def get_student_first_year_course_grades(dbname):
    Returns a list of lists.  Each sublist represents the grades of one 
    student.  The list has grades for all first year courses.
    # TODO make None default
    con = database_interface.get_database_connection(dbname, None)
    courses = map(lambda inf: (inf[0], inf[1] + inf[2]), get_first_year_courses(con))
    normalizer = CourseNormalizer(courses)

    columns = normalizer.get_norm_course_list()
    columns.append((-1, "Label"))
    results_table = ResultsTable(columns)
    students = get_student_grades(con, normalizer)

    cur = con.cursor()
    for r in cur:
        sid, label = r
        students[sid][-1] = label

    for sid in students.keys():
        results_table.add_row(sid, students[sid])
    return results_table