draw(surface, self.hudBorder) titleFont = pygame.font.Font(res.fontPath("04b.ttf"), 14) i = titleFont.render("PyWeek", 1, (128,128,128)) surface.blit(i, (sw/2+sw-i.get_size()[0]/2+1, sh+6)) i = titleFont.render("PyWeek", 1, self.foreground) surface.blit(i, (sw/2+sw-i.get_size()[0]/2, sh+5)) headFont = pygame.font.Font(res.fontPath("volter.ttf"), 7) i = headFont.render("Inventory", 1, self.foreground, self.background) surface.blit(i, (sw+ 10, sh+30)) def draw(self, surface): dirty = [] x, y, z = self.player_vector # true when idle and grounded if self.hero.isAlive: if (y==0) and (z==0) and not hero_body.isFalling and \ not self.hero.avatar.isPlaying("crouch") and \ not self.hero.avatar.isPlaying("uncrouch"):"stand") elif not self.hero.avatar.isPlaying("die"):"die") doFlash = False for flash in self.area.flashes: x1, y1, z1 = flash x2, y2, z2 = d = sqrt(pow(x1-x2, 2) + pow(y1-y2, 2) + pow(z1-z2, 2)) if d < 300: self.blank = True doFlash = True if doFlash: self.area.flashes = [] surface.fill((255,randint(0,255),255)) dirty = [ surface.get_rect() ] if self.blank: self.blank = False sw, sh = surface.get_size() surface.fill(self.background) mw = sw mh = sh * .75 if not = LevelCamera(self.area,((4,4), (mw, mh)), tmxdata=self.area.tmxdata) self.mapBorder = pygame.Rect((0,0,mw,mh+6)) self.msgBorder = pygame.Rect((0,mh,sw,sh-mh)) dirty = [((0,0), (sw, sh))] self.updateText = True if self.updateText: lines = 5 self.updateText = False surface.fill(self.background, self.msgBorder) self.border.draw(surface, self.msgBorder) log = "\n".join(self.area.messages[-lines:]) rect = self.msgBorder.inflate(-16,-12).move(0,1) extra = gui.drawText(None, log, (128,128,128), rect, self.msgFont) while extra and lines > 1: lines -= 1 log = "\n".join(self.area.messages[-lines:]) extra = gui.drawText(None, log, (128,128,128), rect, self.msgFont) extra = gui.drawText(surface, log, (128,128,128), rect.move(1,1), self.msgFont) gui.drawText(surface, log, (0,0,0), rect, self.msgFont) dirty.append(self.msgBorder) if not doFlash: dirty.extend( self.border.draw(surface, self.mapBorder) return dirty def addText(self, text): self.messages.append(text) self.updateText = True def update(self, time): if self.blank: return self.area.update(time) # don't move around if not needed if self.input_changed: self.input_changed = False x, y, z = self.player_vector # allows you to move in air if hero_body.isFalling: self.area.setForce(hero_body, (x/3.0,y/3.0, hero_body.acc.y)) else: self.area.setForce(hero_body, (x,y,z)) # for platformers def handle_commandlist(self, cmdlist): if self.hero.isAlive: self.handleMovementKeys(cmdlist) def handleMovementKeys(self, cmdlist): x = 0; y = 0; z = 0 playing = for cls, cmd, arg in cmdlist: if arg == BUTTONUP: self.input_changed = True if cmd == P1_DOWN: if playing == "crouch":"uncrouch", loop=0) elif cmd == P1_LEFT: y = 0 elif cmd == P1_RIGHT: y = 0 elif cmd == P1_ACTION3 and self.hero.held: self.hero.parent.unjoin(hero_body, self.hero.held) msg = self.text['ungrab'].format( self.hero.parent.emitText(msg, thing=self.hero) self.hero.held = None # these actions will repeat as button is held down elif arg == BUTTONDOWN or arg == BUTTONHELD: self.input_changed = True if cmd == P1_UP: self.elevatorUp() elif cmd == P1_DOWN: if not self.elevatorDown(): if self.area.grounded(self.area.getBody(self.hero)): if playing == "stand":"crouch", loop_frame=4) if cmd == P1_LEFT: y = -1 self.hero.avatar.flip = 1 elif cmd == P1_RIGHT: y = 1 self.hero.avatar.flip = 0 if cmd == P1_ACTION2: if (not self.hero.held) and (not playing == "crouch"): z = -self.hero_jump # these actions will not repeat if button is held if arg == BUTTONDOWN: self.input_changed = True if cmd == P1_ACTION1: for thing, body in getNearby(self.hero, 8): if hasattr(thing, "use"): thing.use(self.hero) if cmd == P1_ACTION3: for thing, body in getNearby(self.hero, 6): if thing.pushable and not self.hero.held: self.hero.parent.join(hero_body, body) self.hero.held = body msg = self.text['grab'].format( self.hero.parent.emitText(msg, thing=self.hero) if (not x == 0) or (not y == 0) or (not z == 0): if self.hero.held: y = y / 3.0 if abs(y) < 1.0:"walk") else:"run") self.player_vector = x, y*self.hero.move_speed, z def findLift(self, offset): body = self.area.getBody(self.hero) liftbbox = body.bbox.move(0,0,offset) shaftRect = self.area.toRect(body.bbox.move(0,0,-body.bbox.height/2)) for rect in self.elevators: if rect.colliderect(shaftRect): l = self.area.testCollideObjects(liftbbox) lift = [ i for i in l if isinstance(i.parent, Lift) ] if lift: return lift.pop() return None def elevatorUp(self): lift = self.findLift(3) if lift: lift.parent.cancelCall() body = self.area.getBody(self.hero) self.area.movePosition(body, (0,0,-2), push=False) self.area.movePosition(lift, (0,0,-2), push=True, clip=False) lift.parent.animate() return True def elevatorDown(self): lift = self.findLift(1) if lift: lift.parent.cancelCall() body = self.area.getBody(self.hero) self.area.movePosition(lift, (0,0,2), push=True, clip=False) self.area.movePosition(body, (0,0,2), push=False) lift.parent.animate() return True
def draw(self, surface): dirty = [] x, y, z = self.player_vector # true when idle and grounded if self.hero.isAlive: if (y==0) and (z==0) and not hero_body.isFalling and \ not self.hero.avatar.isPlaying("crouch") and \ not self.hero.avatar.isPlaying("uncrouch"):"stand") elif not self.hero.avatar.isPlaying("die"):"die") doFlash = False for flash in self.area.flashes: x1, y1, z1 = flash x2, y2, z2 = d = sqrt(pow(x1-x2, 2) + pow(y1-y2, 2) + pow(z1-z2, 2)) if d < 300: self.blank = True doFlash = True if doFlash: self.area.flashes = [] surface.fill((255,randint(0,255),255)) dirty = [ surface.get_rect() ] if self.blank: self.blank = False sw, sh = surface.get_size() surface.fill(self.background) mw = sw mh = sh * .75 if not = LevelCamera(self.area,((4,4), (mw, mh)), tmxdata=self.area.tmxdata) self.mapBorder = pygame.Rect((0,0,mw,mh+6)) self.msgBorder = pygame.Rect((0,mh,sw,sh-mh)) dirty = [((0,0), (sw, sh))] self.updateText = True if self.updateText: lines = 5 self.updateText = False surface.fill(self.background, self.msgBorder) self.border.draw(surface, self.msgBorder) log = "\n".join(self.area.messages[-lines:]) rect = self.msgBorder.inflate(-16,-12).move(0,1) extra = gui.drawText(None, log, (128,128,128), rect, self.msgFont) while extra and lines > 1: lines -= 1 log = "\n".join(self.area.messages[-lines:]) extra = gui.drawText(None, log, (128,128,128), rect, self.msgFont) extra = gui.drawText(surface, log, (128,128,128), rect.move(1,1), self.msgFont) gui.drawText(surface, log, (0,0,0), rect, self.msgFont) dirty.append(self.msgBorder) if not doFlash: dirty.extend( self.border.draw(surface, self.mapBorder) return dirty