class Quickbooks:
    def __init__(self, qb_file=None, version=6.0, stop_on_error=True):
        # Absolute path to your quickbooks
        self.qb_file = qb_file
        self.app_name = "Quickbooks Python"
        self.ticket = None
        self.rc = RequestCreator()
        self.version = version
        self.xml_prefix = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><?qbxml version="2.0"?>'''

        # This are important for me. using upto version 6 of the SDK.
        # You can check the version suported very easy by doing:
        # self.verion_suported() it will return the value.
        self.__queries = [
            ("Account", 6.0),
            ("Bill", 6.0),
            ("Check", 6.0),
            ("Class", 6.0),
            ("Customer", 6.0),
            ("Host", 6.0),
            ("Invoice", 6.0),
            ("Item", 6.0),
            ("ItemReceipt", 6.0),
            ("ItemSalesTax", 6.0),
            ("ReceivePayment", 6.0),
            ("SalesOrder", 6.0),
            ("SalesReceipt", 6.0),
            ("StandardTerms", 6.0),
            ("Template", 6.0),
            ("Terms", 6.0),
            ("ToDo", 6.0),
            ("Vendor", 6.0),
            ('BillPaymentCheck', 6.0),
            ('BuildAssembly', 6.0),
            ('Charge', 6.0),
            ('Check', 6.0),
            ('Credit', 6.0),
            ('CreditCardCharge', 6.0),
            ('CreditCardCredit', 6.0),
            ('Deposits', 6.0),
            ('Employee', 6.0),
            ('Estimate', 6.0),
            ('Estimates', 6.0),
            ('Invoices', 6.0),
            ('ItemPayment', 6.0),
            ('ItemReceipt', 6.0),
            ('JournalEntry', 6.0),
            ('PriceLevel', 6.0),
            ('Purchase', 6.0),
            ('ReceivePayment', 6.0),
            ('Sales', 6.0),
            ('SalesReceipt', 6.0),
            ('Statement', 6.0),
            ('TimeTracking', 6.0),
            ('VendorCredit', 6.0),
        self.queries = [query[0] for query in self.__queries]

    def version_suported(self):
        iter over the SupportedQBXMLVersion and return the last value.
        for ver in ET.fromstring(self.get('Host')).iter("SupportedQBXMLVersion"):
            return ver.text

    def __create_name(self, object_name, operation, method):
    Acording to chapter 3 page # 32:
    Naming are sliced in 3 parts object, operation + Rq
        return "%s%s%s" % (object_name, operation.title(), method.title())

    def __create_object(self, mode=2):
    It creates and returns a Session Object.
        import win32com.client
        session = win32com.client.Dispatch("QBXMLRP2.RequestProcessor")
        session.OpenConnection('', self.app_name)
        # This need to be mode, 3 to gues wich
        self.ticket = session.BeginSession(self.qb_file, 3)

        return session

    def __close_connection(self, session, ticket):


    def make_qbxml(self, query=None, payload=None):

        Outputs a valid QBXML
        if there is a payload it will be included in the output

        :param query is the full name of the object like CustomerAddRq
        :param payload is the optional payload , it is required when adding items.

        if payload:
            qb_request = payload
            qb_request = None

        qbxml_query = {
            'QBXML': {
                        '@onError': "stopOnError",
                        query: qb_request


        data_xml = self.xml_soap(xmltodict.unparse(qbxml_query, full_document=False))
        data_xml = xmltodict.unparse(qbxml_query, full_document=False)
        res = self.xml_prefix + data_xml

        return res

    def make_request(self, query='CustomerQuery', payload=None):

        session = self.__create_object()
        resp = None
            q = self.rc.create_name(object_name=query, operation='', method='')
            resp = session.ProcessRequest(self.ticket, self.make_qbxml(query=q, payload=payload))
        except Exception, e:
class Quickbooks:
  def __init__(self, qb_file=None, stop_on_error=True):
    # Absolute path to your quickbooks
    self.qb_file = qb_file
    self.app_name = "Quickbooks Python"
    self.ticket = None
    self.rc = RequestCreator()

    # This are important for me. using upto version 6 of the SDK.
    # You can check the version suported very easy by doing:
    # self.verion_suported() it will return the value.
    self.queries = [

  def version_suported(self):
    iter over the SupportedQBXMLVersion and return the last value.
    for ver in ET.fromstring(self.get('Host')).iter("SupportedQBXMLVersion"):
      version = ver.text

    return  version

  def __create_name(self, object_name, operation, method):
    Acording to chapter 3 page # 32:
    Naming are sliced in 3 parts object, operation + Rq
    return "%s%s%s" %(object_name, operation.title(), method.title())

  def __create_object(self, mode=2):
    It creates and returns a Session Object.
    session = win32com.client.Dispatch("QBXMLRP2.RequestProcessor")
    session.OpenConnection('', self.app_name)
    self.ticket = session.BeginSession(self.qb_file, 2)

    return session

  def __close_connection(self, session, ticket):

  def make_request(self, query='CustomerQuery'):

    session = self.__create_object()
    resp = None
      q = self.rc.create_name(object_name=query, operation='', method='')
      qbxml_query = """
      <?qbxml version="6.0"?>
         <QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
      """ %(q, q)
      resp = session.ProcessRequest(self.ticket, qbxml_query)
    except Exception, e:
      print e