def resolve(name, url, iconimage, description): xbmc.log('URLLLL: {}'.format(url)) if 'm3u8' in url: link = url link += '|User-Agent={}'.format(urllib.quote_plus(client.agent())) liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage=ICON, thumbnailImage=iconimage) else: url = base_url + url if url.startswith('/') else url info = client.request(url, headers=headers) head = client.parseDOM(info, 'title')[0].encode('utf-8') # title = client.parseDOM(info, 'meta', ret='content', attrs={'name': 'description'})[0].encode('utf-8') # name = '{0} - {1}'.format(head, title) poster = client.parseDOM(info, 'meta', ret='content', attrs={'property': 'og:image'})[0] link = re.findall(r'''\,url:['"](.+?)['"]\}''', info, re.DOTALL)[0] link += '|User-Agent={}&Referer={}'.format( urllib.quote_plus(client.agent()), urllib.quote_plus(url)) liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(head, iconImage=ICON, thumbnailImage=poster) try: liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Title": description}) liz.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true") liz.setPath(str(link)) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, liz) except: control.infoDialog( "[COLOR red]Dead Link[/COLOR]!\n[COLOR white]Please Try Another[/COLOR]", NAME, '')
def get_content(url): # 5 <div id="content"><div class="container"> r = six.ensure_str(client.request(url, headers=headers)) data = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'container'})[0] data = dom.parse_dom(data, 'a', req='href') data = [i for i in data if 'subt' in i.content] # xbmc.log('DATA22: {}'.format(str(data))) for item in data: link = item.attrs['href'] if link == '#': continue link = client.replaceHTMLCodes(link) name = client.parseDOM(item.content, 'img', ret='alt')[0] name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) desc = client.parseDOM(item.content, 'p', attrs={'class': 'subt'})[0] desc = clear_Title(desc) try: poster = client.parseDOM(item.content, 'img', ret='data-src')[0] except IndexError: poster = client.parseDOM(item.content, 'img', ret='src')[0] poster = client.replaceHTMLCodes(poster) poster = 'https:' + poster if poster.startswith('//') else poster if six.PY2: link = link.encode('utf-8') name = name.encode('utf-8') desc = desc.decode('ascii', errors='ignore') poster = poster.encode('utf-8') link = '{}/{}'.format(base_url, link) addDir('[B][COLOR white]%s[/COLOR][/B]' % name, link, 100, poster, '', desc) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def get_stream(url): # 4 data = base64.b64decode(unquote(url)) # xbmc.log('@#@DATAAAA:%s' % data, xbmc.LOGINFO) if b'info_outline' in data: control.infoDialog( "[COLOR gold]No Links available ATM.\n [COLOR lime]Try Again Later![/COLOR]", NAME, iconimage, 5000) return else: links = list( zip(client.parseDOM(str(data), 'a', ret='href'), client.parseDOM(str(data), 'a'))) # xbmc.log('@#@STREAMMMMMSSSSSS:%s' % links, xbmc.LOGINFO) titles = [] streams = [] for link, title in links: streams.append(link) titles.append(title) if len(streams) > 1: dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() ret ='[COLORgold][B]Choose Stream[/B][/COLOR]', titles) if ret == -1: return elif ret > -1: host = streams[ret] # xbmc.log('@#@STREAMMMMM:%s' % host, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) return resolve(host, name) else: return else: link = links[0][0] return resolve(link, name)
def get_content(url): #5 <div id="content"><div class="container"> r = client.request(url, headers=headers) # data = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'container'})[0] # xbmc.log('DATAAAA: %s' % data) data = client.parseDOM(r, 'li', attrs={'class': 'webcam'}) for item in data: link = client.parseDOM(item, 'a', ret='href')[0] if link == '#': continue link = client.replaceHTMLCodes(link) link = link.encode('utf-8') name = client.parseDOM(item, 'span', attrs={'class': 'title'})[0] name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) name = name.encode('utf-8') desc = client.parseDOM(item, 'span', attrs={'class': 'description'})[0] desc = clear_Title(desc) desc = desc.decode('ascii', errors='ignore') poster = client.parseDOM(item, 'img', ret='data-original')[0] poster = client.replaceHTMLCodes(poster) poster = 'https:' + poster if poster.startswith('//') else poster poster = poster.encode('utf-8') addDir('[B][COLOR white]%s[/COLOR][/B]' % name, link, 100, poster, '', desc) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def get_categories(url): r = client._basic_request(url, headers=headers) r = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'fullbody ptb-60'})[1] xbmc.log('CaTAEGORIES: %s' % str(r)) cats = client.parseDOM(r, 'li') xbmc.log('CTAEGORIES: %s' % str(cats)) for cat in cats: link = client.parseDOM(cat, 'a', ret='href')[0] title = client.parseDOM(cat, 'h5')[0] addDir('[B]%s[/B]' % str(title), link, 5, ICON, '', str(title)) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def get_the_random(url): # 3 r = six.ensure_str(client.request(url, headers=headers)) frame = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'row home'})[0] head = client.parseDOM(frame, 'h1')[0] head = clear_Title(head) frame = client.parseDOM(frame, 'a', ret='href')[0] frame = base_url + frame if frame.startswith('/') else frame # xbmc.log('FRAME:%s' % frame) if six.PY2: head = head.encode('utf-8') addDir('[B][COLOR white]%s[/COLOR][/B]' % head, frame, 100, ICON, '', 'Random Live Cam') xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def resolve(name, url, iconimage, description): # xbmc.log('URLLLL: {}'.format(url)) if 'm3u8' in url: link = url link += '|User-Agent={}&Referer={}'.format( 'iPad', quote_plus(headers['Referer'])) liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage=ICON, thumbnailImage=iconimage) else: import requests url = base_url + url if url.startswith('/') else url # xbmc.log('URLLLL2: {}'.format(url)) # cj = client.request(base_url, headers=headers, output='cookie') # xbmc.log('COOKIES: {}'.format(str(cj))) # headers['Cookie'] = cj info = requests.get(url, headers=headers).text info = six.ensure_str(info, encoding='utf-8') # xbmc.log('INFOOOO: {}'.format(info)) head = client.parseDOM(info, 'title')[0] # title = client.parseDOM(info, 'meta', ret='content', attrs={'name': 'description'})[0].encode('utf-8') # name = '{0} - {1}'.format(head, title) poster = client.parseDOM(info, 'meta', ret='content', attrs={'property': 'og:image'})[0] link = re.findall(r'''source:['"](.+?)['"]\,''', info, re.DOTALL)[0] link = "" + link.replace( 'livee', 'live') if link.startswith('live') else link # xbmc.log('LINK: {}'.format(link)) link += '|User-Agent=iPad&Referer={}'.format(BASEURL) if six.PY2: head = head.encode('utf-8') link = str(link) liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(head) liz.setArt({ 'icon': iconimage, 'thumb': iconimage, 'poster': poster, 'fanart': fanart }) try: liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Title": description}) liz.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true") liz.setPath(link) #, liz) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, liz) except: control.infoDialog( "[COLOR red]Dead Link[/COLOR]!\n[COLOR white]Please Try Another[/COLOR]", NAME, '')
def Get_letras(url): #9 r = client.request(url, headers=headers) r = client.parseDOM(r, 'ul', attrs={'id': 'letras'})[0] r = client.parseDOM(r, 'li') for item in r: name = client.parseDOM(item, 'a')[0] name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) name = name.encode('utf-8') url = client.parseDOM(item, 'a', ret='href')[0] url = client.replaceHTMLCodes(url) url = url.encode('utf-8') addDir('[B][COLOR white]Telenovelas de %s[/COLOR][/B]' % name, url, 5, ICON, FANART, '') xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def get_feature(url): #6 r = client._basic_request(url, headers=headers) r = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'fullbody ptb-60 bg-dark'})[0] # class="fvl-productBox shadow-hover" posts = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'fvl-productBox shadow-hover'}) for post in posts: if 'FREE' in post: link = client.parseDOM(post, 'a', ret='href')[0] poster = client.parseDOM(post, 'img', ret='src')[0] desc = client.parseDOM(post, 'div', attrs={'class': 'fvl-productDescription'})[0] title = client.parseDOM(desc, 'h5')[0] plot = client.parseDOM(desc, 'span')[0] rate = client.parseDOM(post, 'div', attrs={'class': 'starrr'}, ret='data-rating')[0] desc = title + '\n' + str(plot) title += '[' + str(rate) + ']' addDir('[B]%s[/B]' % title, link, 5, poster, '', str(desc)) else: pass xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def get_lectures(name, url, poster, desc): r = client._basic_request(url, headers=headers) posts = client.parseDOM(r, 'li', attrs={'class': 'class-list__row'}) for post in posts: link = client.parseDOM(post, 'a', ret='href')[0] link = client.replaceHTMLCodes(link) link = link.encode('utf-8') name = client.parseDOM(post, 'a')[0] name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) name = name.encode('utf-8') addDir('[B]%s[/B]' % name, link, 100, poster, '', desc) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def Episodes(url): #8 r = client.request(url, headers=headers) data = client.parseDOM(r, 'ul', attrs={'id': 'listado'})[0] data = client.parseDOM(data, 'li') data = zip(client.parseDOM(data, 'a', ret='href'), client.parseDOM(data, 'a')) get_icon = client.parseDOM(r, 'img', ret='src', attrs={'class': 'transparent'})[0] for item in data[::-1]: url, title = client.replaceHTMLCodes(item[0]), client.replaceHTMLCodes(item[1]) url = url.encode('utf-8') title = title.encode('utf-8') addDir(title, url, 10, get_icon, FANART, '') xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def get_country(url): #4 r = client.request(url, headers=headers) r = client.parseDOM(r, 'li', attrs={'class': 'dropdown'})[0] r = zip(client.parseDOM(r, 'a', attrs={'class': 'menu-item'}), client.parseDOM(r, 'a', attrs={'class': 'menu-item'}, ret='href')) for name, link in r: name = re.sub('<.+?>', '', name).replace(' ', ' ') name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) name = name.encode('utf-8') link = client.replaceHTMLCodes(link) link = link.encode('utf-8') link = base_url + link if link.startswith('/') else link addDir('[B][COLOR white]%s[/COLOR][/B]' % name, link, 5, ICON, FANART, '') xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def get_country(url): # 4 r = six.ensure_str(client.request(url, headers=headers)) r = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'dropdown mega-dropdown live'})[0] r = zip(client.parseDOM(r, 'a'), client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='href')) for name, link in r: name = re.sub('<.+?>', '', name).replace(' ', ' ') name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) name = '[B][COLOR white]{}[/COLOR][/B]'.format(name) link = client.replaceHTMLCodes(link) if six.PY2: name = name.encode('utf-8') link = link.encode('utf-8') link = base_url + link if link.startswith('/') else link addDir(name, link, 5, ICON, FANART, '') xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def get_greek_cams(): link = '' headers = {"User-Agent": client.agent()} r = client.request(link, headers=headers) r = r.encode('utf-8') cams = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'fp-playlist'})[0] cams = zip(client.parseDOM(cams, 'a', ret='href'), client.parseDOM(cams, 'a', ret='data-title'), client.parseDOM(cams, 'img', ret='src')) for stream, name, poster in cams: name = re.sub('".+?false', '', name) name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name).encode('utf-8') stream = 'http:' + stream if stream.startswith('//') else stream stream += '|Referer={}'.format(link) poster = link + poster if poster.startswith('/') else poster addDir('[B][COLOR white]%s[/COLOR][/B]' % name, stream, 100, poster, '', 'name')
def GETAUTOPLAY(url): #progressDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() #progressDialog.create(addon_name, 'Gathering Links For Your Selected Item: [COLOR blue]%s[/COLOR]'%name) #progressDialog.update(0) base_link = '' strm_link = '' url = re.sub('/$', '', url) req = url + '/watch/' #Text_Box('h',req) referer = req r = client.request(req) if '<title>Watch Free Movies Online, Best Site to Watch Free Movies HD - WATCH5S.TO</title>' in r: r = client.request(url) part = tools.regex_from_to(r, '<div id="mv-info">', '</div>') url = tools.regex_from_to(part, 'href="', '"') r = client.request(url) try: server = tools.regex_from_to(r, '<strong>SERVER 1</strong>', '</a>') server = tools.regex_from_to(server, 'href="', '"') except: try: server = tools.regex_from_to(r, '<strong>SERVER 10</strong>', '</a>') server = tools.regex_from_to(server, 'href="', '"') except: server = tools.regex_from_to(r, '<strong>OpenLoad</strong>', '</a>') server = tools.regex_from_to(server, 'href="', '"') open = client.request(server) t = re.findall('player_type\s*:\s*"(.+?)"', open)[0] if not t == 'embed': s = client.parseDOM(open, 'input', ret='value', attrs={'name': 'episodeID'})[0] t = ''.join( random.sample( string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase, 8)) k = hashlib.md5('!@#$%^&*(' + s + t).hexdigest() v = hashlib.md5(t + referer + s).hexdigest() stream = strm_link % (s, t) cookie = '%s=%s' % (k, v) u = client.request(stream, referer=referer, cookie=cookie, timeout='10') url = tools.regex_from_to(u, '"file":"', '"').replace('\/', '/') if not 'grabber-api' in url: return url else: url = tools.regex_from_to(open, 'embed_src: "', '"') return url
def get_content(url): #5 <div class="products-list__item shadow-hover"> r = client._basic_request(url, headers=headers) # data = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'products-view'})[0] data = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'products-view__list.+?'}) xbmc.log('DATAAA: %s' % str(data)) for item in data: if 'FREE' in item: link = client.parseDOM(item, 'a', ret='href')[0] link = client.replaceHTMLCodes(link) link = link.encode('utf-8') name = client.parseDOM(item, 'a')[1] name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) name = name.encode('utf-8') desc = client.parseDOM( item, 'div', attrs={'class': 'product-card__description'})[0] desc = clear_Title(desc) desc = desc.decode('ascii', errors='ignore') univ = client.parseDOM(item, 'div', attrs={'class': 'product-card__category'})[0] un_name, un_link = [ client.parseDOM(univ, 'a')[0], client.parseDOM(univ, 'a', ret='href')[0] ] un_name = re.sub('<.+?>', '', un_name) un_name = un_name.encode('utf-8') poster = client.parseDOM(item, 'img', ret='src')[0] poster = client.replaceHTMLCodes(poster) poster = 'https:' + poster if poster.startswith('//') else poster poster = poster.encode('utf-8') addDir('[B]%s[/B]' % name, link, 10, poster, '', desc) if not 'university' in url: addDir('[B]Find lectures from %s[/B]' % un_name, un_link, 5, poster, '', desc) else: pass try: np = re.findall('''<li><a href="(.+?)">Next''', r, re.DOTALL)[0] page = np.split('/')[:-1][-1] page = '[B][COLORlime]{}[B][COLORwhite])[/B][/COLOR]'.format(page) np = client.replaceHTMLCodes(np) addDir( '[B][COLORgold]Next Page>>>[/COLOR] [COLORwhite]({}'.format(page), np, 5, ICON, '', 'Next Page') except: pass xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def get_the_random(url): #3 r = client.request(url, headers=headers) frames = zip(client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='href'), client.parseDOM(r, 'a')) frame = [i[0] for i in frames if 'random cam' in i[1].lower()][0] frame = base_url + frame if frame.startswith('/') else frame # xbmc.log('FRAME:%s' % frame) info = client.request(frame, headers=headers) head = client.parseDOM(info, 'title')[0].encode('utf-8') # title = client.parseDOM(info, 'meta', ret='content', attrs={'name': 'description'})[0].encode('utf-8') # name = '{0} - {1}'.format(head, title) # xbmc.log('NAME:%s' % head) poster = client.parseDOM(info, 'meta', ret='content', attrs={'property': 'og:image'})[0] # xbmc.log('INFO:%s' % info) link = re.findall(r'''\,url:['"](.+?)['"]\}''', info, re.DOTALL)[0] addDir('[B][COLOR white]%s[/COLOR][/B]' % head, link, 100, poster, '', 'Random Live Cam')
def get_new(url): r = client.request(url, headers=headers) r = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'row'})[0] r = zip(client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='href'), client.parseDOM(r, 'img', ret='src'), client.parseDOM(r, 'img', ret='alt')) for link, poster, name in r: name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) name = name.encode('utf-8') link = client.replaceHTMLCodes(link) link = link.encode('utf-8') link = 'https:' + link if link.startswith('//') else link poster = client.replaceHTMLCodes(poster) poster = 'https:' + poster if poster.startswith('//') else poster poster = poster.encode('utf-8') addDir('[B][COLOR white]%s[/COLOR][/B]' % name, link, 100, poster, FANART, '') xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def Get_content(url): #5 r = client.request(url, headers=headers) data = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'imagen'}) data = zip(client.parseDOM(data, 'a', ret='href'), client.parseDOM(data, 'a', ret='title'), client.parseDOM(data, 'img', ret='src')) for item in data: link, name, icon = item[0], item[1], item[2] link = client.replaceHTMLCodes(link) link = link.encode('utf-8') name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) name = name.encode('utf-8') if 'capitulo' in link: addDir('[B][COLOR white]%s[/COLOR][/B]' % name, link, 10, icon, FANART, '') else: addDir('[B][COLOR white]%s[/COLOR][/B]' % name, link, 8, icon, FANART, '') try: np = client.parseDOM(r, 'li') np = [i for i in np if 'iguiente' in i][0] np = client.parseDOM(np, 'a', ret='href')[0] page ='(\d+)', np, re.DOTALL) page = '[COLORlime]%s[/COLOR]' % page.groups()[0] url = urlparse.urljoin(url, np) url = client.replaceHTMLCodes(url) addDir('[B][COLORgold]Siguiente(%s)>>>[/COLOR][/B]' % page, url, 5, ICON, FANART, '') except: pass xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def get_cat_cams(): try: html = six.ensure_str(client.request(base_url, referer=BASEURL)) data = client.parseDOM(html, 'li', attrs={'class': 'dropdown mega-dropdown'})[0] cats = client.parseDOM(data, 'div', attrs={'class': 'container-fluid'})[0] cats = dom.parse_dom(cats, 'a', req='href') for cat in cats: name = client.parseDOM(cat.content, 'p', attrs={'class': 'tcam'})[0] if six.PY2: name = name.encode('utf-8') name = '[B][COLOR white]{}[/COLOR][/B]'.format(name) icon = client.parseDOM(cat.content, 'img', ret='data-src')[0] icon = 'https:{}'.format(icon) if icon.startswith('//') else icon icon = icon + '|Referer={}'.format(base_url) url = cat.attrs['href'][3:] url = '{2}/{0}/{1}'.format(web_lang, url, base_url) addDir(name, url, 5, icon, FANART, '') except BaseException: pass xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def Get_links(name,url): #10 OPEN = client.request(url, headers=headers) Regex = client.parseDOM(OPEN, 'iframe', ret='src') for link in Regex[::-1]: if 'verestrenos' in link: idp = link.split('mula=')[1] post = 'mole=%s' % idp link = client.request('', post=post) vid_id = re.compile('http[s]?://(.+?)\.', re.DOTALL).findall(link)[0] if 'sebuscar' in vid_id: continue vid_id = vid_id.replace('hqq', '') addDir('[B][COLOR white]{0} [B]| [COLOR lime]{1}[/COLOR][/B]'.format(name, vid_id), '%s|%s' % (link, url), 100, iconimage, FANART, name) xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies')
def resolve(name, url, iconimage, description): url = BASEURL + url if url.startswith('/') else url info = client._basic_request(url, headers=headers) # title = client.parseDOM(info, 'meta', ret='content', attrs={'name': 'description'})[0].encode('utf-8') # name = '{0} - {1}'.format(head, title) #<div class="youtube-player" data-id="0Eeuqh9QfNI"></div> link_id = client.parseDOM(info, 'div', ret='data-id', attrs={'class': 'youtube-player'})[0] link = yout_vid.format(link_id) liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name, iconImage=ICON, thumbnailImage=iconimage) try: liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Title": description}) liz.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true") liz.setPath(link) xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, liz) except: control.infoDialog( "[COLOR red]Dead Link[/COLOR]!\n[COLOR white]Please Try Another[/COLOR]", NAME, '')
def get_events(url): # 5 data = client.request(url) # xbmc.log('@#@EDATAAA: {}'.format(data), xbmc.LOGNOTICE) events = list( zip( client.parseDOM(str(data), 'li', attrs={'class': "item itemhov"}), re.findall(r'<i class="material-icons">(.+?)</a> </li>', str(data), re.DOTALL))) # addDir('[COLORcyan]Time in GMT+2[/COLOR]', '', 'BUG', ICON, FANART, '') for event, streams in events: # xbmc.log('@#@EVENTTTTT:%s' % event, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) watch = '[COLORlime]*[/COLOR]' if '>Live<' in event else '[COLORred]*[/COLOR]' try: teams = client.parseDOM(event, 'td') # xbmc.log('@#@TEAMSSSS:%s' % str(teams), xbmc.LOGNOTICE) home, away = re.sub(r'\s*(<img.+?>)\s*', '', teams[0]), re.sub(r'\s*(<img.+?>)\s*', '', teams[2]) if six.PY2: home = home.strip().encode('utf-8') away = away.strip().encode('utf-8') teams = '[B]{0} vs {1}[/B]'.format(home, away) except IndexError: teams = client.parseDOM(event, 'center')[0] teams = re.sub(r'<.+?>|\s{2}', '', teams) teams = teams.encode('utf-8') if six.PY2 else teams teams = '[B]{}[/B]'.format(teams) # xbmc.log('@#@TEAM-FINAL:%s' % str(teams), xbmc.LOGNOTICE) lname = client.parseDOM(event, 'a')[1] lname = re.sub(r'<.+?>', '', lname) time = client.parseDOM(event, 'span', attrs={'class': 'gmt_m_time'})[0] time = time.split('GMT')[0].strip() cov_time = convDateUtil( time, 'default', 'GMT{}'.format(str(control.setting('timezone')))) # xbmc.log('@#@COVTIMEEE:%s' % str(cov_time), xbmc.LOGNOTICE) ftime = '[COLORgold][I]{}[/COLOR][/I]'.format(cov_time) name = '{0}{1} {2} - [I]{3}[/I]'.format(watch, ftime, teams, lname) # links = re.findall(r'<a href="(.+?)".+?>( Link.+? )</a>', event, re.DOTALL) streams = str(quote(base64.b64encode(six.ensure_binary(streams)))) icon = client.parseDOM(event, 'img', ret='src')[0] icon = urljoin(BASEURL, icon) addDir(name, streams, 4, icon, FANART, name)
def GETLINKS(url, name): progressDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() progressDialog.create(addon_name, 'Gathering Links For: [COLOR blue]%s[/COLOR]' % name) progressDialog.update(0) name = str(name).replace(' [COLOR blue]', '').replace( '[/COLOR]', '').replace('CAM', '').replace('SD', '').replace('HD', '') name = tools.geturl(name) name = re.sub('-$', '', name) name = re.sub('^-', '', name) base_link = '' strm_link = '' url = re.sub('/$', '', url) req = url + '/watch/' #Text_Box('h',req) referer = req r = client.request(req) if '<title>Watch Free Movies Online, Best Site to Watch Free Movies HD - WATCH5S.TO</title>' in r: r = client.request(url) part = tools.regex_from_to(r, '<div id="mv-info">', '</div>') url = tools.regex_from_to(part, 'href="', '"') r = client.request(url) all = tools.regex_get_all(r, '<div class="les-content">', '</div>') for a in all: try: u = tools.regex_from_to(a, '<a href="', '"') qual = tools.regex_from_to(a, 'first-ep.*?">', '<') p = client.request(u, referer=referer, timeout='10') t = re.findall('player_type\s*:\s*"(.+?)"', p)[0] if not t == 'embed': s = client.parseDOM(p, 'input', ret='value', attrs={'name': 'episodeID'})[0] t = ''.join( random.sample( string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase, 8)) k = hashlib.md5('!@#$%^&*(' + s + t).hexdigest() v = hashlib.md5(t + referer + s).hexdigest() stream = strm_link % (s, t) cookie = '%s=%s' % (k, v) u = client.request(stream, referer=referer, cookie=cookie, timeout='10') url = tools.regex_from_to(u, '"file":"', '"') if not 'grabber-api' in url: host = 'GVIDEO' addDir('%s | [COLOR blue]%s[/COLOR]' % (host, qual), urllib.quote_plus(str(url).replace('\/', '/')), 7, icon, fanart, '') else: url = tools.regex_from_to(p, 'embed_src: "', '"') if 'openload' in url: host = 'OPENLOAD' addDir('%s | [COLOR blue]%s[/COLOR]' % (host, qual), url, 7, icon, fanart, '') except: pass progressDialog.close()
def get(self, query): try: query, imdb = query.split('/imdb=') match = re.findall(r'^(?P<title>.+)[\s+\(|\s+](?P<year>\d{4})', query) if len(match) > 0: title, year = match[0][0], match[0][1] if imdb.startswith('tt'): url = '{}'.format( imdb) r = six.ensure_text(client.request(url)) else: url = urljoin(self.base_link, r = six.ensure_text(client.request(url)) data = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={ 'class': 'media-body' }) # <div class="media-body"> for i in data: try: name = client.parseDOM(i, 'h3')[0].encode('utf-8') if not cleantitle.get(title) == cleantitle.get( client.replaceHTMLCodes(name)): raise Exception() y ='">(\d{4})<small>year</small>', i).groups()[0] if not year == y: raise Exception() url = client.parseDOM(i, 'a', ret='href')[0] url = url.encode('utf-8') url = urljoin(self.base_link, url) r = client.request(url) except BaseException: pass data = client.parseDOM(r, 'tr', attrs={'data-id': r'\d+'}) items = [i for i in data if 'greek' in i.lower()] # xbmc.log('$#$MATCH-YIFI-RRR: %s' % items) urls = [] for item in items: try: # rating = client.parseDOM(item, 'span', attrs={'title': 'rating'})[0] name = client.parseDOM(item, 'a')[0] name = re.sub(r'<.+?>', '', name).replace('subtitle', '') name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) url = client.parseDOM(item, 'a', ret='href')[0] url = client.replaceHTMLCodes(url) if six.PY2: url = url.encode('utf-8') name = name.encode('utf-8') urls += [(name, url)] except BaseException: pass else: return self.list except BaseException: return for i in urls: try: r = six.ensure_text( client.request(urljoin(self.base_link, i[1]))) url = client.parseDOM( r, 'a', ret='href', attrs={'class': 'btn-icon download-subtitle'})[0] url = '' + url if url.startswith( '/') else url self.list.append({ 'name': i[0], 'url': url, 'source': 'yifi', 'rating': '5' }) except BaseException: pass return self.list
def get(self, query): try: query, imdb = query.split('/imdb=') match = re.findall('^(?P<title>.+)[\s+\(|\s+](?P<year>\d{4})', query) cookie = self.s.get('', headers=self.hdr).cookies cj = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(cookie) if len(match) > 0: title, year = match[0][0], match[0][1] if imdb.startswith('tt'): frame = '' % imdb r = self.s.get(frame) r = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', r.content) else: url = '' % urllib.quote( title) data = self.s.get(url).content data = client.parseDOM(data, 'span', attrs={'class': 'h5'}) data = [(client.parseDOM(i, 'a')[0], client.parseDOM(i, 'a', ret='href')[0]) for i in data if i] frame = [ i[1] for i in data if cleantitle.get(i[0]) == cleantitle.get(title) ][0] r = self.s.get(frame).text r = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', r) secCode = client.parseDOM(r, 'input', ret='value', attrs={'id': 'secCode'})[0] items = client.parseDOM(r, 'tbody')[0] items = client.parseDOM(items, 'tr') else: title, season, episode = re.findall( '^(?P<title>.+)\s+S(\d+)E(\d+)', query, re.I)[0] #xbmc.log('$#$MATCH-SUBZ: %s | %s | %s' % (title, season, episode), xbmc.LOGNOTICE) season, episode = '%01d' % int(season), '%01d' % int(episode) hdlr = 'season-%s-episode-%s' % (season, episode) if imdb.startswith('tt'): r = self.s.get('' % imdb).content # xbmc.log('$#$MATCH-SUBZ-RRR-source: %s' % r) #r = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', r) frames = client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='href') frame = [i for i in frames if hdlr in i][0] else: baseurl = '' series_url = '' greek_api = 'CAYAM6RT1K2SERUE' user_key = '7F5420E18BAD7762' username = '******' _headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Connection': 'close' } post = { "apikey": greek_api, "username": username, "userkey": user_key } # data =, data=json.dumps(post), headers=_headers).json() data = client.request(baseurl, post=json.dumps(post), headers=_headers) auth = 'Bearer %s' % urllib.unquote_plus( json.loads(data)['token']) _headers['Authorization'] = auth series_data = client.request(series_url % imdb, headers=_headers) imdb = json.loads(series_data)['data']['imdbId'] #xbmc.log('$#$MATCH-SUBZ-RRR-IMDB: %s' % imdb) r = self.s.get('' % imdb).content # xbmc.log('$#$MATCH-SUBZ-RRR-source: %s' % r) #r = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', r) frames = client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='href') frame = [i for i in frames if hdlr in i][0] #xbmc.log('$#$MATCH-SUBZ-λινκ: %s' % frame) r = self.s.get(frame).text r = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', r) secCode = client.parseDOM(r, 'input', ret='value', attrs={'id': 'secCode'})[0] items = client.parseDOM(r, 'tbody')[0] items = client.parseDOM(items, 'tr') except BaseException: return for item in items: try: try: imdb ='\/(tt\d+)\/', frame).groups()[0] except BaseException: imdb ='\/(tt\d+)', frame).groups()[0] data = re.findall( '''downloadMe\(['"](\w+\-\w+).+?label.+?>(\d+).+?<td>(.+?)</td''', str(item), re.I | re.DOTALL)[0] name = data[2] name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) name = name.encode('utf-8') url = '{}/0/{}'.format( data[0], secCode) url = client.replaceHTMLCodes(url) url = url.encode('utf-8') down = data[1] rating = self._rating(down) self.list.append({ 'name': name, 'url': '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' % (frame.encode('utf-8'), url, cj['__cfduid'], cj['PHPSESSID'], name, imdb), 'source': 'subztv', 'rating': rating }) except BaseException: pass return self.list
def download(self, path, url): try: frame, url, cjcfduid, cjphp, sub_, imdb_ = url.split('|') # xbmc.log('$#$ FRAME: %s | URL: %s | COOKIE: %s | SUB: %s | imdb: %s | ' % (frame, url, cjcfduid, sub_, imdb_)) sub_ = urllib.unquote_plus(sub_) self.s.cookies.update({'__cfduid': cjcfduid, 'PHPSESSID': cjphp}) # xbmc.log('$#$ FRAME-COOKIES: %s' % self.s.cookies) self.s.headers['Referer'] = frame init = self.s.get(url).text try: imdb = client.parseDOM(init, 'input', ret='value', attrs={'name': 'uid'})[0] except IndexError: imdb = imdb_ try: sub_name = client.parseDOM(init, 'input', ret='value', attrs={'name': 'output'})[0] except IndexError: sub_name = '{}.srt'.format(sub_) self.s.headers.update({ 'Referer': url, 'Origin': '' }) # xbmc.log('$#$ FRAME-HEADERS: %s' % self.s.headers, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) post = { "langcode": "el", "uid": imdb, "output": sub_name.lower(), "dll": "1" } # post = urllib.urlencode(post) # xbmc.log('$#$ FRAME-POST: %s' % post) result =, data=post) #xbmc.log('$#$POST-RESUL: %s' % result.content) f = os.path.join(path, urllib.quote(sub_) + '.srt') with open(f, 'wb') as subFile: subFile.write(result.content) dirs, files = control.listDir(path) if len(files) == 0: return if not f.lower().endswith('.rar'): control.execute('Extract("%s","%s")' % (f, path)) if control.infoLabel('System.Platform.Windows'): conversion = urllib.quote else: conversion = urllib.quote_plus if f.lower().endswith('.rar'): uri = "rar://{0}/".format(conversion(f)) dirs, files = control.listDir(uri) else: for i in range(0, 10): try: dirs, files = control.listDir(path) if len(files) > 1: break if control.aborted is True: break control.wait(1) except BaseException: pass filename = [ i for i in files if any( i.endswith(x) for x in ['.srt', '.sub']) ][0].decode('utf-8') subtitle = os.path.join(path, filename) if f.lower().endswith('.rar'): content = control.openFile(uri + filename).read() with open(subtitle, 'wb') as subFile: subFile.write(content) return subtitle else: return subtitle except BaseException: pass
def resolve(url, name): # xbmc.log('RESOLVE-URL: %s' % url, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.120 Safari/537.36' # dialog.notification(AddonTitle, '[COLOR skyblue]Attempting To Resolve Link Now[/COLOR]', icon, 5000) if 'acestream' in url: url1 = "plugin://program.plexus/?url=" + url + "&mode=1&name=acestream+" liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name) liz.setArt({'poster': 'poster.png', 'banner': 'banner.png'}) liz.setArt({ 'icon': iconimage, 'thumb': iconimage, 'poster': iconimage, 'fanart': fanart }) liz.setPath(url) xbmc.Player().play(url1, liz, False) quit() if '/live.cdnz' in url: r = six.ensure_str(client.request(url, referer=BASEURL)).replace('\t', '') # xbmc.log("[{}] - HTML: {}".format(ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), str(r))) from resources.modules import jsunpack if 'script>eval' in r: unpack = re.findall(r'''<script>(eval.+?\{\}\)\))''', r, re.DOTALL)[0] r = jsunpack.unpack(unpack.strip()) # xbmc.log('RESOLVE-UNPACK: %s' % str(r), xbmc.LOGNOTICE) else: r = r # xbmc.log("[{}] - HTML: {}".format(ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), str(r))) if 'hfstream.js' in r: regex = '''<script type='text/javascript'> width=(.+?), height=(.+?), channel='(.+?)', g='(.+?)';</script>''' wid, heig, chan, ggg = re.findall(regex, r, re.DOTALL)[0] stream = '' + chan + '/' + ggg + '/' + wid + '/' + heig + '' else: if '' in r: try: stream = client.parseDOM(r, 'iframe', ret='src', attrs={'id': 'thatframe'})[0] except IndexError: streams = client.parseDOM(r, 'iframe', ret='src') stream = [i for i in streams if not 'adca.' in i][0] # xbmc.log("[{}] - STREAM: {}".format(ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), str(stream))) else: stream = client.parseDOM(r, 'iframe', ret='src')[-1] # xbmc.log("[{}] - STREAM-ELSE: {}".format(ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), str(stream))) # xbmc.log("[{}] - STREAM: {}".format(ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), str(stream))) rr = client.request(stream, referer=url) rr = six.ensure_text(rr, encoding='utf-8').replace('\t', '') if 'eval' in rr: unpack = re.findall(r'''script>(eval.+?\{\}\))\)''', rr, re.DOTALL)[0] # unpack = client.parseDOM(rr, 'script') # xbmc.log('UNPACK: %s' % str(unpack)) # unpack = [i.rstrip() for i in unpack if 'eval' in i][0] rr = six.ensure_text(jsunpack.unpack(str(unpack) + ')'), encoding='utf-8') else: r = rr if 'youtube' in rr: try: flink = client.parseDOM(r, 'iframe', ret='src')[0] fid = flink.split('/')[-1] except IndexError: fid = re.findall(r'''/watch\?v=(.+?)['"]''', r, re.DOTALL)[0] # xbmc.log('@#@STREAMMMMM111: %s' % fid, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) flink = 'plugin://{}'.format( str(fid)) # xbmc.log('@#@STREAMMMMM111: %s' % flink, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) else: if '<script>eval' in rr and not '.m3u8?': unpack = re.findall(r'''<script>(eval.+?\{\}\))\)''', rr, re.DOTALL)[0].strip() # xbmc.log("[{}] - STREAM-UNPACK: {}".format(ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), str(unpack))) rr = jsunpack.unpack(str(unpack) + ')') # xbmc.log("[{}] - STREAM-UNPACK: {}".format(ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'), str(r))) # else: # xbmc.log("[{}] - Error unpacking".format(ADDON.getAddonInfo('id'))) if 'player.src({src:' in rr: flink = re.findall(r'''player.src\(\{src:\s*["'](.+?)['"]\,''', rr, re.DOTALL)[0] # xbmc.log('@#@STREAMMMMM: %s' % flink, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) elif 'hlsjsConfig' in rr: xbmc.log('MALAKASSSSS26') flink = re.findall(r'''src=\s*["'](.+?)['"]''', rr, re.DOTALL)[0] elif 'new Clappr' in rr: flink = re.findall(r'''source\s*:\s*["'](.+?)['"]\,''', str(rr), re.DOTALL)[0] elif 'player.setSrc' in rr: flink = re.findall(r'''player.setSrc\(["'](.+?)['"]\)''', rr, re.DOTALL)[0] else: try: flink = re.findall(r'''source:\s*["'](.+?)['"]''', rr, re.DOTALL)[0] except IndexError: ea = re.findall(r'''ajax\(\{url:\s*['"](.+?)['"],''', rr, re.DOTALL)[0] ea = six.ensure_text(client.request(ea)).split('=')[1] flink = re.findall('''videoplayer.src = "(.+?)";''', ea, re.DOTALL)[0] flink = flink.replace('" + ea + "', ea) flink += '|Referer={}'.format(quote(stream)) # xbmc.log('@#@STREAMMMMM111: %s' % flink, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) stream_url = flink else: stream_url = url liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(name) liz.setArt({'poster': 'poster.png', 'banner': 'banner.png'}) liz.setArt({ 'icon': iconimage, 'thumb': iconimage, 'poster': iconimage, 'fanart': fanart }) liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={"Title": name}) liz.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true") liz.setPath(str(stream_url)) # if float(xbmc.getInfoLabel('System.BuildVersion')[0:4]) >= 17.5: # liz.setMimeType('application/') # liz.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.manifest_type', 'hls') # liz.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.stream_headers', str(headers)) # else: # liz.setProperty('inputstreamaddon', None) # liz.setContentLookup(True) xbmc.Player().play(stream_url, liz, False) quit()
def get(self, query): try: match = re.findall('(.+?) \((\d{4})\)/imdb=$', query) if len(match) > 0: title, year = match[0][0], match[0][1] query = ' '.join( urllib.unquote_plus( re.sub('%\w\w', ' ', urllib.quote_plus(title))).split()) url = '' % urllib.quote_plus(query) result = client.request(url) result = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', result) url = client.parseDOM(result, 'section', attrs={'class': 'movies'})[0] url = re.findall('(/movies/\d+)', url) url = [x for y, x in enumerate(url) if x not in url[:y]] url = [urljoin('', i) for i in url] url = url[:3] for i in url: c = cache.get(self.cache, 2200, i) if c is not None: if cleantitle.get(c[0]) == cleantitle.get( title) and c[1] == year: try: item = self.r except: item = client.request(i) break else: title, season, episode = re.findall( '(.+?) S(\d+)E(\d+)/imdb=$', query)[0] season, episode = '%01d' % int(season), '%01d' % int(episode) query = ' '.join( urllib.unquote_plus( re.sub('%\w\w', ' ', urllib.quote_plus(title))).split()) url = '' % urllib.quote_plus(query) result = client.request(url) result = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', result) url = client.parseDOM(result, 'section', attrs={'class': 'tvshows'})[0] url = re.findall('(/series/\d+)', url) url = [x for y, x in enumerate(url) if x not in url[:y]] url = [urljoin('', i) for i in url] url = url[:3] for i in url: c = cache.get(self.cache, 2200, i) if c is not None: if cleantitle.get(c[0]) == cleantitle.get(title): item = i break item = '%s/seasons/%s/episodes/%s' % (item, season, episode) item = client.request(item) item = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', item) items = client.parseDOM(item, 'tr', attrs={'data-id': '.+?'}) except: return for item in items: try: r = client.parseDOM(item, 'td', attrs={'class': '.+?'})[-1] url = client.parseDOM(r, 'a', ret='href')[0] url = client.replaceHTMLCodes(url) url = url.replace("'", "").encode('utf-8') name = url.split('/')[-1].strip() name = re.sub('\s\s+', ' ', name) name = name.replace('_', '').replace('%20', '.') name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) name = name.encode('utf-8') self.list.append({ 'name': name, 'url': url, 'source': 'subzxyz', 'rating': 5 }) except: pass return self.list
def get(self, query): try: query, imdb = query.split('/imdb=') match = re.findall(r'^(?P<title>.+)[\s+\(|\s+](?P<year>\d{4})', query) # xbmc.log('$#$MATCH-S4F: %s' % match, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) if len(match) > 0: hdr = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3', 'Referer': ''} title, year = match[0][0], match[0][1] query = quote_plus('{} {}'.format(title, year)) url = urljoin(self.base_link, % query) req = requests.get(url, headers=hdr) cj = req.cookies r = req.text # r = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', r) if six.PY2: r = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', r) # try: # r = r.decode('utf-8', errors='replace') # except UnicodeEncodeError: # pass # xbmc.log('$#$HTML: %s' % r, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) urls = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': 'movie-download'}) # urls += client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': ' seeMedium'}) # xbmc.log('$#$URLS-start: %s' % urls, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) urls = [i for i in urls if '/greek-sub' in i] # urls = [(client.parseDOM(i, 'tr')[0], re.findall(r'<b>(\d+)</b>DLs', i, re.I)[0]) for i in urls if i] urls = [(client.parseDOM(i, 'a', ret='href')[0], client.parseDOM(i, 'a', ret='title')[0], re.findall(r'<b>(\d+)</b>DLs', i, re.I)[0]) for i in urls if i] # xbmc.log('$#$URLS: %s' % urls, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) urls = [(urljoin(self.base_link, i[0]), i[1].split('for ', 1)[1], i[2]) for i in urls if i] urls = [(i[0], i[1], i[2]) for i in urls if i] # xbmc.log('$#$URLS: %s' % urls, xbmc.LOGNOTICE) else: hdr = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3', 'Referer': ''} title, hdlr = re.findall(r'^(?P<title>.+)\s+(?P<hdlr>S\d+E\d+)', query, re.I)[0] # xbmc.log('$#$MATCH-S4F: %s | %s' % (title, hdlr), xbmc.LOGNOTICE) # hdlr = 'S%02dE%02d' % (int(season), int(episode)) query = quote('{} {}'.format(title, hdlr)) url = urljoin(self.base_TVlink, % query) req = requests.get(url, headers=hdr) cj = req.cookies r = req.text if six.PY2: r = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', ' ', r) # try: # r = r.decode('utf-8', errors='replace') # except UnicodeEncodeError: # pass # xbmc.log('@@URL:%s' % r) urls = client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': ' seeDark'}) urls += client.parseDOM(r, 'div', attrs={'class': ' seeMedium'}) urls = [i for i in urls if not '/en.gif' in i] urls = [(client.parseDOM(i, 'tr')[0], re.findall(r'<B>(\d+)</B>DLs', i, re.I)[0]) for i in urls if i] urls = [(client.parseDOM(i[0], 'a', ret='href')[0], client.parseDOM(i[0], 'a', ret='title')[0], i[1]) for i in urls if i] urls = [(urljoin(self.base_TVlink, i[0]), re.sub('Greek subtitle[s] for ', '', i[1]), i[2]) for i in urls if i] urls = [(i[0], i[1], i[2]) for i in urls if i] except BaseException: return for i in urls: try: rating = str(self._rating(i[2])) name = i[1].replace('_', '').replace('%20', '.') name = client.replaceHTMLCodes(name) name = six.ensure_str(name, 'utf-8') url = i[0] url = client.replaceHTMLCodes(url) url = six.ensure_str(url, 'utf-8') self.list.append({'name': name, 'url': '{}|{}'.format(url, cj['PHPSESSID']), 'source': 's4f', 'rating': rating}) except BaseException: pass return self.list