 def _reset(self):
     if not ui.ask_for_confirmation(
             common.get_local_string(13007),  # 13007=Reset
     with common.show_busy_dialog():
         # Set WV Sec. Lev. to Disabled
         self.wv_sec_lev_new = WidevineForceSecLev.DISABLED
         if self.is_android:
             # Generate the ESN
             self.esn_new = generate_android_esn(
             # To retrieve the ESN from the website,
             # to avoid possible problems we refresh the nf session data to get a new ESN
                              {'update_profiles': False})
             self.esn_new = get_website_esn()
             if not self.esn_new:
                 raise Exception(
                     'It was not possible to obtain the ESN, try restarting the add-on'
 def _get_new_esn(self):
     if common.get_system_platform() == 'android':
         return generate_android_esn()
     # In the all other systems, create a new ESN by using the existing ESN prefix
     current_esn = G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('esn', table=TABLE_SESSION)
     from re import search
     esn_prefix_match = search(r'.+-', current_esn)
     if not esn_prefix_match:
         raise Exception('It was not possible to generate a new ESN. Before try login.')
     return generate_esn(esn_prefix_match.group(0))
def _check_esn():
    """Check if the custom esn is changed"""
    custom_esn = G.ADDON.getSetting('esn')
    custom_esn_old = G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('custom_esn', '', TABLE_SETTINGS_MONITOR)
    if custom_esn != custom_esn_old:
        G.LOCAL_DB.set_value('custom_esn', custom_esn, TABLE_SETTINGS_MONITOR)

    if not custom_esn:
        # Check if "Force identification as L3 Widevine device" is changed (ANDROID ONLY)
        is_l3_forced = bool(G.ADDON.getSettingBool('force_widevine_l3'))
        is_l3_forced_old = G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('force_widevine_l3', False, TABLE_SETTINGS_MONITOR)
        if is_l3_forced != is_l3_forced_old:
            G.LOCAL_DB.set_value('force_widevine_l3', is_l3_forced, TABLE_SETTINGS_MONITOR)
            # If user has changed setting is needed clear previous ESN and perform a new handshake with the new one
            G.LOCAL_DB.set_value('esn', generate_android_esn() or '', TABLE_SESSION)
 def _refresh_esn(self):
     """Refresh the ESN based on Widevine security level (ANDROID ONLY)"""
     # Refresh only is when there is no a full-length ESN
     if self.is_android and len(self.esn_new or self.esn) < 50:
         self.esn_new = generate_android_esn(
             wv_force_sec_lev=self.wv_sec_lev_new or self.wv_force_sec_lev)
def _save_system_info():
    # Ask to save to a file
    filename = 'NFSystemInfo.txt'
    path = ui.show_browse_dialog(
        common.get_local_string(30603) + ' - ' + filename)
    if not path:
    # This collect the main data to allow verification checks for problems
    data = 'Netflix add-on version: ' + G.VERSION
    data += '\nDebug logging level: ' + LOG.level
    data += '\nSystem platform: ' + common.get_system_platform()
    data += '\nMachine architecture: ' + common.get_machine()
    data += '\nUser agent string: ' + common.get_user_agent()
    data += '\n\n' + '#### Widevine info ####\n'
    if common.get_system_platform() == 'android':
        data += '\nSystem ID: ' + G.LOCAL_DB.get_value(
            'drm_system_id', '--not obtained--', TABLE_SESSION)
        data += '\nSecurity level: ' + G.LOCAL_DB.get_value(
            'drm_security_level', '--not obtained--', TABLE_SESSION)
        data += '\nHDCP level: ' + G.LOCAL_DB.get_value(
            'drm_hdcp_level', '--not obtained--', TABLE_SESSION)
        wv_force_sec_lev = G.LOCAL_DB.get_value('widevine_force_seclev',
        data += '\nForced security level setting is: ' + wv_force_sec_lev
            from ctypes import (CDLL, c_char_p)
            cdm_lib_file_path = _get_cdm_file_path()
                lib = CDLL(cdm_lib_file_path)
                data += '\nLibrary status: Correctly loaded'
                    lib.GetCdmVersion.restype = c_char_p
                    data += '\nVersion: ' + lib.GetCdmVersion().decode('utf-8')
                except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                    # This can happen if the endpoint 'GetCdmVersion' is changed
                    data += '\nVersion: Reading error'
            except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                # This should not happen but currently InputStream Helper does not perform any verification checks on
                # downloaded and installed files, so if due to an problem it installs a CDM for a different architecture
                # or the files are corrupted, the user can no longer play videos and does not know what to do
                data += '\nLibrary status: Error loading failed'
                data += '\n>>> It is possible that is installed a CDM of a wrong architecture or is corrupted'
                data += '\n>>> Suggested solutions:'
                data += '\n>>> - Restore a previous version of Widevine library from InputStream Helper add-on settings'
                data += '\n>>> - Report the problem to the GitHub of InputStream Helper add-on'
                data += '\n>>> Error details: {}'.format(exc)
        except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            data += '\nThe data could not be obtained. Error details: {}'.format(
    data += '\n\n' + '#### ESN ####\n'
    esn = get_esn() or '--not obtained--'
    data += '\nUsed ESN: ' + common.censure(esn) if len(esn) > 50 else esn
    data += '\nWebsite ESN: ' + (get_website_esn() or '--not obtained--')
    data += '\nAndroid generated ESN: ' + (generate_android_esn()
                                           or '--not obtained--')
    if common.get_system_platform() == 'android':
        data += '\n\n' + '#### Device system info ####\n'
            import subprocess
            info = subprocess.check_output(['/system/bin/getprop'
            data += '\n' + info
        except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            data += '\nThe data could not be obtained. Error: {}'.format(exc)
    data += '\n'
        common.save_file(common.join_folders_paths(path, filename),
        ui.show_notification('{}: {}'.format(xbmc.getLocalizedString(35259),
                                             filename))  # 35259=Saved
    except Exception as exc:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        LOG.error('save_file error: {}', exc)
        ui.show_notification('Error! Try another path')