 def __init__(
     self, name, path=None, attribute="render", interface=Interface, permission="view", strict=True, _level=2
     """ see ``registerTile`` for details on the other parameters.
     self.name = name
     if path and not (":" in path or os.path.isabs(path)):
         path = "%s:%s" % (caller_package(_level).__name__, path)
     self.path = path
     self.attribute = attribute
     self.interface = interface
     self.permission = permission
     self.strict = strict
def registerTile(
    name, path=None, attribute="render", interface=Interface, class_=Tile, permission="view", strict=True, _level=2
    """registers a tile.
        identifier of the tile (for later lookup).
        either relative path to the template or absolute path or path prefixed
        by the absolute package name delimeted by ':'. If ``path`` is used
        ``attribute`` is ignored. 
        attribute on the given _class to be used to render the tile. Defaults to
        Interface or Class of the bfg model the tile is registered for.
        Class to be used to render the tile. usally ``bda.bfg.tile.Tile`` or a
        subclass of. Promises to implement ``bda.bfg.ITile``.
        Enables security checking for this tile. Defaults to ``view``. If set to
        ``None`` security checks are disabled.
        Wether to raise ``Forbidden`` or not. Defaults to ``True``. If set to 
        ``False`` the exception is consumed and an empty unicode string is 

        is a bit special to make doctests pass the magic path-detection.
        you must never touch it in application code.
    if path and not (":" in path or os.path.isabs(path)):
        path = "%s:%s" % (caller_package(_level).__name__, path)
    tile = class_(path, attribute, name)
    registry = get_current_registry()
    if permission is not None:
        authn_policy = registry.queryUtility(IAuthenticationPolicy)
        authz_policy = registry.queryUtility(IAuthorizationPolicy)
        tile = _secure_tile(tile, permission, authn_policy, authz_policy, strict)
    registry.registerAdapter(tile, [interface, IRequest], ITile, name, event=False)