# Plotting of the prediction output and error
outputFolderName = "Outputs/Erdos_Renyi_Outputs" + datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
outplot = outputPlot.OutputPlot(
    outputFolderName + "/Prediction.html",
    "Mackey-Glass Time Series - GA Optimization)",
    "Prediction on Testing data",
outplot.setXSeries(np.arange(1, nValidation + nTesting + 1))
outplot.setYSeries("Actual Output", actualOutputData)
outplot.setYSeries("Predicted Output", predictedOutputData)

# Plotting of the best population details
# utilityGA.plotNetworkPerformance(bestPopulation, topology=utilityGA.Topology.ErdosRenyi, fileName=outputFolderName+"/NetworkPerformance.html", networkSize=networkSize)

# Store the best population in a file (for later analysis)
popFileName = outputFolderName + "/population.pkl"
utilityGA.storeBestPopulationAndStats(bestPopulation, popFileName, utilityGA.Topology.ErdosRenyi, networkSize)

# Load the best population

endTime = time()
run_time = endTime - startTime
print("The run time:" + str(run_time))
from reservoir import GAUtility as utilityGA
from plotting import ScatterPlot as plot
import numpy as np
import os
from datetime import datetime

# File name for
folderName = "Outputs/GAResults_Small_World_Graphs_" + datetime.now().strftime(
# Load the best population from the file
bestPopulation = utilityGA.loadBestPopulation("population.pkl")

# Iterate over all the elements and get the network properties
networkSize = 500
meanDegreeList = []
betaList = []
errorList = []
averageDegreeList = []
averagePathLengthList = []
averageDiameterList = []
averageClusteringCoefficientList = []
for item in bestPopulation:
    # Fitness
    meanDegree = item[0][0, 0]
    beta = item[0][0, 1]
    error = item[1]

    # Network properties
    averageDegree = item[2]['averageDegree']
    averagePathLength = item[2]['averagePathLength']
#Plotting of the prediction output and error
outputFolderName = "Outputs/Random_Graph_Outputs" + datetime.now().strftime(
outplot = outputPlot.OutputPlot(outputFolderName + "/Prediction.html",
                                "Mackey-Glass Time Series - GA Optimization)",
                                "Prediction on Testing data", "Time", "Output")
outplot.setXSeries(np.arange(1, nValidation + nTesting + 1))
outplot.setYSeries('Actual Output', actualOutputData)
outplot.setYSeries('Predicted Output', predictedOutputData)

# Plotting of the best population details
                                 fileName=outputFolderName +

# Store the best population in a file (for later analysis)
popFileName = outputFolderName + "/population.pkl"
utilityGA.storeBestPopulationAndStats(bestPopulation, popFileName,
                                      utilityGA.Topology.Random, networkSize)

# Load the best population

endTime = time()
run_time = endTime - startTime
print("The run time:" + str(run_time))
from reservoir import GAUtility as utilityGA
from plotting import ScatterPlot as plot
import numpy as np
import os
from datetime import datetime

# File name for
folderName = "Outputs/GAResults_Combined_" + datetime.now().strftime(

# Load the best population from the file
bestPopulationErdos = utilityGA.loadBestPopulation("erdos.pkl")
bestPopulationScaleFree = utilityGA.loadBestPopulation("scalefree.pkl")
bestPopulationSmallWorld = utilityGA.loadBestPopulation("smallworld.pkl")
bestPopulationList = [
    bestPopulationErdos, bestPopulationScaleFree, bestPopulationSmallWorld

# Iterate over all the elements and get the network properties
networkSize = 500
errorList = []
averageDegreeList = []
averagePathLengthList = []
averageDiameterList = []
averageClusteringCoefficientList = []

for bestPopulation in bestPopulationList:

    for item in bestPopulation:
        # Fitness
from reservoir import GAUtility as utilityGA
from plotting import ScatterPlot as plot
import numpy as np
import os
from datetime import datetime

# File name for
folderName = "Outputs/GAResults_Small_World_Graphs_" + datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")
# Load the best population from the file
bestPopulation = utilityGA.loadBestPopulation("population.pkl")

# Iterate over all the elements and get the network properties
networkSize = 500
meanDegreeList = []
betaList = []
errorList = []
averageDegreeList = []
averagePathLengthList = []
averageDiameterList = []
averageClusteringCoefficientList = []
for item in bestPopulation:
    # Fitness
    meanDegree = item[0][0,0]
    beta = item[0][0,1]
    error = item[1]

    # Network properties
    averageDegree = item[2]['averageDegree']
from reservoir import GAUtility as utilityGA
from plotting import ScatterPlot as plot
import numpy as np
import os
from datetime import datetime

# File name for
folderName = "Outputs/GAResults_Combined_" + datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")

# Load the best population from the file
bestPopulationErdos = utilityGA.loadBestPopulation("erdos.pkl")
bestPopulationScaleFree = utilityGA.loadBestPopulation("scalefree.pkl")
bestPopulationSmallWorld = utilityGA.loadBestPopulation("smallworld.pkl")
bestPopulationList = [bestPopulationErdos, bestPopulationScaleFree, bestPopulationSmallWorld]

# Iterate over all the elements and get the network properties
networkSize = 500
errorList = []
averageDegreeList = []
averagePathLengthList = []
averageDiameterList = []
averageClusteringCoefficientList = []

for bestPopulation in bestPopulationList:

    for item in bestPopulation:
        # Fitness
        attachment = item[0][0,0]/networkSize