    def __init__(self, res_config, controls, results):
        """Will create simulator which can be used to run multiple simulations.

        The @res_config argument should be a ResConfig object, representing the
        fully configured state of libres.

        The @controls argument configures which parameters the simulator should
        get when actually simulating. The @controls argument should be a
        dictionary like this:

            controls = {"cmode": ["Well","Group"], "order" : ["W1", "W2", "W3"]}

        In this example the simulator will expect two arrays 'cmode' and
        'order', consisting of two and three elements respectively. When
        actually simualating these values will be written to json files looking

             cmode.json = {"Well" : 1.0, "Group" : 2.0}
             order.json = {"W1" : 1, "W2" : 1.0, "W3": 1.0}

        When later invoking the start() method the simulator expects to get
        values for all parameters configured with the @controls argument,
        otherwise an exception will be raised. Internally in libres code the
        controls will be implemented as 'ext_param' instances.

        The @results argument is a list of keys of results which the simulator
        expects to be generated by the forward model. If argument @results
        looks like:

             results = ["CMODE", "order"]

        The simulator will look for the files 'CMODE_0' and 'order_0' in the
        simulation folder. If those files are not produced by the simulator an
        exception will be raised.
        if not isinstance(res_config, ResConfig):
            raise ValueError(
                "The first argument must be valid ResConfig instance")

        self.res_config = res_config
        self.ert = EnKFMain(self.res_config)
        self.control_keys = []
        self.result_keys = []

        ens_config = self.res_config.ensemble_config
        for key in controls.keys():
                EnkfConfigNode.create_ext_param(key, controls[key]))

        for key in results:
                EnkfConfigNode.create_gen_data(key, "{}_%d".format(key)))
    def __init__(self, res_config, controls, results, callback=None):
        """Will create simulator which can be used to run multiple simulations.

        The @res_config argument should be a ResConfig object, representing the
        fully configured state of libres.

        The @controls argument configures which parameters the simulator should
        get when actually simulating. The @controls argument should be a
        dictionary like this :

            controls = {
                "cmode": ["Well", "Group"],
                    "W" : ["01", "02", "03"]

        In this example, the first group of controls "cmode" includes two
        controls, called "Well" and "Group". The second group of controls
        "order" has one control "W" with three suffixes.
        Note that:
        - Either no variable in a group has suffixes or all the variables in
          the group have suffixes.
        - Suffixes must be specified as non-empty collections of strings.
        - No duplicate groups/controls/suffixes are allowed

        When actually simulating, these values will be written to json files
        looking like this:

            cmode.json = {"Well": 1.0, "Group": 2.0}
            order.json = {
                    "01": 0.3,
                    "02": 1.0,
                    "03": 4.2

        When later invoking the start() method the simulator expects to get
        values for all parameters configured with the @controls argument,
        otherwise an exception will be raised.
        Internally in libres code the controls will be implemented as
        'ext_param' instances.

        The @results argument is a list of keys of results which the simulator
        expects to be generated by the forward model. If argument @results
        looks like:

             results = ["CMODE", "order"]

        The simulator will look for the files 'CMODE_0' and 'order_0' in the
        simulation folder. If those files are not produced by the simulator an
        exception will be raised.

        The optional argument callback can be used to provide a callable
        which will be called as:


        When the simulator has started. For the callable passed as
        callback you are encouraged to use the future proof signature:

             def callback(*args, **kwargs):

        if not isinstance(res_config, ResConfig):
            raise ValueError(
                "The first argument must be valid ResConfig instance")

        self.res_config = res_config
        self.ert = EnKFMain(self.res_config)
        self.control_keys = set(controls.keys())
        self.result_keys = set(results)
        self.callback = callback

        ens_config = self.res_config.ensemble_config
        for control_name, variables in controls.items():
                EnkfConfigNode.create_ext_param(control_name, variables))

        for key in results:
                EnkfConfigNode.create_gen_data(key, "{}_%d".format(key)))
    def test_run(self):
        ens_size = 2
        config_file = self.createTestPath(
        with ErtTestContext("simulation_batch",
                            model_config=config_file) as ctx:
            ert = ctx.getErt()
            ens_config = ert.ensembleConfig()

            # Observe that a significant amount of hardcoding
            # regarding the GEN_DATA and EXT_PARAM nodes is assumed
            # between this test, the config file and the forward model.

            # Add control nodes
            order_control = EnkfConfigNode.create_ext_param(
                "WELL_ORDER", ["W1", "W2", "W3"])
            injection_control = EnkfConfigNode.create_ext_param(
                "WELL_INJECTION", ["W1", "W4"])

            # Add result nodes
            order_result = EnkfConfigNode.create_gen_data("ORDER", "order_%d")
            injection_result = EnkfConfigNode.create_gen_data(
                "INJECTION", "injection_%d")

            order_node = EnkfNode(order_control)
            order_node_ext = order_node.as_ext_param()
            injection_node = EnkfNode(injection_control)
            injection_node_ext = injection_node.as_ext_param()

            fs_manager = ert.getEnkfFsManager()
            sim_fs = fs_manager.getFileSystem("sim_fs")
            state_map = sim_fs.getStateMap()
            batch_size = ens_size + 2
            for iens in range(batch_size):
                node_id = NodeId(0, iens)

                order_node_ext["W1"] = iens
                order_node_ext["W2"] = iens * 10
                order_node_ext["W3"] = iens * 100
                order_node.save(sim_fs, node_id)

                injection_node_ext["W1"] = iens + 1
                injection_node_ext["W4"] = 3 * (iens + 1)
                injection_node.save(sim_fs, node_id)
                state_map[iens] = RealizationStateEnum.STATE_INITIALIZED

            mask = BoolVector(default_value=True, initial_size=batch_size)
            model_config = ert.getModelConfig()
            runpath_fmt = model_config.getRunpathFormat()
            jobname_fmt = model_config.getJobnameFormat()
            subst_list = ert.getDataKW()
            itr = 0
            run_context = ErtRunContext.ensemble_experiment(
                sim_fs, mask, runpath_fmt, jobname_fmt, subst_list, itr)
            job_queue = ert.get_queue_config().create_job_queue()

            num = ert.getEnkfSimulationRunner().runEnsembleExperiment(
                job_queue, run_context)
            self.assertEqual(num, batch_size)

            order_result = EnkfNode(ens_config["ORDER"])
            injection_result = EnkfNode(ens_config["INJECTION"])

            for iens in range(batch_size):
                node_id = NodeId(0, iens)
                order_result.load(sim_fs, node_id)
                data = order_result.asGenData()

                order_node.load(sim_fs, node_id)
                self.assertEqual(order_node_ext["W1"], data[0])
                self.assertEqual(order_node_ext["W2"], data[1])
                self.assertEqual(order_node_ext["W3"], data[2])