def otsu_for_crops(img, filename_no_ext): resolution.get_resolution(img) # r_rb = ratio.red_blue_v2(img) r_br = ratio.blue_red(img) # normalize the data r_br_normed = (r_br - 1) / (r_br + 1) # r_br_normed = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(r_br, norm='l1') # r_br_normed = r_br - np.min(r_br) / np.max(r_br) - np.min(r_br) # if np.std(r_br_normed.flatten()) < 0.045: # if np.std(r_br_normed.flatten()) < 0.08: # thresh = 0.1 # else: # thresh = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(r_br_normed, nbins=256) thresh = skimage.filters.threshold_otsu(r_br_normed, nbins=256) binary_otsu = r_br_normed > thresh fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 5)) ax1.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) ax2.imshow(binary_otsu, cmap='Blues') ax3.hist(r_br_normed.flatten(), bins=50) # ax3.set_xlim(-1, 1) fig.suptitle('stdev=' + str(np.std(r_br_normed.flatten()))) plt.savefig(settings.results_folder + settings.data_type + '/thresholding_tests/' + filename_no_ext + '.png') plt.close()
def type_swimcat(writer): """Loop swimcat data structure and features Args: writer: csv writing object Returns: n_files: amount of files processed (integer) """ filecounter = 0 for cloud_type, dir_name in enumerate(tqdm(settings.swim_dirs)): dir_name = os.fsencode(settings.swim_dirs[cloud_type]) dir_name = os.listdir(dir_name) for file in tqdm(dir_name): filecounter += 1 filename = os.fsdecode(file) # absolute location of the file file_location = settings.swim_dirs[cloud_type] + filename # read the image img = cv2.imread(file_location) resolution.get_resolution(img) energy, entropy, contrast, homogeneity = statistical_analysis.textural_features( img) mean_r, mean_g, mean_b, st_dev, skewness, diff_rg, diff_rb, diff_gb = statistical_analysis.spectral_features( img) # fixed cloud cover red_blue_ratio = ratio.red_blue_v2(img) threshold = settings.fixed_threshold_swim tmp, tmp, cloud_cover_fixed = skycover.fixed( red_blue_ratio, threshold, threshold) # decide whether to use hybrid thresholding for this database if settings.use_hybrid_SEG: # hybrid cloud cover cloud cover ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, blue_red_ratio_norm, st_dev, threshold = thresholds.hybrid( img) cloud_cover_hybrid = skycover.hybrid(ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, threshold) else: cloud_cover_hybrid = None # prepare data for writing to csv data_row = (filename, mean_r, mean_g, mean_b, st_dev, skewness, diff_rg, diff_rb, diff_gb, energy, entropy, contrast, homogeneity, cloud_cover_fixed, cloud_type) write_to_csv.output_data(writer, data_row) return filecounter
def mobotix(writer): """Crop mobotix images to rectangular shape and process for machine learning part The shape is dependent on the solar location. If the sun is east, then a crop in the west is made. If the sun is south (for the Northern Hemisphere), the crop region spans the north from east to west. If the sun is in the west, the crop region is in the east. This is to avoid solar interference with the image. """ settings.data_type = 'mobotix_crop_ml' # initialize the observer object camera = ephem.Observer() # location and elevation of the Mobotix camera at Cabauw = settings.camera_latitude camera.lon = settings.camera_longitude camera.elevation = settings.camera_elevation n_increment = 0 filecounter = 0 for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(settings.main_data): dirs.sort() files.sort() for filename in files: year = int('20' + filename[1:3]) month = int(filename[3:5]) day = int(filename[5:7]) hour = int(filename[7:9]) minute = int(filename[9:11]) second = int(filename[11:13]) # TODO: things WILL go wrong with UTC/CEST time zones # set time of observer object = str(year) + '/' + \ str(month) + '/' + \ str(day) + ' ' + \ str(hour) + ':' + \ str(minute) + ':' + \ str(second) # make sun object solar_position = ephem.Sun(camera) azimuth = math.degrees(float(repr( altitude = math.degrees(float(repr(solar_position.alt))) n_increment += 1 if altitude < settings.minimum_altitude: continue if filename.endswith(settings.jpg_extension ) and not n_increment % settings.skip_loops: filecounter += 1 filename_no_ext = filename.replace(settings.jpg_extension, '') # read image img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(subdir, filename)) # get resolution of the image resolution.get_resolution(img) print(, 'azimuth:', azimuth, 'altitude:', altitude) # solar position dependent crop regions if azimuth <= 135: crop = img[520:1350, 670:1400, :] elif 135 < azimuth < 225: crop = img[520:1000, 670:2035, :] else: crop = img[520:1350, 1305:2035, :] cv2.rectangle(img, (680, 530), (1400, 1360), (0, 255, 0), 20) cv2.rectangle(img, (670, 520), (2035, 1000), (255, 0, 0), 20) cv2.rectangle(img, (1305, 530), (2025, 1350), (0, 0, 255), 20) img = img[..., ::-1] image_interface.save_processed_image( img, '/nobackup/users/mos/results/mobotix_crop_regions.png') plt.close() quit() # convert from bgr to rgb #crop = crop[...,::-1] resolution.get_resolution(crop) energy, entropy, contrast, homogeneity = statistical_analysis.textural_features( crop) mean_r, mean_g, mean_b, st_dev, skewness, diff_rg, diff_rb, diff_gb = \ statistical_analysis.spectral_features(crop) red_blue_ratio = ratio.red_blue_v2(crop) t_swimcat = 0.9 tmp, tmp, cloud_cover = skycover.fixed(red_blue_ratio, t_swimcat, t_swimcat) # prepare data for writing to csv data_row = (filename, mean_r, mean_g, mean_b, st_dev, skewness, diff_rg, diff_rb, diff_gb, energy, entropy, contrast, homogeneity, cloud_cover) # imgRGB = np.zeros((settings.x, settings.y, 3), np.uint8) # # sun # imgRGB[np.where(red_blue_ratio <= t_swimcat)] = # # cloud # imgRGB[np.where(red_blue_ratio > t_swimcat)] = settings.white # # fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) # ax1.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(crop, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # ax2.imshow(imgRGB) # plt.savefig('/nobackup/users/mos/results/mobotix/thresholding_tests/'+filename) # plt.close() # # image_interface.save_original_image(crop, '/nobackup/users/mos/data/mobotix/machine_learning/crops/'+filename+'_crop.png') write_to_csv.output_data(writer, data_row)
def single(filename): """Process a single image Args: filename: filename without an extension Returns: tuple: information about the processed images """ img, img_tsi_processed, properties_file, filename_jpg, filename_png, azimuth, altitude = read_from_tar( filename) if altitude >= settings.minimum_altitude: # get the fractional sky cover from 'old' TSI software cover_thin_tsi, cover_opaque_tsi, cover_total_tsi = read_properties_file.get_fractional_sky_cover_tsi( properties_file) # get the resolution of the image resolution.get_resolution(img) # create and apply the mask mask_array = mask.create(img, azimuth) masked_img = mask.apply(img, mask_array) masked_regions, outlines, labels, stencil, image_with_outlines = createregions.create( img, azimuth, altitude, mask_array) # calculate red/blue ratio per pixel red_blue_ratio = ratio.red_blue_v2(masked_img) # calculate fixed fractional skycover fixed_sunny_threshold, fixed_thin_threshold = thresholds.fixed() cover_thin_fixed, cover_opaque_fixed, cover_total_fixed = skycover.fixed( red_blue_ratio, fixed_sunny_threshold, fixed_thin_threshold) # calculate hybrid sky cover ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, blue_red_ratio_norm, st_dev, hybrid_threshold_mce, hybrid_threshold_otsu, \ hybrid_threshold_kmeans = thresholds.hybrid(masked_img) cover_total_hybrid_mce = skycover.hybrid(ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, hybrid_threshold_mce) cover_total_hybrid_otsu = skycover.hybrid(ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, hybrid_threshold_otsu) cover_total_hybrid_kmeans = skycover.hybrid(ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, hybrid_threshold_kmeans) # create the segments for solar correction regions, outlines, labels, stencil, image_with_outlines = createregions.create( img, azimuth, altitude, mask_array) # overlay outlines on image(s) image_with_outlines_fixed = overlay.fixed(red_blue_ratio, outlines, stencil, fixed_sunny_threshold, fixed_thin_threshold) image_with_outlines_hybrid = overlay.hybrid(masked_img, outlines, stencil, hybrid_threshold_mce) save_processed_image(image_with_outlines_hybrid, settings.tmp + filename + '_hybrid.png') save_processed_image(image_with_outlines_fixed, settings.tmp + filename + '_fixed.png') save_original_image(img_tsi_processed, settings.tmp + filename + '_fixed_old.png') save_original_image(img, settings.tmp + filename + '_original.png') # save_original_image_and_histogram(masked_img, red_blue_ratio, '/usr/people/mos/Documents/Report/images/orig_hist.png') azimuth = round(azimuth, 3) altitude = round(altitude, 3) cover_total_fixed = round(cover_total_fixed, 3) cover_total_hybrid = round(cover_total_hybrid_mce, 3) cover_total_tsi = round(cover_total_tsi, 3) return azimuth, altitude, cover_total_fixed, cover_total_hybrid, cover_total_tsi
def type_mobotix(writer): """Processing loop for mobotix type images/data structure Args: writer: csv writing object Returns: int: amount of files processed """ # initialize the observer object camera = ephem.Observer() # location and elevation of the Mobotix camera at Cabauw = settings.camera_latitude camera.lon = settings.camera_longitude camera.elevation = settings.camera_elevation n_increment = 0 filecounter = 0 for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(settings.main_data): dirs.sort() files.sort() for filename in files: # extract the dat/time information from the file name year = int('20' + filename[1:3]) month = int(filename[3:5]) day = int(filename[5:7]) hour = int(filename[7:9]) minute = int(filename[9:11]) second = int(filename[11:13]) # TODO: things WILL go wrong with UTC/CEST time zones # set time of observer object (in this case, the camera is the observer) = str(year) + '/' + str(month) + '/' + str(day) + ' ' + str(hour) + ':' + \ str(minute) + ':' + str(second) # create and read position of sun object solar_position = ephem.Sun(camera) azimuth = math.degrees(float(repr( altitude = math.degrees(float(repr(solar_position.alt))) # used for skipping files (see n_increment += 1 if altitude < settings.minimum_altitude: continue if filename.endswith(settings.jpg_extension ) and not n_increment % settings.skip_loops: filecounter += 1 filename_no_ext = filename.replace(settings.jpg_extension, '') img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(subdir, filename)) # crop image img = crop.single_RGB_image(img, 105, 2000, 335, 2375) # get resolution of the image resolution.get_resolution(img) # create and apply mask mask = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype='uint8'), (int(settings.y / 2), int(settings.x / 2)), settings.radius_mobotix_circle, settings.white, -1) masked = cv2.bitwise_and(img, mask) cv2.line(masked, (840, 475), (720, 70),, 35) # hybrid cloud cover blue_red_ratio_norm_1d_nz, blue_red_ratio_norm, st_dev, threshold = thresholds.hybrid( masked) cloud_cover = skycover.hybrid(blue_red_ratio_norm_1d_nz, threshold) # plot.histogram(blue_red_ratio_norm_1d_nz, filename, 'Normalized B/R', 'Frequency', st_dev, threshold) # plot.binary(blue_red_ratio_norm, filename, threshold) # plot.original_and_binary_and_histogram(img, filename_no_ext, # blue_red_ratio_norm, 'normalized blue/red ratio', # blue_red_ratio_norm_1d_nz, 'blue/red norm histogram', # 'Normalized B/R', 'Frequency', # st_dev, threshold) print(, 'azimuth:', azimuth, 'altitude:', altitude, 'cloud cover:', cloud_cover) if settings.use_statistical_analysis: energy, entropy, contrast, homogeneity = statistical_analysis.textural_features( img) else: energy = entropy = contrast = homogeneity = None # prepare data for writing to csv data_row = (filename_no_ext, azimuth, altitude, energy, entropy, contrast, homogeneity, cloud_cover) write_to_csv.output_data(writer, data_row) return filecounter
def type_TSI(writer): """Loop TSI data structure and features Args: writer: csv writing object Returns: n_files: amount of files processed (integer) """ filecounter = 0 n_increment = 0 obs, solar_body = solar_position.setup_objects() for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(settings.main_data): dirs.sort() files.sort() for filename in files: n_increment += 1 if filename.endswith(settings.properties_extension ) and not n_increment % settings.skip_loops: # unzip the gzip file, open the file as rt=read text with, filename), 'rt') as f: lines = [] # read the file and store line per line for line in f: lines.append(line) # get the altitude and azimuth from the defs altitude = read_properties_file.get_altitude(lines) azimuth = read_properties_file.get_azimuth(lines) if altitude >= settings.minimum_altitude: filecounter += 1 # get the fractional sky cover from 'old' TSI software cover_thin_tsi, cover_opaque_tsi, cover_total_tsi = read_properties_file.get_fractional_sky_cover_tsi( lines) # filename variables filename_jpg = filename.replace( settings.properties_extension, settings.jpg_extension) filename_png = filename.replace( settings.properties_extension, settings.png_extension) filename_no_ext = filename.replace( settings.properties_extension, '') # extract date/time information from the filename year = filename[0:4] month = filename[4:6] day = filename[6:8] hour = filename[8:10] minute = filename[10:12] second = filename[12:13] + '0' print(day + '/' + month + '/' + year + ' ' + hour + ':' + minute + ':' + second, end='\r') # maximum solar altitude on current day transit_alt = solar_position.transit( year, month, day, obs, solar_body) # relative current solar altitude relative_alt = 0 relative_alt = altitude / transit_alt # read the image img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(subdir, filename_jpg)) # img_tsi = cv2.imread(os.path.join(subdir, filename_png)) # get the resolution of the image resolution.get_resolution(img) # create and apply the mask mask_array = mask.create(img, azimuth) masked_img = mask.apply(img, mask_array) # calculate red/blue ratio per pixel red_blue_ratio = ratio.red_blue_v2(masked_img) # calculate fixed fractional skycover cover_thin_fixed = cover_opaque_fixed = cover_total_fixed = 0 fixed_sunny_threshold, fixed_thin_threshold = thresholds.fixed( ) cover_thin_fixed, cover_opaque_fixed, cover_total_fixed = skycover.fixed( red_blue_ratio, fixed_sunny_threshold, fixed_thin_threshold) # calculate hybrid sky cover cover_total_hybrid_mce = cover_total_hybrid_otsu = cover_total_hybrid_kmeans = 0 #ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, blue_red_ratio_norm, st_dev, hybrid_threshold_mce, hybrid_threshold_otsu, \ # hybrid_threshold_kmeans = thresholds.hybrid(masked_img) #cover_total_hybrid_mce = skycover.hybrid(ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, hybrid_threshold_mce) #cover_total_hybrid_otsu = skycover.hybrid(ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, hybrid_threshold_otsu) #cover_total_hybrid_kmeans = skycover.hybrid(ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, hybrid_threshold_kmeans) if settings.use_postprocessing: # create the segments for solar correction regions, outlines, labels, stencil, image_with_outlines = createregions.create( img, azimuth, altitude, mask_array) # get some data before doing actual solar/horizon area corrections outside_c, outside_s, horizon_c, horizon_s, \ inner_c, inner_s, sun_c, sun_s = labelled_image.calculate_pixels(labels, red_blue_ratio, fixed_sunny_threshold) # overlay outlines on image(s) #image_with_outlines_fixed = overlay.fixed(red_blue_ratio, outlines, stencil, # fixed_sunny_threshold, # fixed_thin_threshold) #image_with_outlines_hybrid = overlay.hybrid(masked_img, outlines, stencil, hybrid_threshold_mce) else: outside_c = outside_s = horizon_c = horizon_s = inner_c = inner_s = sun_c = sun_s = None # calculate statistical properties of the image if settings.use_statistical_analysis: energy, entropy, contrast, homogeneity = statistical_analysis.textural_features( img) else: energy = entropy = contrast = homogeneity = None # prepare data for writing to csv data_row = (filename_no_ext, altitude, relative_alt, azimuth, cover_thin_fixed, cover_opaque_fixed, cover_total_fixed, cover_total_hybrid_mce, cover_total_hybrid_otsu, cover_total_hybrid_kmeans, cover_thin_tsi, cover_opaque_tsi, cover_total_tsi, energy, entropy, contrast, homogeneity, outside_c, outside_s, horizon_c, horizon_s, inner_c, inner_s, sun_c, sun_s) write_to_csv.output_data(writer, data_row) return filecounter
def type_swimseg(writer): """Loop swimseg data structure and features Args: writer: csv writing object Returns: n_files: amount of files processed (integer) """ # create empty list for ground truth values cloud_cover_GT = [] filecounter = 0 for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(settings.main_data): dirs.sort() files.sort() for i, filename in enumerate(files): if filename.endswith(settings.png_extension): # check if we are dealing with ground truth maps or RGB images if filename.find('GT', 0, len(filename)) != -1: img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(subdir, filename)) # get the resolution of the image resolution.get_resolution(img) # Calculate counts of cloudy and clear sky pixels. In this case, the images that are loaded are # black/white (bw). Thus the only occurring RGB values are (255,255,255) and (0,0,0) for white and # black respectively. Checking if one of the bands is equal to either 255 or 0 is enough to # determine white or black pixel and subsequently if the ground truth map indicates clear sky # or clouds. cloud = np.sum( img[:, :, 0] == 255) # when one of the bands is 255, pixel is white clear_sky = np.sum( img[:, :, 0] == 0) # when one of the bands is 0, pixel is black # append the cloud cover to the ground truth list cloud_cover_GT.append(cloud / (cloud + clear_sky)) else: filecounter += 1 filename_no_ext = filename.replace(settings.png_extension, '') img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(subdir, filename)) resolution.get_resolution(img) # fixed cloud cover red_blue_ratio = ratio.red_blue_v2(img) cloud = np.sum( red_blue_ratio >= settings.fixed_threshold_swim) clear_sky = np.sum( red_blue_ratio < settings.fixed_threshold_swim) cloud_cover_fixed = cloud / (cloud + clear_sky) # hybrid cloud cover ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, blue_red_ratio_norm, st_dev, threshold = thresholds.hybrid( img) cloud_cover_hybrid = skycover.hybrid( ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, threshold) # prepare data for writing to csv data_row = (filename_no_ext, cloud_cover_GT[i], cloud_cover_fixed, cloud_cover_hybrid) print(filename_no_ext, cloud_cover_GT[i], cloud_cover_fixed, cloud_cover_hybrid) # plot.original_and_binary_and_histogram(img, filename, # blue_red_ratio_norm, 'blue/red ratio', # ratio_br_norm_1d_nz, 'blue/red norm histogram', # 'Normalized B/R', 'Frequency', # st_dev, threshold) write_to_csv.output_data(writer, data_row) return filecounter
import time import serial from resolution import get_resolution from stream import streem, streem1 from binar import bin from vec import angle from signal import sig start_time = time.time() path = '/Users/viktor/PycharmProjects/binarization_ocy/firstttt_frame.jpg' #path to foirst frame img = streem1() resolution = get_resolution(path) width = resolution[0] height = resolution[1] # y=int(height/2) y = int(height / 2) x = 0 count = 0 i = 0 yy = y / 4 y0 = 0 y1 = y0 + yy y2 = y1 + yy y3 = y2 + yy y4 = y - 1 xdef = 10 #the default vector ydef = 10 while True: img = streem(y, height, x, width) bin_image = bin(img)