class Output: """Output fields to process CellRangerMkref.""" genome_index = DirField(label="Indexed genome") build = StringField(label="Build") species = StringField(label="Species") source = StringField(label="Gene ID source")
class Output: """Output fields to process BWAIndex.""" index = DirField(label="BWA index") fastagz = FileField(label="FASTA file (compressed)") fasta = FileField(label="FASTA file") fai = FileField(label="FASTA file index") species = StringField(label="Species") build = StringField(label="Build")
class Output: string_output = StringField(label="My string output") list_string_output = ListField(StringField(), label="My list string output") file_output = FileField(label="My output") list_file_output = ListField(FileField(), label="My list output") dir_output = DirField(label="My output") input_data_name = StringField(label="Input data name") input_entity_name = StringField(label="Input entity name") docker_image = StringField(label="Docker image")
class Output: """Output fields to process ChipQC.""" report_folder = DirField(label="ChipQC report folder") ccplot = FileField(label="Cross coverage score plot") coverage_histogram = FileField(label="SSD metric plot") peak_profile = FileField(label="Peak profile plot") peaks_barplot = FileField(label="Barplot of reads in peaks") peaks_density_plot = FileField(label="Density plot of reads in peaks") enrichment_heatmap = FileField( label="Heatmap of reads in genomic features", required=False) species = StringField(label="Species") build = StringField(label="Build")
class Output: """Output fields to process MergeData""" file_out = FileField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period") dir_optional = DirField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", required=False) list_out = ListField( FileField(), label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", )
class Output: """Output fields.""" exp = FileField(label="Normalized expression") exp_json = JsonField(label="Expression (json)") exp_type = StringField(label="Expression type") rc = FileField(label="Read counts", required=False) exp_set = FileField(label="Expressions") exp_set_json = JsonField(label="Expressions (json)") quant = FileField(label="Salmon quant file") transcripts = FileField(label="Transcript-level expressions") salmon_output = DirField(label='Salmon output') txdb = FileField(label="Transcript to gene mapping") strandedness = StringField(label='Strandedness code') source = StringField(label="Gene ID source") species = StringField(label="Species") build = StringField(label="Build") feature_type = StringField(label="Feature type")
class Output: """Output fields.""" report = FileHtmlField(label="MultiQC report") report_data = DirField(label="Report data")
class Input: """Input fields to process MergeData.""" string_field = StringField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", choices=[ ("computer_readable1", "Human readable 1"), ("computer_readable2", "Human readable 2"), ], default="computer_readable1", required=False, hidden=False, allow_custom_choice=True, ) text_field = TextField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", default="default text", required=False, hidden=True, ) boolean_field1 = BooleanField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Note that description fields always end in a period.", default=False, required=True, hidden=False, ) integer_field = IntegerField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", default=1, ) float_field = FloatField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", default=3.14, ) date_field = DateField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", default="2020-04-20", ) datetime_field = DateTimeField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", default="2020-04-20 12:16:00", ) url_field = UrlField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", ) secret_field = SecretField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", ) file_field = FileField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", ) filehtml_field = FileHtmlField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", ) dir_field = DirField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", ) json_field = JsonField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", ) list_field = ListField( DataField(data_type="your:data:type"), label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", ) data_field = DataField( # data_type should not start with data: data_type="your:data:type", label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", ) class Advanced: """Add advanced list of options.""" boolean_field2 = BooleanField( label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", description="Description ends in a period.", default=False, ) group_field = GroupField( Advanced, label="Labels are short and do not end in a period", disabled=False, # Will show when boolean_field1 is flipped. hidden="!boolean_field1", collapsed=True, )