def generatePreroll(ticket): print(ticket) projectname = ticket.get('Processing.Prerolls.Slug', ticket['Meta.Acronym']) if not projectname in projects: projects[projectname] = renderlib.loadProject(projectname) project = projects[projectname] task = project.ticket(ticket) task.outfile = os.path.join(ticket['Processing.Path.Intros'], ticket['Fahrplan.ID'] + '.dv') task.workdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), projectname, 'artwork') print(colored("rendering", 'green')) renderlib.rendertask(task) if hasattr(project, 'deploy'): print(colored("deploying", 'green')) project.deploy(ticket, task)
if not (args.debug==False or args.skip==None): print("####################################################") print("Error! You must not use --debug and --skip together!") print("####################################################") parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) print(args) # Set values from argparse projectname=args.projectpath.strip('/') projectpath=args.projectpath # Check if project exists try: project = renderlib.loadProject(projectname) except ImportError: print("you must specify a project-name as first argument, eg. './ sotmeu14'. The supplied value '{0}' seems not to be a valid project (there is no '{0}/').\n".format(projectname)) raise # using --debug skips the threading, the network fetching of the schedule and # just renders one type of video renderlib.debug = args.debug #sys.exit(1) def render(infile, outfile, sequence, parameters={}, workdir=os.path.join(projectname, 'artwork')): task = renderlib.Rendertask(infile=infile, outfile=outfile, sequence=sequence, parameters=parameters, workdir=workdir) return renderlib.rendertask(task) # debug-mode selected by --debug switch if renderlib.debug:
if not (args.debug is False or args.skip is None): print("####################################################") print("Error! You must not use --debug and --skip together!") print("####################################################") parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) print(args) # Set values from argparse projectname = args.projectpath.strip('/') projectpath = args.projectpath # Check if project exists try: project = renderlib.loadProject(projectname) except ImportError: print("you must specify a project-name as first argument, eg. './ sotmeu14'. The supplied value '{0}' seems not to be a valid project (there is no '{0}/').\n".format(projectname)) raise # using --debug skips the threading, the network fetching of the schedule and # just renders one type of video renderlib.debug = args.debug renderlib.args = args # sys.exit(1) def render(infile, outfile, sequence, parameters={}, workdir=os.path.join(projectname, 'artwork')): task = renderlib.Rendertask(infile=infile, outfile=outfile, sequence=sequence, parameters=parameters, workdir=workdir) return renderlib.rendertask(task)