    #get the coords of sydney, correct and offset lat/lon to centre of each square in grid, for google maps
    coords = np.array(get_coords_sydney(centre_offset=False))
    coords = coords.reshape(10000,2)
    coords = coords.tolist()
    sql_str = """select grid_location, co from {0} where datetime="{1}" order by grid_location;""".format(estimates_table, input_datetime)
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    results = [(row[0], float(row[1])) for row in results]
    results = zip(coords, results)
    #print results
    results = {input_datetime : results}
elif input_datetime is None :
    # e.g.
    #TODO - if this is slow, it's an index problem
    location = get_flattened_index(lat, lon)

    sql_str = """select time, co from {0} where date="{1}" and grid_location={2} order by datetime;""".format(estimates_table, input_date, location)
    results = cursor.fetchall()
    results = {input_date : [(row[0], float(row[1])) for row in results], "location": location}
    results = {"error":"incorrect input provided"}

#print input_datetime
#if input_datetime is None:
#    input_datetime = "2015-09-03 10:00:00"

#if debug:
#    input_date = "2015-08-05"
#    lat = -33.92313
def main():
    # Open database connection
    db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","pollution","pollution","pollution_monitoring" )

    # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # get the oldest date
    sql_str = """select distinct date from Samples  where user_id = 2 order by date asc limit 1;"""

    # start date
    start_date = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    #override TODO
    start_date = datetime(2015,8,1)

    # get the newest date
    sql_str = """select distinct date from Samples  where user_id = 2 order by date desc limit 1;"""
    # end date
    end_date = cursor.fetchone()[0]
    # override TODO
    end_date = datetime(2015,10,1)

    epochs =  ((end_date - start_date).days/7 +1)
    print "Number of weeks of data: {0}".format(epochs)
    #filtered out lat/lon null and co is null
    first_date = start_date
    # for each week
    total_rows = 0
    for _ in xrange(epochs):
        #get the aggregated values for use later
        agg_str = """select date, avg(co) from Samples where user_id = 2 and (location_name="CHULLORA" or location_name="PROSPECT" or location_name="ROZELLE" or location_name="LIVERPOOL") and date between "{0}" and date_add("{0}", interval 7 day) and co is not null and latitude is not null and longitude is not null group by date order by date asc;""".format(first_date)
        agg_results = cursor.fetchall()
        agg_results = dict(agg_results)
        # get data
        select_str = """select date, DATE_FORMAT(date,"%Y-%m-%d"), DATE_FORMAT(date,"%H"), if(WEEKDAY(date)<5, true, false), WEEKDAY(date), latitude, longitude, location_name, co from Samples where user_id = 2 and (location_name="CHULLORA" or location_name="PROSPECT" or location_name="ROZELLE" or location_name="LIVERPOOL") and date between "{0}" and date_add("{0}", interval 7 day) and co is not null and latitude is not null and longitude is not null order by date asc """.format(first_date)
        results = cursor.fetchall()
        total_rows += len(results)
        print "Number of rows of Samples considered in total: {0}".format(total_rows)
        for result in results:
            #check if the date has associated sensor data
            input_datetime = result[0]
            select_str = """select * from Samples where user_id != 2 and date like "{0}%" and co < 60 and co > 0 limit 1;""".format(input_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H"))
            if cursor.rowcount == 0:
                print "Skipped {0} due to lack of sensor data".format(input_datetime)
            agg_for_date = agg_results[input_datetime]
            data = ['"{0}"'.format(result[x]) for x in xrange(2)] + [result[x] for x in xrange(2,5)] + [get_flattened_index(float(result[5]), float(result[6]))] + ['"{0}"'.format(result[7])] + [result[8] , agg_for_date]
            data = ['{0}'.format(x) for x in data]
            # input data into sql
            insert_str = """insert ignore into FixedSamples () values ({0}); """.format(','.join(data))
        # commit
        first_date = first_date + timedelta(days=7) 