def test14(self): "test the TimeStamp behaviour" oinvariant = rl_config.invariant sden = 'SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH' if sden in os.environ: sde = os.environ[sden] del os.environ[sden] else: sde = self try: rl_config.invariant = False t = time.time() ts = TimeStamp() self.assertTrue(abs(t - ts.t) < 1) ts = TimeStamp(invariant=True) self.assertEqual(ts.t, 946684800.0) self.assertEqual(ts.YMDhms, (2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual(ts.tzname, 'UTC') os.environ[sden] = '1490003100' ts = TimeStamp( invariant=True) #debian variable takes precedence here self.assertEqual(ts.t, 1490003100) self.assertEqual(ts.YMDhms, (2017, 3, 20, 9, 45, 0)) self.assertEqual(ts.tzname, 'UTC') rl_config.invariant = True ts = TimeStamp() #still takes precedence self.assertEqual(ts.t, 1490003100) self.assertEqual(ts.YMDhms, (2017, 3, 20, 9, 45, 0)) self.assertEqual(ts.tzname, 'UTC') del os.environ[sden] ts = TimeStamp() #now rl_config takes precedence self.assertEqual(ts.t, 946684800.0) self.assertEqual(ts.YMDhms, (2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual(ts.tzname, 'UTC') finally: if sde is not self: os.environ[sden] = sde rl_config.invariant = oinvariant
#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2017 #see license.txt for license details __version__ = '$Id$' from tools.docco.rl_doc_utils import * from reportlab.platypus.tableofcontents import TableOfContents import reportlab from reportlab.lib.utils import TimeStamp title("ReportLab PDF Library") title("User Guide") centred('ReportLab Version ' + reportlab.Version) centred(TimeStamp().datetime.strftime( 'Document generated on %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %Z')) nextTemplate("TOC") headingTOC() toc = TableOfContents() PS = ParagraphStyle toc.levelStyles = [ PS(fontName='Times-Bold', fontSize=14, name='TOCHeading1', leftIndent=20, firstLineIndent=-20, spaceBefore=5, leading=16), PS(fontSize=12, name='TOCHeading2', leftIndent=40,
def makeStory(): story = [] a = story.append styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() h1 = styleSheet['Heading1'] h1.pageBreakBefore = 1 h1.keepWithNext = 1 h2 = styleSheet['Heading2'] h2.frameBreakBefore = 1 h2.keepWithNext = 1 h3 = styleSheet['Heading3'] h3.backColor = colors.cyan h3.keepWithNext = 1 bt = styleSheet['BodyText'] btj = ParagraphStyle('bodyText1j', parent=bt, alignment=TA_JUSTIFY) btr = ParagraphStyle('bodyText1r', parent=bt, alignment=TA_RIGHT) btc = ParagraphStyle('bodyText1c', parent=bt, alignment=TA_CENTER) from reportlab.lib.utils import TimeStamp ts = TimeStamp() a( Paragraph( """ <a name='top'/>Subsequent pages test pageBreakBefore, frameBreakBefore and keepTogether attributes. Generated at %s. The number in brackets at the end of each paragraph is its position in the story. (%d)""" % (ts.asctime, len(story)), bt)) for i in range(10): a( Paragraph( 'Heading 1 always starts a new page (%d)' % len(story), h1)) for j in range(3): a( Paragraph( 'Heading1 paragraphs should always' 'have a page break before. Heading 2 on the other hand' 'should always have a FRAME break before (%d)' % len(story), bt)) a( Paragraph( 'Heading 2 always starts a new frame (%d)' % len(story), h2)) a( Paragraph( 'Heading1 paragraphs should always' 'have a page break before. Heading 2 on the other hand' 'should always have a FRAME break before (%d)' % len(story), bt)) for j in range(3): a( Paragraph( RT((i, j, 0), theme=PYTHON, sentences=2) + ' (%d)' % len(story), bt)) a( Paragraph( 'I should never be at the bottom of a frame (%d)' % len(story), h3)) a( Paragraph( RT((i, j, 1), theme=PYTHON, sentences=1) + ' (%d)' % len(story), bt)) for align, bts in [('left', bt), ('JUSTIFIED', btj), ('RIGHT', btr), ('CENTER', btc)]: a(Paragraph('Now we do <br/> tests(align=%s)' % align, h1)) a(Paragraph('First off no br tags', h3)) a(Paragraph(_text1, bts)) a(Paragraph("<br/> after 'the' in line 4", h3)) a( Paragraph( _text1.replace('forms of the', 'forms of the<br/>', 1), bts)) a(Paragraph("2*<br/> after 'the' in line 4", h3)) a( Paragraph( _text1.replace('forms of the', 'forms of the<br/><br/>', 1), bts)) a(Paragraph("<br/> after 'I suggested ' in line 5", h3)) a( Paragraph( _text1.replace('I suggested ', 'I suggested<br/>', 1), bts)) a(Paragraph("2*<br/> after 'I suggested ' in line 5", h3)) a( Paragraph( _text1.replace('I suggested ', 'I suggested<br/><br/>', 1), bts)) a(Paragraph("<br/> at the end of the paragraph!", h3)) a(Paragraph("""text one<br/>text two<br/>""", bts)) a( Paragraph( "Border with <br/> at the end of the paragraph!", h3)) bt1 = ParagraphStyle('bodyText1', bts) bt1.borderWidth = 0.5 bt1.borderColor = colors.toColor('red') bt1.backColor = bt1.borderRadius = 2 bt1.borderPadding = 3 a(Paragraph("""text one<br/>text two<br/>""", bt1)) a( Paragraph("Border no <br/> at the end of the paragraph!", h3)) bt1 = ParagraphStyle('bodyText1', bts) bt1.borderWidth = 0.5 bt1.borderColor = colors.toColor('red') bt1.backColor = bt1.borderRadius = 2 bt1.borderPadding = 3 a(Paragraph("""text one<br/>text two""", bt1)) a(Paragraph("Different border style!", h3)) bt2 = ParagraphStyle('bodyText1', bt1) bt2.borderWidth = 1.5 bt2.borderColor = colors.toColor('blue') bt2.backColor = colors.gray bt2.borderRadius = 3 bt2.borderPadding = 3 a(Paragraph("""text one<br/>text two<br/>""", bt2)) for i in 0, 1, 2: P = Paragraph( """This is a paragraph with <font color='blue'><a href='#top'>with an incredibly long and boring link in side of it that contains lots and lots of stupidly boring and worthless information. So that we can split the link and see if we get problems like Dinu's. I hope we don't, but you never do Know.</a></font>""", bt) a(P) return story
def _prolog(self, dviPreview=None): pColors = {} spColors = {} sCC = '' cmykCC = '' for c in self.cmykColors: if hasattr(c, 'spotName') and c.spotName: # is not None. if c.spotName not in spColors: spColors[c.spotName] = 1 if sCC == '': sH0 = '%%DocumentCustomColors:' sH1 = '%%CMYKCustomColor:' else: sH0 = '%%+' sH1 = '%%+' sCC = '%s%s (%s)\n' % (sCC, sH0, c.spotName) cmykCC = '%s%s %s (%s)\n' % (cmykCC, sH1, fp_str( c.cmyk()), c.spotName) else: c, m, y, k = c.cyan, c.magenta, c.yellow, #_cmyk if c: pColors['cyan'] = 1 if m: pColors['magenta'] = 1 if y: pColors['yellow'] = 1 if k: pColors['black'] = 1 if pColors != {}: pC = '%%DocumentProcessColors:' for c in list(pColors.keys()): pC = pC + ' ' + c pC = pC + '\n' else: pC = '' if self._fontsUsed: _fontsUsed = '%%DocumentFonts: ' + ('\n%%+ '.join( self._fontsUsed)) + '\n' else: _fontsUsed = '' if self.delayedFonts: from .ttf2ps import ttf2ps analyticFonts = '\n%%analytic fonts\n' + ('\n'.join( [ttf2ps(f, self) for f in self.delayedFonts])) else: analyticFonts = '' return '''\ %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 ''' + ("%d %d" % (self.width, self.height)) + ''' %%Title: (''' + self.title + ''') ''' + pC + sCC + cmykCC + _fontsUsed + ''' %%CreationDate: ''' + time.strftime('(%d/%b/%Y) (%H:%M:%S GMT)', time.gmtime(TimeStamp().t)) + ''' %%Creator: ReportLab+renderPS_SEP 1.01 %%For: (''' + self.dept + ''') (''' + + ''') %%Extensions: CMYK %%EndComments %%BeginProlog ''' + SEP_OPS + ''' ''' + (dviPreview or '') + ''' %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup sep_ops begin 50 dict begin % temp dict for variable definitions %%EndSetup /pgsave save def /m {moveto} def /l {lineto} def /c {curveto} bind def ''' + analyticFonts