class IterationService: """ Provides services to interact with Project iteration, handle operaions of list, create and retrieve iteration Resources """ def __init__(self, base_url, usrname = None, apikey = None): self.restclient = RestClient(base_url) self.username = usrname self.apikey = apikey def get(self, projectid, iterationid): """ Retrieve a specified Iteration Resource on Flies server @param projectid: Id of Project Resource @param iterationid: Id of Iteration Resource @return: Iteration object @raise NoSuchProjectException: """ res, content = self.restclient.request_get('/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/%s/iterations/i/%s'%(projectid,iterationid)) if res['status'] == '200' or res['status'] == '304': server_return = json.loads(content) if server_return.has_key('status'): if server_return['status'] == "Retired": print "Warning: The version %s is retired!"%iterationid return Iteration(server_return) elif res['status'] == '404': raise NoSuchProjectException('Error 404', content) def create(self, projectid, iteration): """ Create a Iteration Resource on Flies Server @param projectid: Id of Project Resource @param iteration: Iteration object @return: Success if status of response is 201 @raise ProjectExistException: @raise NoSuchProjectException: @raise UnAuthorizedException: @raise BadRequestException: """ headers = {} headers['X-Auth-User'] = self.username headers['X-Auth-Token'] = self.apikey body = '''{"name":"%s","id":"%s","description":"%s"}'''%(,, iteration.desc) res, content = self.restclient.request_put('/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/%s/iterations/i/%s'%(projectid,, args=body, headers=headers) if res['status'] == '201': return "Success" elif res['status'] == '200': raise ProjectExistException('Status 200', "The version is already exist on server") elif res['status'] == '404': raise NoSuchProjectException('Error 404', content) elif res['status'] == '401': raise UnAuthorizedException('Error 401', 'This operation is not authorized, please check username and apikey') elif res['status'] == '405': raise NotAllowedException('Error 405', 'The requested method is not allowed') def delete(self): pass
class IterationService(Service): """ Provides services to interact with Project iteration, handle operaions of list, create and retrieve iteration Resources """ def __init__(self, base_url, usrname = None, apikey = None, http_headers = None): self.base_url = base_url self.restclient = RestClient(base_url) self.username = usrname self.apikey = apikey self.headers = http_headers def disable_ssl_cert_validation(self): self.restclient.disable_ssl_cert_validation() def get(self, projectid, iterationid): """ Retrieve a specified Iteration Resource on Zanata server @param projectid: Id of Project Resource @param iterationid: Id of Iteration Resource @return: Iteration object @raise NoSuchProjectException: """ #res, content = self.restclient.request_get('/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/%s/iterations/i/%s'%(projectid,iterationid)) if self.headers: self.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' res, content = self.restclient.request(self.base_url+'/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/%s/iterations/i/%s'%(projectid,iterationid),"get",None,self.headers) server_return = self.messages(res,content) if server_return.has_key('status'): if server_return['status'] == "Retired": print "Warning: The project %s is retired!" %iterationid return Iteration(server_return) def create(self, projectid, iteration): """ Create a Iteration Resource on Zanata Server @param projectid: Id of Project Resource @param iteration: Iteration object @return: Success if status of response is 201 @raise ProjectExistException: @raise NoSuchProjectException: @raise UnAuthorizedException: @raise BadRequestException: """ headers = {} headers['X-Auth-User'] = self.username headers['X-Auth-Token'] = self.apikey body = '''{"name":"%s","id":"%s","description":"%s"}'''%(,, iteration.desc) res, content = self.restclient.request_put('/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/%s/iterations/i/%s'%(projectid,, args=body, headers=headers) self.messages(res,content,"The Version is already exist on server") def delete(self): pass
class GlossaryService: def __init__(self, base_url): self.restclient = RestClient(base_url) def commit_glossary(self, username, apikey, resources): headers = {} headers['X-Auth-User'] = username headers['X-Auth-Token'] = apikey res, content = self.restclient.request_put('/seam/resource/restv1/glossary', args=resources, headers=headers) if res['status'] == '201': return True elif res['status'] == '401': raise UnAuthorizedException('Error 401', 'This operation is not authorized, please check username and apikey') elif res['status'] == '400': raise BadRequestBodyException('Error 400', content) elif res['status'] == '503': raise UnavailableServiceError('Error 503', 'Service Temporarily Unavailable') else: raise UnexpectedStatusException('Error', 'Unexpected Status, failed to push')
class GlossaryService(Service): def __init__(self, base_url): self.restclient = RestClient(base_url) def commit_glossary(self, username, apikey, resources): headers = {} headers['X-Auth-User'] = username headers['X-Auth-Token'] = apikey res, content = self.restclient.request_put('/seam/resource/restv1/glossary', args=resources, headers=headers) return self.messages(res,content) def delete(self, username, apikey, lang = None): headers = {} headers['X-Auth-User'] = username headers['X-Auth-Token'] = apikey resource = '/seam/resource/restv1/glossary' if lang: resource = resource + '/'+lang res, content = self.restclient.request_delete(resource, headers=headers) return self.messages(res,content)
class ProjectService: """ Provides services to interact with Project, handle operaions of list, create and retrieve Project Resources """ def __init__(self, base_url, usrname, apikey): self.restclient = RestClient(base_url) self.iterations = IterationService(base_url, usrname, apikey) self.username = usrname self.apikey = apikey def list(self): """ List the Project Resources on the Flies server @return: list of Project object """ res, content = self.restclient.request_get('/seam/resource/restv1/projects') if res['status'] == '200': projects = [] projects_json = json.loads(content) for p in projects_json: projects.append(Project(p)) return projects def get(self, projectid): """ Retrieve a specified Project Resource on Flies server @param projectid: Id of Project Resource @return: Project object @raise NoSuchProjectException: """ res, content = self.restclient.request_get('/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/%s'%projectid) if res['status'] == '200' or res['status'] == '304': project = Project(json.loads(content)) project.set_iteration(self.iterations) return project elif res['status'] == '404': raise NoSuchProjectException('Error 404', content) def create(self, project): """ Create a Project Resource on Flies Server @param project: Project object @return: Success if status of response is 201 @raise ProjectExistException: @raise NoSuchProjectException: @raise UnAuthorizedException: @raise BadRequestException: """ headers = {} headers['X-Auth-User'] = self.username headers['X-Auth-Token'] = self.apikey body ='''{"name":"%s","id":"%s","description":"%s","type":"IterationProject"}'''%(,,project.desc) res, content = self.restclient.request_put('/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/%s', args=body, headers=headers) if res['status'] == '201': return "Success" elif res['status'] == '200': raise ProjectExistException('Status 200', "The project is already exist on server") elif res['status'] == '404': raise NoSuchProjectException('Error 404', content) elif res['status'] == '401': raise UnAuthorizedException('Error 401', 'This operation is not authorized, please check username and apikey') elif res['status'] == '400': raise BadRequestException('Error 400', content) def delete(self): pass def status(self): pass
class ProjectService(Service): """ Provides services to interact with Project, handle operaions of list, create and retrieve Project Resources """ def __init__(self, base_url, usrname, apikey,http_headers=None): self.http_headers = http_headers self.restclient = RestClient(base_url) self.iterations = IterationService(base_url, usrname, apikey,self.http_headers) self.username = usrname self.apikey = apikey self.base_url = base_url def disable_ssl_cert_validation(self): self.restclient.disable_ssl_cert_validation() self.iterations.disable_ssl_cert_validation() def list(self): """ List the Project Resources on the Zanata server @return: list of Project object """ res, content = self.restclient.request(self.base_url+'/seam/resource/restv1/projects', "get", None, self.http_headers) projects = [] projects_json = self.messages(res,content) for p in projects_json: projects.append(Project(p)) return projects def get(self, projectid): """ Retrieve a specified Project Resource on Zanata server @param projectid: Id of Project Resource @return: Project object @raise NoSuchProjectException: """ #res, content = self.restclient.request_get('/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/%s'%projectid) if self.http_headers: self.http_headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' res, content = self.restclient.request(self.base_url+'/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/%s'%projectid,"get",None,self.http_headers) server_return = self.messages(res,content) if server_return.has_key('status'): if server_return['status'] == "Retired": print "Warning: The project %s is retired!" % projectid project = Project(server_return) project.set_iteration(self.iterations) return project def create(self, project): """ Create a Project Resource on Zanata Server @param project: Project object @return: Success if status of response is 201 @raise ProjectExistException: @raise NoSuchProjectException: @raise UnAuthorizedException: @raise BadRequestException: """ if self.http_headers: self.http_headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' body ='''{"name":"%s","id":"%s","description":"%s","type":"IterationProject"}'''%(,,project.desc) res, content = self.restclient.request_put('/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/%s', args=body, headers=self.http_headers) #res, content = self.restclient.request(self.base_url+'/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/%s',"put", body,self.http_headers) self.messages(res,content,"The project is already exist on server") def delete(self): pass def status(self): pass