def __init__(self, config, train_data): """ :param returnn.config.Config config: :param Dataset train_data: """ self.config = config self.opts = CollectionReadCheckCovered( config.get_of_type("hyper_param_tuning", dict, {})) self.log = log.v1 train_data.init_seq_order(epoch=1) self.train_data = StaticDataset.copy_from_dataset( train_data, max_seqs=self.opts.get("num_train_steps", 100)) self.hyper_params = [] # type: typing.List[HyperParam] self._find_hyper_params() if not self.hyper_params: raise Exception("No hyper params found.") self.hyper_params.sort(key=lambda p_: p_.unique_idx) print("We have found these hyper params:") for p in self.hyper_params: print(" %s" % p.description()) self.dry_run_first_individual = self.opts.get( "dry_run_first_individual", True) self.num_iterations = self.opts["num_tune_iterations"] self.num_individuals = self.opts["num_individuals"] self.num_kill_individuals = self.opts.get("num_kill_individuals", self.num_individuals // 2) self.num_best = self.opts.get("num_best", 10) self.num_threads = self.opts.get("num_threads", guess_requested_max_num_threads()) self.opts.assert_all_read()
def __init__(self, config): """ :param Config config: """ print("Initialize distributed TensorFlow", file=log.v2) self.config = config opts = config.get_of_type("distributed_tf", dict, {}) opts = CollectionReadCheckCovered(opts) self.opts = opts if opts.get("local_only", False): # might be useful for testing cluster_resolver = LocalOnlyClusterResolver() print("Use local-only cluster resolver,", file=log.v4, end=" ") elif os.environ.get("TF_CONFIG", ""): cluster_resolver = tf.distribute.cluster_resolver.TFConfigClusterResolver() print("Use TF_CONFIG %s," % os.environ["TF_CONFIG"], file=log.v4, end=" ") else: cluster_resolver = MPIClusterResolver() print("Use MPI cluster resolver,", file=log.v4, end=" ") print("cluster spec %s, master %s" % (cluster_resolver.cluster_spec(), cluster_resolver.master()), file=log.v4) self.cluster_resolver = cluster_resolver cluster_spec = cluster_resolver.cluster_spec() self.cluster_spec = cluster_spec tf_session_opts = config.typed_dict.get("tf_session_opts", {}) server_config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto(**tf_session_opts) # Note that there is no clean way currently in TF to uninit the TF server. # If we would use this multiple times (e.g. in tests), # it might actually be better to cache the server as a singleton... server = tf.distribute.Server( cluster_spec, job_name=cluster_resolver.task_type, task_index=cluster_resolver.task_id, config=server_config) self.server = server self.strategy = ReturnnDefaultStrategy() # not really used currently... self.opts.assert_all_read()
def __init__(self, window_len=0.025, step_len=0.010, num_feature_filters=None, with_delta=False, norm_mean=None, norm_std_dev=None, features="mfcc", feature_options=None, random_permute=None, random_state=None, raw_ogg_opts=None, pre_process=None, post_process=None, sample_rate=None, num_channels=None, peak_normalization=True, preemphasis=None, join_frames=None): """ :param float window_len: in seconds :param float step_len: in seconds :param int num_feature_filters: :param bool|int with_delta: :param numpy.ndarray|str|int|float|None norm_mean: if str, will interpret as filename, or "per_seq" :param numpy.ndarray|str|int|float|None norm_std_dev: if str, will interpret as filename, or "per_seq" :param str|function features: "mfcc", "log_mel_filterbank", "log_log_mel_filterbank", "raw", "raw_ogg" :param dict[str]|None feature_options: provide additional parameters for the feature function :param CollectionReadCheckCovered|dict[str]|bool|None random_permute: :param numpy.random.RandomState|None random_state: :param dict[str]|None raw_ogg_opts: :param function|None pre_process: :param function|None post_process: :param int|None sample_rate: :param int|None num_channels: number of channels in audio :param bool peak_normalization: set to False to disable the peak normalization for audio files :param float|None preemphasis: set a preemphasis filter coefficient :param int|None join_frames: concatenate multiple frames together to a superframe :return: float32 data of shape (audio_len // int(step_len * sample_rate), num_channels (optional), (with_delta + 1) * num_feature_filters) :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ self.window_len = window_len self.step_len = step_len if num_feature_filters is None: if features == "raw": num_feature_filters = 1 elif features == "raw_ogg": raise Exception( "you should explicitly specify num_feature_filters (dimension) for raw_ogg" ) else: num_feature_filters = 40 # was the old default self.num_feature_filters = num_feature_filters self.preemphasis = preemphasis if isinstance(with_delta, bool): with_delta = 1 if with_delta else 0 assert isinstance(with_delta, int) and with_delta >= 0 self.with_delta = with_delta # join frames needs to be set before norm loading self.join_frames = join_frames if norm_mean is not None: if not isinstance(norm_mean, (int, float)): norm_mean = self._load_feature_vec(norm_mean) if norm_std_dev is not None: if not isinstance(norm_std_dev, (int, float)): norm_std_dev = self._load_feature_vec(norm_std_dev) self.norm_mean = norm_mean self.norm_std_dev = norm_std_dev if random_permute and not isinstance(random_permute, CollectionReadCheckCovered): random_permute = CollectionReadCheckCovered.from_bool_or_dict( random_permute) self.random_permute_opts = random_permute self.random_state = random_state self.features = features self.feature_options = feature_options self.pre_process = pre_process self.post_process = post_process self.sample_rate = sample_rate if num_channels is not None: assert self.features == "raw", "Currently, multiple channels are only supported for raw waveforms" self.num_dim = 3 else: self.num_dim = 2 self.num_channels = num_channels self.raw_ogg_opts = raw_ogg_opts self.peak_normalization = peak_normalization
class Optimization: """ Hyper parameter optimization handler class. """ def __init__(self, config, train_data): """ :param returnn.config.Config config: :param Dataset train_data: """ self.config = config self.opts = CollectionReadCheckCovered( config.get_of_type("hyper_param_tuning", dict, {})) self.log = log.v1 train_data.init_seq_order(epoch=1) self.train_data = StaticDataset.copy_from_dataset( train_data, max_seqs=self.opts.get("num_train_steps", 100)) self.hyper_params = [] # type: typing.List[HyperParam] self._find_hyper_params() if not self.hyper_params: raise Exception("No hyper params found.") self.hyper_params.sort(key=lambda p_: p_.unique_idx) print("We have found these hyper params:") for p in self.hyper_params: print(" %s" % p.description()) self.dry_run_first_individual = self.opts.get( "dry_run_first_individual", True) self.num_iterations = self.opts["num_tune_iterations"] self.num_individuals = self.opts["num_individuals"] self.num_kill_individuals = self.opts.get("num_kill_individuals", self.num_individuals // 2) self.num_best = self.opts.get("num_best", 10) self.num_threads = self.opts.get("num_threads", guess_requested_max_num_threads()) self.opts.assert_all_read() def _find_hyper_params(self, base=None, visited=None): """ :param _AttrChain base: :param set[int] visited: set of ids """ from inspect import ismodule if base is None: base = _AttrChain(base=self.config) if isinstance(base.value, HyperParam): base.value.usages.append(base) if base.value not in self.hyper_params: self.hyper_params.append(base.value) return if visited is None: visited = set() if id(base.value) in visited: return visited.add(id(base.value)) if ismodule(base.value): return if isinstance(base.value, dict): col_type = _AttribOrKey.ColTypeDict keys = base.value.keys() elif isinstance(base.value, Config): col_type = _AttribOrKey.ColTypeConfig keys = base.value.typed_dict.keys() else: # Add other specific object types, but not in generic all. return for key in sorted(keys): child = base.get_extended_chain( _AttribOrKey(key=key, col_type=col_type)) self._find_hyper_params(base=child, visited=visited) def get_population(self, iteration_idx, num_individuals): """ :param int iteration_idx: :param int num_individuals: :rtype: list[Individual] """ assert num_individuals > 0 return [ self.get_individual(iteration_idx=iteration_idx, individual_idx=i) for i in range(num_individuals) ] def get_individual(self, iteration_idx, individual_idx): """ :param int iteration_idx: :param int individual_idx: :rtype: Individual """ return Individual( { p: p.get_random_value_by_idx(iteration_idx=iteration_idx, individual_idx=individual_idx) for p in self.hyper_params }, name="%i-%i" % (iteration_idx, individual_idx)) def cross_over(self, population, iteration_idx): """ :param list[Individual] population: modified in-place :param int iteration_idx: """ for i in range(len(population) - 1): population[i] = population[i].cross_over( hyper_params=self.hyper_params, population=population[:i] + population[i + 1:], random_seed=iteration_idx * 1013 + i * 17) def create_config_instance(self, hyper_param_mapping, gpu_ids): """ :param dict[HyperParam] hyper_param_mapping: maps each hyper param to some value :param set[int] gpu_ids: :rtype: Config """ assert set(self.hyper_params) == set(hyper_param_mapping.keys()) from returnn.util.basic import deepcopy config = deepcopy(self.config) assert isinstance(config, Config) for p, value in hyper_param_mapping.items(): assert isinstance(p, HyperParam) for attr_chain in p.usages: attr_chain.write_attrib(base=config, new_value=value) tf_session_opts = config.typed_dict.setdefault("tf_session_opts", {}) # gpu_opts = tf_session_opts.setdefault("gpu_options", tf_compat.v1.GPUOptions()) if isinstance(gpu_opts, dict): gpu_opts = tf_compat.v1.GPUOptions(**gpu_opts) gpu_opts.visible_device_list = ",".join(map(str, sorted(gpu_ids))) return config def work(self): """ Start the optimization. """ print("Starting hyper param search. Using %i threads." % self.num_threads, file=log.v1) from import get_available_gpu_devices from returnn.log import wrap_log_streams, StreamDummy from threading import Thread, Condition from returnn.util.basic import progress_bar, hms, is_tty class Outstanding: """ Queue of outstanding work. """ cond = Condition() threads = [] # type: typing.List[WorkerThread] population = [] exit = False exception = None class WorkerThread(Thread): """ Worker threader. """ def __init__(self, gpu_ids): """ :param set[int] gpu_ids: """ super(WorkerThread, self).__init__(name="Hyper param tune train thread") self.gpu_ids = gpu_ids self.trainer = None # type: typing.Optional[_IndividualTrainer] self.finished = False self.start() def cancel(self, join=False): """ :param bool join: """ with Outstanding.cond: if self.trainer: self.trainer.cancel_flag = True if self.trainer.runner: self.trainer.runner.cancel_flag = True if join: self.join() def get_complete_frac(self): """ :rtype: float """ with Outstanding.cond: if self.trainer and self.trainer.runner: return self.trainer.runner.data_provider.get_complete_frac( ) return 0.0 # noinspection PyMethodParameters def run(self_thread): """ Run thread. """ try: while True: with Outstanding.cond: if Outstanding.exit or Outstanding.exception: return if not Outstanding.population: self_thread.finished = True Outstanding.cond.notify_all() return # noinspection PyShadowingNames individual = Outstanding.population.pop(0) self_thread.trainer = _IndividualTrainer( optim=self, individual=individual, gpu_ids=self_thread.gpu_ids) = "Hyper param tune train thread on %r" % except Exception as exc: with Outstanding.cond: if not Outstanding.exception: Outstanding.exception = exc or True Outstanding.cond.notify_all() for thread in Outstanding.threads: if thread is not self_thread: thread.cancel() if not isinstance(exc, CancelTrainingException): with Outstanding.cond: # So that we don't mix up multiple on sys.stderr. # This would normally dump it on sys.stderr so it's fine. sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) best_individuals = [] population = [] num_gpus = len(get_available_gpu_devices()) print("Num available GPUs:", num_gpus) num_gpus = num_gpus or 1 # Would be ignored anyway. interactive = is_tty() try: print( "Population of %i individuals (hyper param setting instances), running for %i evaluation iterations." % (self.num_individuals, self.num_iterations), file=log.v2) for cur_iteration_idx in range(1, self.num_iterations + 1): print("Starting iteration %i." % cur_iteration_idx, file=log.v2) if cur_iteration_idx == 1: population.append( Individual( { p: p.get_default_value() for p in self.hyper_params }, name="default")) population.append( Individual( { p: p.get_initial_value() for p in self.hyper_params }, name="canonical")) population.extend( self.get_population(iteration_idx=cur_iteration_idx, num_individuals=self.num_individuals - len(population))) if cur_iteration_idx > 1: self.cross_over(population=population, iteration_idx=cur_iteration_idx) if cur_iteration_idx == 1 and self.dry_run_first_individual: # Train first directly for testing and to see log output. # Later we will strip away all log output. print("Very first try with log output:", file=log.v2) _IndividualTrainer(optim=self, individual=population[0], gpu_ids={0}).run() print("Starting training with thread pool of %i threads." % self.num_threads) iteration_start_time = time.time() with wrap_log_streams(StreamDummy(), also_sys_stdout=True, tf_log_verbosity="WARN"): Outstanding.exit = False Outstanding.population = list(population) Outstanding.threads = [ WorkerThread(gpu_ids={i % num_gpus}) for i in range(self.num_threads) ] try: while True: with Outstanding.cond: if all([ thread.finished for thread in Outstanding.threads ]) or Outstanding.exception: break complete_frac = max( len(population) - len(Outstanding.population) - len(Outstanding.threads), 0) complete_frac += sum([ thread.get_complete_frac() for thread in Outstanding.threads ]) complete_frac /= float(len(population)) remaining_str = "" if complete_frac > 0: start_elapsed = time.time( ) - iteration_start_time total_time_estimated = start_elapsed / complete_frac remaining_estimated = total_time_estimated - start_elapsed remaining_str = hms(remaining_estimated) if interactive: progress_bar(complete_frac, prefix=remaining_str, file=sys.__stdout__) else: print("Progress: %.02f%%" % (complete_frac * 100), "remaining:", remaining_str or "unknown", file=sys.__stdout__) sys.__stdout__.flush() Outstanding.cond.wait(1 if interactive else 10) for thread in Outstanding.threads: thread.join() finally: Outstanding.exit = True for thread in Outstanding.threads: thread.cancel(join=True) Outstanding.threads = [] print("Training iteration elapsed time:", hms(time.time() - iteration_start_time)) if Outstanding.exception: raise Outstanding.exception assert not Outstanding.population print("Training iteration finished.") population.sort(key=lambda p: p.cost) del population[-self.num_kill_individuals:] best_individuals.extend(population) best_individuals.sort(key=lambda p: p.cost) del best_individuals[self.num_best:] population = best_individuals[:self.num_kill_individuals // 4] + population print( "Current best setting, individual %s" % best_individuals[0].name, "cost:", best_individuals[0].cost) for p in self.hyper_params: print(" %s -> %s" % (p.description(), best_individuals[0].hyper_param_mapping[p])) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("KeyboardInterrupt, canceled search.") print("Best %i settings:" % len(best_individuals)) for individual in best_individuals: print("Individual %s" %, "cost:", individual.cost) for p in self.hyper_params: print(" %s -> %s" % (p.description(), individual.hyper_param_mapping[p]))