def addView(content): try: skin = skinPath = control.skinPath xml = os.path.join(skinPath, 'addon.xml') file = control.openFile(xml) read ='\n', '') file.close() try: src = re.compile('defaultresolution="(.+?)"').findall(read)[0] except: src = re.compile('<res.+?folder="(.+?)"').findall(read)[0] src = os.path.join(skinPath, src) src = os.path.join(src, 'MyVideoNav.xml') file = control.openFile(src) read ='\n', '') file.close() views = re.compile('<views>(.+?)</views>').findall(read)[0] views = [int(x) for x in views.split(',')] for view in views: label = control.infoLabel('Control.GetLabel(%s)' % (view)) if not (label == '' or label == None): break record = (skin, content, str(view)) control.makeFile(control.dataPath) dbcon = database.connect(control.viewsFile) dbcur = dbcon.cursor() dbcur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS views (" "skin TEXT, " "view_type TEXT, " "view_id TEXT, " "UNIQUE(skin, view_type)" ");") dbcur.execute( "DELETE FROM views WHERE skin = '%s' AND view_type = '%s'" % (record[0], record[1])) dbcur.execute("INSERT INTO views Values (?, ?, ?)", record) dbcon.commit() viewName = control.infoLabel('Container.Viewmode') skinName = control.addon(skin).getAddonInfo('name') skinIcon = control.addon(skin).getAddonInfo('icon') control.infoDialog(viewName, heading=skinName, sound=True, icon=skinIcon) except: return
def run(self): def download(): return [] result = cache.get(download, 600000000, table='rel_dl') for item in result: = item['name'] self.image = item['image'] self.url = item['url'] sysname =, '\/:*?"<>|').strip('.') url = self.url.split('|')[0] try: headers = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(self.url.rsplit('|', 1)[1])) except: headers = dict('') ext = os.path.splitext(urlparse.urlparse(url).path)[1][1:].lower() hdlr = re.compile('.+? ([(]\d{4}[)]|S\d*E\d*)$').findall( if len(hdlr) == 0: self.content = 'Uncategorised' if ext in ['m4a', 'mp3', 'aac']: self.content = 'Music' hdlr = re.compile('.+? (S\d*E\d*)$').findall( if len(hdlr) > 0: self.content = 'TVShows' hdlr = re.compile('.+? [(](\d{4})[)]$').findall( if len(hdlr) > 0: self.content = 'Movies' if self.content == 'Movies': dest = os.path.join(downloadPath, self.content) control.makeFile(dest) dest = os.path.join(dest, sysname) control.makeFile(dest) elif self.content == 'TVShows': d = re.compile('(.+?) S(\d*)E(\d*)$').findall(sysname)[0] dest = os.path.join(downloadPath, self.content) control.makeFile(dest) dest = os.path.join(dest, d[0]) control.makeFile(dest) dest = os.path.join(dest, 'Season %01d' % int(d[1])) control.makeFile(dest) else: dest = os.path.join(downloadPath, self.content) control.makeFile(dest) if not ext in [ 'mp4', 'm4a', 'mp3', 'aac', 'mkv', 'flv', 'avi', 'mpg' ]: ext = 'mp4' dest = os.path.join(dest, sysname + '.' + ext) control.infoDialog( + ' Is Downloading', 'Downloads Started', self.image, time=7000) try: req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers) resp = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout=30) except Exception, e: removeDownload(self.url) print '%s ERROR - File Failed To Open' % (dest) continue try: self.size = int(resp.headers['Content-Length']) except: self.size = 0 if self.size < 1: removeDownload(self.url) print '%s Unknown filesize - Unable to download' % (dest) continue try: resumable = 'bytes' in resp.headers['Accept-Ranges'].lower() except: resumable = False size = 1024 * 1024 if self.size < size: size = self.size gb = '%.2f GB' % (float(self.size) / 1073741824) start = time.clock() total = 0 notify = 0 errors = 0 count = 0 resume = 0 sleep = 0 self.clear() control.window.setProperty(property + '.status', 'downloading') control.window.setProperty(property + '.name', str( control.window.setProperty(property + '.image', str(self.image)) control.window.setProperty(property + '.size', str(gb)) f = control.openFile(dest, 'wb') chunk = None chunks = [] while True: downloaded = total for c in chunks: downloaded += len(c) percent = min(100 * downloaded / self.size, 100) self.speed = str( int((downloaded / 1024) / (time.clock() - start))) + ' KB/s' self.percent = str(percent) + '%' control.window.setProperty(property + '.percent', str(self.percent)) control.window.setProperty(property + '.speed', str(self.speed)) if percent >= notify: control.infoDialog('Downloaded %s' % self.percent,, self.image, time=5000) notify += 10 chunk = None error = False try: chunk = if not chunk: if self.percent < 99: error = True else: while len(chunks) > 0: c = chunks.pop(0) f.write(c) del c f.close() print '%s download complete' % (dest) break except Exception, e: print str(e) error = True sleep = 10 errno = 0 if hasattr(e, 'errno'): errno = e.errno if errno == 10035: # 'A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately' pass if errno == 10054: #'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host' errors = 10 #force resume sleep = 30 if errno == 11001: # 'getaddrinfo failed' errors = 10 #force resume sleep = 30 if chunk: errors = 0 chunks.append(chunk) if len(chunks) > 5: c = chunks.pop(0) f.write(c) total += len(c) del c if error: errors += 1 count += 1 print '%d Error(s) whilst downloading %s' % (count, dest) control.sleep(sleep * 1000) if (resumable and errors > 0) or errors >= 10: if (not resumable and resume >= 50) or resume >= 500: #Give up! print '%s download canceled - too many error whilst downloading' % ( dest) break resume += 1 errors = 0 if resumable: chunks = [] #create new response print 'Download resumed (%d) %s' % (resume, dest) h = headers h['Range'] = 'bytes=%d-' % int(total) try: resp = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url, headers=h), timeout=10) except: resp = None else: #use existing response pass if control.window.getProperty(property + '.status') == 'stop': control.infoDialog('Process Complete', 'Downloads', time=5000) return self.clear()
def sources(self, url, hostDict, hostprDict): try: sources = [] if url == None: return sources data = urlparse.parse_qs(url) data = dict([(i, data[i][0]) if data[i] else (i, '') for i in data]) type = 'episode' if 'tvshowtitle' in data else 'movie' years = (data['year'], str(int(data['year']) + 1), str(int(data['year']) - 1)) if type == 'movie': title = cleantitle.get(data['title']) ids = [data['imdb']] r = control.jsonrpc( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovies", "params": {"filter":{"or": [{"field": "year", "operator": "is", "value": "%s"}, {"field": "year", "operator": "is", "value": "%s"}, {"field": "year", "operator": "is", "value": "%s"}]}, "properties": ["imdbnumber", "title", "originaltitle", "file"]}, "id": 1}' % years) r = unicode(r, 'utf-8', errors='ignore') r = json.loads(r)['result']['movies'] r = [ i for i in r if str(i['imdbnumber']) in ids or title in [ cleantitle.get(i['title'].encode('utf-8')), cleantitle.get(i['originaltitle'].encode('utf-8')) ] ] r = [ i for i in r if not i['file'].encode('utf-8').endswith('.strm') ][0] r = control.jsonrpc( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetMovieDetails", "params": {"properties": ["streamdetails", "file"], "movieid": %s }, "id": 1}' % str(r['movieid'])) r = unicode(r, 'utf-8', errors='ignore') r = json.loads(r)['result']['moviedetails'] elif type == 'episode': title = cleantitle.get(data['tvshowtitle']) season, episode = data['season'], data['episode'] ids = [data['imdb'], data['tvdb']] r = control.jsonrpc( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetTVShows", "params": {"filter":{"or": [{"field": "year", "operator": "is", "value": "%s"}, {"field": "year", "operator": "is", "value": "%s"}, {"field": "year", "operator": "is", "value": "%s"}]}, "properties": ["imdbnumber", "title"]}, "id": 1}' % years) r = unicode(r, 'utf-8', errors='ignore') r = json.loads(r)['result']['tvshows'] r = [ i for i in r if str(i['imdbnumber']) in ids or title == cleantitle.get(i['title'].encode('utf-8')) ][0] r = control.jsonrpc( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodes", "params": {"filter":{"and": [{"field": "season", "operator": "is", "value": "%s"}, {"field": "episode", "operator": "is", "value": "%s"}]}, "properties": ["file"], "tvshowid": %s }, "id": 1}' % (str(season), str(episode), str(r['tvshowid']))) r = unicode(r, 'utf-8', errors='ignore') r = json.loads(r)['result']['episodes'] r = [ i for i in r if not i['file'].encode('utf-8').endswith('.strm') ][0] r = control.jsonrpc( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "VideoLibrary.GetEpisodeDetails", "params": {"properties": ["streamdetails", "file"], "episodeid": %s }, "id": 1}' % str(r['episodeid'])) r = unicode(r, 'utf-8', errors='ignore') r = json.loads(r)['result']['episodedetails'] url = r['file'].encode('utf-8') try: quality = int(r['streamdetails']['video'][0]['width']) except: quality = -1 if quality >= 1920: quality = '1080p' elif 1280 <= quality < 1920: quality = 'HD' elif 0 <= quality < 1280: quality = 'SD' else: quality = '0' info = [] try: f = control.openFile(url) s = f.size() f.close() s = '%.2f GB' % (float(s) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) info.append(s) except: pass try: e = (urlparse.urlparse(url).path).split('.')[-1].upper() info.append(e) except: pass info = ' | '.join(info) info = info.encode('utf-8') sources.append({ 'source': '0', 'quality': quality, 'language': 'en', 'url': url, 'info': info, 'local': True, 'direct': True, 'debridonly': False }) return sources except: return sources
def resolve(self, url): try: m3u8 = [ '#EXTM3U', '#EXT-X-MEDIA:TYPE=AUDIO,GROUP-ID="audio",DEFAULT=YES,AUTOSELECT=YES,NAME="Stream 1",URI="{audio_stream}"', '', '#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=1,BANDWIDTH=0,NAME="{stream_name}",AUDIO="audio"', '{video_stream}' ] query = urlparse.parse_qs(url) query = dict([(key, query[key][0]) if query[key] else (key, '') for key in query]) auth = '' % ( query['vid_id'], query['stream_id']) r = client.request(auth) r = json.loads(r) try: url = r['url'] except: url = None if not url == None: def dialog(url): try: self.disableScraper = control.yesnoDialog( 'To watch this video visit from any device', '[COLOR skyblue]%s[/COLOR]' % url, '', 'Torba', 'Cancel', 'Settings') except: pass workers.Thread(dialog, url).start() control.sleep(3000) for i in range(100): try: if not control.condVisibility( 'Window.IsActive(yesnoDialog)'): break r = client.request(auth) r = json.loads(r) try: url = r['url'] except: url = None if url == None: break workers.Thread(dialog, url).start() control.sleep(3000) except: pass if self.disableScraper: control.openSettings(query='2.0') return '' control.execute('Dialog.Close(yesnoDialog)') if not url == None: return stream_name = '%sp' % (query['height']) video_stream = r[stream_name] if not 'audio' in r: return video_stream audio_stream = r['audio'] content = ('\n'.join(m3u8)).format( **{ 'audio_stream': audio_stream, 'stream_name': stream_name, 'video_stream': video_stream }) path = os.path.join(control.dataPath, 'torbase.m3u8') control.makeFile(control.dataPath) control.deleteFile(path) file = control.openFile(path, 'w') file.write(content) file.close() return path except: return