    def request(self, resource, method = "get", args = None, body = None, filename=None, headers={}, format='json'):
        new_args = dict(actor_token=self.auth_token)
        new_headers = dict(Host=self.domain)
        if headers:

        LOG.debug("%s: %s?%s headers=%s",
                  method, resource, urllib.urlencode(args if args else {}), str(new_headers))

        if args:

            resp = Connection.request(self, resource, method=method.lower(), args=new_args, body=body, filename=filename, headers=new_headers)
        except AttributeError, e:
            # http://code.google.com/p/httplib2/issues/detail?id=152
            if 'makefile' not in e:
                raise ConnectionError("Server is unavailable")
class Store():
    def __init__(self, base_store_url, username=None, password=None):
        """ Base URL for the store should be pretty self-explanatory. E.g. something like
            Only needs to enter the username/password if this class is going to tinker
            with things."""
        if base_store_url.endswith('/'):
            base_store_url = base_store_url[:-1]

        self.base_store_url = base_store_url
        # Split the given URL
        if base_store_url:
            self.conn = Connection(base_store_url,

    def does_snapshot_exist(self, snapshot_filename):
        # Test to see if snapshot exists:
        snapshot_path = SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE % snapshot_filename

        response = self.conn.request(snapshot_path, method="HEAD")

        if response.get('headers') and response.get('headers').get('status'):
            status = response.get('headers').get('status')

            if status in ['200', '204']:
                return True
            elif status.startswith('4'):
                return False
            # else: raise Error?

        return False

    def schedule_reset_data(self, label, at_time=None):
        """Will request that the store is emptied, and label the request. 
           If a time is given as an ISO8601 formatted string, this will be 
           the scheduled time for the snapshot. Otherwise, it will use the current time."""
        if not at_time:
            at_time = datetime.utcnow().isoformat().split('.')[0]

        snapshot_request = RESET_STORE_TEMPLATE % (label, at_time)

        return self.conn.request_post(
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/rdf+xml'})

    def schedule_snapshot_data(self, label, at_time=None):
        """Will request a snapshot be made of the store. 
           If a time is given as an ISO8601 formatted string, this will be 
           the scheduled time for the snapshot. Otherwise, it will use the current time."""
        if not at_time:
            at_time = datetime.utcnow().isoformat().split('.')[0]

        snapshot_request = SNAPSHOT_STORE_TEMPLATE % (label, at_time)

        return self.conn.request_post(
            headers={'Content-Type': 'application/rdf+xml'})

    def schedule_snapshot_restore(self,
        """Will request that the store is restored from a snapshot. If a time is given as
           an ISO8601 formatted string, this will be the scheduled time for
           the recovery. Otherwise, it will use the current time."""
        if not at_time:
            at_time = datetime.utcnow().isoformat().split('.')[0]

        # Test to see if snapshot exists:
        snapshot_path = SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE % snapshot_filename

        if self.does_snapshot_exist(snapshot_filename):
            snapshot_uri = "%s%s" % (self.base_store_url, snapshot_path)
            snapshot_request = SNAPSHOT_RESTORE_TEMPLATE % (
                label, snapshot_uri, at_time)
            return self.conn.request_post(
                headers={'Content-Type': 'application/rdf+xml'})

    def submit_rdfxml(self, rdf_text):
        """Puts the given RDF/XML into the Talis Store"""
        return self._put_rdf(rdf_text, mimetype="application/rdf+xml")

    def _put_rdf(self, rdf_text, mimetype="application/rdf+xml"):
        """Placeholder for allowing other serialisation types to be put into a
           Talis store, whether the conversion takes place here, or if the Talis
           store starts to accept other formats."""
        if rdf_text:
            request_headers = {}
            if mimetype not in ['application/rdf+xml']:
                raise RDFFormatException(
                    "%s is not an allowed RDF serialisation format" % mimetype)
            request_headers['Content-Type'] = mimetype
            return self.conn.request_post(META_ENDPOINT,

    def _query_sparql_service(self, query, args={}):
        """Low-level SPARQL query - returns the message and response headers from the server.
           You may be looking for Store.sparql instead of this."""
        passed_args = {'query': query}
        return self.conn.request_get(
            headers={'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'})

    def _query_search_service(self, query, args={}):
        """Low-level content box query - returns the message and response headers from the server.
           You may be looking for Store.search instead of this."""

        passed_args = {'query': query}

        return self.conn.request_get(
            headers={'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'})

    def _list_snapshots(self, passed_args={}):
        return self.conn.request_get(SNAPSHOTS, args=passed_args, headers={})

# Convenience Functions

    def submit_rdfxml_from_url(self,
                               headers={"Accept": "application/rdf+xml"}):
        """Convenience method - downloads the file from a given url, and then pushes that
           into the meta store. Currently, it doesn't put it through a parse-> reserialise
           step, so that it could handle more than rdf/xml on the way it but it is a
           future possibility."""
        import_rdf_connection = Connection(url_to_file)
        response = import_rdf_connection.request_get("", headers=headers)

        if response.get('headers') and response.get('headers').get(
                'status') in ['200', '204']:
            request_headers = {}

            # Lowercase all response header fields, to make matching easier.
            # According to HTTP spec, they should be case-insensitive
            response_headers = response['headers']
            for header in response_headers:
                response_headers[header.lower()] = response_headers[header]

            # Set the body content
            body = response.get('body').encode('UTF-8')

            # Get the response mimetype
            rdf_type = response_headers.get('content-type', None)

            return self._put_rdf(body, mimetype=rdf_type)

    def sparql(self, query, args={}):
        """Performs a SPARQL query and simply returns the body of the response if successful
           - if there is an issue, such as a code 404 or 500, this method will return False. 
           Use the _query_sparql_service method to get hold of
           the complete response in this case."""
        response = self._query_sparql_service(query, args)
        headers = response.get('headers')

        status = headers.get('status', headers.get('Status'))

        if status in ['200', 200, '204', 204]:
            return response.get('body').encode('UTF-8')
            return False

    def search(self, query, args={}):
        """Performs a search query and simply returns the body of the response if successful
           - if there is an issue, such as a code 404 or 500, this method will return False. 
           Use the _query_search_service method to get hold of
           the complete response in this case."""
        response = self._query_search_service(query, args)
        headers = response.get('headers')

        status = headers.get('status', headers.get('Status'))

        if status in ['200', 200, '204', 204]:
            parsed_atom = Atom_Search_Results(
            return parsed_atom.get_item_list()
            return False
__author__ = 'chywoo.park'
import sys


import json

from restful_lib import Connection

base_url = "http://jira.score/rest/api/latest"
conn = Connection(base_url, username="******", password="******")
res = conn.request("/issue/TS-17952",
                       'Basic Y2h5d29vLnBhcms6dGl6ZW5zZGsqMTA=',
                       'Content-type': 'application/json',
                       'Accept': 'application/json'

if res[u'headers']['status'] != "200":
    print("Fail to get issue data")

body = json.loads(res[u'body'])
print("Key: " + body[u'key'])
# print("Status: %s\n" % res[u'headers']['status'])
class Store():
    def __init__(self, base_store_url, username=None, password=None):
        """ Base URL for the store should be pretty self-explanatory. E.g. something like
            Only needs to enter the username/password if this class is going to tinker
            with things."""
        if base_store_url.endswith('/'):
            base_store_url = base_store_url[:-1]

        self.base_store_url = base_store_url
        # Split the given URL
        if base_store_url:
            self.conn = Connection(base_store_url, username=username, password=password)

    def does_snapshot_exist(self, snapshot_filename):
        # Test to see if snapshot exists:
        snapshot_path = SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE % snapshot_filename
        response = self.conn.request(snapshot_path, method = "HEAD")
        if response.get('headers') and response.get('headers').get('status'):
            status = response.get('headers').get('status')
            if status in ['200', '204']:
                return True
            elif status.startswith('4'):
                return False
            # else: raise Error?

        return False

    def schedule_reset_data(self, label, at_time=None):
        """Will request that the store is emptied, and label the request. 
           If a time is given as an ISO8601 formatted string, this will be 
           the scheduled time for the snapshot. Otherwise, it will use the current time."""
        if not at_time:
        snapshot_request = RESET_STORE_TEMPLATE % (label, at_time)
        return self.conn.request_post(JOB_REQUESTS, body = snapshot_request, headers={'Content-Type':'application/rdf+xml'})

    def schedule_snapshot_data(self, label, at_time=None):
        """Will request a snapshot be made of the store. 
           If a time is given as an ISO8601 formatted string, this will be 
           the scheduled time for the snapshot. Otherwise, it will use the current time."""
        if not at_time:
        snapshot_request = SNAPSHOT_STORE_TEMPLATE % (label, at_time)
        return self.conn.request_post(JOB_REQUESTS, body = snapshot_request, headers={'Content-Type':'application/rdf+xml'})
    def schedule_snapshot_restore(self, label, snapshot_filename, at_time=None):
        """Will request that the store is restored from a snapshot. If a time is given as
           an ISO8601 formatted string, this will be the scheduled time for
           the recovery. Otherwise, it will use the current time."""
        if not at_time:
        # Test to see if snapshot exists:
        snapshot_path = SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE % snapshot_filename
        if self.does_snapshot_exist(snapshot_filename):
            snapshot_uri = "%s%s" % (self.base_store_url, snapshot_path)
            snapshot_request = SNAPSHOT_RESTORE_TEMPLATE % (label, snapshot_uri, at_time)    
            return self.conn.request_post(JOB_REQUESTS, body = snapshot_request, headers={'Content-Type':'application/rdf+xml'})
    def submit_rdfxml(self, rdf_text):
        """Puts the given RDF/XML into the Talis Store"""
        return self._put_rdf(rdf_text, mimetype="application/rdf+xml")
    def _put_rdf(self, rdf_text, mimetype="application/rdf+xml"):
        """Placeholder for allowing other serialisation types to be put into a
           Talis store, whether the conversion takes place here, or if the Talis
           store starts to accept other formats."""
        if rdf_text:
            request_headers = {}
            if mimetype not in ['application/rdf+xml']:
                raise RDFFormatException("%s is not an allowed RDF serialisation format" % mimetype)
            request_headers['Content-Type'] = mimetype
            return self.conn.request_post(META_ENDPOINT, body=rdf_text, headers=request_headers)        
    def _query_sparql_service(self, query, args={}):
        """Low-level SPARQL query - returns the message and response headers from the server.
           You may be looking for Store.sparql instead of this."""
        passed_args = {'query':query}
        return self.conn.request_get(SPARQL_ENDPOINT, args=passed_args, headers={'Content-type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'})
    def _query_search_service(self, query, args={}):
        """Low-level content box query - returns the message and response headers from the server.
           You may be looking for Store.search instead of this."""
        passed_args = {'query':query}
        return self.conn.request_get(CONTENT_ENDPOINT, args=passed_args, headers={'Content-type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} )
    def _list_snapshots(self, passed_args={}):
        return self.conn.request_get(SNAPSHOTS, args=passed_args, headers={}) 
# Convenience Functions

    def submit_rdfxml_from_url(self, url_to_file, headers={"Accept":"application/rdf+xml"}):
        """Convenience method - downloads the file from a given url, and then pushes that
           into the meta store. Currently, it doesn't put it through a parse-> reserialise
           step, so that it could handle more than rdf/xml on the way it but it is a
           future possibility."""
        import_rdf_connection = Connection(url_to_file)
        response = import_rdf_connection.request_get("", headers=headers)
        if response.get('headers') and response.get('headers').get('status') in ['200', '204']:
            request_headers = {}
            # Lowercase all response header fields, to make matching easier. 
            # According to HTTP spec, they should be case-insensitive
            response_headers = response['headers']
            for header in response_headers:
                response_headers[header.lower()] = response_headers[header]
            # Set the body content
            body = response.get('body').encode('UTF-8')
            # Get the response mimetype
            rdf_type = response_headers.get('content-type', None)
            return self._put_rdf(body, mimetype=rdf_type)
    def sparql(self, query, args={}):
        """Performs a SPARQL query and simply returns the body of the response if successful
           - if there is an issue, such as a code 404 or 500, this method will return False. 
           Use the _query_sparql_service method to get hold of
           the complete response in this case."""
        response = self._query_sparql_service(query, args)
        headers = response.get('headers')
        status = headers.get('status', headers.get('Status'))
        if status in ['200', 200, '204', 204]:
            return response.get('body').encode('UTF-8')
            return False

    def search(self, query, args={}):
        """Performs a search query and simply returns the body of the response if successful
           - if there is an issue, such as a code 404 or 500, this method will return False. 
           Use the _query_search_service method to get hold of
           the complete response in this case."""
        response = self._query_search_service(query, args)
        headers = response.get('headers')
        status = headers.get('status', headers.get('Status'))
        if status in ['200', 200, '204', 204]:
            parsed_atom = Atom_Search_Results(response.get('body').encode('UTF-8'))
            return parsed_atom.get_item_list()
            return False
import json
from restful_lib import Connection

# connect to shapeshift
base_url = "https://shapeshift.io"
conn = Connection(base_url)

# checking exchange rate
btc_ltc_rate = conn.request("/rate/btc_ltc")

for item in btc_ltc_rate:
    if item == "body":
        response = json.loads(btc_ltc_rate[item])

for key, value in response.iteritems():
    print key, value