def get_reaction_rate(directory, cell_list, nuc_list, reaction):
    """ Gets the reaction rate.

    The reaction rate is specifically result.rate_bar * result.concentration,
    as reaction rates are divided by atom density prior to utilization.

    directory : str
        Directory to read results from.
    cell_list : List[int]
        List of cell IDs to extract data from.
    nuc_list : List[str]
        List of nuclides to extract data from.

    time : np.array
        Time for each step.
    val : Dict[Dict[np.array]]
        Reaction rate, indexed [cell id : int][nuclide : str]

    # First, calculate how many step files are in the folder

    count = 0
    for file in os.listdir(directory):
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'step*'):
            count += 1

    # Allocate result
    val = {}
    time = np.zeros(count)

    for cell in cell_list:
        val[cell] = {}
        for nuc in nuc_list:
            val[cell][nuc] = np.zeros(count)

    # Read in file, get eigenvalue, close file
    for file in os.listdir(directory):
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'step*'):
            # Get ind (files will be found out of order)
            name = file.split(".")
            ind = int(name[0][4::])

            # Read file
            result = results.read_results(directory + '/' + file)

            for cell in cell_list:
                if str(cell) in result.num[0].cell_to_ind:
                    for nuc in nuc_list:
                        if nuc in result.num[0].nuc_to_ind:
                            val[cell][nuc][ind] = \
                                result.num[0][str(cell), nuc] * \
                                result.rate_bar[str(cell), nuc, reaction]
            time[ind] = result.time
    return time, val
def get_atoms(directory, cell_list, nuc_list):
    """ Get total atom count as a function of time.

    directory : str
        Directory to read results from.
    cell_list : List[int]
        List of cell IDs to extract data from.
    nuc_list : List[str]
        List of nuclides to extract data from.

    time : np.array
        Time for each step.
    val : Dict[Dict[np.array]]
        Total number of atoms, indexed [cell id : int][nuclide : str]

    # First, calculate how many step files are in the folder

    count = 0
    for file in os.listdir(directory):
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'step*'):
            count += 1

    # Allocate result
    val = {}
    time = np.zeros(count)

    for cell in cell_list:
        val[cell] = {}
        for nuc in nuc_list:
            val[cell][nuc] = np.zeros(count)

    # Read in file, get eigenvalue, close file
    for file in os.listdir(directory):
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'step*'):
            # Get ind (files will be found out of order)
            name = file.split(".")
            ind = int(name[0][4::])

            # Read file
            result = results.read_results(directory + '/' + file)

            for cell in cell_list:
                if str(cell) in result.num[0].cell_to_ind:
                    for nuc in nuc_list:
                        if nuc in result.num[0].nuc_to_ind:
                            val[cell][nuc][ind] = result.num[0][str(cell), nuc]
            time[ind] = result.time
    return time, val
def get_eigval(directory):
    """ Get eigenvalues as a function of time.

    directory : str
        Directory to read results from.

    time : np.array
        Time for each step.
    val : np.array
        Eigenvalue for each step.

    # First, calculate how many step files are in the folder

    count = 0
    for file in os.listdir(directory):
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'step*'):
            count += 1

    # Allocate result
    val = np.zeros(count)
    time = np.zeros(count)

    # Read in file, get eigenvalue, close file
    for file in os.listdir(directory):
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'step*'):
            # Get ind (files will be found out of order)
            name = file.split(".")
            ind = int(name[0][4::])

            # Read file
            result = results.read_results(directory + '/' + file)

            # Extract results
            val[ind] = result.k
            time[ind] = result.time
    return time, val
def get_eigval_average(dir_list):
    """ Get eigenvalues as a function of time for a set of simulations.

    This function extracts the eigenvalue from several different simulation
    directories and merges them together.  It is assumed that each directory
    was run precisely identically.

    directory : List[str]
        List of directories to read from.

    time : np.array
        Time for each step.
    mu : np.array
        Eigenvalue average for each step.
    std_val : np.array
        Eigenvalue standard deviation for each step.
    p_value : np.array
        Shapiro-Wilk p-value

    # First, calculate how many step files are in each folder

    count_list = [0 for directory in dir_list]
    for i in range(len(dir_list)):
        directory = dir_list[i]
        for file in os.listdir(directory):
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'step*'):
                count_list[i] += 1

    # Allocate result
    count = min(count_list)
    val = np.zeros((count, len(dir_list)))
    time = np.zeros(count)

    # Read in file, get eigenvalue, close file

    for i in range(len(dir_list)):
        directory = dir_list[i]
        for file in os.listdir(directory):
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'step*'):
                # Get ind (files will be found out of order)
                name = file.split(".")
                ind = int(name[0][4::])

                # Do not extract data past the end of the minimum number of run
                # steps.
                if ind >= count:

                # Read file
                result = results.read_results(directory + '/' + file)

                # Extract results
                val[ind, i] = result.k
                time[ind] = result.time

    # Perform statistics on result
    r_stats = scipy.stats.describe(val, axis=1)

    mu = r_stats.mean
    std_val = np.sqrt(r_stats.variance) / np.sqrt(len(dir_list))
    p_val = [scipy.stats.shapiro(b)[1] for b in val]

    return time, mu, std_val, p_val
def get_atoms_volaveraged(directory, cell_list, nuc_list):
    """ Get volume averaged atom count as a function of time.

    This function sums the atom concentration from each cell and then divides
    by the volume sum.

    directory : str
        Directory to read results from.
    cell_list : List[int]
        List of cell IDs to average.
    nuc_list : List[str]
        List of nuclides to extract data from.

    time : np.array
        Time for each step.
    val : Dict[np.array]
        Volume averaged atoms, indexed [nuclide : str]

    # First, calculate how many step files are in the folder

    count = 0
    for file in os.listdir(directory):
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'step*'):
            count += 1

    # Allocate result
    val = {}
    time = np.zeros(count)

    for nuc in nuc_list:
        val[nuc] = np.zeros(count)

    # Calculate volume of cell_list
    # Load first result
    result_0 = results.read_results(directory + '/step0.pklz')
    vol = 0.0
    for cell in cell_list:
        if cell in result_0.volume:
            vol += result_0.volume[cell]

    # Read in file, get eigenvalue, close file
    for file in os.listdir(directory):
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'step*'):
            # Get ind (files will be found out of order)
            name = file.split(".")
            ind = int(name[0][4::])

            # Read file
            result = results.read_results(directory + '/' + file)

            for cell in cell_list:
                if str(cell) in result.num[0].cell_to_ind:
                    for nuc in nuc_list:
                        if nuc in result.num[0].nuc_to_ind:
                            val[nuc][ind] += result.num[0][str(cell), nuc]/vol
            time[ind] = result.time
    return time, val
    def parse(self, args):
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='parse files')

        # parser.add_argument('tweetfile', help="prefix file to use")
        # parser.add_argument('--refresh-dic', action='store_true')

        args = parser.parse_args(args)

        with open("qrels.txt") as f:
            relevant = read_relevant(f)

        columns = [
            "", "P@10", "R@50", "r-Precision", "AP", "nDCG@10", "nDCG@20"

        orig_stdout = sys.stdout
        max_s = 6
        averages = defaultdict(list)
        for num in range(1, max_s + 1):
            fname = "S" + str(num)
            with open(fname + ".results", "r") as f:
                retrieved = read_results(f)
                assert len(retrieved) == len(relevant)

            outfile = open(fname + ".eval", "w")
            sys.stdout = outfile


            total = defaultdict(float)
            for q in retrieved.keys():
                scores = get_scores(retrieved[q], relevant[q])
                # eprint("scores for", q, "is", scores)
                for col in columns:
                    if col == "":
                        print(q, end="")
                        score = scores[col]
                        total[col] += score
                        print("\t{0:.3f}".format(score), end="")

            for col in columns:
                if col == "":
                    print("mean", end="")
                    score = total[col] / len(retrieved)
                    score_str = "{0:.3f}".format(score)
                    print("\t" + score_str, end="")

        with open("All.eval", "w") as f:
            sys.stdout = f

            for num in range(1, max_s + 1):
                key = "S" + str(num)

        sys.stdout = orig_stdout
from results import read_results

for task in ["adv", "namepp", "noun_conj", "qnty_namepp", "qnty_nounpp", "nounpp",
            "qnty_simple", "rel_def_obj", "rel_def", "rel_nondef", "s_conj",
            "simple", "that_adv", "that_compl", "that_nounpp", "that"]:

    print(f"Reading results of {task}")
    res = read_results(f"output_ablation/{task}.info")

    if task in ["simple", "adv", "namepp", "qnty_simple", "qnty_namepp", "rel_def", "rel_nondef"]:
        print(f"S {res["873"]["accuracy_plural"]}")
        print(f"P {res["873"]["accuracy_singular"]}")

    elif task in ["nounpp", "noun_conj", "qnty_nounpp", "that", "that_adv", "that_compl", "rel_def_obj", "s_conj"]:
        print(f"SS {res["873"]["accuracy_singular_singular"]}")
        print(f"SP {res["873"]["accuracy_singular_plural"]}")
        print(f"PS {res["873"]["accuracy_plural_singular"]}")
        print(f"PP {res["873"]["accuracy_plural_plural"]}")

    elif task == "that_nounpp":
        print(f"SSS {res["873"]["accuracy_singular_singular_singular"]}")
        print(f"SSP {res["873"]["accuracy_singular_singular_plural"]}")
        print(f"SPS {res["873"]["accuracy_singular_plural_singular"]}")
        print(f"SPP {res["873"]["accuracy_singular_plural_plural"]}")
        print(f"PSS {res["873"]["accuracy_plural_singular_singular"]}")
        print(f"PSP {res["873"]["accuracy_plural_singular_plural"]}")
        print(f"PPS {res["873"]["accuracy_plural_plural_singular"]}")
        print(f"PPP {res["873"]["accuracy_plural_plural_plural"]}")
import results
import zernike
import numpy as np

order = 10

rings = 20
wedges = 32

for i in range(31):
    r = results.read_results("./vera_1i_fet/step" + str(i) + ".pklz")

    con = r.num[0]


    zer = zernike.ZernikePolynomial(
        con["10000", "Xe-135"] * rings * wedges / (np.pi * 0.4096**2) / np.pi)

    print(zer.coeffs[0] / (rings * wedges) * np.pi)


    # zer.plot_disk(rings, wedges, "testg" + str(i+1) + ".pdf")

    rea = r.rates[0]

    zer = rea.get_fet(["10000", "Xe-135", "(n,gamma)"]) * rings * wedges / (
        np.pi * 0.4096**2) / np.pi * 1.0e24