    def post(self, request):
        form = AddRestaurantForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        data = dict(form=form)
        if form.is_valid():
            data = form.cleaned_data

            restaurant = Restaurant()
            manager = Manager()

            restaurant.name = data['name']
            restaurant.description = data['description']
            restaurant.profile_image = request.FILES['profile_image']

            manager.email = data['manager_email']
            chars = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789"

            password = "".join([chars[ord(c) % len(chars)] for c in urandom(8)])
            manager.is_confirmed = True

            manager.send_email("Login details - Restaurant booking online",
                               "Your login details :\n E-mail : " + manager.email +
                               "\n Password : "******"\n You can login now " +
                               get_current_site(request).domain + "\n Restaurant booking online")

            restaurant.manager = manager
            restaurant.category = data['category']


        return render(request, self.template_name, dict(form=form))
    def seed(self):
        restaurant_names = [
            'El Celler de Can Roca',
            'Osteria Francescana',
            'Eleven Madison Park',
            'Dinner by Heston Blumenthal',
        description = """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, et mea legere blandit abhorreant, nam exerci accusam elaboraret no. Mea te minimum sensibus. Cu qui commodo omnesque percipit. Per munere nullam temporibus ea. Nec mentitum antiopam no. Ad duis doming indoctum his. Eos ex fabulas singulis, natum labores periculis mea ex.
                        Quo libris apeirian eu. Per solet aperiri ea. Eligendi hendrerit nam id, eos eu alienum antiopam intellegebat, eam viderer denique cu. Homero equidem eu pro.
                        Mel nostro constituam ad, ius ut modus cetero verear. Ad nam eros omnis, mea ei offendit molestiae. Vix adhuc possit inciderint ad, forensibus posidonium sed in, in mei decore vivendo volumus. No per labore nemore. Eos ei molestie percipit maiestatis, oratio audire molestiae ne est, dolore assentior prodesset sed ei.
                        Ea tibique fastidii quo, sit accusata reformidans ei. Elitr primis an quo, quem contentiones eu pro. Eius cotidieque reformidans ex est, rebum expetenda has at. Ius nulla inermis disputando an, idque meliore sit et.
                        Agam reque pericula ne mea, pro postea graeco debitis ne, mei habemus gubergren cotidieque id. Timeam eleifend cu sed, vero labitur per in. Vim ei laoreet minimum officiis, pri alterum gloriatur eu. Id erat debitis comprehensam vix, vix ea dicit dissentiet, cu vix ipsum luptatum. Ad eros ridens malorum eam.""".strip()

        for i in range(len(restaurant_names)):
            restaurant_name = restaurant_names[i]

            restaurant = Restaurant()
            restaurant.name = restaurant_name
            restaurant.description = description
            restaurant.manager = Manager.objects.filter(email="*****@*****.**" % str(i)).first()
            restaurant.category = random.choice(RestaurantCategory.objects.all())

            menu = Menu()
            restaurant.menu = menu

文件: tasks.py 项目: niieq/fudbyte
def get_restaurants_and_food_data():
    r = requests.get('https://api.food.jumia.com.gh/api/v5/vendors', headers={"X-FP-API-KEY": "HTML5"})
    restaurants = r.json()["data"]["items"]

    for restaurant in restaurants:
        if restaurant['name'] == 'Hellofood Test Restaurant 2' or restaurant['name'] == 'Hellofood Test Restaurant 2':
            print('test restaurants avoid')
            existing_restaurant = get_object_or_none(Restaurant, name=restaurant['name'])
            if not existing_restaurant:
                rest_obj = Restaurant()
                rest_obj.name = restaurant['name']
                rest_obj.restaurant_crawl_link = restaurant['web_path']
                rest_obj.description = restaurant['description']
                rest_obj.city = restaurant['city']['name']
                rest_obj.address = '{} \n {}'.format(restaurant['address'], restaurant['address_line2'] if restaurant['address_line2'] else '')
                rest_obj.latitude = restaurant['latitude']
                rest_obj.longitude = restaurant['longitude']
                logo_path = restaurant['logo'].split('%s/')
                if len(logo_path) == 3:
                    img = download_image(logo_path[2])
                        filename = '{}.{}'.format(restaurant['name'].replace(' ', '_'), img.format)
                        rest_obj.logo = filename
                        tempfile = img
                        tempfile_io = BytesIO() # Will make a file-like object in memory that you can then save
                        tempfile.save(tempfile_io, format=img.format)
                        rest_obj.logo.save(filename, ContentFile(tempfile_io.getvalue()), save=False) # Set save=False otherwise you will have a looping save method
                        print("Error trying to save model: saving image failed: ")
                if restaurant['cms_content']['vendor_wide_logo']:
                        img = download_image(restaurant['cms_content']['vendor_wide_logo'])
                        filename = '{}_cover.{}'.format(restaurant['name'].replace(' ', '_'), img.format)
                        rest_obj.cover_photo = filename
                        tempfile = img
                        tempfile_io = BytesIO() # Will make a file-like object in memory that you can then save
                        tempfile.save(tempfile_io, format=img.format)
                        rest_obj.cover_photo.save(filename, ContentFile(tempfile_io.getvalue()), save=False) # Set save=False otherwise you will have a looping save method
                        print("Error trying to save model: saving image failed: ")
            food_path = requests.get(restaurant['web_path'])
            soup = BeautifulSoup(food_path.text, 'html.parser')
            food_items = soup.find_all('article', class_='product-variation')
            food_name_parent = None
            for food_item in food_items:
                the_food_name = None
                food_name = food_item.find('span', class_='mrs')
                right_text_food = food_item.find('div', class_='has-text-right')

                if food_name and right_text_food:
                    right_text_food_select = right_text_food.find('span', class_='has-ellipsis')
                    food_name_parent = food_name.get_text()
                    the_food_name = '{} {}'.format(food_name.get_text(), right_text_food_select.get_text())
                elif right_text_food and not food_name:
                    right_text_food_select = right_text_food.find('span', class_='has-ellipsis')
                    the_food_name = '{} {}'.format(food_name_parent, right_text_food_select.get_text())
                elif food_name:
                    food_name = food_name.get_text()
                    food_name_parent = food_name
                    the_food_name = food_name

                food_description = food_item.find('p', class_='dsc').get_text() if food_item.find('p', class_='dsc') else ''
                food_price = food_item.find('span', class_='mlxs').get_text()

                existing_food = get_object_or_none(Food, name=the_food_name)
                if not existing_food:
                    food_obj = Food()
                    food_obj.name = the_food_name.strip()
                    food_obj.description = food_description.strip()
                    food_obj.price = food_price
                    food_obj.restaurant = rest_obj if not existing_restaurant else existing_restaurant