def openloadS(url, videoData=None, usePairing=True): try: ret_error = '' if videoData == None: videoData = getVideoMetaData(url=url)[0] video_id = match_id(url) ol_id = client.search_regex( '<span[^>]+id="[^"]+"[^>]*>([0-9A-Za-z]+)</span>', videoData, 'openload ID') video_url = '' try: decoded = decode_id(ol_id) video_url = video_url % decoded except DecodeError as e: print('%s; falling back to method with evaluating' % e, video_id) try: decoded = eval_id_decoding(videoData, ol_id) video_url = video_url % decoded except DecodeError as e: try: if usePairing == True: print('%s; falling back to method with pairing' % e, video_id) title, video_url = pairing_method(video_id) else: print('%s; pairing is the only option available' % e, video_id) video_url = None except DecodeError as e: video_url = None ret_error = str(e) print ret_error return (video_url, videoData, ret_error) except Exception as e: ret_error = 'ERROR>openloadS: Args:%s Url:%s' % ( e.args, url) print ret_error return (None, videoData, ret_error)
def createMeta(self, url, provider, logo, quality, links, key, riptype, showsplit=False, useGetlinkAPI=True, vidtype='Movie', lang='en', sub_url=None, txt='', file_ext='.mp4', testing=False): orig_url = url if testing == True: links.append(url) return links if control.setting('Host-%s' % name) == False: log('INFO', 'createMeta', 'Host Disabled by User') return links if 'http' not in url and '' in url: url = '' + url.split('.com/')[1] httpsskip = False if control.setting('use_https_alt') != None and ( control.setting('use_https_alt') == True or control.setting('use_https_alt') == False): httpsskip = control.setting('httpsskip') #print "createMeta1 : %s %s %s %s" % (url, provider, logo, quality) videoData, headers, content, cookie = getVideoMetaData(url, httpsskip) try: cookie += '; %s' % content['Set-Cookie'] # cookie_s = cookie.split(';') # cookie_n = [] # for cook in cookie_s: # cook = cook.strip() # if '=' in cook and cook not in cookie_n: # cookie_n.append(cook) # cookie = ('; '.join(x for x in sorted(cookie_n))) cookie_value = client.search_regex(r"DRIVE_STREAM=([^;]+);", cookie, 'cookie val', group=1) domain = client.search_regex(r"https?://([^\/]+)", url, 'host val', group=1) cookie = 'DRIVE_STREAM=%s; path=/; domain=.%s;' % (cookie_value, domain) except: pass #print cookie #cookie = urllib.quote_plus(cookie).replace('+','%20').replace('%2F','/') # DRIVE_STREAM%3Dva1wsBbVn3A%3B%20path%3D/ # params = {'headers': headers, 'cookie': cookie} params = json.dumps(params, encoding='utf-8') params = client.b64encode(params) if client.geturlhost(url) in[4]: pass # skip for link else: quality = file_quality(url, quality, videoData)[0] isOnline = check(url, videoData, headers=headers, cookie=cookie, httpsskip=httpsskip)[0] type = rip_type(url, riptype) files = [] #print "createMeta : %s %s %s %s" % (url, provider, logo, quality) titleinfo = txt if txt != '': titleinfo = txt ntitleinfo = titleinfo files_ret = [] enabled = True try: #udata = urldata(url, videoData=videoData, usevideoData=True) if '' in url: idstr = '%s' % (url.split('/preview')[0].split('/edit') [0].split('/view')[0]) idstr = idstr.split('/') id = idstr[len(idstr) - 1] try: durl, f_res, fs = getFileLink(id, httpsskip) except: fs = 0 durl = None if durl != None: files_ret.append({ 'source':, 'maininfo': '', 'titleinfo': ntitleinfo, 'quality': quality, 'vidtype': vidtype, 'rip': type, 'provider': provider, 'url': durl, 'durl': durl, 'urldata': createurldata(durl, quality), 'params': params, 'logo': logo, 'online': isOnline, 'allowsDownload': self.allowsDownload, 'allowsStreaming': self.allowsStreaming, 'key': key, 'enabled': enabled, 'fs': int(fs), 'file_ext': file_ext, 'ts': time.time(), 'lang': lang, 'sub_url': sub_url, 'subdomain': client.geturlhost(durl), 'misc': { 'player': 'iplayer', 'gp': False } }) else: fs = client.getFileSize(url, retry429=True) files_ret.append({ 'source':, 'maininfo': '', 'titleinfo': ntitleinfo, 'quality': quality, 'vidtype': vidtype, 'rip': type, 'provider': provider, 'url': url, 'durl': url, 'urldata': urldata('', ''), 'params': params, 'logo': logo, 'online': isOnline, 'allowsDownload': self.allowsDownload, 'allowsStreaming': self.allowsStreaming, 'key': key, 'enabled': enabled, 'fs': int(fs), 'file_ext': file_ext, 'ts': time.time(), 'lang': lang, 'sub_url': sub_url, 'subdomain': client.geturlhost(url), 'misc': { 'player': 'eplayer', 'gp': False } }) else: fs = client.getFileSize(url, retry429=True) files_ret.append({ 'source':, 'maininfo': '', 'titleinfo': ntitleinfo, 'quality': quality, 'vidtype': vidtype, 'rip': type, 'provider': provider, 'url': url, 'durl': url, 'urldata': urldata('', ''), 'params': params, 'logo': logo, 'online': isOnline, 'allowsDownload': self.allowsDownload, 'allowsStreaming': self.allowsStreaming, 'key': key, 'enabled': enabled, 'fs': int(fs), 'file_ext': file_ext, 'ts': time.time(), 'lang': lang, 'sub_url': sub_url, 'subdomain': client.geturlhost(url), 'misc': { 'player': 'iplayer', 'gp': False } }) except Exception as e: log(type='ERROR', method='createMeta-1', err=u'%s' % e) isGetlinkWork = False try: if useGetlinkAPI == True and isOnline and '' in url and self.useGetLinkAPI: client.setIP4() ntitleinfo = titleinfo + ' | (via GetLink API) ' files = urldata(url) files = client.b64decode(files) filesJ = json.loads(files) if len(filesJ) > 0: for mfile in filesJ: mfile = json.loads(mfile) #print "mfile --- : %s" % mfile furl = mfile['src'] f2url = client.request(furl, followredirect=True, output='geturl') if 'http' in f2url: furl = f2url #print "furl --- : %s" % furl quality = file_quality(furl, mfile['res'], videoData)[0] isOnlineT = check(furl, videoData, headers=headers, cookie=cookie)[0] type = rip_type(furl, riptype) else: isOnlineT = 'Unknown' p = {'headers': '', 'cookie': ''} p = json.dumps(p, encoding='utf-8') p = client.b64encode(p) fs = client.getFileSize(furl, retry429=True) files_ret.append({ 'source':, 'maininfo': '', 'titleinfo': ntitleinfo, 'quality': quality, 'vidtype': vidtype, 'rip': type, 'provider': provider, 'url': furl, 'durl': furl, 'urldata': urldata('', ''), 'params': p, 'logo': logo, 'online': isOnlineT, 'allowsDownload': self.allowsDownload, 'allowsStreaming': self.allowsStreaming, 'key': key, 'enabled': enabled, 'fs': int(fs), 'file_ext': file_ext, 'ts': time.time(), 'lang': lang, 'sub_url': sub_url, 'subdomain': client.geturlhost(furl), 'misc': { 'player': 'iplayer', 'gp': False } }) isGetlinkWork = True client.setIP6() except Exception as e: log(type='ERROR', method='createMeta-2', err=u'%s' % e) try: if showsplit == True and isOnline and isGetlinkWork == False: # currently suffers from transcoding failure on most clients ntitleinfo = titleinfo + ' | *limited support* ' files = get_files(url, videoData)[0] for furl in files: quality = file_quality(furl, quality, videoData)[0] type = rip_type(furl, riptype) furl = urllib.unquote(furl).decode('utf8') furl = furl.decode('unicode_escape') isOnlineT = check(furl, videoData, headers=headers, cookie=cookie)[0] fs = client.getFileSize(furl, retry429=True) files_ret.append({ 'source':, 'maininfo': '', 'titleinfo': ntitleinfo, 'quality': quality, 'vidtype': vidtype, 'rip': type, 'provider': provider, 'url': furl, 'durl': furl, 'urldata': createurldata(furl, quality), 'params': params, 'logo': logo, 'online': isOnlineT, 'allowsDownload': self.allowsDownload, 'allowsStreaming': self.allowsStreaming, 'key': key, 'enabled': enabled, 'fs': int(fs), 'file_ext': file_ext, 'ts': time.time(), 'lang': lang, 'sub_url': sub_url, 'subdomain': client.geturlhost(furl), 'misc': { 'player': 'iplayer', 'gp': False } }) except Exception as e: log(type='ERROR', method='createMeta-3', err=u'%s' % e) for fr in files_ret: fr['resumeDownload'] = self.resumeDownload links.append(fr) log('INFO', 'createMeta', 'Successfully processed %s link >>> %s' % (provider, orig_url), dolog=self.init) return links
def eval_id_decoding(videoData, ol_id): try: # raise # uncomment to test method with pairing # js_code = client.search_regex( # r"(゚ω゚ノ=.*?\('_'\);.*?)゚ω゚ノ= /`m´)ノ ~┻━┻ //\*´∇`\*/ \['_'\];", # videoData, 'openload decrypt code', flags=re.S) # js_code = re.sub('''if\s*\([^\}]+?typeof[^\}]+?\}''', '', js_code) js_code = client.search_regex(r"(゚ω゚ノ=.*?\('_'\);.*?)゚ω゚ノ= /`m´)ノ ~┻━┻ //\*´∇`\*/ \['_'\];",videoData, 'openload decrypt code', flags=re.S) decoder = js_code.split("('_');")[-1] js_code = re.sub('''if\s*\([^\}]+?typeof[^\}]+?\}''', '', js_code) except: raise DecodeError('Error: Could not find JavaScript') js_code = ''' var id = "%s" , decoded , document = {} , window = this , $ = function(){ return { text: function(a){ if(a) decoded = a; else return id; }, ready: function(a){ a() } } }; (function(d, w){ var f = function(){}; var s = ''; var o = null; var b = false; var n = 0; var df = ['close','createAttribute','createDocumentFragment','createElement','createElementNS','createEvent','createNSResolver','createRange','createTextNode','createTreeWalker','evaluate','execCommand','getElementById','getElementsByName','getElementsByTagName','importNode','open','queryCommandEnabled','queryCommandIndeterm','queryCommandState','queryCommandValue','write','writeln']; df.forEach(function(e){d[e]=f;}); var do_ = ['anchors','applets','body','defaultView','doctype','documentElement','embeds','firstChild','forms','images','implementation','links','location','plugins','styleSheets']; do_.forEach(function(e){d[e]=o;}); var ds = ['URL','characterSet','compatMode','contentType','cookie','designMode','domain','lastModified','referrer','title']; ds.forEach(function(e){d[e]=s;}); var wb = ['closed','isSecureContext']; wb.forEach(function(e){w[e]=b;}); var wf = ['addEventListener','alert','atob','blur','btoa','cancelAnimationFrame','captureEvents','clearInterval','clearTimeout','close','confirm','createImageBitmap','dispatchEvent','fetch','find','focus','getComputedStyle','getSelection','matchMedia','moveBy','moveTo','open','postMessage','print','prompt','releaseEvents','removeEventListener','requestAnimationFrame','resizeBy','resizeTo','scroll','scrollBy','scrollTo','setInterval','setTimeout','stop']; wf.forEach(function(e){w[e]=f;}); var wn = ['devicePixelRatio','innerHeight','innerWidth','length','outerHeight','outerWidth','pageXOffset','pageYOffset','screenX','screenY','scrollX','scrollY']; wn.forEach(function(e){w[e]=n;}); var wo = ['applicationCache','caches','crypto','external','frameElement','frames','history','indexedDB','localStorage','location','locationbar','menubar','navigator','onabort','onanimationend','onanimationiteration','onanimationstart','onbeforeunload','onblur','oncanplay','oncanplaythrough','onchange','onclick','oncontextmenu','ondblclick','ondevicemotion','ondeviceorientation','ondrag','ondragend','ondragenter','ondragleave','ondragover','ondragstart','ondrop','ondurationchange','onemptied','onended','onerror','onfocus','onhashchange','oninput','oninvalid','onkeydown','onkeypress','onkeyup','onlanguagechange','onload','onloadeddata','onloadedmetadata','onloadstart','onmessage','onmousedown','onmouseenter','onmouseleave','onmousemove','onmouseout','onmouseover','onmouseup','onoffline','ononline','onpagehide','onpageshow','onpause','onplay','onplaying','onpopstate','onprogress','onratechange','onreset','onresize','onscroll','onseeked','onseeking','onselect','onshow','onstalled','onstorage','onsubmit','onsuspend','ontimeupdate','ontoggle','ontransitionend','onunload','onvolumechange','onwaiting','onwebkitanimationend','onwebkitanimationiteration','onwebkitanimationstart','onwebkittransitionend','onwheel','opener','parent','performance','personalbar','screen','scrollbars','self','sessionStorage','speechSynthesis','statusbar','toolbar','top']; wo.forEach(function(e){w[e]=o;}); var ws = ['name']; ws.forEach(function(e){w[e]=s;}); })(document, window); %s; decoded;''' % (ol_id, js_code) try: ret = js2py.eval_js(js_code) if ret == '': raise DecodeError('Error: Returned null response') for char in ret: if re.match(r'''[^\w\-\.~:\[\]@!$'()*+,;=`]''', char): raise DecodeError('Error: Match error') try: ret.encode('utf8').decode('ascii') # test if it's ascii string except: raise DecodeError('Error: Decoding to ASCII') if 'API' in ret: raise DecodeError('Error: JavaScript returned use API warning message') return ret except: #print "*** print_exc:" #traceback.print_exc() raise DecodeError('Error: Could not eval ID decoding')
def openloadS(url, videoData=None, usePairing=True, session=None): try: ret_error = '' if videoData == None: videoData = client.request(url, headers=openloadhdr) try: ol_id = client.search_regex('<span[^>]+id="[^"]+"[^>]*>([0-9A-Za-z]+)</span>',videoData, 'openload ID') except: ol_id = None try: video_id = match_id(url) except: video_id = None log(type='INFO',method='openloadS', err=u'OpenLoad iD: %s' % video_id) video_url = None e = '' try: if USE_PHANTOMJS == True and ((session == None or control.setting('%s-%s' % (session, 'Use-PhantomJS')) == True) and control.setting('use_phantomjs') == control.phantomjs_choices[1]) or control.setting('use_phantomjs') == control.phantomjs_choices[2]: log(type='INFO',method='openloadS', err=u'trying phantomjs method: %s' % (video_id)) try: v_url, bool = phantomjs.decode(url, user_agent=client.USER_AGENT) if bool == False: ret_error = v_url raise DecodeError(ret_error) else: video_url = v_url ret_error = '' log(type='SUCCESS',method='openloadS', err=u'*PhantomJS* method is working: %s' % video_id) except: raise DecodeError('phantomjs not working') else: raise DecodeError('phantomjs is disabled') except DecodeError as e: try: if USE_LOGIN_KEY == True and video_url == None: log(type='INFO',method='openloadS', err=u'%s; trying L/K API method: %s' % (e,video_id)) v_url, cont, cu, dlk, ret_error = link_from_api(video_id) if v_url == None: raise DecodeError('%s' % ret_error) else: ret_error = '' video_url = v_url log(type='SUCCESS',method='openloadS', err=u'*L/K API* method is working: %s' % video_id) else: raise DecodeError('L/K method disabled via hard coded option') except DecodeError as e: if USE_DECODING1 == True and video_url == None: log(type='INFO',method='openloadS', err=u'%s; falling back to decode_id method: %s' % (e,video_id)) try: v_url = '' decoded = decode_id(ol_id) video_url = v_url % decoded except DecodeError as e: pass if USE_DECODING2 == True and video_url == None: log(type='INFO',method='openloadS', err=u'%s; falling back to method with evaluating: %s' % (e,video_id)) try: decoded = eval_id_decoding(videoData, ol_id) video_url = video_url % decoded except DecodeError as e: pass if USE_PAIRING == True: try: if usePairing == True and video_url == None: log(type='INFO',method='openloadS', err=u'%s; falling back to method with pairing: %s' % (e,video_id)) title, video_url = pairing_method(video_id) if video_url == None: raise DecodeError('Pairing not working') ret_error = '' log(type='SUCCESS',method='openloadS', err=u'*Pairing* method is working: %s' % video_id) elif video_url == None: ret_error = 'pairing is the only option available' log(type='INFO',method='openloadS', err=u'%s; %s : %s' % (e,ret_error,video_id)) video_url = None elif video_url != None: ret_error = '' except DecodeError as e: video_url = None ret_error = str(e) print ret_error return (video_url, videoData, ret_error) except Exception as e: ret_error = '%s ID:%s' % (e, video_id) log(type='ERROR',method='openloadS', err=u'%s: %s' % (e, video_id)) return (None, videoData, ret_error)