文件: enkf_main.py 项目: jokva/libres
    def __init__(self, config, strict=True, verbose=True):
        Initializes an instance of EnkfMain.

        Note: @config ought to be the ResConfig instance holding the
        configuration. It also accepts that config is the name of a
        configuration file, this is however deprecated.

        res_config = self._init_res_config(config)
        if res_config is None:
            raise TypeError("Failed to construct EnKFMain instance due to invalid res_config.")

        c_ptr = self._alloc(res_config, strict, verbose)
        if c_ptr:
            super(EnKFMain, self).__init__(c_ptr)
            raise ValueError('Failed to construct EnKFMain instance from config %s.' % res_config)

        if config is None:
            self.__simulation_runner = None
            self.__fs_manager = None
            self.__es_update = None
            self.__simulation_runner = EnkfSimulationRunner(self)
            self.__fs_manager = EnkfFsManager(self)
            self.__es_update = ESUpdate(self)

        self.__key_manager = KeyManager(self)
    def __init__(self, model_config, res_config=None, strict=True, verbose=True):
        if model_config is not None and not isfile(model_config):
            raise IOError('No such configuration file "%s".' % model_config)

        if res_config is None:
            res_config = ResConfig(model_config)

        if res_config is None or not isinstance(res_config, ResConfig):
            raise TypeError("Failed to construct EnKFMain instance due to invalid res_config.")

        c_ptr = self._alloc(model_config, res_config, strict, verbose)
        if c_ptr:
            super(EnKFMain, self).__init__(c_ptr)
            raise ValueError('Failed to construct EnKFMain instance from config %s.' % model_config)

        # The model_config argument can be None; the only reason to
        # allow that possibility is to be able to test that the
        # site-config loads correctly.
        if model_config is None:
            self.__simulation_runner = None
            self.__fs_manager = None
            self.__es_update = None
            self.__simulation_runner = EnkfSimulationRunner(self)
            self.__fs_manager = EnkfFsManager(self)
            self.__es_update = ESUpdate(self)

        self.__key_manager = KeyManager(self)
    def _init_from_real_enkf_main(self, real_enkf_main):

        self.__simulation_runner = EnkfSimulationRunner(self)
        self.__fs_manager = EnkfFsManager(self)
        self.__es_update = ESUpdate(self)
class EnKFMain(BaseCClass):

    TYPE_NAME = "enkf_main"

    def createPythonObject(cls, c_pointer):
        if c_pointer is not None:
            real_enkf_main = _RealEnKFMain.createPythonObject(c_pointer)
            new_obj = cls.__new__(cls)
            EnKFMain._init_from_real_enkf_main(new_obj, real_enkf_main)
            EnKFMain._monkey_patch_methods(new_obj, real_enkf_main)
            return new_obj
            return None

    def createCReference(cls, c_pointer, parent=None):
        if c_pointer is not None:
            real_enkf_main = _RealEnKFMain.createCReference(c_pointer, parent)
            new_obj = cls.__new__(cls)
            EnKFMain._init_from_real_enkf_main(new_obj, real_enkf_main)
            EnKFMain._monkey_patch_methods(new_obj, real_enkf_main)
            return new_obj
            return None

    def __init__(self, config, strict=True, verbose=False):
        """Initializes an instance of EnkfMain.

        Note: @config is a ResConfig instance holding the configuration.

        real_enkf_main = _RealEnKFMain(config, strict, verbose)
        assert isinstance(real_enkf_main, BaseCClass)

    def _init_from_real_enkf_main(self, real_enkf_main):
        super(EnKFMain, self).__init__(

        self.__simulation_runner = EnkfSimulationRunner(self)
        self.__fs_manager = EnkfFsManager(self)
        self.__es_update = ESUpdate(self)

    def _real_enkf_main(self):
        return self.parent()

    def getESUpdate(self):
        """@rtype: ESUpdate"""
        return self.__es_update

    def getEnkfSimulationRunner(self):
        """@rtype: EnkfSimulationRunner"""
        return self.__simulation_runner

    def getEnkfFsManager(self):
        """@rtype: EnkfFsManager"""
        return self.__fs_manager

    def umount(self):
        if self.__fs_manager is not None:

    # --- Overridden methods --------------------

    def _monkey_patch_methods(self, real_enkf_main):
        # As a general rule, EnKFMain methods should be implemented on
        # _RealEnKFMain because the other references (such as __es_update)
        # may need to use them.
        # The public methods should be also exposed in this class, forwarding
        # the call to the real method on the real_enkf_main object. That's done
        # via monkey patching, so we don't need to manually keep the classes
        # synchronized
        from inspect import getmembers, ismethod
        from functools import partial

        methods = getmembers(self._real_enkf_main(), predicate=ismethod)
        dont_patch = [name for name, _ in getmembers(BaseCClass)]
        for name, method in methods:
            if name.startswith("_") or name in dont_patch:
                continue  # skip private methods
            setattr(self, name, method)

    def __repr__(self):
        repr = self._real_enkf_main().__repr__()
        assert repr.startswith("_RealEnKFMain")
        return repr[5:]
文件: enkf_main.py 项目: jokva/libres
class EnKFMain(BaseCClass):
    TYPE_NAME = "enkf_main"
    _alloc = EnkfPrototype("void* enkf_main_alloc(res_config, bool, bool)", bind = False)
    _create_new_config = EnkfPrototype("void enkf_main_create_new_config(char* , char*, char* , int)", bind = False)

    _free = EnkfPrototype("void enkf_main_free(enkf_main)")
    _get_queue_config = EnkfPrototype("queue_config_ref enkf_main_get_queue_config(enkf_main)")
    _get_ensemble_size = EnkfPrototype("int enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main )")
    _get_ens_config = EnkfPrototype("ens_config_ref enkf_main_get_ensemble_config( enkf_main )")
    _get_model_config = EnkfPrototype("model_config_ref enkf_main_get_model_config( enkf_main )")
    _get_local_config = EnkfPrototype("local_config_ref enkf_main_get_local_config( enkf_main )")
    _get_analysis_config = EnkfPrototype("analysis_config_ref enkf_main_get_analysis_config( enkf_main)")
    _get_site_config = EnkfPrototype("site_config_ref enkf_main_get_site_config( enkf_main)")
    _get_ecl_config = EnkfPrototype("ecl_config_ref enkf_main_get_ecl_config( enkf_main)")
    _get_plot_config = EnkfPrototype("plot_settings_ref enkf_main_get_plot_config( enkf_main)")
    _get_schedule_prediction_file = EnkfPrototype("char* enkf_main_get_schedule_prediction_file( enkf_main )")
    _get_data_kw = EnkfPrototype("subst_list_ref enkf_main_get_data_kw(enkf_main)")
    _clear_data_kw = EnkfPrototype("void enkf_main_clear_data_kw(enkf_main)")
    _add_data_kw = EnkfPrototype("void enkf_main_add_data_kw(enkf_main, char*, char*)")
    _resize_ensemble = EnkfPrototype("void enkf_main_resize_ensemble(enkf_main, int)")
    _get_obs = EnkfPrototype("enkf_obs_ref enkf_main_get_obs(enkf_main)")
    _load_obs = EnkfPrototype("bool enkf_main_load_obs(enkf_main, char* , bool)")
    _get_templates = EnkfPrototype("ert_templates_ref enkf_main_get_templates(enkf_main)")
    _get_site_config_file = EnkfPrototype("char* enkf_main_get_site_config_file(enkf_main)")
    _get_history_length = EnkfPrototype("int enkf_main_get_history_length(enkf_main)")
    _get_observations = EnkfPrototype("void enkf_main_get_observations(enkf_main, char*, int, long*, double*, double*)")
    _get_observation_count = EnkfPrototype("int enkf_main_get_observation_count(enkf_main, char*)")
    _iget_state = EnkfPrototype("enkf_state_ref enkf_main_iget_state(enkf_main, int)")
    _get_workflow_list = EnkfPrototype("ert_workflow_list_ref enkf_main_get_workflow_list(enkf_main)")
    _get_hook_manager = EnkfPrototype("hook_manager_ref enkf_main_get_hook_manager(enkf_main)")
    _get_user_config_file = EnkfPrototype("char* enkf_main_get_user_config_file(enkf_main)")
    _get_mount_point = EnkfPrototype("char* enkf_main_get_mount_root( enkf_main )")
    _export_field = EnkfPrototype("bool enkf_main_export_field(enkf_main, char*, char*, bool_vector, enkf_field_file_format_enum, int)")
    _export_field_with_fs = EnkfPrototype("bool enkf_main_export_field_with_fs(enkf_main, char*, char*, bool_vector, enkf_field_file_format_enum, int, enkf_fs_manager)")
    _load_from_forward_model = EnkfPrototype("int enkf_main_load_from_forward_model_from_gui(enkf_main, int, bool_vector, enkf_fs)")
    _create_run_path = EnkfPrototype("void enkf_main_create_run_path(enkf_main , ert_run_context)")
    _icreate_run_path = EnkfPrototype("void enkf_main_icreate_run_path(enkf_main , run_arg, enkf_init_mode_enum)")
    _submit_simulation = EnkfPrototype("void enkf_main_isubmit_job(enkf_main , run_arg, job_queue)")
    _alloc_run_context_ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT= EnkfPrototype("ert_run_context_obj enkf_main_alloc_ert_run_context_ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT( enkf_main , enkf_fs , bool_vector , int)")
    _get_runpath_list = EnkfPrototype("runpath_list_ref enkf_main_get_runpath_list(enkf_main)")
    _add_node = EnkfPrototype("void enkf_main_add_node(enkf_main, enkf_config_node)")
    _get_res_config = EnkfPrototype("res_config_ref enkf_main_get_res_config(enkf_main)")

    def __init__(self, config, strict=True, verbose=True):
        Initializes an instance of EnkfMain.

        Note: @config ought to be the ResConfig instance holding the
        configuration. It also accepts that config is the name of a
        configuration file, this is however deprecated.

        res_config = self._init_res_config(config)
        if res_config is None:
            raise TypeError("Failed to construct EnKFMain instance due to invalid res_config.")

        c_ptr = self._alloc(res_config, strict, verbose)
        if c_ptr:
            super(EnKFMain, self).__init__(c_ptr)
            raise ValueError('Failed to construct EnKFMain instance from config %s.' % res_config)

        if config is None:
            self.__simulation_runner = None
            self.__fs_manager = None
            self.__es_update = None
            self.__simulation_runner = EnkfSimulationRunner(self)
            self.__fs_manager = EnkfFsManager(self)
            self.__es_update = ESUpdate(self)

        self.__key_manager = KeyManager(self)

    def _init_res_config(self, config):
        if isinstance(config, ResConfig):
            return config

        # The res_config argument can be None; the only reason to
        # allow that possibility is to be able to test that the
        # site-config loads correctly.
        if config is None or isinstance(config, basestring):
            user_config_file = None

            if isinstance(config, basestring):
                if not isfile(config):
                    raise IOError('No such configuration file "%s".' % res_config)

                warnings.warn("Initializing enkf_main with a config_file is "
                            "deprecated. Please use res_config to load the file "

                user_config_file = config

            res_config = ResConfig(user_config_file)

            return res_config

        raise TypeError("Expected ResConfig, received: %r" % res_config)

    def get_queue_config(self):
        return self._get_queue_config()

    def createCReference(cls, c_pointer, parent=None):
        obj = super(EnKFMain, cls).createCReference(c_pointer, parent)
        obj.__simulation_runner = EnkfSimulationRunner(obj)
        obj.__fs_manager = EnkfFsManager(obj)
        return obj

    def createNewConfig(config_file, storage_path, dbase_type, num_realizations):
        return EnKFMain._create_new_config(config_file, storage_path, dbase_type, num_realizations)

    def getRealisation(self , iens):
        """ @rtype: EnKFState """
        if 0 <= iens < self.getEnsembleSize():
            return self._iget_state(iens).setParent(self)
            raise IndexError("iens value:%d invalid Valid range: [0,%d)" % (iens , self.getEnsembleSize()))

    def umount(self):
        if not self.__fs_manager is None:

    def free(self):
        self._free( )

    def __repr__(self):
        ens = self.getEnsembleSize()
        cfg = self.getUserConfigFile()
        cnt = 'ensemble_size = %d, config_file = %s' % (ens,cfg)
        return self._create_repr(cnt)

    def getEnsembleSize(self):
        """ @rtype: int """
        return self._get_ensemble_size( )

    def resizeEnsemble(self, value):

    def ensembleConfig(self):
        """ @rtype: EnsembleConfig """
        return self._get_ens_config( ).setParent(self)

    def analysisConfig(self):
        """ @rtype: AnalysisConfig """
        return self._get_analysis_config( ).setParent(self)

    def getModelConfig(self):
        """ @rtype: ModelConfig """
        return self._get_model_config( ).setParent(self)

    def getLocalConfig(self):
        """ @rtype: LocalConfig """
        config = self._get_local_config( ).setParent(self)
        config.initAttributes( self.ensembleConfig() , self.getObservations() , self.eclConfig().getGrid() )
        return config

    def siteConfig(self):
        """ @rtype: SiteConfig """
        return self._get_site_config( ).setParent(self)

    def resConfig(self):
        return self._get_res_config( ).setParent(self)

    def eclConfig(self):
        """ @rtype: EclConfig """
        return self._get_ecl_config( ).setParent(self)

    def plotConfig(self):
        """ @rtype: PlotConfig """
        return self._get_plot_config( ).setParent(self)

    def get_schedule_prediction_file(self):
        schedule_prediction_file = self._get_schedule_prediction_file( )
        return schedule_prediction_file

    def getDataKW(self):
        """ @rtype: SubstitutionList """
        return self._get_data_kw( )

    def clearDataKW(self):
        self._clear_data_kw( )

    def addDataKW(self, key, value):
        self._add_data_kw(key, value)

    def getMountPoint(self):
        return self._get_mount_point( )

    def getObservations(self):
        """ @rtype: EnkfObs """
        return self._get_obs( ).setParent(self)

    def loadObservations(self , obs_config_file , clear = True):
        return self._load_obs(obs_config_file , clear)

    def get_templates(self):
        return self._get_templates( ).setParent(self)

    def get_site_config_file(self):
        return self._get_site_config_file( )

    def getUserConfigFile(self):
        """ @rtype: str """
        config_file = self._get_user_config_file( )
        return config_file

    def getHistoryLength(self):
        return self._get_history_length( )

    def getMemberRunningState(self, ensemble_member):
        """ @rtype: EnKFState """
        return self._iget_state(ensemble_member).setParent(self)

    def get_observations(self, user_key, obs_count, obs_x, obs_y, obs_std):
        return self._get_observations(user_key, obs_count, obs_x, obs_y, obs_std)

    def get_observation_count(self, user_key):
        return self._get_observation_count(user_key)

    def getESUpdate(self):
        """ @rtype: ESUpdate """
        return self.__es_update

    def getEnkfSimulationRunner(self):
        """ @rtype: EnkfSimulationRunner """
        return self.__simulation_runner

    def getEnkfFsManager(self):
        """ @rtype: EnkfFsManager """
        return self.__fs_manager

    def getKeyManager(self):
        """ :rtype: KeyManager """
        return self.__key_manager

    def getWorkflowList(self):
        """ @rtype: ErtWorkflowList """
        return self._get_workflow_list( ).setParent(self)

    def getHookManager(self):
        """ @rtype: HookManager """
        return self._get_hook_manager( )

    def exportField(self, keyword, path, iactive, file_type, report_step, state, enkfFs):
        @type keyword: str
        @type path: str
        @type iactive: BoolVector
        @type file_type: EnkfFieldFileFormatEnum
        @type report_step: int
        @type enkfFs: EnkfFs

        assert isinstance(keyword, str)
        return self._export_field_with_fs(keyword, path, iactive, file_type, report_step, state, enkfFs)

    def loadFromForwardModel(self, realization, iteration, fs):
        """Returns the number of loaded realizations"""
        return self._load_from_forward_model(iteration, realization, fs)

    def createRunpath(self , run_context, iens = None):
        if iens is None:
            self._create_run_path( run_context )
            run_arg = run_context[iens]
            self._icreate_run_path( run_arg, EnkfInitModeEnum.INIT_CONDITIONAL)

    def submitSimulation(self , run_arg, queue):
        self._submit_simulation( run_arg, queue)

    def getRunContextENSEMPLE_EXPERIMENT(self , fs , iactive , iteration = 0):
        return self._alloc_run_context_ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT( fs , iactive , iteration )

    def getRunpathList(self):
        return self._get_runpath_list( )

    def addNode(self, enkf_config_node):
文件: enkf_main.py 项目: jokva/libres
 def createCReference(cls, c_pointer, parent=None):
     obj = super(EnKFMain, cls).createCReference(c_pointer, parent)
     obj.__simulation_runner = EnkfSimulationRunner(obj)
     obj.__fs_manager = EnkfFsManager(obj)
     return obj