def test_format_value_hyperlink(self):
     Tests format_value with a URL
     url = ''
     name = 'name_of_url'
     hyperlink = Hyperlink(url, name)
     self.assertEqual(format_value(hyperlink), '<a href=%s>%s</a>' % (url, name))
        def to_representation(self, value):
            format = self.context.get('format', None)
            if format and self.format and self.format != format:
                format = self.format

            # Return the hyperlink, or error if incorrectly configured.
            url = self.get_url_options(value, format)

            if url is None:
                return None

            return Hyperlink(url, value)
        def to_representation(self, value):
            format = self.context.get('format', None)
            if format and self.format and self.format != format:
                format = self.format

            # Return the hyperlink, or error if incorrectly configured.
            if value.source_adjudicator is not None:
                url = self.get_url(value.source_adjudicator.adjudicator, 'api-adjudicator-detail', self.context['request'], format)
            elif value.source_team is not None:
                url = self.get_url(, 'api-team-detail', self.context['request'], format)

            if url is None:
                return None

            return Hyperlink(url, value)
    def to_representation(self, value):
        from pprint import pprint
        pprint('in drf rest_framework_nested.to_representation()')

        assert 'request' in self.context, (
            "`%s` requires the request in the serializer"
            " context. Add `context={'request': request}` when instantiating "
            "the serializer." % self.__class__.__name__)

        request = self.context['request']
        format = self.context.get('format', None)

        # By default use whatever format is given for the current context
        # unless the target is a different type to the source.
        # Eg. Consider a HyperlinkedIdentityField pointing from a json
        # representation to an html property of that representation...
        # '/snippets/1/' should link to '/snippets/1/highlight/'
        # ...but...
        # '/snippets/1/.json' should link to '/snippets/1/highlight/.html'
        if format and self.format and self.format != format:
            format = self.format

        # Return the hyperlink, or error if incorrectly configured.
            url = self.get_url(value, self.view_name, request, format)
        except NoReverseMatch:
            msg = (
                'Could not resolve URL for hyperlinked relationship using '
                'view name "%s". You may have failed to include the related '
                'model in your API, or incorrectly configured the '
                '`lookup_field` attribute on this field.')
            if value in ('', None):
                value_string = {'': 'the empty string', None: 'None'}[value]
                msg += (
                    " WARNING: The value of the field on the model instance "
                    "was %s, which may be why it didn't match any "
                    "entries in your URL conf." % value_string)
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg % self.view_name)

        if url is None:
            return None

        from rest_framework.relations import Hyperlink
        return Hyperlink(url, value)
    def _get_url_representation(
            value: Any,
            view_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]:
        """ Copied from base with a few adjustments for Viewname detection """
        assert "request" in self.context, (
            "`%s` requires the request in the serializer"
            " context. Add `context={'request': request}` when instantiating "
            "the serializer." % self.__class__.__name__)

        request = self.context["request"]
        format_ = self.context.get("format", None)

        if format_ and self.format and self.format != format_:
            format_ = self.format

            reverse_view = view_name or self.view_name
            url = self.get_url(value, reverse_view, request, format_)
        except NoReverseMatch:
            msg = (
                "Could not resolve URL for hyperlinked relationship using "
                "view name '%s'. You may have failed to include the related "
                "model in your API, or incorrectly configured the "
                "`lookup_field` attribute on this field.")
            if value in ("", None):
                value_string = {"": "the empty string", None: "None"}[value]
                msg += (
                    " WARNING: The value of the field on the model instance "
                    "was %s, which may be why it didn't match any "
                    "entries in your URL conf." % value_string)
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg % self.view_name)

        if url is None:
            return None

        return Hyperlink(url, value)
 def to_representation(self, obj):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
     return Hyperlink(obj, None)