def main():
    global remove_files
    global executable_files
    global verbose_mode

    global remove_extensions
    global src_extensions
    global lib_extensions
    global modules
    global extras

    list_modules = False
    list_extra = False
    binary_keep = False
    src_strip = False
    extra_strip = False

    aparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Weenix repository generator from support code")
    aparser.add_argument("--list-modules", action="store_true", help="list available Weenix modules")
    aparser.add_argument("--list-extra", action="store_true", help="list available extra Weenix features")
    aparser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="enable verbose output mode")
    aparser.add_argument("--binary", type=str, metavar="module_list", help="enable binary keeping for Weenix modules")
    aparser.add_argument("--cutsource", type=str, metavar="module_list", help="enable source stripping for Weenix modules")
    aparser.add_argument("--cutextra", type=str, metavar="extra_list", help="enable source stripping for extra Weenix features")

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    args = vars(aparser.parse_args())

    if args["verbose"]:
        verbose_mode = True
    if args["list_modules"]: list_modules = True
    if args["list_extra"]: list_extra = True
    if args["binary"]:
        binary_keep = True
        if args["binary"] == "all":
            binary_list = set(modules.keys())
            binary_list = set(args["binary"].split(","))
    if args["cutsource"]:
        src_strip = True
        if args["cutsource"] == "all":
            src_list = set(modules.keys())
            src_list = set(args["cutsource"].split(","))
    if args["cutextra"]:
        extra_strip = True
        if args["cutextra"] == "all":
            extra_list = set(extras.keys())
            extra_list = set(args["cutextra"].split(","))

    root_dir = findRoot(".")

    # List modules
    if list_modules or list_extra:
        if binary_keep or src_strip:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Listing, binary-keeping, and source-stripping are mutually-exclusive operations.\n")
        if list_modules:
            listModules("Modules: ", modules.keys())
        if list_extra:
            listModules("Extras: ", extras.keys())
    elif not binary_keep and not src_strip:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Please define operation: module-listing, binary-keeping or source-stripping.\n")

    dbgPrint("Generating student tree...\n")

    # Make sure we are only working with supported modules
    if src_strip:
        diff = src_list - set(modules.keys())
        if len(diff) > 0:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: The following modules are not supported: %s\n" % str(diff))

    # Make sure we are only working with supported extras
    if extra_strip:
        diff = extra_list - set(extras.keys())
        if len(diff) > 0:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: The following extras are not supported: %s\n" % str(diff))

    # Make sure we are only working with supported modules
    if binary_keep:
        diff = binary_list - set(modules.keys())
        if len(diff) > 0:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: The following modules are not supported: %s\n" % str(diff))

    # Finally make sure we are not applying multiple operations to the
    # same module
    if (binary_keep and src_strip) and len(set(binary_list).intersection(src_list)) > 0:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: We can't apply multiple operations to the same modules\n")

    # Compile code first to make sure that there are no errors. Also
    # needed for keeping binaries
    dbgPrint("Compiling code...\n")

    # If you don't use redo, substitute the following clode block
    subprocess.call(["make", "-j", "8"])

    dbgPrint("Removing .git if it exists...\n")
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root_dir, ".git"))
    except OSError:

    dbgPrint("Removing staff-only files...\n")
    for rfile in remove_files:
        path = os.path.join(root_dir, rfile)
        if (os.path.isdir(path)):
            dbgPrint("\tRemoving %s\n" % path, dbg_msg.DEBUG)
            dbgPrint("\tRemoving %s\n" % path, dbg_msg.DEBUG)
    dbgPrint("Creating student weenix git repository...\n")
    subprocess.call(["git", "init"])

    if src_strip:
        diff = set(modules.keys()) - src_list

        # Remove support code and produce stencil for students
        dbgPrint("Generating stencil code for modules %s...\n" % args["cutsource"])
        module_dirs = []
        for m in src_list:
            if m in modules.keys():
                module_dirs.extend([os.path.join(kernel_dir_prefix, m) for m in modules[m]["dirs"]["src"]])
        srcCutdir(root_dir, module_dirs, diff.union(extras.keys()))

        if len(diff) > 0:
            dbgPrint("The following modules were left intact: %s\n" % (", ".join(m for m in diff)), dbg_msg.WARNING)

    if extra_strip:
        diff = set(extras.keys()) - extra_list

        # Remove support code and produce stencil for students
        dbgPrint("Generating stencil code for extras %s...\n" % args["cutextra"])
        extras_dirs = []
        for m in extra_list:
            if m in extras.keys(): extras_dirs.extend([os.path.join(kernel_dir_prefix, e) for e in extras[m]["dirs"]])
        srcCutdir(root_dir, extras_dirs, diff.union(modules.keys()))

        if len(diff) > 0:
            dbgPrint("The following extras were left intact: %s\n" % (", ".join(m for m in diff)), dbg_msg.WARNING)

    if binary_keep:
        # Do not include library source code for non-lab students
        dbgPrint("Ignoring source from modules %s...\n" % args["binary"])
        module_dirs = []
        module_names = []
        for m in binary_list:
            if m in modules.keys():

        binKeepdir(root_dir, os.path.join(root_dir, kernel_dir_prefix), module_dirs, module_names, lib_extensions)

        diff = set(modules.keys()) - binary_list
        if len(diff) > 0:
            dbgPrint("The following modules were left intact: %s\n" % (", ".join(m for m in diff)), dbg_msg.WARNING)

    dbgPrint("Setting correct file/dir permissions...\n")
    os.chmod(root_dir, 0770)
    for root, dirs, files, in os.walk(root_dir):
        for file in files:
            dbgPrint("\tSetting %s permissions to 0664\n" %(os.path.join(root, file)), dbg_msg.DEBUG)
            os.chmod(os.path.join(root, file), 0664)
        for dir in dirs:
            dbgPrint("\tSetting %s permissions to 0775\n" %(os.path.join(root, dir)), dbg_msg.DEBUG)
            os.chmod(os.path.join(root, dir), 0775 | stat.S_ISGID)

    dbgPrint("Setting executable files...\n")
    for efile in executable_files:
        path = os.path.join(root_dir, efile)
        dbgPrint("\tMaking %s executable\n" % path, dbg_msg.DEBUG)
        os.chmod(path, 0775)

    subprocess.call(["git", "add", "."])
    subprocess.call(["git", "commit", "-m", "Created student weenix repository"])
def main():
    global remove_files
    global executable_files
    global verbose_mode

    global remove_extensions
    global src_extensions
    global lib_extensions
    global modules
    global extras

    list_modules = False
    list_extra = False
    binary_keep = False
    src_strip = False
    extra_strip = False

    aparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Weenix repository generator from support code")
    aparser.add_argument("--list-modules", action="store_true",    help="list available Weenix modules")
    aparser.add_argument("--list-extra", action="store_true", help="list available extra Weenix features")
    aparser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="enable verbose output mode")
    aparser.add_argument("--binary", type=str, metavar="module_list", help="enable binary keeping for Weenix modules")
    aparser.add_argument("--cutsource", type=str, metavar="module_list", help="enable source stripping for Weenix modules")
    aparser.add_argument("--cutextra", type=str, metavar="extra_list", help="enable source stripping for extra Weenix features")

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    args = vars(aparser.parse_args())

    if args["verbose"]:
        verbose_mode = True
    if args["list_modules"]: list_modules = True
    if args["list_extra"]: list_extra = True
    if args["binary"]:
        binary_keep = True
        if args["binary"] == "all":
            binary_list = set(modules.keys())
            binary_list = set(args["binary"].split(","))
    if args["cutsource"]:
        src_strip = True
        if args["cutsource"] == "all":
            src_list = set(modules.keys())
            src_list = set(args["cutsource"].split(","))
    if args["cutextra"]:
        extra_strip = True
        if args["cutextra"] == "all":
            extra_list = set(extras.keys())
            extra_list = set(args["cutextra"].split(","))

    root_dir = findRoot(".")

    # List modules
    if list_modules or list_extra:
        if binary_keep or src_strip:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Listing, binary-keeping, and source-stripping are mutually-exclusive operations.\n")
        if list_modules:
            listModules("Modules: ", modules.keys())
        if list_extra:
            listModules("Extras: ", extras.keys())
    elif not binary_keep and not src_strip:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Please define operation: module-listing, binary-keeping or source-stripping.\n")

    dbgPrint("Generating student tree...\n")

    # Make sure we are only working with supported modules
    if src_strip:
        diff = src_list - set(modules.keys())
        if len(diff) > 0:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: The following modules are not supported: %s\n" % str(diff))

    # Make sure we are only working with supported extras
    if extra_strip:
        diff = extra_list - set(extras.keys())
        if len(diff) > 0:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: The following extras are not supported: %s\n" % str(diff))

    # Make sure we are only working with supported modules
    if binary_keep:
        diff = binary_list - set(modules.keys())
        if len(diff) > 0:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: The following modules are not supported: %s\n" % str(diff))

    # Finally make sure we are not applying multiple operations to the
    # same module
    if (binary_keep and src_strip) and len(set(binary_list).intersection(src_list)) > 0:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: We can't apply multiple operations to the same modules\n")

    # Compile code first to make sure that there are no errors. Also
    # needed for keeping binaries
    dbgPrint("Compiling code...\n")

    # If you don't use redo, substitute the following clode block
    subprocess.call(["make", "-j", "8"])

    dbgPrint("Removing .git if it exists...\n")
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root_dir, ".git"))
    except OSError:

    dbgPrint("Removing staff-only files...\n")
    for rfile in remove_files:
        path = os.path.join(root_dir, rfile)
        if (os.path.isdir(path)):
            dbgPrint("\tRemoving %s\n" % path, dbg_msg.DEBUG)
            dbgPrint("\tRemoving %s\n" % path, dbg_msg.DEBUG)
    dbgPrint("Creating student weenix git repository...\n")
    subprocess.call(["git", "init"])

    if src_strip:
        diff = set(modules.keys()) - src_list

        # Remove support code and produce stencil for students
        dbgPrint("Generating stencil code for modules %s...\n" % args["cutsource"])
        module_dirs = []
        for m in src_list:
            if m in modules.keys():
                module_dirs.extend([os.path.join(kernel_dir_prefix, m) for m in modules[m]["dirs"]["src"]])
        srcCutdir(root_dir, module_dirs, diff.union(extras.keys()))

        if len(diff) > 0:
            dbgPrint("The following modules were left intact: %s\n" % (", ".join(m for m in diff)), dbg_msg.WARNING)

    if extra_strip:
        diff = set(extras.keys()) - extra_list

        # Remove support code and produce stencil for students
        dbgPrint("Generating stencil code for extras %s...\n" % args["cutextra"])
        extras_dirs = []
        for m in extra_list:
            if m in extras.keys(): extras_dirs.extend([os.path.join(kernel_dir_prefix, e) for e in extras[m]["dirs"]])
        srcCutdir(root_dir, extras_dirs, diff.union(modules.keys()))

        if len(diff) > 0:
            dbgPrint("The following extras were left intact: %s\n" % (", ".join(m for m in diff)), dbg_msg.WARNING)

    if binary_keep:
        # Do not include library source code for non-lab students
        dbgPrint("Ignoring source from modules %s...\n" % args["binary"])
        module_dirs = []
        module_names = []
        for m in binary_list:
            if m in modules.keys():

        binKeepdir(root_dir, os.path.join(root_dir, kernel_dir_prefix), module_dirs, module_names, lib_extensions)

        diff = set(modules.keys()) - binary_list
        if len(diff) > 0:
            dbgPrint("The following modules were left intact: %s\n" % (", ".join(m for m in diff)), dbg_msg.WARNING)

    dbgPrint("Setting correct file/dir permissions...\n")
    os.chmod(root_dir, 0770)
    for root, dirs, files, in os.walk(root_dir):
        for file in files:
            dbgPrint("\tSetting %s permissions to 0664\n" %(os.path.join(root, file)), dbg_msg.DEBUG)
            os.chmod(os.path.join(root, file), 0664)
        for dir in dirs:
            dbgPrint("\tSetting %s permissions to 0775\n" %(os.path.join(root, dir)), dbg_msg.DEBUG)
            os.chmod(os.path.join(root, dir), 0775 | stat.S_ISGID)

    dbgPrint("Setting executable files...\n")
    for efile in executable_files:
        path = os.path.join(root_dir, efile)
        dbgPrint("\tMaking %s executable\n" % path, dbg_msg.DEBUG)
        os.chmod(path, 0775)

    subprocess.call(["git", "add", "."])
    subprocess.call(["git", "commit", "-m", "Created student weenix repository"])
def main():
    global remove_files
    global executable_files
    global verbose_mode

    global remove_extensions
    global src_extensions
    global lib_extensions
    global modules
    global extras

    list_modules = False
    list_extra = False
    binary_keep = False
    src_strip = False
    extra_strip = False

    aparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Weenix repository generator from TA code")
    aparser.add_argument("--list-modules", action="store_true",	help="list available Weenix modules")
    aparser.add_argument("--list-extra", action="store_true", help="list available extra Weenix features")
    aparser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="enable verbose output mode")
    aparser.add_argument("--binary", type=str, metavar="module_list", help="enable binary keeping for Weenix modules")
    aparser.add_argument("--cutsource", type=str, metavar="module_list", help="enable source stripping for Weenix modules")
    aparser.add_argument("--cutextra", type=str, metavar="extra_list", help="enable source stripping for extra Weenix features")

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    args = vars(aparser.parse_args())

    if args["verbose"]:
        verbose_mode = True
    if args["list_modules"]: list_modules = True
    if args["list_extra"]: list_extra = True
    if args["binary"]:
        binary_keep = True
        if args["binary"] == "all":
            binary_list = set(modules.keys())
            binary_list = set(args["binary"].split(","))
    if args["cutsource"]:
        src_strip = True
        if args["cutsource"] == "all":
            src_list = set(modules.keys())
            src_list = set(args["cutsource"].split(","))
    if args["cutextra"]:
        extra_strip = True
        if args["cutextra"] == "all":
            extra_list = set(extras.keys())
            extra_list = set(args["cutextra"].split(","))

    root_dir = findRoot(".")

    # List modules
    if list_modules or list_extra:
        if binary_keep or src_strip:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Listing, binary-keeping, and source-stripping are mutually-exclusive operations.\n")
        if list_modules:
            listModules("Modules: ", modules.keys())
        if list_extra:
            listModules("Extras: ", extras.keys())
    elif not binary_keep and not src_strip:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Please define operation: module-listing, binary-keeping or source-stripping.\n")

    dbgPrint("Generating student tree...\n")

    # Make sure we are only working with supported modules
    if src_strip:
        diff = src_list - set(modules.keys())
        if len(diff) > 0:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: The following modules are not supported: %s\n" % str(diff))

    # Make sure we are only working with supported extras
    if extra_strip:
        diff = extra_list - set(extras.keys())
        if len(diff) > 0:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: The following extras are not supported: %s\n" % str(diff))

    # Make sure we are only working with supported modules
    if binary_keep:
        diff = binary_list - set(modules.keys())
        if len(diff) > 0:
            sys.stderr.write("ERROR: The following modules are not supported: %s\n" % str(diff))

    # Finally make sure we are not applying multiple operations to the
	# same module
    if (binary_keep and src_strip) and len(set(binary_list).intersection(src_list)) > 0:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: We can't apply multiple operations to the same modules\n")

    # Compile code first to make sure that there are no errors. Also
	# needed for keeping binaries
    dbgPrint("Compiling code...\n")

    # If you don't use redo, substitute the following clode block
    subprocess.call([os.path.join(root_dir, "tools/setup")])
    subprocess.call(["redo", "-j", "8"])

    dbgPrint("Removing .git...\n")
    shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root_dir, ".git"))

    dbgPrint("Removing TA-only files...\n")
    for rfile in remove_files:
        path = os.path.join(root_dir, rfile)
        if (os.path.isdir(path)):
            dbgPrint("\tRemoving %s\n" % path, dbg_msg.DEBUG)
            dbgPrint("\tRemoving %s\n" % path, dbg_msg.DEBUG)
    dbgPrint("Creating student weenix git repository...\n")
    subprocess.call(["git", "init"])

    if src_strip:
        diff = set(modules.keys()) - src_list

        # Remove TA code and produce stencil for students
        dbgPrint("Generating stencil code for modules %s...\n" % args["cutsource"])
        modules_dirs = []
        for m in src_list:
            if m in modules.keys(): modules_dirs.extend(modules[m]["dirs"]["src"])
        srcCutdir(root_dir, modules_dirs, diff.union(extras.keys()))

        if len(diff) > 0:
            dbgPrint("The following modules were left intact: %s\n" % (", ".join(m for m in diff)), dbg_msg.WARNING)

    if extra_strip:
        diff = set(extras.keys()) - extra_list

        # Remove TA code and produce stencil for students
        dbgPrint("Generating stencil code for extras %s...\n" % args["cutextra"])
        extras_dirs = []
        for m in extra_list:
            if m in extras.keys(): extras_dirs.extend(extras[m]["dirs"])
        srcCutdir(root_dir, extras_dirs, diff.union(modules.keys()))

        if len(diff) > 0:
            dbgPrint("The following extras were left intact: %s\n" % (", ".join(m for m in diff)), dbg_msg.WARNING)

    if binary_keep:
        # Do not include library source code for non-lab students
        dbgPrint("Ignoring source from modules %s...\n" % args["binary"])
        modules_dirs = []
        for m in binary_list:
            if m in modules.keys(): modules_dirs.extend(modules[m]["dirs"]["lib"])
        binKeepdir(root_dir, modules_dirs, lib_extensions)

        diff = set(modules.keys()) - binary_list
        if len(diff) > 0:
            dbgPrint("The following modules were left intact: %s\n" % (", ".join(m for m in diff)), dbg_msg.WARNING)

    # For those modules that only have binaries available, let's modify
	# redo rules, so that the .a files are not deleted when 'redo clean' is
	# called from the new repository
    if binary_keep:
        dbgPrint("Modifying redo files...\n")
        with open(os.path.join(root_dir, "kernel/Kernel.sh"), "r") as fin:
            lines = fin.readlines()
			# A line starting with CLEAN_MODULES= defines the list of
			# subdirectories available in kernel. Let's remove those who
			# have a binary-only file, so that it is not deleted.
            for n, line in enumerate(lines):
                match = re.match(r"\ACLEAN_MODULES=.*", line)
                if match:
                    for m in binary_list:
                        # I hate doing this, but it's necessary
                        if m == "VFS" or m == "S5FS": m = "fs"
                        line = re.sub(r"\s%s\s" % m.lower(), " ", line)
                        lines[n] = line

        with open(os.path.join(root_dir, "kernel/Kernel.sh"), "w") as fin:

    # Clean compile-created files. This is a necessary step to create a
	# working repo. If not, things won't compile next again (blame redo
	# for this). If you don't use redo, erase the code block below
    dbgPrint("Cleaning object files...\n")
    subprocess.call(["redo", "clean"])

    dbgPrint("Setting correct file/dir permissions...\n")
    os.chmod(root_dir, 0770)
    for root, dirs, files, in os.walk(root_dir):
        for file in files:
            dbgPrint("\tSetting %s permissions to 0664\n" %(os.path.join(root, file)), dbg_msg.DEBUG)
            os.chmod(os.path.join(root, file), 0664)
        for dir in dirs:
            dbgPrint("\tSetting %s permissions to 0775\n" %(os.path.join(root, dir)), dbg_msg.DEBUG)
            os.chmod(os.path.join(root, dir), 0775 | stat.S_ISGID)

    dbgPrint("Setting executable files...\n")
    for efile in executable_files:
        path = os.path.join(root_dir, efile)
        dbgPrint("\tMaking %s executable\n" % path, dbg_msg.DEBUG)
        os.chmod(path, 0775)

    subprocess.call(["git", "add", "."])
    subprocess.call(["git", "commit", "-m", "Created student weenix repository"])