def firstPageSR(): from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Frame from reportlab.lib.colors import orange c = Canvas("out/firstPageSR.pdf", landscape(A4)) body = Frame(cm, cm, 19 * cm, 20 * cm, showBoundary=1) right = Frame(20 * cm, cm, 6 * cm, 20 * cm, showBoundary=1) style = ParagraphStyle(styles["Normal"]) style2 = styles["BodyText"] style.textColor = orange style.fontSize = 60 imgPhoenix = Image("phoenix.jpg", 5 * cm, 5 * cm) imgPhoenix.hAlign = 'RIGHT' imgPhoenix.vAlign = 'TOP' imgOrange = Image("orange.jpg", 2 * cm, 2 * cm) imgOrange.hAlign = 'RIGHT' imgOrange.vAlign = 'BOTTOM' StoryRight = [imgPhoenix] p = Paragraph("Team Beluga", style2) StoryRight.append(p) StoryRight.append(imgOrange) StoryBody = [Paragraph("<b>Sprint Review</b>", style)] p = Paragraph("Sprint N 13", style2) StoryBody.append(p) body.addFromList(StoryBody, c) right.addFromList(StoryRight, c)
def insertImage(self, image, size=None, align=None): if size and isinstance(size, (int, float)): image = Image(image, width=size * cm, height=size * cm) if align: image.hAlign = align else: image.hAlign = 'LEFT' else:
def build(self): doc = TagDocTemplate(self.out_file) doc.addPageTemplates([BackgroundTemplate( 'qringly.pdf', name='background')]) story = [] style = styles['Normal'] # FIXME: The tempfiles are handled in an ugly manner. tempfiles = [] for sticker in self.stickers: try: handle, tmp = mkstemp('_qrtag.png') os.close(handle) img =, 'png') scaled_size = INNER_WIDTH - 4 * PAD story.append(NextPageTemplate('background')) qr_img = PDFImage(tmp, width=scaled_size, height=scaled_size) qr_img.hAlign = 'CENTER' story.append(Spacer(INNER_WIDTH, 2 * PAD)) story.append(qr_img) story.append(Paragraph(sticker.line, line_style)) story.append(PageBreak()) finally: tempfiles.append(tmp) for tmp in tempfiles: os.remove(tmp)
def create_header(overview, language, title_style, style1, style2): story = [] story.append( Paragraph( "<strong>{}</strong>".format(get_field(overview, 'name', language)), title_style)) story.append(Spacer(1, .30 * inch)) story.append( Paragraph( "<strong>{}</strong>".format( get_field(overview, 'subtitle', language)), style1)) story.append(Spacer(1, .18 * inch)) if language == 'mn': h3 = "<strong>Үүрэг Амлалтын Хэрэгжилтийн Байдал 2020</strong>" img = Image('{}status_key.jpg'.format(file_url), width=480, height=41.076) else: h3 = "<strong>Status of Commitments as of May 2020</strong>" img = Image('{}graphics.jpg'.format(file_url), width=360, height=41.076) story.append(Paragraph(h3, style2)) img.hAlign = 'RIGHT' story.append(img) return story
def __init__(self, conn, logtype): self.conn = conn self.DATA_TYPE = logtype doc = SimpleDocTemplate( self.PDF_NAME, pagesize=A4, bottomMargin=.4 * inch, topMargin=.6 * inch, rightMargin=.8 * inch, leftMargin=.8 * inch) """ with open("your_text_file.txt", "r") as txt_file: text_content = """ logo = "report/logo.png" im = Image(logo, 1 * inch, 1 * inch) im.hAlign = 'LEFT' self.flowables.append(im) self.flowables.append(Spacer(1, 18)) P = Paragraph(self.REPORT_HEADER, styles['Normal_CENTER']) self.flowables.append(P) self.flowables.append(Spacer(1, 1*inch)) if logtype == 1: for i in logtypes: self.DATA_TYPE = i self.drawTable() self.drawPlots() else: self.drawTable() self.drawPlots() self.flowables, )
def get_image(self, path, width=3*inch, alignement='LEFT'): img = utils.ImageReader(path) iw, ih = img.getSize() aspect = ih / float(iw) final_im = Image(path, width=width, height=(width * aspect)) final_im.hAlign = alignement return final_im
def getTable(self): styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styNormal = styleSheet['Normal'] styNormal.spaceBefore = 20 styNormal.spaceAfter = 20 styNormal.alignment = 0 # LEFT styNormal.fontSize = 6 conn = Connection() thumb_path = conn.thumb_path() thumb_path_str = thumb_path['thumb_path'] latitude = Paragraph("<b>Latitude</b><br/>" + str(self.latitude), styNormal) longitude = Paragraph("<b>Longitude</b><br/>" + str(self.longitude), styNormal) name_vessel = Paragraph( "<b>Name Vessel</b><br/>" + str(self.name_vessel), styNormal) foto = Paragraph("<b>Photo ID</b><br/>" + str(self.foto), styNormal) decription = Paragraph( "<b>Description</b><br/>" + str(self.description), styNormal) #us_presenti = Paragraph("<b>US-USM presenti</b><br/>", styNormal) logo = Image(self.thumbnail) logo.drawHeight = 1 * inch * logo.drawHeight / logo.drawWidth logo.drawWidth = 1 * inch logo.hAlign = "CENTER" thumbnail = logo data = [foto, thumbnail, latitude, longitude, name_vessel, decription] return data
def _header_footer(canvas,doc): #guardamos el estado de nuestro canvas , para poder dibujar en el canvas.saveState() canvas.setTitle("Cotizacion Cliente") styles = getSampleStyleSheet() #header header = Image('/home/borbolla/metrology/static_media/assets/images/borbolla_metrology_logo.jpg' ) header.drawHeight = 60 header.drawWidth = 424 header.hAlign = 'RIGHT' w , h = header.wrap(doc.width , doc.topMargin) header.drawOn(canvas , doc.leftMargin , 700) marcas = Image('/home/borbolla/metrology/static_media/assets/images/marcas.png' ) marcas.drawWidth = 90 marcas.drawHeight = 477 marcas.drawOn(canvas , 20,200) marcas2 = Image('/home/borbolla/metrology/static_media/assets/images/logo.png' ) marcas2.drawWidth = 116 marcas2.drawHeight = 34 marcas2.drawOn(canvas , 20,150) # Footer footer = Paragraph('', styles['Normal']) w, h = footer.wrap(doc.width, doc.bottomMargin) footer.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin, h) # Release the canvas canvas.restoreState()
def add_section_sequences(self, plots=[], stats=None): section = self.get_section_number() subsection = itertools.count(1) plots = sorted(list(plots), key=lambda x : x[1].basecalling) if stats is not None: self.story.append(Paragraph("{:d} Basecalling".format(section), self.heading_style)) self.story.append(Spacer(1, 0)) self.story.append(Paragraph("{:d}.{:d} Summary".format(section, next(subsection)), self.heading2_style)) #['Tag', 'Basecalling', 'Sum', 'Mean', 'Median', 'N50', 'Maximum'] header = ['', ''] + list(stats.columns.values[2:]) table_data = [header] + [[y if isinstance(y, str) else '{:.0f}'.format(y) for y in x] for x in stats.values] table_style = [ ('FONTSIZE', (0,0), (-1, -1), 10), ('LINEABOVE', (0,1), (-1,1), 0.5,, ('LINEBEFORE', (2,0), (2,-1), 0.5,, ('ALIGN', (0,0), (1,-1), 'LEFT'), ('ALIGN', (2,0), (-1,-1), 'RIGHT')] self.story.append(Table(table_data, style=table_style)) self.story.append(Spacer(1, 0)) for key, group in itertools.groupby(plots, lambda x : x[1].basecalling): self.story.append(Paragraph('{:d}.{:d} {}:'.format(section, next(subsection), key.capitalize()), self.heading2_style)) for plot_file, plot_wildcards in sorted(list(group), key=lambda x : x[1].i): im = svg2rlg(plot_file) im = Image(im, width=im.width * self.plot_scale, height=im.height * self.plot_scale) im.hAlign = 'CENTER' self.story.append(im) self.story.append(Spacer(1, 0)) self.story.append(Spacer(1, 0.5*cm))
def firstPage(self): img = Image('static/lr.png', kind='proportional') img.drawHeight = 0.5*inch img.drawWidth = 2.4*inch img.hAlign = 'LEFT' self.elements.append(img) spacer = Spacer(30, 100) self.elements.append(spacer) img = Image('static/ohka.png') img.drawHeight = 2.5*inch img.drawWidth = 5.5*inch self.elements.append(img) spacer = Spacer(10, 250) self.elements.append(spacer) psDetalle = ParagraphStyle('Resumen', fontSize=9, leading=14, justifyBreaks=1, alignment=TA_LEFT, justifyLastLine=1) text = """REPORTE DE SERVICIOS PROFESIONALES<br/> Empresa: Nombre del Cliente<br/> Fecha de Inicio: 23-Oct-2019<br/> Fecha de actualización: 01-Abril-2020<br/> """ paragraphReportSummary = Paragraph(text, psDetalle) self.elements.append(paragraphReportSummary) self.elements.append(PageBreak())
def getTable(self): styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styNormal = styleSheet['Normal'] styNormal.spaceBefore = 20 styNormal.spaceAfter = 20 styNormal.alignment = 0 # LEFT styNormal.fontSize = 6 conn = Connection() thumb_path = conn.thumb_path() thumb_path_str = thumb_path['thumb_path'] area = Paragraph("<b>Area</b><br/>" + str(self.area), styNormal) us = Paragraph("<b>Artefact ID</b><br/>" + str(, styNormal) foto = Paragraph("<b>Photo ID</b><br/>" + str(self.foto), styNormal) decription = Paragraph( "<b>Description</b><br/>" + str(self.description), styNormal) #us_presenti = Paragraph("<b>US-USM presenti</b><br/>", styNormal) logo = Image(self.thumbnail) logo.drawHeight = 1 * inch * logo.drawHeight / logo.drawWidth logo.drawWidth = 1 * inch logo.hAlign = "CENTER" thumbnail = logo data = [foto, thumbnail, us, area, decription] return data
def build_index_Casse(self, records, sito): if == 'posix': home = os.environ['HOME'] elif == 'nt': home = os.environ['HOMEPATH'] home_DB_path = ('%s%s%s') % (home, os.sep, 'pyarchinit_DB_folder') logo_path = ('%s%s%s') % (home_DB_path, os.sep, 'logo.jpg') logo = Image(logo_path) logo.drawHeight = 1.5 * inch * logo.drawHeight / logo.drawWidth logo.drawWidth = 1.5 * inch logo.hAlign = "LEFT" styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styNormal = styleSheet['Normal'] styBackground = ParagraphStyle('background', parent=styNormal, styH1 = styleSheet['Heading3'] data = self.datestrfdate() lst = [logo] lst.append( Paragraph( "<b>ELENCO CASSE CAMPIONI</b><br/><b>Scavo: %s, Data: %s</b>" % (sito, data), styH1)) table_data = [] for i in range(len(records)): exp_index = CASSE_index_pdf_sheet(records[i]) table_data.append(exp_index.getTable()) styles = exp_index.makeStyles() colWidths = [20, 350, 250, 100] table_data_formatted = Table(table_data, colWidths, style=styles) table_data_formatted.hAlign = "LEFT" # table_data_formatted.setStyle(styles) lst.append(table_data_formatted) lst.append(Spacer(0, 0)) filename = ('%s%s%s') % (self.PDF_path, os.sep, 'elenco_casse_campioni.pdf') f = open(filename, "wb") doc = SimpleDocTemplate(f, pagesize=(29 * cm, 21 * cm), showBoundary=0, topMargin=15, bottomMargin=40, leftMargin=30, rightMargin=30) #, canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas_Sindex) f.close()
def generate_pdf(file_name, trip, image_file): width, height = letter pdf = SimpleDocTemplate(file_name, pagesize=letter) data = [[ 'Name', 'Confirmation Number', 'Total', 'Adults', 'Children', 'Seats' ]] total_adults = 0 total_children = 0 for group in trip.groups: name = "%s %s" % (group.first_name, group.last_name) total = group.adults + group.children seats = list() for passenger in group.passengers: seats.append(passenger.position) seats.sort() data.append([ name, group.confirmation_number, total, group.adults, group.children, " ,".join(seats) ]) total_adults += group.adults total_children += group.children data.append([ "TOTALS", "", total_adults + total_children, total_adults, total_children, "" ]) table = Table(data) style = TableStyle([ ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0),, ('TEXTCOLOR', (0, 0), (-1, 0), colors.whitesmoke), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'CENTER'), ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'Times-Bold'), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ]) table.setStyle(style) img = Image(image_file) img_width = img.drawWidth img_height = img.drawHeight new_height = 600 img_scale = new_height / img_height new_width = img_scale * img_width img.drawWidth = new_width img.drawHeight = new_height img.hAlign = 'CENTER' elems = list() elems.append(table) elems.append(PageBreak()) elems.append(img)
def logo_pdf(): datos = DATOS_DE_LA_EMPRESA.objects.get(pk=1) url= '/home/chuy/proyectos/naturista/tonino/nucleo/static' string= '/media/%s'%str(datos.LOGO) fichero= os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'../nucleo/static/')) logo= Image('%s%s'%(fichero, datos.LOGO.url), width=300, height=100) logo.hAlign = 'LEFT' return logo
def _header_footer(self, canvas, doc): """ Renders a header and footer which will be inserted regardless of pdf method""" # Save the state of our canvas so we can draw on it canvas.saveState() stylesheet = getSampleStyleSheet() # Header logo = Image("", width=1.5*inch, height=1.5*inch) logo.hAlign = 'CENTER' stylesheet['BodyText'].fontSize = 10 stylesheet['BodyText'].leading = 14 stylesheet['BodyText'].leftIndent = 5 stylesheet['BodyText'].textColor = 'gray' FabcoAddress = "Fabco Art Services\n166 West Avenue 34\nLos Angeles CA 90031" project = get_object_or_404(Project, rightHeader = "Job #%s\nCompletion Date %s" % (project.project_id, project.due_date) # Build and format Left Header Table: leftHeaderData = [[FabcoAddress], [project.client.first_name + ' ' + project.client.last_name+'\n'+project.client.address.street+'\n' + ' ' + project.client.address.zip_code], ] leftHeaderTable = Table(leftHeaderData) leftHeaderTable.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('LEFTPADDING',(0,0),(0, 1),0), ('TOPPADDING',(0,1),(0, 1), 30), ('BOTTOMPADDING',(0,1),(0, 1), 0), ])) # Build and format Header Table: headerData = [([leftHeaderTable, logo, rightHeader])] headerTable = Table(headerData, colWidths=doc.width/3) headerTable.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-3, 0), 'MIDDLE'), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (0, 0), 'TOP'), ('ALIGN',(1,0),(1,0),'CENTER'), ('ALIGN',(2,0),(2,0),'RIGHT'), ('LEFTPADDING',(0,0),(0,0),-1), ('RIGHTPADDING',(2,0),(2,0),-1), ])) # find required space | I don't really understand this.. w, h = headerTable.wrap(doc.width, doc.height) # render to canvas | I also don't really understand this.. headerTable.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin, doc.height + doc.topMargin - doc.bottomMargin) # Footer footer = Paragraph('Client Signature: _________________________', stylesheet['Normal']) w, h = footer.wrap(doc.width, doc.bottomMargin) footer.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin, doc.bottomMargin) # Release the canvas canvas.restoreState()
def sampleTablePDF(): logo = "cimpress_sample.jpg" cup = "coffee-cup.jpg" imCup = Image(cup) im = Image(logo) im.hAlign = "CENTER" doc = SimpleDocTemplate("cimpress_sample_print_order.pdf", pagesize=(im.drawWidth + 400, im.drawHeight + 400)) content = [] barcodeObject1 = BarcodeRender("Hello", barHeight=20, barWidth=1) barcodeObject2 = BarcodeRender("Hello", barHeight=20, barWidth=1) imCup.drawHeight = barcodeObject1.height imCup.drawWidth = barcodeObject1.height tTableStyle = [ # ('BACKGROUND', (-1, 0), (-1, 0),, # ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (0, 0), colors.yellow), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (0, 0), "RIGHT"), ('ALIGN', (-1, 0), (-1, 0), "LEFT"), ('ALIGN', (1, 0), (1, 0), "CENTER"), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (0, 0), "MIDDLE"), ('VALIGN', (1, 0), (1, 0), "MIDDLE"), ('VALIGN', (-1, 0), (-1, 0), "MIDDLE"), # ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (0, 0),, # ('BACKGROUND', (-1, 0), (-1, 0),, # ('BACKGROUND', (1, 0), (1, 0), colors.yellow), # ('SPAN', (0, -1), (-1, -1)), # ('BACKGROUND', (0, -1), (-1, -1),, # ('ALIGN', (0, -1), (-1, -1), "CENTER") ] styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleHeading = ParagraphStyle('title', fontSize=20, leading=24, alignment=TA_LEFT) productDelivery = ParagraphStyle('title', fontSize=12, leading=24, alignment=TA_LEFT, paras = [] paras.append( Paragraph("SP: 01/27 Q: 1 <br/> SKU: 343434 <br/> ", styleHeading)) paras.append( Paragraph("FAYA dwfdf dsfdsf sfdsf dsf sd fdsfds sdfdsfds sdfdsf f", productDelivery)) tableData = [[paras, imCup, barcodeObject2]] spacer = Spacer(0, 2 * cm) table = Table(data=tableData, colWidths=[300, imCup.drawWidth, barcodeObject2.width]) table.setStyle(tblstyle=tTableStyle) content.append(table) content.append(spacer) content.append(im)
def get_images_grafana(request): if request.user.is_authenticated: buffer = io.BytesIO() filename ='filename') textos ='textos') urls ="urls") document = [] doc = SimpleDocTemplate(buffer, pagesize=letter, rightMargin=72, leftMargin=72, topMargin=72, bottomMargin=18) styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styles.add( ParagraphStyle(name='centeredHeading', alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=24, parent=styles['Heading1'])) styles.add( ParagraphStyle(name='centeredHeading2', alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=16, parent=styles['Heading2'])) document.append(Paragraph(textos[0], styles['centeredHeading'])) document.append(Paragraph(textos[1], styles['centeredHeading2'])) document.append(Spacer(1, 12)) x = 0 for url in urls: document.append(Paragraph(textos[2 + x], styles['Heading2'])) img = Image(url, doc.width, 2.5 * inch) img.hAlign = 'LEFT' document.append(img) document.append(Spacer(1, 1.1 * inch)) x += 1, onFirstPage=_header_footer, onLaterPages=_header_footer) now = # dd/mm/YY H:M:S dt_string = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y-%H:%M:%S") name = dt_string + filename + ".pdf" return FileResponse(buffer, as_attachment=True, filename=name) msg = {'error': 'Permission Denied!'} return Response(msg, status=status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN)
def chooseSig(elements): msg = wx.MessageDialog(None, "Include signature?", "Message", wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION) if msg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: logo = "/home/mb/Dropbox/Office/%sSignature.png" % settings.HOME_FOLDER im = Image(logo, 2*inch, 0.75*inch) im.hAlign = "LEFT" elements.append(im) else: elements.append(Spacer(1, 36))
def generarPDF(pk): #Función generar pdf title1 = ParagraphStyle( 'parrafos', alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=20, fontName="Times-Bold", spaceAfter=30, spaceBefore=0 ) #Mostrara el titulo dentro del pdf, su tamaño, tipo de letra, donde se situa body = ParagraphStyle( 'parrafos', alignment=TA_JUSTIFY, fontSize=12, fontName="Courier", leftIndent=36, spaceAfter=20, spaceBefore=20 ) #El cuerpo dentro del pdf, tamaño, tipo de letra y donde se situa # header_bold = ParagraphStyle('parrafos', # alignment=TA_CENTER, # fontSize=15, # fontName="Times-Bold", # spaceAfter=5, # spaceBefore=15 # ) info = [] #La iformación del usuario I = Image(settings.PATH_MEDIA + 'ljr.jpg') I.drawHeight = 1.0 * inch I.drawWidth = 1.0 * inch I.hAlign = 'LEFT' info.append(I) e = Solicitud.objects.get(pk=pk) title_ = Paragraph( "SOLICITUD DE BECA 2020 ", title1 ) #Todo esto va dentro del cuerpo del pdf o visualización del admin info.append(title_) info.append(Paragraph("NOMBRE: {}".format(e.nombre), body)) info.append(Paragraph("APELLIDO PATERNO: {}".format(e.ap), body)) info.append(Paragraph("APELLIDO MATERNO: {}".format(, body)) info.append(Paragraph("DOMICILIO: {}".format(e.domicilio), body)) info.append(Paragraph("COLONIA: {}".format(e.colonia), body)) info.append(Paragraph("TELEFONO: {}".format(e.telefono), body)) info.append(Paragraph("FECHA DE NACIMIENTO: {}".format(e.fn), body)) info.append(Paragraph("GRADO ACADEMICO: {}".format(, body)) info.append(Paragraph("MATRICULA: {}".format(e.matricula), body)) info.append( Paragraph("FORMACIÓN ARTISTICA: {}".format(e.formacion_artistica), body)) info.append(Paragraph("MODALIDAD: {}".format(e.modalidad), body)) info.append(Paragraph("GENERO: {}".format(e.genero), body)) info.append(Paragraph("CORREO: {}".format(e.correo), body)) return info #Retorna a info
def generarPDF(pk): # La alineación de el titulo y el tamaño title1 = ParagraphStyle('parrafos', alignment=TA_CENTER, fontSize=20, fontName="Times-Bold", spaceAfter=30, spaceBefore=0) # Y el contenido body = ParagraphStyle('parrafos', alignment=TA_JUSTIFY, fontSize=12, fontName="Courier", leftIndent=36, spaceAfter=20, spaceBefore=20) # header_bold = ParagraphStyle('parrafos', # alignment=TA_CENTER, # fontSize=15, # fontName="Times-Bold", # spaceAfter=5, # spaceBefore=15 # ) # Aqui podemos configurar las imagenes que queremos que se visualicen en el reporte info = [] I = Image(settings.PATH_MEDIA + 'ljr.jpg') I.drawHeight = 1.0 * inch I.drawWidth = 1.0 * inch I.hAlign = 'LEFT' info.append(I) # Aqui vamos a filtrar los modelos por su llave primaria y asi poder verlos en el reporte e = Solicitud.objects.get(pk=pk) title_ = Paragraph("SOLICITUD DE BECA 2020 ", title1) info.append(title_) info.append(Paragraph("NOMBRE: {}".format(e.nombre), body)) info.append(Paragraph("APELLIDO PATERNO: {}".format(e.ap), body)) info.append(Paragraph("APELLIDO MATERNO: {}".format(, body)) info.append(Paragraph("DOMICILIO: {}".format(e.domicilio), body)) info.append(Paragraph("COLONIA: {}".format(e.colonia), body)) info.append(Paragraph("TELEFONO: {}".format(e.telefono), body)) info.append(Paragraph("FECHA DE NACIMIENTO: {}".format(e.fn), body)) info.append(Paragraph("GRADO ACADEMICO: {}".format(, body)) info.append(Paragraph("MATRICULA: {}".format(e.matricula), body)) info.append( Paragraph("FORMACIÓN ARTISTICA: {}".format(e.formacion_artistica), body)) info.append(Paragraph("MODALIDAD: {}".format(e.modalidad), body)) info.append(Paragraph("GENERO: {}".format(e.genero), body)) info.append(Paragraph("CORREO: {}".format(e.correo), body)) return info
def build_P_sheets(self, records, sito): home = os.environ['HFF_HOME'] self.width, self.height = (A3) home_DB_path = '{}{}{}'.format(home, os.sep, 'HFF_DB_folder') logo_path = '{}{}{}'.format(home_DB_path, os.sep, 'banner.png') logo = Image(logo_path) logo.drawHeight = 1.5 * inch * logo.drawHeight / logo.drawWidth logo.drawWidth = 1.5 * inch logo.hAlign = "LEFT" styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styNormal = styleSheet['Normal'] styBackground = ParagraphStyle('background', parent=styNormal, styH1 = styleSheet['Heading3'] data = self.datestrfdate() list = [] list.append(logo) list.append( Paragraph( "<b>HFF Archaeological Survey UW - Photo Index</b><br/><br/><b>Location: %s, Date: %s</b><br/>" % (sito, data), styH1)) table_data = [] for i in range(len(records)): exp_index = Photo_index_pdf(records[i]) table_data.append(exp_index.getTable()) styles = exp_index.makeStyles() colWidths = [50, 100, 120, 190, 120, 190] table_data_formatted = Table(table_data, colWidths, style=styles) table_data_formatted.hAlign = "LEFT" list.append(table_data_formatted) list.append(Spacer(0, 0)) filename = '{}{}{}'.format(self.PDF_path, os.sep, 'Photo_index_UW.pdf') f = open(filename, "wb") doc = SimpleDocTemplate(f, pagesize=A2, showBoundary=0, topMargin=15, bottomMargin=40, leftMargin=30, rightMargin=30), canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas_USindex) f.close()
def chooseSig(elements): msg = wx.MessageDialog(None, "Include signature?", "Message", wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION) if msg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: logo = "/home/mb/Dropbox/Office/%sSignature.png" % settings.HOME_FOLDER im = Image(logo, 2 * inch, 0.75 * inch) im.hAlign = "LEFT" elements.append(im) else: elements.append(Spacer(1, 36))
def img(self, e): width = toLength(e.get('width')) height = toLength(e.get('height')) path = e.get('src') align = e.get('align', 'left').upper() img_obj = Image(self.get_from_url(path), width=width, height=height) img_obj.hAlign = align yield img_obj
def build_index_Finds(self, records, sito): home = os.environ['PYARCHINIT_HOME'] home_DB_path = '{}{}{}'.format(home, os.sep, 'pyarchinit_DB_folder') logo_path = '{}{}{}'.format(home_DB_path, os.sep, 'logo.jpg') logo = Image(logo_path) logo.drawHeight = 1.5 * inch * logo.drawHeight / logo.drawWidth logo.drawWidth = 1.5 * inch logo.hAlign = "LEFT" styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styNormal = styleSheet['Normal'] styBackground = ParagraphStyle('background', parent=styNormal, styH1 = styleSheet['Heading3'] data = self.datestrfdate() lst = [] lst.append(logo) lst.append( Paragraph( "<b>ELENCO MATERIALI</b><br/><b>Scavo: %s, Data: %s</b>" % (sito, data), styH1)) table_data = [] for i in range(len(records)): exp_index = FINDS_index_pdf_sheet(records[i]) table_data.append(exp_index.getTable()) styles = exp_index.makeStyles() colWidths = [70, 110, 110, 110, 35, 35, 60, 60, 60, 60] table_data_formatted = Table(table_data, colWidths, style=styles) table_data_formatted.hAlign = "LEFT" lst.append(table_data_formatted) lst.append(Spacer(0, 0)) filename = '{}{}{}'.format(self.PDF_path, os.sep, 'elenco_materiali.pdf') f = open(filename, "wb") doc = SimpleDocTemplate(f, pagesize=(29 * cm, 21 * cm), showBoundary=0, topMargin=15, bottomMargin=40, leftMargin=30, rightMargin=30), canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas_FINDSindex) f.close()
def get(self, request, performance_uuid): # Get performance to be printed performance = get_object_or_404(ShowPerformance, uuid=performance_uuid) # Create a Platypus story response = HttpResponse(content_type="application/pdf") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = f"filename=performance{}.pdf" doc = SimpleDocTemplate( response, pagesize=portrait(A4), leftMargin=2.5 * cm, rightMargin=2.5 * cm, topMargin=2.5 * cm, bottomMargin=2.5 * cm, ) styles = getSampleStyleSheet() story = [] # Festival banner if request.festival.banner: banner = Image(request.festival.banner.get_absolute_path(), width=18 * cm, height=4 * cm) banner.hAlign = 'CENTER' story.append(banner) story.append(Spacer(1, 1 * cm)) # Tickets tableData = [] tableData.append( (Paragraph(f"<para><b>{}</b></para>", styles['Normal']), "", "", "")) tableData.append( (f"{, %e %b} at {performance.time:%I:%M %p}", "", "", "")) for ticket in tableData.append( (f"{}", "", ticket.description, f"£{ticket.cost}")) table = Table(tableData, colWidths=(4 * cm, 4 * cm, 4 * cm, 4 * cm), hAlign='LEFT', style=( ('SPAN', (0, 0), (3, 0)), ('SPAN', (0, 1), (3, 1)), ('ALIGN', (0, 2), (0, -1), 'RIGHT'), ('ALIGN', (3, 2), (3, -1), 'RIGHT'), )) story.append(table) # Create PDF document and return it return response
def build_index_individui_de(self, records, sito): home = os.environ['PYARCHINIT_HOME'] conn = Connection() lo_path = conn.logo_path() lo_path_str = lo_path['logo'] home_DB_path = '{}{}{}'.format(home, os.sep, 'pyarchinit_DB_folder') if not bool(lo_path_str): logo_path = '{}{}{}'.format(home_DB_path, os.sep, 'logo.jpg') else: logo_path = lo_path_str logo = Image(logo_path) logo.drawHeight = 1.5 * inch * logo.drawHeight / logo.drawWidth logo.drawWidth = 1.5 * inch logo.hAlign = "LEFT" styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styNormal = styleSheet['Normal'] styBackground = ParagraphStyle('background', parent=styNormal, styH1 = styleSheet['Heading3'] data = self.datestrfdate() lst = [] lst.append(logo) lst.append( Paragraph( "<b>LISTE INDIVIDUEL</b><br/><b>Ausgrabungsstätte: %s, Datum: %s</b>" % (sito, data), styH1)) table_data = [] for i in range(len(records)): exp_index = Individui_index_pdf_sheet(records[i]) table_data.append(exp_index.getTable_de()) styles = exp_index.makeStyles() colWidths = [60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 250] table_data_formatted = Table(table_data, colWidths, style=styles) table_data_formatted.hAlign = "LEFT" lst.append(table_data_formatted) # lst.append(Spacer(0,2)) filename = '{}{}{}'.format(self.PDF_path, os.sep, 'liste_individuel.pdf') f = open(filename, "wb") doc = SimpleDocTemplate(f, pagesize=(29 * cm, 21 * cm), showBoundary=0), canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas_Individuiindex) f.close()
def _addFooter(self, image_fd): """ Footer elements for receipt """ footer = self._makeParagraph( "For all questions contact {} at {}".format( self.rentalInfo['landlord'], self.rentalInfo['phone']), 'receiptContent') im = Image(image_fd, 1 * inch, 0.45 * inch) im.hAlign = 'LEFT' hr = HRFlowable(width="100%") return [im, Spacer(1, 4), hr, Spacer(1, 8), footer]
def build_index_US(self, records, sito): if == 'posix': home = os.environ['HOME'] elif == 'nt': home = os.environ['HOMEPATH'] home_DB_path = ('%s%s%s') % (home, os.sep, 'pyarchinit_DB_folder') logo_path = ('%s%s%s') % (home_DB_path, os.sep, 'logo.jpg') logo = Image(logo_path) logo.drawHeight = 1.5 * inch * logo.drawHeight / logo.drawWidth logo.drawWidth = 1.5 * inch logo.hAlign = "LEFT" styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styNormal = styleSheet['Normal'] styBackground = ParagraphStyle('background', parent=styNormal, styH1 = styleSheet['Heading3'] data = self.datestrfdate() lst = [] lst.append(logo) lst.append( Paragraph( "<b>ELENCO UNITA' STRATIGRAFICHE</b><br/><b>Scavo: %s, Data: %s</b>" % (sito, data), styH1)) table_data = [] for i in range(len(records)): exp_index = US_index_pdf_sheet(records[i]) table_data.append(exp_index.getTable()) styles = exp_index.makeStyles() colWidths = [28, 28, 120, 45, 58, 45, 58, 55, 64, 64, 52, 52, 52] table_data_formatted = Table(table_data, colWidths, style=styles) table_data_formatted.hAlign = "LEFT" lst.append(table_data_formatted) lst.append(Spacer(0, 2)) dt = filename = ('%s%s%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s%s') % ( self.PDF_path, os.sep, 'elenco_us',, dt.month, dt.year, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, ".pdf") f = open(filename, "wb") doc = SimpleDocTemplate(f, pagesize=(29 * cm, 21 * cm), showBoundary=0), canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas_USindex) f.close()
def generate_pdf_new(data_users): # List of users logo = Image('logo.jpg', 1 * inch, 1 * inch) logo.hAlign = 'LEFT' data = data_users buf = BytesIO() pdf = SimpleDocTemplate(buf, pagesize=letter) table = Table(data) # add style style = TableStyle([ ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (3, 0), HexColor('#C7D4DB')), ('TEXTCOLOR', (0, 0), (-1, 0),, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'LEFT'), ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 'Courier-Bold'), ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 10), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 12), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 1), (-1, -1), colors.beige), ]) table.setStyle(style) # 2) Alternate backgroud color rowNumb = len(data) for i in range(1, rowNumb): bc = colors.white ts = TableStyle([('BACKGROUND', (0, i), (-1, i), bc)]) table.setStyle(ts) # 3) Add borders ts = TableStyle([ ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), -1, HexColor('#e7eaed')), ('LINEBEFORE', (2, 1), (2, -1), -1,, ('LINEABOVE', (0, 2), (-1, 2), -1,, ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), -1, HexColor('#e7eaed')), ]) table.setStyle(ts) elems = [] elems.append(logo) elems.append(table) pdf.multiBuild(elems) pdf = buf.getvalue() return pdf
def build_index_AR(self, records, divelog_id): HOME = os.environ['HFF_HOME'] PDF_path = '{}{}{}'.format(HOME, os.sep, "HFF_PDF_folder") home_DB_path = '{}{}{}'.format(HOME, os.sep, 'HFF_DB_folder') logo_path = '{}{}{}'.format(home_DB_path, os.sep, 'banner.png') logo = Image(logo_path) ## if test_image.drawWidth < 800: logo.drawHeight = 1.5 * inch * logo.drawHeight / logo.drawWidth logo.drawWidth = 1.5 * inch # logo_path2 = '{}{}{}'.format(home_DB_path, os.sep, 'logo2.png') # logo2 = Image(logo_path2) # ## if test_image.drawWidth < 800: # logo2.drawHeight = 0.5*inch*logo2.drawHeight / logo2.drawWidth # logo2.drawWidth = 0.5*inch # #1 row logo.hAlign = "LEFT" styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styNormal = styleSheet['Normal'] styBackground = ParagraphStyle('background', parent=styNormal, styH1 = styleSheet['Heading3'] data = self.datestrfdate() lst = [] lst.append(logo) lst.append( Paragraph("<b>Artefact List</b><br/><b>Data: %s</b>" % (data), styH1)) table_data1 = [] for i in range(len(records)): exp_index = AR_index_pdf(records[i]) table_data1.append(exp_index.getTable()) styles = exp_index.makeStyles() colWidths = [42, 60, 45, 45, 45, 58, 45, 58, 55, 64, 64, 52, 52, 65] table_data1_formatted = Table(table_data1, colWidths, style=styles) table_data1_formatted.hAlign = "LEFT" lst.append(table_data1_formatted) lst.append(Spacer(0, 2)) filename = '{}{}{}'.format(self.PDF_path, os.sep, 'artefact_list.pdf') f = open(filename, "wb") doc = SimpleDocTemplate(f, pagesize=(29 * cm, 21 * cm), showBoundary=0), canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas_USindex) f.close()
def _construct_header(): header = [] name_style = ParagraphStyle(name='name', fontName="Times", fontSize=20, leading=20 * 1.2, alignment=TA_CENTER) aff_style = ParagraphStyle(name='aff_style', fontName="Times", fontSize=10, alignment=TA_CENTER, leading=10 * 1.2) rank_style = ParagraphStyle(name='rank_style', fontName="Times", fontSize=12, alignment=TA_CENTER, leading=12 * 1.2) app_style = ParagraphStyle(name='app_style', fontName="Times", fontSize=14, alignment=TA_CENTER, leading=14 * 1.2) logo_img = Image("logo-color-tc-arts.png", 2.8 * cm, 2.8 * cm) logo_img.hAlign = TA_CENTER year_img = Image("70-years.png", 2 * cm, 2 * cm) name = Paragraph("THIAGARAJAR COLLEGE, MADURAI - 09", name_style) desc = Paragraph( "(An Autonomous Institution affliated to Madurai Kamaraj University)", aff_style) agg = Paragraph("(Re-Accredited with 'A' Grade by NAAC)", aff_style) rank = Paragraph("Ranked 34th in NIRF 2019", rank_style) app = Paragraph("APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION 2019-2020", app_style) w, h = A4 li = [] li.append((logo_img, [name, desc, agg, rank, app], year_img)) tbl = Table( li, [3 * cm, w - 7.1 * cm, 2.5 * cm], style=[ # ('SPAN', (0, 0), (2, 0)), ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (0, 0), 'RIGHT'), ('ALIGN', (1, 0), (1, 0), 'LEFT'), ('VALIGN', (1, 0), (1, 0), 'TOP'), ('VALIGN', (2, 0), (2, 0), 'MIDDLE'), # ('BACKGROUND', (1, 0), (1, 0), pink), # ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (0, 0), red), # ('BACKGROUND', (2, 0), (2, 0), blue), ]) return tbl
def mainMakePdf(list_mahasiswa, kode_dosen, tipe_bimbingan): doc = SimpleDocTemplate( f'./beritaacarapitak/BERITA ACARA PITAK-{tipe_bimbingan.upper()}-{kelas.getTahunID()}-{kode_dosen}-{kelas.getEmailDosen(kode_dosen)}.pdf', pagesize=A4, rightMargin=30, leftMargin=30, topMargin=30, bottomMargin=18) doc.pagesize = portrait(A4) elements = [] logo = Image("logoKAMBING.PNG", 3.5 * inch, 1 * inch) logo.hAlign = "LEFT" styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='Justify', alignment=TA_JUSTIFY)) styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='Center', alignment=TA_CENTER)) styles.add(ParagraphStyle(name='Right', alignment=TA_RIGHT)) for npm in list_mahasiswa: studentid, studentname = getDataMahasiswa(npm) status_nilai, nilai_total = totalNilai( studentid, config.MINIMUM_PERTEMUAN_BIMBINGAN, kode_dosen, tipe_bimbingan) status_nilai = True if status_nilai: JUDUL_BIMBINGAN = f"{getJudulFromNpm(npm)}" KODE_DOSEN = kode_dosen NAMA_DOSEN = kelas.getNamaDosen(KODE_DOSEN) NIDN_DOSEN = getNIDNDosen(KODE_DOSEN) TAHUN_AJARAN = kelas.getTahunAjaran( kelas.getProdiIDwithStudentID(studentid)).split(' ')[-1] makePdf(npm_mahasiswa=studentid, nama_mahasiswa=studentname, tipe_bimbingan=getTipeBimbingan(studentid), nama_pembimbing=NAMA_DOSEN, kode_dosen_pembimbing=KODE_DOSEN, nidn_pembimbing=NIDN_DOSEN, tahun_ajaran=TAHUN_AJARAN, photo=cekPhotoRoute(studentid), judul=JUDUL_BIMBINGAN, total_nilai=str(nilai_total), elements=elements, logo=logo, styles=styles, kode_dosen_koordinator='NN056L') elements.append(PageBreak()) else: pass
def add_section_alignments(self, counts=[], bases=[], identity=[], coverage=[]): section = self.get_section_number() subsection = itertools.count(1) self.story.append(Paragraph("{:d} Alignments".format(section), self.heading_style)) self.story.append(Spacer(1, 0)) if bases: self.story.append(Paragraph("{:d}.{:d} Mapped bases (primary alignments)".format(section, next(subsection)), self.heading2_style)) for b, label in bases: im = svg2rlg(b) im = Image(im, width=im.width * self.plot_scale, height=im.height * self.plot_scale) im.hAlign = 'CENTER' self.story.append(Paragraph(label, self.normal_style)) self.story.append(im) self.story.append(Spacer(1, 0)) if counts: self.story.append(Paragraph("{:d}.{:d} Mapped reads".format(section, next(subsection)), self.heading2_style)) for c, label in counts: im = svg2rlg(c) im = Image(im, width=im.width * self.plot_scale, height=im.height * self.plot_scale) im.hAlign = 'CENTER' self.story.append(Paragraph(label, self.normal_style)) self.story.append(im) self.story.append(Spacer(1, 0)) if identity: self.story.append(Paragraph("{:d}.{:d} Read identity (primary alignments, all aligners)".format(section, next(subsection)), self.heading2_style)) for b, label in identity: im = svg2rlg(b) im = Image(im, width=im.width * self.plot_scale, height=im.height * self.plot_scale) im.hAlign = 'CENTER' self.story.append(Paragraph(label, self.normal_style)) self.story.append(im) self.story.append(Spacer(1, 0)) if coverage: self.story.append(Paragraph("{:d}.{:d} Coverage".format(section, next(subsection)), self.heading2_style)) im = svg2rlg(coverage[0]) im = Image(im, width=im.width * self.plot_scale, height=im.height * self.plot_scale) im.hAlign = 'CENTER' self.story.append(im) self.story.append(Spacer(1, 0)) self.story.append(Spacer(1, 0.5*cm))
def generateCertificate(user,event_name): try: userProfile = UserProfile.objects.using('mainsite').get(user = user) except: return None """ if event.__class__.__name__!='GenericEvent': return None """ # Create a buffer to store the contents of the PDF. # buffer = StringIO() CS = (3508, 2480) # Certificate [Page] Size #CS = landscape(A4) # Create the PDF object, using the response object as its "file." pdf = canvas.Canvas(buffer, pagesize=CS) # Get the width and height of the page. (pageWidth, pageHeight) = CS y = pageHeight x = 0 im = Image("/home/shaastra/hospi/certis/certback_final.jpg") im.hAlign = 'LEFT' paintImage(pdf, x, y, im) # Set font for Participant Name lineheight = PDFSetFont(pdf, 'Times-Bold', 80) xuser = (30.8 + (65.54/2))*cm yuser = 45.62*cm + lineheight name = constructName(user) pdf.drawString(xuser, yuser, '%s' % name) xevent = (24.3 + (65.54/2))*cm yevent = 37.62*cm + lineheight ename = event_name pdf.drawString(xevent, yevent, '%s' % ename) pdf.showPage() response = buffer.getvalue() buffer.close() return response
def build_index_Documentazione(self, records, sito): if == 'posix': home = os.environ['HOME'] elif == 'nt': home = os.environ['HOMEPATH'] home_DB_path = ('%s%s%s') % (home, os.sep, 'pyarchinit_DB_folder') logo_path = ('%s%s%s') % (home_DB_path, os.sep, 'logo.jpg') logo = Image(logo_path) logo.drawHeight = 1.5 * inch * logo.drawHeight / logo.drawWidth logo.drawWidth = 1.5 * inch logo.hAlign = "LEFT" styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styNormal = styleSheet['Normal'] styBackground = ParagraphStyle('background', parent=styNormal, styH1 = styleSheet['Heading3'] data = self.datestrfdate() lst = [] lst.append(logo) lst.append( Paragraph( "<b>ELENCO DOCUMENTAZIONE</b><br/><b>Scavo: %s, Data: %s</b>" % (sito, data), styH1)) table_data = [] for i in range(len(records)): exp_index = Documentazione_index_pdf_sheet(records[i]) table_data.append(exp_index.getTable()) styles = exp_index.makeStyles() colWidths = [100, 100, 60, 60, 60, 150] table_data_formatted = Table(table_data, colWidths, style=styles) table_data_formatted.hAlign = "LEFT" lst.append(table_data_formatted) #lst.append(Spacer(0,2)) filename = ('%s%s%s') % (self.PDF_path, os.sep, 'elenco_documentazione.pdf') f = open(filename, "wb") doc = SimpleDocTemplate(f, pagesize=(29 * cm, 21 * cm), showBoundary=0), canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas_Documentazioneindex) f.close()
def add_header(self): # aiddata logo logo = self.dir_base + "/templates/logo.png" im = Image(logo, 2.188 * inch, 0.5 * inch) im.hAlign = "LEFT" self.Story.append(im) self.Story.append(Spacer(1, 0.25 * inch)) # title ptext = "<font size=20>AidData geo(query) Request Documentation</font>" self.Story.append(Paragraph(ptext, self.styles["Center"]))
def add_header(self): # aiddata logo logo = self.dir_base + '/templates/logo.png' im = Image(logo, 2.188*inch, 0.5*inch) im.hAlign = 'LEFT' self.Story.append(im) self.Story.append(Spacer(1, 0.25*inch)) # title ptext = '<font size=20>Data Extraction Tool Request Documentation</font>' self.Story.append(Paragraph(ptext, self.styles['Center'])) self.Story.append(Spacer(1, 0.5*inch))
def build_index_Casse(self, records, sito): if == "posix": home = os.environ["HOME"] elif == "nt": home = os.environ["HOMEPATH"] home_DB_path = ("%s%s%s") % (home, os.sep, "pyarchinit_DB_folder") logo_path = ("%s%s%s") % (home_DB_path, os.sep, "logo.jpg") logo = Image(logo_path) logo.drawHeight = 1.5 * inch * logo.drawHeight / logo.drawWidth logo.drawWidth = 1.5 * inch logo.hAlign = "LEFT" styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styNormal = styleSheet["Normal"] styBackground = ParagraphStyle("background", parent=styNormal, styH1 = styleSheet["Heading3"] data = self.datestrfdate() lst = [logo] lst.append(Paragraph("<b>ELENCO CASSE CAMPIONI</b><br/><b>Scavo: %s, Data: %s</b>" % (sito, data), styH1)) table_data = [] for i in range(len(records)): exp_index = CASSE_index_pdf_sheet(records[i]) table_data.append(exp_index.getTable()) styles = exp_index.makeStyles() colWidths = [20, 350, 250, 100] table_data_formatted = Table(table_data, colWidths, style=styles) table_data_formatted.hAlign = "LEFT" # table_data_formatted.setStyle(styles) lst.append(table_data_formatted) lst.append(Spacer(0, 0)) filename = ("%s%s%s") % (self.PDF_path, os.sep, "elenco_casse_campioni.pdf") f = open(filename, "wb") doc = SimpleDocTemplate( f, pagesize=(29 * cm, 21 * cm), showBoundary=0, topMargin=15, bottomMargin=40, leftMargin=30, rightMargin=30 ) #, canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas_Sindex) f.close()
def build_index_US(self, records, sito): if == 'posix': home = os.environ['HOME'] elif == 'nt': home = os.environ['HOMEPATH'] home_DB_path = ('%s%s%s') % (home, os.sep, 'pyarchinit_DB_folder') logo_path = ('%s%s%s') % (home_DB_path, os.sep, 'logo.jpg') logo = Image(logo_path) logo.drawHeight = 1.5*inch*logo.drawHeight / logo.drawWidth logo.drawWidth = 1.5*inch logo.hAlign = "LEFT" styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styNormal = styleSheet['Normal'] styBackground = ParagraphStyle('background', parent=styNormal, styH1 = styleSheet['Heading3'] data = self.datestrfdate() lst = [] lst.append(logo) lst.append(Paragraph("<b>ELENCO UNITA' STRATIGRAFICHE</b><br/><b>Scavo: %s, Data: %s</b>" % (sito, data), styH1)) table_data = [] for i in range(len(records)): exp_index = US_index_pdf_sheet(records[i]) table_data.append(exp_index.getTable()) styles = exp_index.makeStyles() colWidths=[28,28,120,45,58,45,58,55,64,64,52,52,52] table_data_formatted = Table(table_data, colWidths, style=styles) table_data_formatted.hAlign = "LEFT" lst.append(table_data_formatted) lst.append(Spacer(0,2)) dt = filename = ('%s%s%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s%s') % (self.PDF_path, os.sep, 'elenco_us',, dt.month, dt.year, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, ".pdf") f = open(filename, "wb") doc = SimpleDocTemplate(f, pagesize=(29*cm, 21*cm), showBoundary=0), canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas_USindex) f.close()
def Image(path, width=None, height=None, ratio=None, hAlign='CENTER', **kw): """ An image with the file at *path*. The ratio is the width divided by the height of the source image. If the width or the height is given with the ratio, the other dimension is calculated from the first. """ if width and ratio: height = width / ratio elif height and ratio: width = height * ratio image = BaseImage(path, width, height, **kw) image.hAlign = hAlign return image
def build_index_Campioni(self, records, sito): if == 'posix': home = os.environ['HOME'] elif == 'nt': home = os.environ['HOMEPATH'] home_DB_path = ('%s%s%s') % (home, os.sep, 'pyarchinit_DB_folder') logo_path = ('%s%s%s') % (home_DB_path, os.sep, 'logo.jpg') logo = Image(logo_path) logo.drawHeight = 1.5*inch*logo.drawHeight / logo.drawWidth logo.drawWidth = 1.5*inch logo.hAlign = "LEFT" styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styNormal = styleSheet['Normal'] styBackground = ParagraphStyle('background', parent=styNormal, styH1 = styleSheet['Heading3'] data = self.datestrfdate() lst = [] lst.append(logo) lst.append(Paragraph("<b>ELENCO CAMPIONI</b><br/><b>Scavo: %s, Data: %s</b>" % (sito, data), styH1)) table_data = [] for i in range(len(records)): exp_index = Campioni_index_pdf_sheet(records[i]) table_data.append(exp_index.getTable()) styles = exp_index.makeStyles() colWidths=[60,150,60, 60,60, 250, 60] table_data_formatted = Table(table_data, colWidths, style=styles) table_data_formatted.hAlign = "LEFT" lst.append(table_data_formatted) #lst.append(Spacer(0,2)) filename = ('%s%s%s') % (self.PDF_path, os.sep, 'elenco_campioni.pdf') f = open(filename, "wb") doc = SimpleDocTemplate(f, pagesize=(29*cm, 21*cm), showBoundary=0), canvasmaker=NumberedCanvas_Campioniindex) f.close()
def generar_pdf(request, cliente_id=None): im = Image('media/ifes/logo_opt.jpg', width=2*inch, height=2*inch) im.hAlign = 'CENTER' cliente = get_object_or_404(Order, id=cliente_id) response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') pdf_name = "Orden_de_compra.pdf" buff = BytesIO() doc = SimpleDocTemplate(buff, pagesize=letter, rightMargin=30, leftMargin=60, topMargin=30, bottonMargin=10, ) doc.pagesize = landscape(A4) order = [] styles = getSampleStyleSheet() header = Paragraph("Orden de compra", styles['Heading1']) fetch = [(f.order_date) for f in Order.objects.all() ] fecha = Paragraph("Fecha:", styles['Heading2']) order.append(im) order.append(header) order.append(fecha) headings = ('Orden de compra', 'Fecha', 'Monto total', 'Usuario', 'Operador','Producto','precio unitario','cantidad','total') allorder = [(p.orden_de_compra, p.order_date, p.total_amount, p.user, p.operador, a.product, a.product.price, a.quantity, (a.product.price*a.quantity)) for p in Order.objects.filter(user = cliente_id) for a in ProductOrder.objects.filter(order__user= cliente_id)] t = Table([headings] + allorder + fetch) t.setStyle(TableStyle( [ ('GRID', (0,0), (10, -1), 1,, ('LINEBELOW', (0,0), (-1,0), 2, colors.greenyellow), ('BACKGROUND', (0,0), (-1,0), ] )) order.append(t) response.write(buff.getvalue()) buff.close() return response
def create(nodenick): buffer = StringIO() doc = SimpleDocTemplate(buffer) = "dinemo" doc.subject = "Network monitoring report" doc.title = "Network monitoring report" Story = [] # img = Image("dinemomaster/static/images/logo.jpg", 214, 50) img = Image("dinemomaster/static/images/logo.jpg", 107, 25) img.hAlign='RIGHT' Story.append(img) Story.append(Spacer(1,7 * cm)) style = styles["title"] style.textColor = "darkblue" style.fontSize = 20 Story.append(Paragraph("Network moritoring report", style)) Story.append(Spacer(1,0.5 * cm)) style.fontSize = 14 Story.append(Paragraph("Generated on %s" % strftime("%d %h %Y"), style)) if nodenick: style.fontSize = 16 Story.append(Spacer(1,1 * cm)) Story.append(Paragraph(" \"%s\" node network metrics""" % nodenick, style)) style = styles["Normal"] style.textColor = "black" Story.append(PageBreak()) for i in range(100): bogustext = ("Paragraph number %s. " % i) *20 p = Paragraph(bogustext, style) Story.append(p) Story.append(Spacer(1,0.2*cm)), onLaterPages= _later_page) pdf = buffer.getvalue() buffer.close() return pdf
def _header_factura(canvas,doc): #guardamos el estado de nuestro canvas , para poder dibujar en el canvas.saveState() canvas.setTitle("Factura") styles = getSampleStyleSheet() #header header = Image('/home/borbolla/metrology/static_media/assets/images/logo_servicio.png' ) header.drawHeight = 70 header.drawWidth = 399 header.hAlign = 'RIGHT' w , h = header.wrap(doc.width , doc.topMargin) header.drawOn(canvas , doc.leftMargin , 700) # Footer footer = Paragraph('', styles['Normal']) w, h = footer.wrap(doc.width, doc.bottomMargin) footer.drawOn(canvas, doc.leftMargin, h) # Release the canvas canvas.restoreState()
def go(parts): doc=SimpleDocTemplate("templated.pdf", leftMargin=1.5*inch, topMargin=1.75*inch) styles=getStyles() stuff=[] stuff.append(Paragraph(parts['date'], styles['plain'])) stuff.append(Spacer(1, 0.25*inch)) stuff.append(Paragraph(parts['name'], styles['plain'])) stuff.append(Paragraph(parts['address'], styles['plain'])) stuff.append(Paragraph("%(city)s, %(state)s %(zip)s" % parts, styles['main'])) stuff.append(Paragraph("Dear %(name)s:" % parts, styles['main'])) stuff.append(Paragraph(""" Thank you for your recent donation of $%(amount)s to the Santa Clara Schools Foundation. Your generous contribution is an investment in the future of our community's children and ultimately everyone's future. """ % parts, styles['main'])) stuff.append(Paragraph(""" Since 1992 the foundation has been providing grants to individual classroom teachers to help them enrich the learning experiences of their students and that grant program will continue as before. The annual campaign to which you have so generously responded will expand the foundation's efforts beyond individual classrooms and enable us to help students on a district-wide basis. As you obviously are aware, this is a critical need in these times of crippling cuts to education funding. """ % parts, styles['main'])) stuff.append(Paragraph(""" Thank you again for your gift to the Santa Clara Schools Foundation. Your contribution is genuinely appreciated and will be put to good use in improving the education of our young people. """ % parts, styles['main'])) stuff.append(Paragraph("Sincerely,", styles['plain'])) # Space before sig stuff.append(Spacer(1, 0.125*inch)) # Signature here img=Image("paulfrench.jpg", width=2.5 * inch, height=0.40742 * inch) img.hAlign = 'LEFT' stuff.append(img) # space after sig # stuff.append(Spacer(1, 0.125*inch)) stuff.append(Paragraph("Paul A. French", styles['plain'])) stuff.append(Paragraph("President, Santa Clara Schools Foundation", styles['plain'])) stuff.append(Spacer(1, 0.5*inch)) stuff.append(Paragraph(""" Your contribution is fully tax deductible. No goods or services were provided by the Santa Clara Schools Foundation in consideration for this contribution. """ % parts, styles['footer']))
Image("lj8100.jpg") """,after=0.1) disc("""will display as""") try: getStory().append(Image(I)) except: disc("""An image should have appeared here.""") disc("""whereas""") eg(""" im = Image("lj8100.jpg", width=2*inch, height=2*inch) im.hAlign = 'CENTER' """, after=0.1) disc('produces') try: im = Image(I, width=2*inch, height=2*inch) im.hAlign = 'CENTER' getStory().append(Image(I, width=2*inch, height=2*inch)) except: disc("""An image should have appeared here.""") heading2("""$Spacer(width, height)$""") disc("""This does exactly as would be expected; it adds a certain amount of space into the story. At present this only works for vertical space. """) CPage(1) heading2("""$PageBreak()$""") disc("""This $Flowable$ represents a page break. It works by effectively consuming all vertical space given to it. This is sufficient for a single $Frame$ document, but would only be a frame break for multiple frames so the $BaseDocTemplate$ mechanism detects $pageBreaks$ internally and handles them specially. """) CPage(1)
def evaluation_pdf(request, app_id): application = get_object_or_404(Application, id=app_id) evaluation, created = Evaluation.objects.get_or_create(application=application) try: from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Image, Spacer, SimpleDocTemplate from reportlab.lib import enums import settings, copy from datetime import date except: return HttpResponse("Missing library") width, pageHeight = letter response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=application_%s.pdf" % app_id stylesheet = getSampleStyleSheet() normalStyle = copy.deepcopy(stylesheet['Normal']) normalStyle.fontName = 'Times-Roman' normalStyle.fontSize = 12 normalStyle.leading = 15 centreAlign = copy.deepcopy(normalStyle) centreAlign.alignment = enums.TA_CENTER rightAlign = copy.deepcopy(normalStyle) rightAlign.alignment = enums.TA_RIGHT lindent = copy.deepcopy(normalStyle) lindent.leftIndent = 12 h1 = copy.deepcopy(normalStyle) h1.fontName = 'Times-Bold' h1.fontSize = 18 h1.leading = 22 h1.backColor = '#d0d0d0' h1.borderPadding = 3 h1.spaceBefore = 3 h1.spaceAfter = 3 h2 = copy.deepcopy(normalStyle) h2.fontName = 'Times-Bold' h2.fontSize = 14 h2.leading = 18 h2.backColor = '#e8e8e8' h2.borderPadding = 3 h2.spaceBefore = 3 h2.spaceAfter = 3 page = SimpleDocTemplate(response, pagesize=letter, title="EWB application") p = [] p.append(Paragraph("<strong><em>PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL</em></strong>", centreAlign)) p.append(Spacer(0, 10)) p.append(Paragraph("Engineers Without Borders Canada", normalStyle)) p.append(Spacer(0, 6)) p.append(Paragraph("<strong>%s</strong>" %, normalStyle)) p.append(Spacer(0, -40)) img = Image(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/images/emaillogo.jpg', 100, 51) img.hAlign = 'RIGHT' p.append(img) #p.line(50, height - 90, width - 50, height - 90) p.append(Spacer(0, 10)) p.append(Paragraph("Application for", normalStyle)) p.append(Spacer(0, 5)) parsed_name = '' if application.profile.first_name: parsed_name = application.profile.first_name if application.profile.first_name and application.profile.last_name: parsed_name = parsed_name + ' ' if application.profile.last_name: parsed_name = parsed_name + application.profile.last_name p.append(Paragraph(parsed_name, h1)) p.append(Paragraph("<strong>Submitted " + str( + "</strong>", normalStyle)) p.append(Spacer(0, -13)) p.append(Paragraph("Printed: " + str(, rightAlign)) p.append(Spacer(0, 14)) p.append(Paragraph("<strong>English language</strong> Reading: %d Writing: %d Speaking %d" % (application.en_reading, application.en_writing, application.en_speaking), normalStyle)) p.append(Paragraph("<strong>French language</strong> Reading: %d Writing: %d Speaking %d" % (application.fr_reading, application.fr_writing, application.fr_speaking), normalStyle)) #p.append(Paragraph("<strong>GPA </strong> %d" % application.gpa, normalStyle)) p.append(Spacer(0, 20)) p.append(Paragraph("Resume", h2)) try: p.append(Paragraph(application.resume_text.replace("<br>", "<br/>").replace("</p>", "<br/><br/>"), lindent)) except: p.append(Paragraph(strip_tags(application.resume_text).replace("\n", "<br/>"), lindent)) p.append(Spacer(0, 20)) p.append(Paragraph("References", h2)) try: p.append(Paragraph(application.references.replace("<br>", "<br/>").replace("</p>", "<br/><br/>"), lindent)) except: p.append(Paragraph(strip_tags(application.resume_text).replace("\n", "<br/>"), lindent)) p.append(Spacer(0, 20)) p.append(Paragraph("Application Questions", h2)) for question in application.session.application_questions(): p.append(Paragraph("<strong>%s</strong>" % question.question, normalStyle)) answer = Answer.objects.filter(application=application, question=question) if answer: p.append(Paragraph(answer[0].answer.replace("\n", "<br/>"), lindent)) else: p.append(Paragraph("<em>No answer</em>", lindent)) p.append(Spacer(0, 20)) """ for m in activity.get_metrics(): metricname = '' for mshort, mlong in ALLMETRICS: if mshort == m.metricname: metricname = mlong p.append(Paragraph(metricname, h2)) for x, y in m.get_values().items(): if x and y: p.append(Paragraph(fix_encoding(str(x)), bold)) p.append(Paragraph(fix_encoding(str(y)), lindent)) p.append(Spacer(0, 10)) p.append(Spacer(0, 10)) """ return response
#create a bar chart and specify positions, sizes, and colors ######## Now lets put everything together. ######## # create a list and add the elements of our document (image, paragraphs, table, chart) to it story = [] #define the style for our paragraph text styles = getSampleStyleSheet() styleN = styles['Normal'] #First add the Vizard Logo im = Image("C:/Users/oo/Documents/python_none_pythonfiles/py_pic/logo.png", width=1.6*inch, height=1*inch) im.hAlign = 'LEFT' story.append(im) story.append(Spacer(1,.25*inch)) #add the title P1="<strong>Results for Vizard Experiment</strong>" story.append(Paragraph(P1,styleN)) story.append(Spacer(1,.25*inch)) #convert data to paragraph form and then add paragraphs story.append(Paragraph(dataToParagraph(subject1, results1),styleN)) story.append(Spacer(1,.25*inch)) story.append(Paragraph(dataToParagraph(subject2, results2),styleN)) story.append(Spacer(1,.5*inch)) #add our table - first prepare data and then pass this to myTable function
def generarPlanillaFamilia(self): from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4 from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet,ParagraphStyle from reportlab.platypus import Spacer, SimpleDocTemplate, Table, TableStyle from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Image from reportlab.lib import colors pdf_x_familia = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Guardar Planilla Komunal (*.pdf)", QtCore.QDir.homePath() + "/familia-" + str(self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.ui.tableWidget.currentRow(), 1).text()) + ".pdf", "Documento PDF (*.pdf)") styleSheet=getSampleStyleSheet() story=[] h1=styleSheet['Heading1'] h1.pageBreakBefore=0 h1.keepWithNext=1 h2=styleSheet['Heading2'] h2.pageBreakBefore=0 h2.keepWithNext=1 img=Image("img/logo_pdf_barra.png",580,70) img.hAlign = "LEFT" texto_principal = "" estilo_texto = ParagraphStyle('', fontSize = 22, alignment = 0, spaceBefore = 0, spaceAfter = 0, #backColor = '#fff', textColor = '#999', leftIndent = 10 ) otro_estilo= ParagraphStyle('', fontSize = 20, textColor = '#000', leftIndent = 200, rightIndent = 50) style_barra= ParagraphStyle('', fontSize = 13, textColor = '#000', backColor='#f5f5f5', borderColor ='#a3a3a3', borderWidth = 1, borderPadding = (1, 2, 5)) style_fecha= ParagraphStyle('', fontSize = 11, textColor = '#000', leftIndent = 500, rightIndent = 10) h = Paragraph( texto_principal, estilo_texto) banner = [ [ img , h ] ] ban = Table( banner, colWidths=300 ) ban.setStyle([ ('ALIGN',(0,0),(0,0),'LEFT'),('ALIGN',(0,0),(1,0),'LEFT'), ('VALIGN',(0,0),(1,0),'TOP'), ('TEXTCOLOR',(0,1),(0,-1), ]) story.append(ban) story.append(Spacer(0,10)) dia = time.localtime() mes = dia.tm_mon mes_sp = ['Enero', 'Febrero', 'Marzo', 'Abril', 'Mayo', 'Junio', 'Julio', 'Agosto', 'Septiembre','Octubre', 'Noviembre', 'Diciembre'] hoy='%s %d' % (mes_sp[mes-1], dia.tm_year) P= Paragraph(hoy,style_fecha) story.append(P) story.append(Spacer(0,25)) P= Paragraph("<b>Censo Socio-Economico</b> ",otro_estilo) story.append(P) story.append(Spacer(0,25)) P=Paragraph("<b>Información General</b> ",style_barra) story.append(P) story.append(Spacer(0,25)) style=styleSheet['BodyText'] consejo = self.dbconn.execute("select * from consejo_comunal where id_consejo=1").fetchone() data_consejo = [['Consejo Comnual: ', consejo[2] ], ['Estado' ,'Municipio:' , 'Parroquia:', 'Sector: ' ], [ consejo[3], consejo[4] , consejo[5] , consejo[6]] , ['Dirección: ', consejo[7] ] ] c=Table(data_consejo, colWidths=148) c.setStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('SPAN',(1,3),(3,3)), ('SPAN',(1,0),(-1,0)) ]) story.append(c) story.append(Spacer(0,15)) jefe = self.dbconn.execute("SELECT *, (Date('now') -fecha_nacimiento) as edad FROM familia where id_grupo= 1 AND jefe_familia= 'S'").fetchone() PO = Paragraph('''<font size=12> <b> Jefe de Familia</b></font>''',styleSheet["BodyText"]) print jefe sexoJefe = "Masculino" if jefe[6] == "M" else "Femenino" if (jefe[9]== '' or jefe[9]== 0): ingreso = "N/P" else: ingreso = jefe[9] + " Bs. " datos_jefe = [[ Paragraph('''<font size=12> <b> Jefe de Familia</b></font>''',styleSheet["BodyText"]) ], ['Cedula: ', jefe[12]+jefe[4], 'Apellidos y Nombres: ' , str(jefe[2])+ ' ' + str(jefe[3]) , 'Sexo: ', sexoJefe ], [ 'Lugar de Nacimiento: ',jefe[12] , 'Fecha Nacimiento: ', jefe[5], 'Edad: ', jefe[19] ], ['Edo Civil: ',jefe[11], 'Ingreso Mensual: ', ingreso , 'Grado de Instrucción', jefe[10] ], ['Ocupación: ', jefe[8]] ] colwidths = (100, 90, 100, 90, 110, 100) j = Table( datos_jefe, colwidths ) j.setStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,('SPAN',(0,0),(5,0)) ]) story.append(j) story.append(Spacer(0,15)) self.dbconn.execute("SELECT *, (Date('now') -fecha_nacimiento) as edad FROM familia where id_grupo= 1 AND jefe_familia= 'N'") rs = self.dbconn.fetchall() integrantes = [[Paragraph('''<font size=12> <b> Integrantes del grupo familiar</b></font>''',styleSheet["BodyText"])], ['Cedula', 'Nombre/Apellido', 'Parentesco', 'Sexo', 'Edad', 'Edo Civil' , 'Instrucción', 'Ocupación','Ingreso']] for familia in rs: if (familia[9]== "" or familia[9]== "0"): ingreso = "N/P" else: ingreso = familia[9] + " Bs. " integrantes.append([str(familia[4]), str(familia[2])+ " " + str(familia[3]), str(familia[7]), str(familia[6]), str(familia[19]),str(familia[11]), str(familia[10]), str(familia[8]), ingreso ]) t=Table(integrantes, (55,150, 60, 35, 35, 50, 80, 80, 45)) t.setStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('SPAN',(0,0),(8,0)) ]) story.append(t) story.append(Spacer(0,15)) vivienda = self.dbconn.execute("SELECT * FROM vivienda where id_grupo= 1").fetchone() datos_vivienda = [[ Paragraph('''<font size=12><b>Características de la vivienda</b></font>''',styleSheet["BodyText"]) ], ['Tipo de Vivienda: ', vivienda[2], 'Estado de la Vivienda: ' , vivienda[3] , 'Tenencia: ', vivienda[4] ], ['Material del Piso: ',vivienda[5] , 'Material de Paredes: ', vivienda[6] ], ['Material Techo: ', vivienda[7],'Habitaciones: ',vivienda[8], 'Sala Comedor: ', vivienda[9] ], ['Baños', vivienda[10] , 'Cocina: ', vivienda[11], 'Uso de Vivienda: ', vivienda[12]], ['Le gustaria Mejorar: ', vivienda[13]] ] v=Table(datos_vivienda, (100,100, 110, 100, 90, 90)) v.setStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,('SPAN',(0,0),(5,0)),('SPAN',(3,2),(5,2)),('SPAN',(1,5),(5,5)) ]) story.append(v) story.append(Spacer(0,15)) salud = self.dbconn.execute("SELECT * FROM salud_bienestar where id_familia = 1").fetchone() vacuna = "Si" if salud[2] == "S" else "No" datos_salud = [[ Paragraph('''<font size=12><b>Salud y Bienestar</b></font>''',styleSheet["BodyText"]) ], ['Los Niños estan vacunados: '+ str(salud[2]), '', 'Solo menores de seis(6) años : ' + str(salud[3]), '', 'Todos: ' + salud[4], '' ] ] datos_salud.append( ['De las siguientes vacunas cuales tiene la seguridad de haberles suministrado:' ]) self.dbconn.execute("SELECT desc_vacuna, id_salud FROM tipos_vacuna LEFT OUTER JOIN vacuna ON tipos_vacuna.id_tipo_vacuna = vacuna.id_tipo_vacuna") rs = self.dbconn.fetchall() a = 1 i = 3 fila = "" for vacuna in rs: si_no = "X" if vacuna[1] else "" fila = fila + vacuna[0] + ","+ si_no + "," if (a == i ): i = i + 3 fila = fila[0:-1].split(',') datos_salud.append( fila ) fila = "" a = a + 1 datos_salud.append( ['Algunos de los miembros de la familia a presentado problemas de:' ]) self.dbconn.execute("SELECT desc_enfermedad, id_salud FROM tipo_enfermedad LEFT OUTER JOIN enfermedad ON tipo_enfermedad.id_tipo_enfermedad = enfermedad.id_tipo_enfermedad where activa='s'") rs = self.dbconn.fetchall() a = 1 i = 3 fila = "" for enfermedad in rs: si_no = "X" if enfermedad[1] else "" fila = fila + enfermedad[0] + ","+ si_no + "," if (a == i ): i = i + 3 fila = fila[0:-1].split(',') datos_salud.append( fila ) fila = "" a = a + 1 v=Table(datos_salud, (120,90, 110, 90, 90, 90)) v.setStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('SPAN',(0,0),(5,0)), ('SPAN',(0,1),(1,1)), ('SPAN',(2,1),(3,1)),('SPAN',(4,1),(5,1)), ('SPAN',(0,2),(5,2)),('SPAN',(0,6),(5,6)) ]) story.append(v) story.append(Spacer(0,25)) servicios = self.dbconn.execute("SELECT * FROM servicios_publicos where familia = 1").fetchone() serv_publicos = [[ Paragraph('''<font size=12><b>Servicios Publicos Existentes</b></font>''',styleSheet["BodyText"]) ], ['Aguas Blancas: ', servicios[1], 'Aguas Servidas: ' , servicios[2] , 'Gas: ', servicios[3] ], ['Sistema Electrico: ',servicios[4] , 'Recolección de Basura: ', servicios[5] ], ['Otros Servicios: '], ['Telefonía: ', servicios[6],'Transporte: ',servicios[7] ], ['Mecanismos de Información: ', '', servicios[8] ] ] s=Table(serv_publicos, (90,100, 115, 100, 90, 90)) s.setStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,('SPAN',(0,0),(5,0)),('SPAN',(0,3),(5,3)),('SPAN',(0,5),(1,5)) ,('SPAN',(2,5),(5,5)) ]) story.append(s) story.append(Spacer(0,15)) par_comunitaria = [[ Paragraph('''<font size=12><b>Participacion Comunitaria</b></font>''',styleSheet["BodyText"]) ], ['Existe organización Comunitaria: ', servicios[9] ], ['Participación del jefe de familia: ', servicios[13] ], ['Participación de los miembros de familia: ', servicios[10] ] ] s=Table(par_comunitaria, (200, 385)) s.setStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,('SPAN',(0,0),(1,0)) ]) story.append(s) story.append(Spacer(0,15)) doc=SimpleDocTemplate(unicode( pdf_x_familia, "utf-8"), pagesize=letter,leftMargin=10, rightMargin=10, topMargin=10, bottomMargin=10, title="Komunal - Planilla Familiar", author= "Komunal Beta" ) story ) self.funciones.generar_log(self, "Se genero planilla pdf de familia = "+ str(self.ui.tableWidget.item(self.ui.tableWidget.currentRow(), 1).text()) + " el usuario lo guardo en: " + pdf_x_familia )
def activity_as_pdf(request, group_slug, activity_id): group = get_object_or_404(Network, slug=group_slug) activity = get_object_or_404(Activity, pk=activity_id) if not == return HttpResponseForbidden() try: from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Image, Spacer, SimpleDocTemplate from reportlab.lib import enums import settings except: return HttpResponse("Missing library") width, pageHeight = letter response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=champ_activity.pdf' stylesheet = getSampleStyleSheet() normalStyle = copy.deepcopy(stylesheet['Normal']) normalStyle.fontName = 'Times-Roman' normalStyle.fontSize = 12 normalStyle.leading = 15 bold = copy.deepcopy(normalStyle) bold.fontName = 'Times-Bold' bold.leftIndent = 6 rightAlign = copy.deepcopy(normalStyle) rightAlign.alignment = enums.TA_RIGHT lindent = copy.deepcopy(normalStyle) lindent.leftIndent = 12 bground = copy.deepcopy(normalStyle) bground.backColor = '#e0e0e0' h1 = copy.deepcopy(normalStyle) h1.fontName = 'Times-Bold' h1.fontSize = 18 h1.leading = 22 h1.backColor = '#d0d0d0' h1.borderPadding = 3 h1.spaceBefore = 3 h1.spaceAfter = 3 h2 = copy.deepcopy(normalStyle) h2.fontName = 'Times-Bold' h2.fontSize = 14 h2.leading = 18 h2.backColor = '#e8e8e8' h2.borderPadding = 3 h2.spaceBefore = 3 h2.spaceAfter = 3 page = SimpleDocTemplate(response, pagesize=letter, title="EWB Event Summary") p = [] p.append(Paragraph("Engineers Without Borders Canada", normalStyle)) p.append(Paragraph("Event Summary", normalStyle)) p.append(Spacer(0, -50)) img = Image(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/images/emaillogo.jpg', 100, 51) img.hAlign = 'RIGHT' p.append(img) #p.line(50, height - 90, width - 50, height - 90) p.append(Spacer(0, 10)) p.append(Paragraph("<strong>" + str( + "</strong>", rightAlign)) p.append(Paragraph("Printed: " + str(, rightAlign)) p.append(Spacer(0, -20)) p.append(Paragraph("<strong>" + group.chapter_info.chapter_name + "</strong>", normalStyle)) p.append(Spacer(0, 20)) p.append(Paragraph(, h1)) p.append(Spacer(0, 10)) p.append(Paragraph("<strong>Volunters:</strong> " + str(activity.numVolunteers), normalStyle)) p.append(Paragraph("<strong>Prep time:</strong> " + str(activity.prepHours) + " person hours", normalStyle)) p.append(Paragraph("<strong>Execution time:</strong> " + str(activity.execHours) + " person hours", normalStyle)) p.append(Spacer(0, 10)) for m in activity.get_metrics(): metricname = '' for mshort, mlong in ALLMETRICS: if mshort == m.metricname: metricname = mlong p.append(Paragraph(metricname, h2)) for x, y in m.get_values().items(): if x and y: p.append(Paragraph(str(x), bold)) p.append(Paragraph(str(y), lindent)) p.append(Spacer(0, 10)) p.append(Spacer(0, 10)) return response
Elements=[] print(pdf_file) #doc = BaseDocTemplate(pdf_file) doc = SimpleDocTemplate( pdf_file, fontSize = 7, pagesize = letter, topMargin = .25*inch, bottomMargin = .25*inch, leftMargin = .25*inch ) LogoImage = Image('logo512x512.jpg', 1.5*inch, 1.5*inch) LogoImage.hAlign = 'LEFT' Elements.append(LogoImage) Elements.append(Paragraph('Barcodatron',styles['Heading1'])) Elements.append(Paragraph('Sample Nouns',styles['Heading2'])) Elements = bcode(Elements,'Sample Job Number','SBJOB:tif952') Elements = bcode(Elements,'Sample Part Number','TPN:891') Elements.append(Paragraph('Sample Verbs',styles['Heading2'])) Elements = bcode(Elements,'Preview 1-sided Part label','SBX:genlabelp') Elements = bcode(Elements,'Generate 1-sided Part label','SBX:genlabel') Elements = bcode(Elements,'Generate 2-sided Job+Part label','SBX:genlabel2s') Elements = bcode(Elements,'Check-in Part','SBX:checkin')
try: getStory().append(Image(I)) except: disc("""An image should have appeared here.""") disc("""whereas""") eg( """ im = Image("lj8100.jpg", width=2*inch, height=2*inch) im.hAlign = 'CENTER' """, after=0.1, ) disc("produces") try: im = Image(I, width=2 * inch, height=2 * inch) im.hAlign = "CENTER" getStory().append(Image(I, width=2 * inch, height=2 * inch)) except: disc("""An image should have appeared here.""") heading2("""$Spacer(width, height)$""") disc( """This does exactly as would be expected; it adds a certain amount of space into the story. At present this only works for vertical space. """ ) CPage(1) heading2("""$PageBreak()$""") disc( """This $Flowable$ represents a page break. It works by effectively consuming all vertical space given to it. This is sufficient for a single $Frame$ document, but would only be a frame break for multiple frames so the $BaseDocTemplate$ mechanism
def __init__(self, parent, ptID, reason, background, consultant, dueDate): filename = "/home/mb/Desktop/GECKO/EMR_outputs/%s/Consults/%s.pdf" % (ptID, EMR_utilities.dateToday()) doc = SimpleDocTemplate(filename, pagesize=letter, topMargin=60) # container for the 'Flowable' objects elements = [] styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styleSheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name='Address', fontSize=13, leading=15)) styleSheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name='Body', fontSize=12, leading=14)) dem_data = EMR_utilities.getDictData('SELECT * FROM demographics WHERE patient_ID = %s;' % ptID) consultDoc = EMR_utilities.name_fixer(consultant) if consultDoc.firstname == '': consult_data = EMR_utilities.getDictData('SELECT * FROM consultants WHERE lastname = "%s";' \ % (consultDoc.lastname)) else: consult_data = EMR_utilities.getDictData('SELECT * FROM consultants WHERE lastname = "%s" \ AND firstname = "%s";' % (consultDoc.lastname, consultDoc.firstname)) patient = 'RE: %(firstname)s %(lastname)s, DOB: %(dob)s' % dem_data salutation = 'Dear Dr. %(lastname)s:' % consult_data body = 'I am sending %s, a %s %s, to see you regarding %s. %s' % \ (dem_data['firstname'], EMR_utilities.getAge(ptID), dem_data['sex'], reason, background) problems = EMR_formats.getProblems(ptID) meds = EMR_formats.getMeds(ptID, display='column') qry = "INSERT INTO todo SET patient_ID = %s, date = '%s', description = '%s- %s', priority = 3, \ category = 'Consult', due_date = '%s', complete = 0;" % (ptID, EMR_utilities.dateToday(), \ consult_data['lastname'], reason, dueDate) EMR_utilities.updateData(qry) styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() styleSheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name='Address', fontSize=13, leading=15)) styleSheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name='Body', fontSize=12, leading=14)) elements.append(Paragraph('Barron Family Medicine', styleSheet['Address'])) elements.append(Paragraph('1423 S Big Bend Blvd', styleSheet['Address'])) elements.append(Paragraph('Richmond Heights, MO 63117', styleSheet['Address'])) elements.append(Spacer(1,24)) elements.append(Paragraph('<para align=RIGHT>%s</para>' % EMR_utilities.dateToday(t='display'), styleSheet['Body'])) elements.append(Spacer(1,24)) elements.append(Paragraph('Dr. %(lastname)s' % consult_data, styleSheet['Body'])) elements.append(Paragraph('%(address)s' % consult_data, styleSheet['Body'])) elements.append(Paragraph('%(city)s, %(state)s %(zipcode)s' % consult_data, styleSheet['Body'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, 12)) elements.append(Paragraph(patient, styleSheet['Body'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, 12)) elements.append(Paragraph(salutation, styleSheet['Body'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, 12)) elements.append(Paragraph(body, styleSheet['Body'])) elements.append(Spacer(1,12)) elements.append(Paragraph("I have attached current medications and problems. \ If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me at (314) 667-5276.", styleSheet['Body'])) elements.append(Spacer(1,12)) elements.append(Paragraph('Sincerely,', styleSheet['Body'])) #elements.append(Spacer(1, 48)) #If you want the signature automatically then can un-comment these lines. For now I will sign all. logo = "/home/mb/Dropbox/Office/Signature.png" im = Image(logo, 2*inch, 0.75*inch) im.hAlign = "LEFT" elements.append(im) elements.append(Paragraph('Michael Barron MD', styleSheet['Body'])) elements.append(Spacer(1, 12)) tableList = [[problems, meds,]] table = Table(tableList, colWidths=(3*inch, 3*inch), style=[('VALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP'), ('LEFTPADDING', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0), ('RIGHTPADDING', (0,0), (-1,-1), 20)]) table.hAlign = "LEFT" elements.append(table) # write the document to disk os.system("lp -d Updox %s" % filename) #extremely slick: prints directly to Updox Printer
def generarReporteIndicadores(self): print "Aqui en pdf" from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4 from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet,ParagraphStyle from reportlab.platypus import Spacer, SimpleDocTemplate, Table, TableStyle from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Image from reportlab.lib import colors pdf_x_indicador = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Guardar Planilla Komunal (*.pdf)", QtCore.QDir.homePath() + "/indicadores-komunal.pdf", "Documento PDF (*.pdf)") styleSheet=getSampleStyleSheet() story=[] h1=styleSheet['Heading1'] h1.pageBreakBefore=0 h1.keepWithNext=1 h2=styleSheet['Heading2'] h2.pageBreakBefore=0 h2.keepWithNext=1 img=Image("img/logo_pdf_barra.png",580,70) img.hAlign = "LEFT" texto_principal = "" estilo_texto = ParagraphStyle('', fontSize = 22, alignment = 0, spaceBefore = 0, spaceAfter = 0, #backColor = '#fff', textColor = '#999', leftIndent = 10 ) otro_estilo= ParagraphStyle('', fontSize = 20, textColor = '#000', leftIndent = 200, rightIndent = 50) style_fecha= ParagraphStyle('', fontSize = 11, textColor = '#000', leftIndent = 500, rightIndent = 10) h = Paragraph( texto_principal, estilo_texto) banner = [ [ img , h ] ] ban = Table( banner ) ban.setStyle([ ('ALIGN',(0,0),(0,0),'LEFT'),('ALIGN',(0,0),(1,0),'LEFT'), ('VALIGN',(0,0),(1,0),'TOP'), ('TEXTCOLOR',(0,1),(0,-1), ]) story.append(ban) story.append(Spacer(0,10)) #dia = time.localtime() #mes = dia.tm_mon #mes_sp = ['Enero', 'Febrero', 'Marzo', 'Abril', 'Mayo', 'Junio', 'Julio', 'Agosto', 'Septiembre','Octubre', 'Noviembre', 'Diciembre'] #hoy='%s %d' % (mes_sp[mes-1], dia.tm_year) #P= Paragraph(hoy,style_fecha) #story.append(P) #story.append(Spacer(0,25)) P= Paragraph("<b>Reporte de Indicadores</b> ",otro_estilo) story.append(P) story.append(Spacer(0,25)) mayor_60 = self.dbconn.execute("SELECT count(a.fecha_nacimiento) from familia a where fecha_nacimiento < Date('now', '-60 year') AND a.co_consejo=1").fetchone() ninos = self.dbconn.execute("SELECT count(a.fecha_nacimiento) from familia a where fecha_nacimiento between Date('now', '-12 year') and Date('now', '-3 year') AND a.co_consejo=1").fetchone() personas = self.dbconn.execute("select count(id) as cant_perso, (select count(sexo) from familia where sexo='F' and co_consejo=1) as cant_mujer,(select count(sexo) from familia where sexo='M' and co_consejo=1) as cant_hombre from familia where co_consejo=1").fetchone() familias = self.dbconn.execute("SELECT count(id) FROM familia WHERE jefe_familia='S' AND co_consejo=1").fetchone() adolecentes = self.dbconn.execute("SELECT count(a.fecha_nacimiento) from familia a where fecha_nacimiento between Date('now', '-17 year') and Date('now', '-13 year') AND a.co_consejo=1").fetchone() alfabetizados = self.dbconn.execute("select count( from familia a where a.instruccion='N/P' and fecha_nacimiento < Date('now', '-7 year')").fetchone() data_indicador = [['Personas Mayores de 60 Años: ', mayor_60[0] ], ['Niños entre 3 y 12 años: ', ninos[0] ], ['Personas del Sexo Masculino: ', personas[2] ], ['Personas del Sexo Femenino: ', personas[1] ], ['Cantidad de Familias: ', familias[0] ], ['Adolecentes (entre 13 y 17 años): ', adolecentes[0] ], ['Personas Alfabetizadas: ', alfabetizados[0] ], ['Total de Personas en el Consejo: ', personas[0] ]] anchocolumna = (350, 80) c=Table(data_indicador, anchocolumna ) c.setStyle([ ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,, ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25, ]) story.append(c) story.append(Spacer(0,15)) style=styleSheet['BodyText'] doc=SimpleDocTemplate(pdf_x_indicador,pagesize=letter,leftMargin=10, rightMargin=10, topMargin=10, bottomMargin=10, title="Komunal - Reporte de Indicadores", author= "Komunal Beta" ) story )
def boletin_liquid_definitiva(request, liquidacion): liquid = Liquidacion2.objects.get(numero=liquidacion) pagos = Pago2.objects.filter( nombre_reporte = "boletin_liquidacion" response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename='+nombre_reporte+'.pdf; pagesize=letter;' #Esta lista contendra todos los elementos que se dibujaran en el pdf elementos = [] doc = SimpleDocTemplate(response, title=nombre_reporte, topMargin=5, bottomMargin=5, rightMargin=15, leftMargin=15) for i in range(0, 2): #---> Encabezado <--- styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() cabecera = styleSheet['Normal'] cabecera.alignment = TA_CENTER cabecera.firstLineIndent = 0 cabecera.fontSize = 6 cabecera.fontName = 'Helvetica-Bold' cabecera.leftIndent = -380 cabecera.leading = 7 logo = Image(settings.STATIC_ROOT+'/reportes/escudo.jpg', width=25, height=35) logo.hAlign = 'LEFT' elementos.append(logo) elementos.append(Spacer(1, -35)) txtEncabezado = 'País' txtEncabezado += '<br />Estado' txtEncabezado += '<br />Alcaldía' txtEncabezado += '<br />Dirección de Rentas Municipales' txtEncabezado += '<br />RIF: ' encabezado = Paragraph(txtEncabezado, cabecera) elementos.append(encabezado) #---> Fin Encabezado <--- #---> Datos Contribuyente <--- styleSheet2 = getSampleStyleSheet() estilo_contrib = styleSheet2['BodyText'] estilo_contrib.alignment = TA_CENTER estilo_contrib.fontSize = 7.5 estilo_contrib.fontName = 'Times-Roman' estilo_contrib.leading = 6 contrib_style = [ ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ] elementos.append(Spacer(1, -37)) contrib1 = Paragraph(u'<b>BOLETIN DE NOTIFICACIÓN</b>', estilo_contrib) contrib2 = Paragraph(u'<b>%s</b>' % pagos[0].impuesto.descripcion, estilo_contrib) contrib3 = Paragraph(u'<b>PERIODO IMPOSITIVO:</b> %s ' % (liquid.ano), estilo_contrib) contrib4 = Paragraph(u'<b>FECHA:</b> %s' % liquid.emision, estilo_contrib) tabla_contrib = [] tabla_contrib.append([contrib1]) tabla_contrib.append([contrib2]) tabla_contrib.append([contrib3]) tabla_contrib.append([contrib4]) tabla_contrib = Table(tabla_contrib, colWidths=(12.0*cm)) tabla_contrib.setStyle(TableStyle(contrib_style)) tabla_contrib.hAlign = 'RIGHT' elementos.append(tabla_contrib) #---> Fin Datos Contrib <--- #---> Tabla <--- elementos.append(Spacer(1, 10)) estilo_tabla = styleSheet['BodyText'] estilo_tabla.alignment = TA_CENTER estilo_tabla.fontSize = 7.5 estilo_tabla.leading = 7 x = [ ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (2, 0), colors.silver), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 2), (2, 2), colors.silver), ('BACKGROUND', (0, -1), (-1, -1), colors.silver), ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.50,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP'), ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "Helvetica", 7.5), ] tabla = [] # Headers de la tabla hdatos = Paragraph('<b>R.I.F.</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos1 = Paragraph('<b>RAZON SOCIAL</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos2 = Paragraph('<b>ID</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos3 = Paragraph('<b>DOMICILIO FISCAL</b>', estilo_tabla) x.append(('SPAN', (0, 2), (2, 2))), # Extendiendo columna hdatos4 = Paragraph('<b>PERIODO FISCAL:</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos5 = Paragraph('<b>IMPUESTO TOTAL ANUAL ESTIMADO</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos6 = Paragraph('<b>IMPUESTO TOTAL ANUAL DEFINITIVO</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos7 = Paragraph('<b>DIFERENCIA A CANCELAR</b>', estilo_tabla) # Fin Headers de la tabla tabla.append([hdatos, hdatos1, hdatos2]) tabla.append([liquid.contribuyente.num_identificacion, liquid.contribuyente.nombre, liquid.contribuyente.id_contrato]) # -- Direccion tabla.append([hdatos3]) direccion = Paragraph('%s' % liquid.contribuyente.direccion, estilo_tabla) tabla.append([direccion]) x.append(('SPAN', (0, 3), (2, 3))), # Extendiendo columna # -- Periodo Fiscal periodo_fiscal = Paragraph('<b>01 DE ENERO DE ## AL 31 DE DICIEMBRE DE %s</b>' % liquid.ano, estilo_tabla) tabla.append([hdatos4, periodo_fiscal]) x.append(('SPAN', (1, 4), (2, 4))), # Extendiendo columna t = Table(tabla, colWidths=(3.5*cm, 11.5*cm, 3.5*cm)) t.setStyle(TableStyle(x)) elementos.append(t) elementos.append(Spacer(1, 10)) tabl2 = [] y = [ ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (2, 0), colors.silver), ('BOX', (0, 5), (6, 0), 0.50,, ('BOX', (0, 9), (6, 0), 0.50,, ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.50,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "Helvetica", 7.5), ] tabl2.append([hdatos5, hdatos6, hdatos7]) montos = liquid.contribuyente.monto_set.filter(contribuyente=liquid.contribuyente, ano=liquid.ano) diferencia = float(montos[0].definitivo) - float(montos[0].estimado) tabl2.append([montos[0].estimado, montos[0].definitivo, diferencia]) t2 = Table(tabl2, colWidths=(6.5*cm, 6.5*cm, 5.5*cm)) t2.setStyle(TableStyle(y)) elementos.append(t2) #---> Fin Tabla <--- #---> Notas <--- styleSheetNota = getSampleStyleSheet() nota = styleSheetNota['Normal'] nota.fontSize = 7.5 nota.fontName = 'Helvetica' nota.alignment = TA_JUSTIFY elementos.append(Spacer(1, 5)) txtNota1 = Paragraph('<b>Ordenanza de Impuesto sobre Actividades Económicas vigente:</b><br />', nota) elementos.append(txtNota1) txtArt1 = Paragraph('"<b>ARTICULO 24.-</b> La declaración definitiva deberá presentarse en el mes de Enero de cada año y comprenderá'+\ ' el monto de los ingresos brutos obtenidos en el ejercicio económico entre el 1° de Enero al 31 de Diciembre'+\ ' del año anterior, en cada una de las actividades o ramo ejercidas por el contribuyente a que se refiere el'+\ ' Clasificador de Actividades Económicas y que hayan sido o no autorizados en la correspondiente Licencia'+\ ', la cual conformara la base imponible definitiva para la determinación, cálculo y liquidación del impuesto'+\ ' correspondiente a la obligación tributaria causada en el ejercicio fiscal fenecido."<br />', nota) elementos.append(txtArt1) elementos.append(Spacer(1, 5)) txtArt2 = Paragraph('"<b>ARTICULO 66.-</b> Serán sancionados en la forma prevista en el artículo de los contribuyentes que:'+\ ' ..."d) No paguen, dentro de los plazos previstos en el artículo 24 de esta Ordenanza, la diferencia'+\ ' producto de la presentación de la declaración definitiva, con <b>multa equivalente a 10 Unidades'+\ ' Tributarias y cierre temporal del establecimiento</b>, hasta tanto cumpla con las obligaciones'+\ ' establecidas en dicho artículo."<br />', nota) elementos.append(txtArt2) elementos.append(Spacer(1, 5)) txtNota2 = Paragraph('NOTA: La presente notificación no implica la<br />cancelación de años anteriores al %s' % liquid.ano, nota) elementos.append(txtNota2) elementos.append(Spacer(1, 10)) styleSheet3 = getSampleStyleSheet() parrafo = styleSheet3['Normal'] parrafo.fontSize = 7.5 parrafo.fontName = 'Helvetica' parrafo.alignment = TA_CENTER elementos.append(Spacer(1, 15)) txtNota3 = Paragraph('<b>Evite Sanciones... Cumpla con su Ciudad...!</b>', parrafo) elementos.append(txtNota3) styleSheet3 = getSampleStyleSheet() parrafo = styleSheet3['Normal'] parrafo.fontSize = 7.5 parrafo.rightIndent = -320 parrafo.fontName = 'Helvetica' parrafo.alignment = TA_CENTER elementos.append(Spacer(1, -50)) lineaStyle = [ ('LINEABOVE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.55,, ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "Helvetica", 2), ] linea = [] linea.append([' ']) l2 = Table(linea, colWidths=(8.0*cm)) l2.setStyle(TableStyle(lineaStyle)) l2.hAlign = 'RIGHT' elementos.append(l2) elementos.append(Spacer(1, -15)) txtNota4 = Paragraph('<hr /><br />Directora x' + '<br /><b>Directora</b>', parrafo) elementos.append(txtNota4) elementos.append(Spacer(1, 20)) txtNota4 = Paragraph('<b>ALCALDIA</b>', parrafo) elementos.append(txtNota4) #---> Fin Notas <--- elementos.append(Spacer(1, 10)) linea = [] linea.append([' ']) l2 = Table(linea, colWidths=(20.0*cm)) l2.setStyle(TableStyle(lineaStyle)) elementos.append(l2) return response
def liquidacion_report(request, liquidacion): liquid = Liquidacion2.objects.get(numero=liquidacion) pagos = Pago2.objects.filter( nombre_reporte = "liquidacion" response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename='+nombre_reporte+'.pdf; pagesize=letter;' #Esta lista contendra todos los elementos que se dibujaran en el pdf elementos = [] doc = SimpleDocTemplate(response, title=nombre_reporte, topMargin=5, bottomMargin=5, rightMargin=15, leftMargin=15) for i in range(0, 3): #---> Encabezado <--- styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() cabecera = styleSheet['Normal'] cabecera.alignment = TA_CENTER cabecera.firstLineIndent = 0 cabecera.fontSize = 7.5 cabecera.fontName = 'Helvetica-Bold' cabecera.leftIndent = -370 cabecera.leading = 7 logo = Image(settings.STATIC_ROOT+'/reportes/escudo.jpg', width=25, height=35) logo.hAlign = 'LEFT' elementos.append(logo) elementos.append(Spacer(1, -35)) txtEncabezado = 'País' txtEncabezado += '<br />Estado' txtEncabezado += '<br />Alcaldía' txtEncabezado += '<br />Dirección de Rentas Municipales' txtEncabezado += '<br />RIF: x' encabezado = Paragraph(txtEncabezado, cabecera) elementos.append(encabezado) #---> Fin Encabezado <--- #---> Datos Contribuyente <--- styleSheet2 = getSampleStyleSheet() estilo_contrib = styleSheet2['BodyText'] estilo_contrib.alignment = TA_CENTER estilo_contrib.fontSize = 7.5 estilo_contrib.fontName = 'Times-Roman' estilo_contrib.leading = 6 contrib_style = [ ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ] elementos.append(Spacer(1, -37)) contrib1 = Paragraph('<b>INFORMACION GENERAL DEL CONTRIBUYENTE</b>', estilo_contrib) contrib2 = Paragraph('%s' % liquid.contribuyente.nombre, estilo_contrib) contrib3 = Paragraph('<b>CI/RIF:</b> %s ' % (liquid.contribuyente.num_identificacion), estilo_contrib) contrib4 = Paragraph('%s' % liquid.contribuyente.direccion, estilo_contrib) tabla_contrib = [] tabla_contrib.append([contrib1]) tabla_contrib.append([contrib2]) tabla_contrib.append([contrib3]) tabla_contrib.append([contrib4]) tabla_contrib = Table(tabla_contrib, colWidths=(12.0*cm)) tabla_contrib.setStyle(TableStyle(contrib_style)) tabla_contrib.hAlign = 'RIGHT' elementos.append(tabla_contrib) #---> Fin Datos Contrib <--- #---> Tabla <--- elementos.append(Spacer(1, 10)) estilo_tabla = styleSheet['BodyText'] estilo_tabla.alignment = TA_CENTER estilo_tabla.fontSize = 7.5 estilo_tabla.leading = 7 x = [ ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (6, 0), colors.silver), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 2), (6, 2), colors.silver), ('BACKGROUND', (0, -2), (-1, -2), colors.silver), ('SPAN', (0, -2), (-6, -2)), ('SPAN', (0, -1), (-6, -1)), ('BOX', (0, 5), (6, 0), 0.50,, ('BOX', (0, 9), (6, 0), 0.50,, ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.50,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "Helvetica", 8), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP'), ] tabla = [] # Headers de la tabla hdatos = Paragraph('<b>Fecha Emisión</b>', estilo_tabla) x.append(('SPAN', (0, 0), (1, 0))), # Extendiendo columna x.append(('SPAN', (0, 1), (1, 1))), # Extendiendo columna hdatos1 = Paragraph('<b>Fecha Vencimiento</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos2 = Paragraph('<b>ID</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos3 = Paragraph('<b>No. Liquidación</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos4 = Paragraph('<b>No. Deposito</b>', estilo_tabla) x.append(('SPAN', (5, 0), (6, 0))), # Extendiendo columna x.append(('SPAN', (5, 1), (6, 1))), # Extendiendo columna hPagos = Paragraph('<b>DETALLE DE PAGO DE IMPUESTOS VARIOS</b>', estilo_tabla) x.append(('SPAN', (0, 2), (6, 2))), # Extendiendo columna hpago= Paragraph('<b>Año</b>', estilo_tabla) hpago1 = Paragraph('<b>Codigo</b>', estilo_tabla) hpago2 = Paragraph('<b>Impuesto</b>', estilo_tabla) hpago3 = Paragraph('<b>Monto Impuesto o Tasa</b>', estilo_tabla) hpago4 = Paragraph('<b>Recargo</b>', estilo_tabla) hpago5 = Paragraph('<b>Intereses</b>', estilo_tabla) hpago6 = Paragraph('<b>Sub-Total</b>', estilo_tabla) hpago7 = Paragraph('<b>Credito Fiscal</b>', estilo_tabla) hpago8 = Paragraph('<b>Descuento</b>', estilo_tabla) hpago9 = Paragraph('<b>Total(Bs.)</b>', estilo_tabla) hpago10 = Paragraph('<b>Impuesto o Tasa</b>', estilo_tabla) # Fin Headers de la tabla tabla.append([hdatos, '', hdatos1, hdatos2, hdatos3, hdatos4, '']) tabla.append([liquid.emision, '', liquid.vencimiento, liquid.contribuyente.id_contrato, liquid.numero, liquid.deposito, '']) pos = 0 recargo = 0 intereses = 0 cancelado = 0 monto = 0 for pago in pagos: if liquid.tipo=='EST': credito=pago.credito_fiscal else: credito=0 if pos == 0: tabla.append([hPagos]) tabla.append([hpago, hpago1, hpago2, hpago3, hpago4, hpago5, hpago6]) tabla.append([liquid.ano, pago.impuesto.codigo, pago.impuesto.descripcion, round(pago.monto,2), round(pago.recargo,2), round(pago.intereses,2), round(pago.monto,2)]) pos = pos + 1 recargo = recargo + pago.recargo intereses = intereses + pago.intereses cancelado = cancelado + pago.cancelado monto = monto + round(pago.monto,2) tabla.append([hpago7, '', hpago8, hpago10, hpago4, hpago5, hpago9]) tabla.append([credito, '', pago.descuento, pago.monto, pago.recargo, intereses, pago.cancelado]) t = Table(tabla, colWidths=(2.0*cm, 2.0*cm, 3.5*cm, 3.5*cm, 3.5*cm, 2.0*cm, 2.2*cm)) t.setStyle(TableStyle(x)) elementos.append(t) #---> Fin Tabla <--- #---> Notas <--- styleSheetNota = getSampleStyleSheet() nota = styleSheetNota['Normal'] nota.fontSize = 8 nota.fontName = 'Helvetica' nota.alignment = TA_LEFT txtNota1 = Paragraph('<b>DETALLES:</b> <br /> <b>%s</b>' % liquid.observaciones, nota) elementos.append(txtNota1) elementos.append(Spacer(1, 10)) styleSheet3 = getSampleStyleSheet() parrafo = styleSheet3['Normal'] parrafo.fontSize = 7 parrafo.rightIndent = -320 parrafo.fontName = 'Helvetica' parrafo.alignment = TA_CENTER elementos.append(Spacer(1, -17)) txtNota1 = Paragraph('Evite Sanciones...Cumpla con su Ciudad...!', parrafo) elementos.append(txtNota1) txtNota2 = Paragraph('Para más información dirijase a las oficinas de Rentas Municipales.'+ '<br />Atención: Directora x' + '<br /><b>Directora</b>', parrafo) elementos.append(txtNota2) #---> Fin Notas <--- #---> Firmas <--- elementos.append(Spacer(1, -42)) estilo_tabla2 = styleSheet['BodyText'] estilo_tabla2.alignment = TA_CENTER estilo_tabla2.fontSize = 7 y = [ ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.50,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'RIGHT'), ] hrecibi = Paragraph('VALIDACIÓN', estilo_tabla2) hsellos = Paragraph('SELLOS', estilo_tabla2) hautorizada = Paragraph('FIRMA FUNCIONARIO', estilo_tabla2) tabla2 = [] tabla2.append([hrecibi, '', '']) tabla2.append(['', hsellos, hautorizada]) t2 = Table(tabla2, colWidths=(3.0*cm, 3.0*cm, 4.0*cm)) t2.setStyle(TableStyle(y)) t2.hAlign = 'LEFT' elementos.append(t2) #---> Fin Firmas <--- elementos.append(Spacer(1, 5)) lineaStyle = [ ('LINEABOVE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.35,, ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "Helvetica", 2), ] linea = [] linea.append([' ']) l2 = Table(linea, colWidths=(20.0*cm)) l2.setStyle(TableStyle(lineaStyle)) elementos.append(l2) return response
def boletin_liquid_estimada(request, liquidacion): liquid = Liquidacion2.objects.get(numero=liquidacion) pagos = Pago2.objects.filter( nombre_reporte = "boletin_liquidacion" response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename='+nombre_reporte+'.pdf; pagesize=letter;' #Esta lista contendra todos los elementos que se dibujaran en el pdf elementos = [] doc = SimpleDocTemplate(response, title=nombre_reporte, topMargin=5, bottomMargin=5, rightMargin=15, leftMargin=15) for i in range(0, 2): #---> Encabezado <--- styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet() cabecera = styleSheet['Normal'] cabecera.alignment = TA_CENTER cabecera.firstLineIndent = 0 cabecera.fontSize = 7 cabecera.fontName = 'Helvetica-Bold' cabecera.leftIndent = -350 cabecera.leading = 7 logo = Image(settings.STATIC_ROOT+'/reportes/escudo.jpg', width=25, height=35) logo.hAlign = 'LEFT' elementos.append(logo) elementos.append(Spacer(1, -35)) txtEncabezado = 'País' txtEncabezado += '<br />Estado' txtEncabezado += '<br />Alcaldía' txtEncabezado += '<br />Dirección de Rentas Municipales' txtEncabezado += '<br />RIF: ' encabezado = Paragraph(txtEncabezado, cabecera) elementos.append(encabezado) #---> Fin Encabezado <--- #---> Datos Contribuyente <--- styleSheet2 = getSampleStyleSheet() estilo_contrib = styleSheet2['BodyText'] estilo_contrib.alignment = TA_CENTER estilo_contrib.fontSize = 7 estilo_contrib.fontName = 'Times-Roman' estilo_contrib.leading = 6 contrib_style = [ ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25,, ] elementos.append(Spacer(1, -37)) contrib1 = Paragraph(u'<b>BOLETIN DE NOTIFICACIÓN</b>', estilo_contrib) contrib2 = Paragraph(u'<b>%s</b>' % pagos[0].impuesto.descripcion, estilo_contrib) contrib3 = Paragraph(u'<b>PERIODO IMPOSITIVO: %s </b>' % (liquid.ano), estilo_contrib) contrib4 = Paragraph(u'<b>FECHA: %s </b>' % liquid.emision, estilo_contrib) tabla_contrib = [] tabla_contrib.append([contrib1]) tabla_contrib.append([contrib2]) tabla_contrib.append([contrib3]) tabla_contrib.append([contrib4]) tabla_contrib = Table(tabla_contrib, colWidths=(8.0*cm)) tabla_contrib.setStyle(TableStyle(contrib_style)) tabla_contrib.hAlign = 'RIGHT' elementos.append(tabla_contrib) #---> Fin Datos Contrib <--- #---> Tabla <--- elementos.append(Spacer(1, 5)) estilo_tabla = styleSheet['BodyText'] estilo_tabla.alignment = TA_CENTER estilo_tabla.fontSize = 6 estilo_tabla.leading = 6 x = [ ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (2, 0), colors.silver), ('BACKGROUND', (0, 2), (2, 2), colors.silver), ('BACKGROUND', (0, -1), (-1, -1), colors.silver), ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.50,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP'), ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "Helvetica", 6.5), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ] tabla = [] # Headers de la tabla hdatos = Paragraph('<b>R.I.F.</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos1 = Paragraph('<b>RAZON SOCIAL</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos2 = Paragraph('<b>ID</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos3 = Paragraph('<b>DOMICILIO FISCAL</b>', estilo_tabla) x.append(('SPAN', (0, 2), (2, 2))), # Extendiendo columna hdatos4 = Paragraph('<b>PERIODO FISCAL:</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos5 = Paragraph('<b>INGRESOS BRUTOS ESTIMADOS</b>', estilo_tabla) hdatos6 = Paragraph('<b>IMPUESTO TOTAL ANUAL ESTIMADO</b>', estilo_tabla) # Fin Headers de la tabla tabla.append([hdatos, hdatos1, hdatos2]) tabla.append([liquid.contribuyente.num_identificacion, liquid.contribuyente.nombre, liquid.contribuyente.id_contrato]) # -- Direccion tabla.append([hdatos3]) direccion = Paragraph('%s' % liquid.contribuyente.direccion, estilo_tabla) tabla.append([direccion]) x.append(('SPAN', (0, 3), (2, 3))), # Extendiendo columna # -- Periodo Fiscal periodo_fiscal = Paragraph('<b>01 DE ENERO DE %s AL 31 DE DICIEMBRE DE %s</b>' % (liquid.ano, liquid.ano), estilo_tabla) tabla.append([hdatos4, periodo_fiscal]) x.append(('SPAN', (1, 4), (2, 4))), # Extendiendo columna t = Table(tabla, colWidths=(3.5*cm, 11.5*cm, 3.5*cm)) t.setStyle(TableStyle(x)) elementos.append(t) elementos.append(Spacer(1, 5)) tabl2 = [] # Tabla 2 y = [ ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (2, 0), colors.silver), ('BOX', (0, 5), (6, 0), 0.50,, ('BOX', (0, 9), (6, 0), 0.50,, ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.50,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "Helvetica", 6.5), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ] tabl2.append([hdatos5, hdatos6]) montos = liquid.contribuyente.monto_set.filter(contribuyente=liquid.contribuyente, ano=liquid.ano) monto_anual = float(montos[0].estimado) * 12 tabl2.append([montos[0].estimado, monto_anual]) t2 = Table(tabl2, colWidths=(9.0*cm, 9.5*cm)) t2.setStyle(TableStyle(y)) elementos.append(t2) elementos.append(Spacer(1, 5)) tabl3 = [] # Tabla 3 z = [ ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (7, 0), colors.silver), ('BOX', (0, 5), (6, 0), 0.50,, ('BOX', (0, 9), (6, 0), 0.50,, ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.50,, ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'), ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "Helvetica", 6.5), ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ('TOPPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 2), ] titulo_tabl3 = Paragraph('<b>RESUMEN DEL IMPUESTO A PAGAR SEGUN EL MES CUANDO REALICE EL PAGO</b>', estilo_tabla) tDatos = Paragraph('<b>TRIMESTRE</b>', estilo_tabla) tDatos2 = Paragraph('<b>AÑO</b>', estilo_tabla) tDatos3 = Paragraph('<b>IMPUESTO TRIMESTRAL</b>', estilo_tabla) tDatos4 = Paragraph('<b>EXIGIBILIDAD</b>', estilo_tabla) tDatos5 = Paragraph('<b>RECARGO(10%)</b><br />Si Cancela en...', estilo_tabla) tDatos6 = Paragraph('<b>INTERESES ACUMULADOS</b><br />Si Cancela a partir de...', estilo_tabla) nota_especial = Paragraph('Se sumara 1% Adicional Mensual por Adelantado', estilo_tabla) tabl3.append([titulo_tabl3]) z.append(('SPAN', (0, 0), (7, 0))), # Extendiendo columna titulo_tabl3 tabl3.append([tDatos, tDatos2, tDatos3, tDatos4, tDatos5, '', tDatos6, '']) z.append(('SPAN', (4, 1), (5, 1))), # Extendiendo columna tDatos5 z.append(('SPAN', (6, 1), (7, 1))), # Extendiendo columna tDatos6 z.append(('BACKGROUND', (0, 1), (7, 1), colors.silver)), monto_estimado = montos[0].estimado monto_trimestres = float(monto_estimado) / 4 monto_recargo = float(monto_trimestres) * 0.10 tabl3.append(['1', liquid.ano, monto_trimestres, 'ENERO', 'FEBRERO', monto_recargo, 'MARZO', nota_especial]) tabl3.append(['2', liquid.ano, monto_trimestres, 'ABRIL', 'MAYO', monto_recargo, 'JUNIO', '']) tabl3.append(['3', liquid.ano, monto_trimestres, 'JULIO', 'AGOSTO', monto_recargo, 'SEPTIEMBRE', '']) tabl3.append(['4', liquid.ano, monto_trimestres, 'OCTUBRE', 'NOVIEMBRE', monto_recargo, 'DICIEMBRE', '']) z.append(('SPAN', (7, 2), (7, 5))), # Extendiendo columna nota_especial z.append(('VALIGN', (7, 2), (7, 5), 'MIDDLE')), nota_est = Paragraph('<b>SI CANCELA TODO ANTES DEL 31 DE ENERO DEL AÑO EN CURSO TENDRA<br />UN DESCUENTO DEL 10% DEL MONTO DE SUS IMPUESTOS</b>', estilo_tabla) tabl3.append([nota_est]) z.append(('SPAN', (0, 6), (7, 6))), # Extendiendo columna nota_est z.append(('BACKGROUND', (0, 6), (7, 6), colors.silver)), t2 = Table(tabl3, colWidths=(1.9*cm, 1.7*cm, 3.7*cm, 3.5*cm, 2.0*cm, 2.0*cm, 2.0*cm, 2.0*cm)) t2.setStyle(TableStyle(z)) elementos.append(t2) #---> Fin Tabla <--- #---> Notas <--- styleSheetNota = getSampleStyleSheet() nota = styleSheetNota['Normal'] nota.fontSize = 6 nota.fontName = 'Helvetica' nota.alignment = TA_JUSTIFY elementos.append(Spacer(1, 5)) txtNota1 = Paragraph('<b>Ordenanza de Impuesto sobre Actividades Económicas vigente:</b><br />', nota) elementos.append(txtNota1) txtArt1 = Paragraph('<b>ARTICULO 23.-</b> En el mes de Noviembre de cada año los sujetos pasivos obligados al pago de este impuesto'+\ ', presentan por ante la Dirección de Rentas Municipales o el ente que designe el Alcalde, una declaración'+\ ' estimada de los ingresos brutos que obtendrán en el ejercicio fiscal siguiente, que conformara la base de'+\ ' calculo para la determinación y liquidación del impuesto estimado correspondiente a la obligación tributaria'+\ ' que se causará en el transcurso del ejercicio fiscal gravable, la cual será ajustada con la declaración '+\ 'definitiva de ingresos brutos obtenidos al cierre del ejercicio fiscal del que se trate.<br />', nota) elementos.append(txtArt1) elementos.append(Spacer(1, 5)) txtArt2 = Paragraph('"<b>ARTICULO 66.-</b> Serán sancionados en la forma prevista en el artículo de los contribuyentes que:'+\ ' ..."d) No paguen, dentro de los plazos previstos en el artículo 24 de esta Ordenanza, la diferencia'+\ ' producto de la presentación de la declaración definitiva, con <b>multa equivalente a 10 Unidades'+\ ' Tributarias y cierre temporal del establecimiento</b>, hasta tanto cumpla con las obligaciones'+\ ' establecidas en dichos artículos."<br />', nota) elementos.append(txtArt2) elementos.append(Spacer(1, 5)) txtNota2 = Paragraph('NOTA: La presente notificación no implica la<br />cancelación de años anteriores al %s' % liquid.ano, nota) elementos.append(txtNota2) elementos.append(Spacer(1, 10)) styleSheet3 = getSampleStyleSheet() parrafo = styleSheet3['Normal'] parrafo.fontSize = 7 parrafo.fontName = 'Helvetica' parrafo.alignment = TA_CENTER elementos.append(Spacer(1, 5)) txtNota3 = Paragraph('<b>Evite Sanciones... Cumpla con su Ciudad...!</b>', parrafo) elementos.append(txtNota3) styleSheet3 = getSampleStyleSheet() parrafo = styleSheet3['Normal'] parrafo.fontSize = 7 parrafo.rightIndent = -320 parrafo.fontName = 'Helvetica' parrafo.alignment = TA_CENTER elementos.append(Spacer(1, -50)) lineaStyle = [ ('LINEABOVE', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.55,, ('FONT', (0, 0), (-1, -1), "Helvetica", 2), ] linea = [] linea.append([' ']) l2 = Table(linea, colWidths=(8.0*cm)) l2.setStyle(TableStyle(lineaStyle)) l2.hAlign = 'RIGHT' elementos.append(l2) elementos.append(Spacer(1, -20)) txtNota4 = Paragraph('<hr /><br />Directora x' + '<br /><b>Directora</b>', parrafo) elementos.append(txtNota4) elementos.append(Spacer(1, 15)) txtNota4 = Paragraph('<b>ALCALDIA</b>', parrafo) elementos.append(txtNota4) #---> Fin Notas <--- elementos.append(Spacer(1, 5)) linea = [] linea.append([' ']) l2 = Table(linea, colWidths=(20.0*cm)) l2.setStyle(TableStyle(lineaStyle)) elementos.append(l2) return response
def parse_parts(self, buffer): # prepare ReportLab self.styles = getSampleStyleSheet() self.style_stack.append(self.styles['Normal']) if self.out_buffer is None: self.out_buffer = StringIO() = [] # prepare for parsing i = 0 buffer_len = len(buffer) # Possible modes: 0 = normal, 1 = table row, 2 = insert object mode = 0 new_line = True new_para = True cue = 0 content = '' raw_table_data = '' self.reset_table() obj = None style_stack = self.style_stack paragraphs = split_ignore(buffer, '\n\n', '[[[block', ']]]') for p in paragraphs: lines = p.split('\n') content = '' for line in lines: c = line[:1] if c == '#': debug_print('[comment]') elif c == '$': self.parse_paragraph_style(line[1:]) elif c == '~': debug_print('[document element %s]' % line[1]) elem = line[1] endpos = line.find(']', 2) if elem == 'D': self.handle_document_properties(line[3:endpos], line[endpos+1:]) elif elem == 'T': if line[2] == '$': # table style raw_style = line[3:] style = self.parse_table_style(raw_style) self.table_styles.append(style) else: self.table_cols = list(float(n) * self.unit for n in line[3:endpos].split('|')) align = line[endpos+1:endpos+2] if align == '<': self.table_align = 'LEFT' elif align == '>': self.table_align = 'RIGHT' elif elem == 'B': self.append_to_parts(PageBreak()) elif elem == 'S': self.append_to_parts(Spacer(1, toLength(line[2:]))) elif elem == 'V': svg_info_raw = line[3:endpos] svg_info = svg_info_raw.split(';')[:7] if len(svg_info) == 1: mode = 2 obj = self.svg_dict[svg_info[0]] else: if len(svg_info) == 7: svg_name, svg_scale, svg_w, svg_h, svg_path, svg_find, svg_replace = svg_info else: svg_name, svg_scale, svg_w, svg_h, svg_path = svg_info svg_file = open(find(svg_path), 'rb') svg_data = svg_file.close() if len(svg_info) == 7: svg_data = svg_data.replace(svg_find, svg_replace) svg = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(svg_data).documentElement svgRenderer = SvgRenderer() svgRenderer.render(svg) svg_obj = svgRenderer.finish() #svg_obj = svg2rlg(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + svg_path) svg_obj.scale(float(svg_scale), float(svg_scale)) svg_obj.asDrawing(float(svg_w) * self.unit, float(svg_h) * self.unit) self.svg_dict[svg_name] = svg_obj elif elem == 'I': img_info_raw = line[3:endpos] img_info = img_info_raw.split(';')[:4] if len(img_info) == 1: mode = 2 obj = self.img_dict[img_info[0]] else: img_name, img_w, img_h, img_path = img_info img_obj = Image(find(img_path), width=self.unit*float(img_w), height=self.unit*float(img_h)) align = line[endpos+1:endpos+2] if align == '<': img_obj.hAlign = 'LEFT' elif align == '>': img_obj.hAlign = 'RIGHT' self.img_dict[img_name] = img_obj elif elem == 'C': barcode_info_raw = line[3:endpos] barcode_info = barcode_info_raw.split(';')[:6] if len(barcode_info) == 1: mode = 2 obj = self.img_dict[barcode_info[0]] else: barcode_name, barcode_type, barcode_scale, barcode_w, barcode_h, barcode_data = barcode_info barcode_obj = Barcode(library=find('common/pdf_img/'), width=self.unit * float(barcode_w), height=self.unit * float(barcode_h), data=barcode_data, scale=float(barcode_scale), type=barcode_type) align = line[endpos+1:endpos+2] if align == '<': barcode_obj.hAlign = 'LEFT' elif align == '>': barcode_obj.hAlign = 'RIGHT' self.img_dict[barcode_name] = barcode_obj elif elem == 'F': font_info_raw = line[3:endpos] font_info = font_info_raw.split(';')[:2] self.import_pdf_font(font_info[1], font_info[0]) elif elem == 'P': if '[' in line: self.parts_buffer = line[3:endpos] self.parts_buffer_dict[self.parts_buffer] = [] else: self.parts_buffer = None elif c == '[': mode = 1 raw_table_data += line + '\n' elif c == '\n': pass else: if mode == 0: content += line + '\n' elif mode == 1: raw_table_data += line + '\n' if mode == 0: if content != '': self.append_to_parts(Paragraph(content, self.style_stack[-1] if len(self.style_stack) > 0 else self.styles['Normal'])) content = '' if mode == 1: td = raw_table_data td_len = len(td) i = 0 while i < td_len: c = td[i] c_1 = td[i-1:i] if c == '[' and c_1 != '\\': cue = i + 1 if (c == '|' or c == ']') and c_1 != '\\': cell_content = td[cue:i] pop_after_cell = False if cell_content[:1] == '$': if ' ' in cell_content: style, cell_content = cell_content.split(None, 1) style = style[1:] else: style = '' cell_content = cell_content[1:] self.parse_paragraph_style(style) if cell_content[-1:] == '$': cell_content = cell_content[:-1] pop_after_cell = True if cell_content[:2] == '~V': svg_name = cell_content[2:] self.table_row.append(self.svg_dict[svg_name]) elif cell_content[:2] == '~I': img_name = cell_content[2:] self.table_row.append(self.img_dict[img_name]) elif cell_content[:2] == '~P': self.table_row.append(self.parts_buffer_dict[cell_content[2:]]) else: self.table_row.append(Paragraph(cell_content, self.style_stack[-1] if len(self.style_stack) > 0 else self.styles['Normal'])) if pop_after_cell: self.parse_paragraph_style('') cue = i + 1 if c == ']': self.table_data.append(self.table_row) self.table_row = [] i += 1 if len(self.table_data) > 0: self.append_to_parts(Table(self.table_data, self.table_cols, hAlign=self.table_align, style=self.table_styles)) self.reset_table() raw_table_data = '' if mode == 2: if obj is not None: self.append_to_parts(obj) obj = None mode = 0 return