def testResolveQuestion(self):
    # First check that we get nothing back when we test with an empty model:
    cm = confusion_matrices.ConfusionMatrices()
    cm.priors = {}
    cm.confusion_matrices = {}
    resolution_map = cm.ResolveQuestion(test_util.IPEIROTIS_RESPONSES[0])
    test_util.AssertMapsAlmostEqual(self, {}, resolution_map)

    # Use data from the solution to the Ipeirotis example:
    cm = confusion_matrices.ConfusionMatrices()
    cm.priors = IPEIROTIS_MLE_PRIORS
    cm.confusion_matrices = IPEIROTIS_MLE_CM
    for i in range(len(test_util.IPEIROTIS_DATA)):
      resolution_map = cm.ResolveQuestion(test_util.IPEIROTIS_RESPONSES[i])
                                      label='question ' + str(i) + ', answer')
    # And again for the Dawid & Skene example:
    cm.priors = DS_MLE_PRIORS
    cm.confusion_matrices = DS_MLE_CM
    for i in range(len(test_util.DS_DATA)):
      resolution_map = cm.ResolveQuestion(test_util.DS_RESPONSES[i])
                                      label='question ' + str(i) + ', answer')
  def testIntegrate(self):
    # Seed the random number generator to produce deterministic test results:
    # TODO(tpw):  This is necessary but not sufficient.  Python's arbitrary
    #             ordering of dict iteration makes some deeper calls
    #             non-deterministic, and thus this test may exhibit flakiness.

    # Initialize a confusion matrices model:
    cm = confusion_matrices.ConfusionMatrices()

    # First check the estimated answers for the Ipeirotis example, using the
    # EM algorithm's results as a starting point for the sampling chain:
    data = test_util.IPEIROTIS_DATA_FINAL
    sampler = substitution_sampling.SubstitutionSampling()
    sampler.Integrate(data, cm, golden_questions=['url1', 'url2'],
    result = cm.ExtractResolutions(data)
                                           IPEIROTIS_SS_CM_RESOLUTIONS, result,

    # Now check the estimated answers for the Dawid & Skene example, again using
    # the EM algorithm's results as a starting point for the sampling chain:
    data = test_util.DS_DATA_FINAL
    sampler = substitution_sampling.SubstitutionSampling()
    sampler.Integrate(data, cm, number_of_samples=20000)
    result = cm.ExtractResolutions(data)
    test_util.AssertResolutionsAlmostEqual(self, DS_SS_CM_RESOLUTIONS, result,
    def testIterateUntilConvergence(self):
        # Initialize a confusion matrices model and a VB object:
        cm = confusion_matrices.ConfusionMatrices()
        vb = alternating_resolution.VariationalBayes()

        # First test with the Ipeirotis example:
        data = test_util.IPEIROTIS_DATA
                                       golden_questions=['url1', 'url2']))
        result = cm.ExtractResolutions(data)

        # Now test with the Dawid & Skene example:
        data = test_util.DS_DATA
        # VB is a little slower than EM, so we'll give it algorithm up to 50
        # iterations to converge:
        self.assertTrue(vb.IterateUntilConvergence(data, cm,
        result = cm.ExtractResolutions(data)
        test_util.AssertResolutionsAlmostEqual(self, DS_VB_CM_RESOLUTIONS,
  def testMutualInformation(self):
    # Use data from the solution to the Ipeirotis example:
    cm = confusion_matrices.ConfusionMatrices()
    cm.priors = IPEIROTIS_MLE_PRIORS
    cm.confusion_matrices = IPEIROTIS_MLE_CM

    # First we'll test for a first judgment:
    expected = {'worker1': 0.0,
                'worker2': 0.419973,
                'worker3': 0.970951,
                'worker4': 0.970951,
                'worker5': 0.970951}
    result = {}
    for contributor in expected:
      result[contributor] = cm.MutualInformation(contributor)
    test_util.AssertMapsAlmostEqual(self, expected, result, label='contributor')

    # Now we'll test for a second judgment:
    previous_responses = [('worker2', 'p**n', {})]
    expected = {'worker1': 0.0,
                'worker2': 0.4581059,
                'worker3': 0.9182958,
                'worker4': 0.9182958,
                'worker5': 0.9182958}
    result = {}
    for contributor in expected:
      result[contributor] = cm.MutualInformation(
          contributor, previous_responses=previous_responses)
    test_util.AssertMapsAlmostEqual(self, expected, result, label='contributor')

    # However, if the first judgment was given by a perfect contributor (for
    # example, worker3), then no second judgment can give any more information:
    previous_responses = [('worker3', 'notporn', {})]
    self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, cm.MutualInformation(
        'worker2', previous_responses=previous_responses))
 def testSetMLEParameters(self):
   # Use data from the solution to the Ipeirotis example:
   cm = confusion_matrices.ConfusionMatrices()
   # Check that cm.priors was set correctly:
   test_util.AssertMapsAlmostEqual(self, IPEIROTIS_MLE_PRIORS, cm.priors,
   # Check that cm.confusion_matrices was set correctly:
 def testQuestionEntropy(self):
   # Use data from the solution to the Ipeirotis example:
   cm = confusion_matrices.ConfusionMatrices()
   # Test in binary:
   self.assertAlmostEqual(0.9709506, cm.QuestionEntropy())
   # And in digits:
   self.assertAlmostEqual(0.2922853, cm.QuestionEntropy(radix=10))
   # Ensure that we correctly normalize non-normalized priors (those produced
   # by VariationalParameters, for example):
   cm.priors = {k: v * 3.0 for k, v in IPEIROTIS_MLE_PRIORS.iteritems()}
   self.assertAlmostEqual(0.9709506, cm.QuestionEntropy())
   self.assertAlmostEqual(0.2922853, cm.QuestionEntropy(radix=10))
    def testIterateUntilConvergence(self):
        # Initialize a confusion matrices model and an EM object:
        cm = confusion_matrices.ConfusionMatrices()
        maximizer = alternating_resolution.ExpectationMaximization()

        # First with the Ipeirotis example:
        data = test_util.IPEIROTIS_DATA
        self.assertTrue(maximizer.IterateUntilConvergence(data, cm))
        expected = cm.ExtractResolutions(test_util.IPEIROTIS_DATA_FINAL)
        result = cm.ExtractResolutions(data)
        test_util.AssertResolutionsAlmostEqual(self, expected, result)

        # Now with the Dawid & Skene example:
        data = test_util.DS_DATA
        # The algorithm takes more than 10 steps to converge, so we expect
        # IterateUntilConvergence to return False:
            maximizer.IterateUntilConvergence(data, cm, max_iterations=10))
        # Nevertheless, its results are accurate to 3 places:
        expected = cm.ExtractResolutions(test_util.DS_DATA_FINAL)
        result = cm.ExtractResolutions(data)
        test_util.AssertResolutionsAlmostEqual(self, expected, result)
  def testPointwiseMutualInformation(self):
    # Use data from the solution to the Ipeirotis example:
    cm = confusion_matrices.ConfusionMatrices()
    cm.priors = IPEIROTIS_MLE_PRIORS
    cm.confusion_matrices = IPEIROTIS_MLE_CM

    # First we'll test the information of a first judgment.
    # We're going to define four helper variables:
    # Two for the information conent of the true resolutions:
    notporn_inf = -math.log(cm.priors['notporn'], 2)
    porn_inf = -math.log(cm.priors['p**n'], 2)
    # Two for the information given by contributor 'worker2', judgment 'p**n':
    norm = (cm.priors['notporn'] *
            cm.confusion_matrices['worker2']['notporn']['p**n'] +
            cm.priors['p**n'] *
    inf_01 = math.log(
        cm.confusion_matrices['worker2']['notporn']['p**n'] / norm, 2)
    inf_11 = math.log(
        cm.confusion_matrices['worker2']['p**n']['p**n'] / norm, 2)
    # Now, worker1 is a spammer which always gives us zero information.
    # worker2 gives us complete information when it gives judgment 'notporn',
    # but partial information when it gives judgment 'p**n'.
    # The other three contributors give us complete information for all of
    # their judgments, even though worker5 always lies.
    # Entries for impossible contingencies in the matrix below are filled in
    # with 0.0.
    expected = {'worker1': {'notporn': {'notporn': 0.0, 'p**n': 0.0},
                            'p**n': {'notporn': 0.0, 'p**n': 0.0}},
                'worker2': {'notporn': {'notporn': notporn_inf, 'p**n': inf_01},
                            'p**n': {'notporn': 0.0, 'p**n': inf_11}},
                'worker3': {'notporn': {'notporn': notporn_inf, 'p**n': 0.0},
                            'p**n': {'notporn': 0.0, 'p**n': porn_inf}},
                'worker4': {'notporn': {'notporn': notporn_inf, 'p**n': 0.0},
                            'p**n': {'notporn': 0.0, 'p**n': porn_inf}},
                'worker5': {'notporn': {'notporn': 0.0, 'p**n': notporn_inf},
                            'p**n': {'notporn': porn_inf, 'p**n': 0.0}}}
    # Pack the results into a structure having the same form as
    # cm.confusion_matrices:
    result = {}
    for contributor in expected:
      result[contributor] = {}
      for answer in expected[contributor]:
        result[contributor][answer] = {}
        for judgment in expected[contributor][answer]:
          result[contributor][answer][judgment] = cm.PointwiseMutualInformation(
              contributor, answer, judgment)
    # Thus, we can use the method test_util.AssertConfusionMatricesAlmostEqual:
    test_util.AssertConfusionMatricesAlmostEqual(self, expected, result)

    # Now we'll test the information of a second judgment.
    # Start by supposing that worker2 gave judgment 'p**n':
    previous_responses = [('worker2', 'p**n', {})]

    # Suppose the correct answer is 'notporn', and the next judgment is
    # worker2 giving another 'p**n' judgment.  After the first judgment, the
    # probability of the correct answer is 1/3.  After the second judgment, the
    # probability of the correct answer is 1/7.  So the change in information is
    # log(3/7), or about -1.222392 bits:
    self.assertAlmostEqual(math.log(3.0/7.0, 2), cm.PointwiseMutualInformation(
        'worker2', 'notporn', 'p**n', previous_responses=previous_responses))

    # Now suppose the correct answer is 'p**n', and the next judgment is
    # worker2 giving another 'p**n' judgment.  After the first judgment, the
    # probability of the correct answer is 2/3.  After the second judgment, the
    # probability of the correct answer is 6/7.  So the change in information is
    # log(9/7):
    self.assertAlmostEqual(math.log(9.0/7.0, 2), cm.PointwiseMutualInformation(
        'worker2', 'p**n', 'p**n', previous_responses=previous_responses))

    # Now suppose the correct answer is 'notporn', and the next judgment is
    # worker2 giving a 'notporn' judgment.  After the first judgment, the
    # probability of the correct answer is 1/3.  After the second judgment, the
    # probability of the correct answer is 1.  So the change in information is
    # log(3):
    self.assertAlmostEqual(math.log(3.0, 2), cm.PointwiseMutualInformation(
        'worker2', 'notporn', 'notporn', previous_responses=previous_responses))

    # Finally, suppose the correct answer is 'p**n', and the next judgment is
    # worker5 giving a 'notporn' judgment.  After the first judgment, the
    # probability of the correct answer is 2/3.  After the second judgment, the
    # probability of the correct answer is 1.  So the change in information is
    # log(3/2):
    self.assertAlmostEqual(math.log(1.5, 2), cm.PointwiseMutualInformation(
        'worker5', 'p**n', 'notporn', previous_responses=previous_responses))
 def _CreateSubmodel(unused_path):
     """Returns a new ConfusionMatrix object.  Convenient for overriding."""
     return confusion_matrices.ConfusionMatrices()