def put_restaurant_table(restaurant_id, table_id):
    """ Return a specific restaurant (request by id)

    GET /restaurants/{restaurant_id}/tables/{table_id}

        Status Codes:
            200 - OK
            404 - Restaurant not found
            409 - The table has pending reservations tha conflict with the new capacity, those must be deleted first
            500 - DB error
    req = request.json

    q = db.session.query(Table).filter(Table.id == table_id and Table.restaurant_id == restaurant_id).first()
    if q is None:
        return Error404("Restaurant or Table not found").get()

    array,code = get_future_bookings(restaurant_id, table_id)
    if code == 200:
        for booking in array:
            if booking["number_of_people"] > req["capacity"]:
                return Error409("The table has pending reservations tha conflict with the new capacity, those must be deleted first").get()
        return Error500().get()

    table_id2 = edit_table(table_id, req)
    if table_id != table_id2:
        return Error500().get()

    restaurant, status_code = get_restaurant_table(restaurant_id, table_id)
    if status_code == 200:
        return restaurant, 200
    else: # unexpected error
        return Error500().get()
def delete_restaurant_table(restaurant_id, table_id):
    """ Delete the restaurant table specified by the id.

    DELETE /restaurants/{restaurant_id}/tables/{table_id}
    Deletion is only possible if the restaurant has not yet passed.

    Otherwise it remains stored (necessary for contact tracing)

    Status Codes:
        204 - Deleted
        404 - Restaurant not found
        409 - The table has pending reservations, those must be deleted first
        500 - Error with the database or the other bookings service
    q = db.session.query(Table).filter(Table.id == table_id and Table.restaurant_id == restaurant_id).first()
    if q is None:
        return Error404("Restaurant or Table not found").get()

    array,code = get_future_bookings(restaurant_id, table_id)
    if code != 200:
        return Error500().get() # Cannot connect to the bookings service

    if len(array) != 0:
        return Error409("The table has pending reservations, those must be deleted first").get()

    if not del_table(table_id):
        return Error500().get() # DB error

    return NoContent, 204
def post_restaurant_table(restaurant_id):
    """ Add a new table for the restaurant.

    POST /restaurants/{restaurant_id}/tables
    Returns the restaurant if it can be made, otherwise returns an error message.

    Requires a json object with:
        - capacity

    Status Codes:
        201 - The restaurant has been created
        400 - Data error
        404 - Restaurant not found
        500 - DB error

    req = request.json

    r = db.session.query(Restaurant).filter(Restaurant.id == restaurant_id).first()
    if r is None:
        return Error404("Restaurant not found").get()

    table_id = add_table(req, restaurant_id)

    table, status_code = get_restaurant_table(restaurant_id, table_id)
    if status_code == 200:
        return table, 201
    else: # unexpected error
        return Error500().get()
def get_restaurant_tables(restaurant_id, capacity=None):
    """ Return the tables of a restaurant (request by id)

    GET /restaurants/{restaurant_id}/tables?capacity=CAPACITY
    capacity is optional and specify the minimum capacity the returned tables should have

        Status Codes:
            200 - OK
            204 - No tables with such capacity or no tables
            404 - Restaurant not found
    q = db.session.query(Restaurant).filter(Restaurant.id == restaurant_id)
    if q is None:
        return Error404("Restaurant not found").get()

    q = db.session.query(Table).filter(Table.restaurant_id == restaurant_id)
    if capacity is not None:
        q = q.filter(Table.capacity >= capacity)

    q = q.all()

    if len(q)==0:
        return NoContent, 204
    return [q.dump() for q in q], 200
def valid_rating(obj, rest_id):
    #check restaurant existing
    restaurant = db.session.query(Restaurant).filter_by(id=rest_id).first()
    if restaurant is None:
        return Error404("Restaurant not found").get()
    #check already voted
    q = db.session.query(Rating).filter_by(restaurant_id=rest_id)
    rating = q.filter_by(rater_id=obj["rater_id"]).first()
    if rating is not None:
        return Error400("Restaurant already rated by the user").get()
    return None
def get_restaurant_rating(restaurant_id):
    """ Return the rating of a specific restaurant (request by id)

    GET /restaurants/{restaurant_id}/rate

        Status Codes:
            200 - OK
            404 - Restaurant not found
    q = db.session.query(Restaurant).filter_by(id = restaurant_id).first()
    if q is None:
        return Error404("Restaurant not found").get()
    return q.dump_rating(), 200
def get_restaurant_table(restaurant_id, table_id):
    """ Return a specific restaurant (request by id)

    GET /restaurants/{restaurant_id}/tables/{table_id}

        Status Codes:
            200 - OK
            400 - Data error
            404 - Restaurant or Table not found
            500 - DB error
    q = db.session.query(Table).filter(Table.id == table_id and Table.restaurant_id == restaurant_id).first()
    if q is None:
        return Error404("Restaurant or Table not found").get()
    return q.dump(), 200
def put_restaurant(restaurant_id):
    """ Return a specific restaurant (request by id)

    GET /restaurants/{restaurant_id}

        Status Codes:
            200 - OK
            404 - Restaurant not found
            409 - The restaurant has pending reservations tha conflict with the new times, those must be deleted first
            500 - DB error
    p = db.session.query(Restaurant).filter_by(id = restaurant_id).first()
    if p is None:
        return Error404("Restaurant not found").get()
    req = request.json
    err = valid_openings(req["first_opening_hour"],req["first_closing_hour"],req["second_opening_hour"],req["second_closing_hour"])
    if err is not None:
        return err

    array,code = get_future_bookings(restaurant_id)
    if code == 200:
        for booking in array:
            hour = dateutil.parser.parse(booking["booking_datetime"]).hour()
            if not (req["first_opening_hour"] <= hour <= req["first_closing_hour"]
                    req["second_opening_hour"] <= hour <= req["second_closing_hour"]):
                return Error409("The restaurant has pending reservations tha conflict with the new times, those must be deleted first").get()
        return Error500().get()

    rest_id = edit_restaurant(restaurant_id, req)

    restaurant, status_code = get_restaurant(rest_id)
    if status_code == 200:
        return restaurant, 200
    else: # unexpected error
        return Error500().get()