def _show_bubble(self, item): log("in bubble") if "title" in item: txt = '' title = item["title"] if "episode" in item: txt = "- S{:02}E{:02}".format(item["season"], item["episode"]) elif "year" in item: title = "".join([title, " (", str(item["year"]), ")"]) log("Show Bubble") notify(get_str(32028).format(txt), title=title)
def _http(self, url, headers={}, body=None, is_json=True): try: con = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") con.request("GET", url, headers=headers, body=body) r = con.getresponse().read().decode("utf-8") if r.find('user_token_failed') != -1: self.isLoggedIn = False set_setting('token', '') notify(get_str(32031)) return False return json.loads(r) if is_json else r except Exception: return None
def login(self): if self.loginInProgress: return self.loginInProgress = True if not self.isLoggedIn: rdic = self._http("/oauth/pin?client_id=" + APIKEY + "&redirect=" + REDIRECT_URI, headers=self.headers) if isinstance(rdic, dict) and "error" not in rdic.keys(): pin = rdic["user_code"] url = rdic["verification_url"] login = LoginDialog("simkl-LoginDialog.xml", __addon__.getAddonInfo("path"), pin=pin, url=url, pin_check=self.pin_check, pin_success=self.pin_success) login.doModal() del login else: notify(get_str(32025).format(self.userSettings["user"]["name"])) self.loginInProgress = False
def __init__(self): self.userSettings = {} self.isLoggedIn = False self.loginInProgress = False self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application-json", "simkl-api-key": APIKEY} # set_setting('token', '') token = get_setting('token') if token: self.headers["authorization"] = "Bearer " + token r = self.get_user_settings() if r: notify(get_str(32025).format(self.userSettings["user"]["name"])) return elif r is None: notify(get_str(32027)) return self.login()
def _thread_tracker(self): log("in tracker thread") xbmc.sleep(2000) total_time = int(self.getTotalTime()) total_time_min = int(get_setting("min-length")) perc_mark = int(get_setting("scr-pct")) self._is_detected = True timeout = 1000 # if total_time set and is lower than total_time_min then we do not start the loop at all and stop the thread, if total_time <= 0 or total_time > total_time_min: while self._playback_lock.isSet() and not xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(): try: # The max() assures that the total time is over two minutes # preventing it from scrobbling while buffering and solving #31 if min(99, 100 * self.getTime() / max(120, total_time)) >= perc_mark: success = self._api.mark_as_watched(self._item) if not success: if timeout == 1000: log("Failed to scrobble") notify(get_str(32080)) timeout = 30000 elif (self.getTime() / total_time) > 0.95: log("Stopped scrobbling") notify(get_str(32081)) break else: log("Retrying") elif success and bool(get_setting("bubble")): self._show_bubble(self._item) break except: pass xbmc.sleep(timeout) log('track stop')
if __name__ == "__main__": xbmc.log("Simkl dir: " + str(xbmc.translatePath("special://home"))) xbmc.log("Simkl | Python Version: " + str(sys.version)) xbmc.log("Simkl | " + str(sys.argv), level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG) xbmc.log("Simkl | compdate: {0}".format(__compdate__)) monitor = xbmc.Monitor() player = engine.Player() player.addon = __addon__ eng = engine.Engine(API.api, player) #Remember: if getTime() is more than x% scrobble file #Testing: #API.api.login() if API.api.internet == False: interface.notify(getstr(32027)) elif not API.api.is_user_logged(): API.api.login() #Add "remind me tomorrow button" #interface.notify(getstr(32026)) else: interface.notify( getstr(32025).format(API.api.USERSETTINGS["user"]["name"])) #__addon__.openSettings() while not monitor.abortRequested(): if monitor.waitForAbort(90): break elif player.isPlaying(): player.onPlayBackStopped()
def pin_success(self): notify(get_str(32030).format(self.userSettings["user"]["name"]))