def call(ctx, vcf, max_hets, max_het_fraction, minimum_homs, shortest_block, flag_upd_at_fraction, individual, block_constant, verbose): """Call runs of autozygosity. (deprecated: use bcftools roh instead.""" loglevel = LEVELS.get(min(verbose, 3)) configure_stream(level=loglevel) proband_vcf = VCF(vcf) if len(proband_vcf.samples) > 1: try: individual = int(individual) except TypeError: logger.warning("Please specify which individual to check.") ctx.abort() else: individual = 0 output_bed_header() run_rhocall(proband_vcf=proband_vcf, block_constant=block_constant, max_hets=max_hets, max_het_fraction=max_het_fraction, minimum_homs=minimum_homs, shortest_block=shortest_block, flag_UPD_at_fraction=flag_upd_at_fraction, individual=individual)
def aggregate(roh, quality_threshold, output, verbose): """Aggregate runs of autozygosity from rhofile into windowed rho BED file. Accepts a bcftools roh style TSV-file with CHR,POS,AZ,QUAL.""" loglevel = LEVELS.get(min(verbose, 3)) configure_stream(level=loglevel)"Running rhocall aggregate {0}".format(__version__)) run_aggregate(roh=roh, quality_threshold=quality_threshold, output=output)
def tally(roh, quality_threshold, flag_upd_at_fraction, output, verbose): """Tally runs of autozygosity from rhofile. Accepts a bcftools roh style TSV-file with CHR,POS,AZ,QUAL.""" loglevel = LEVELS.get(min(verbose, 3)) configure_stream(level=loglevel)"Running rhocall tally {0}".format(__version__)) run_tally(roh=roh, quality_threshold=quality_threshold, flag_upd_at_fraction=flag_upd_at_fraction, output=output)
def annotate(vcf, roh, bed, v14, quality_threshold, flag_upd_at_fraction, output, verbose): """Markup VCF file using rho-calls. Use BED file to mark all variants in AZ windows. Alternatively, use a bcftools v>=1.4 file with RG entries to mark all vars. With the --no-v14 flag, use an older bcftools v<=1.2 style roh TSV to mark only selected AZ variants. Roh is broken in bcftools v1.3 - do not use.""" loglevel = LEVELS.get(min(verbose, 3)) configure_stream(level=loglevel) proband_vcf = VCF(vcf) # add this command to VCF header ## This is for logging the command line string ## frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) argument_list = [ i + '=' + str(values[i]) for i in values if values[i] and i not in ['frame'] ]"Running rhocall annotate {0}".format(__version__)) logger.debug("Arguments: {0}".format(', '.join(argument_list))) ## add additional tags to VCF header proband_vcf.add_to_header('##rhocall_version={0}'.format(__version__)) proband_vcf.add_to_header("##rhocall_arguments={0}".format( ', '.join(argument_list))) if roh and not bed and not v14: run_annotate_var(proband_vcf=proband_vcf, roh=roh, quality_threshold=quality_threshold, flag_upd_at_fraction=flag_upd_at_fraction, output=output) elif roh and v14 and not bed: run_annotate_rg(proband_vcf=proband_vcf, bcfroh=roh, quality_threshold=quality_threshold, flag_upd_at_fraction=flag_upd_at_fraction, output=output) elif bed and not roh: run_annotate(proband_vcf=proband_vcf, bed=bed, quality_threshold=quality_threshold, flag_upd_at_fraction=flag_upd_at_fraction, output=output) else: click.echo("""Cannot use both BED and ROH at once. Please apply them sequentially instead.""")
def viz(vcf, out_dir, wig, pointsize, rho, minsnv, maxsnv, minaf, maxaf, aftag, minqual, mnv, window, rsid, filter, verbose): """Plot binned zygosity and RHO-regions.""" loglevel = LEVELS.get(min(verbose, 3)) configure_stream(level=loglevel) if not os.access(out_dir, os.F_OK): os.mkdir(out_dir) binned_zygosity = generate_bins(vcf, window, filter, mnv, minqual, rsid, minaf, aftag, maxaf, minsnv) roh = extract_roh(rho) if wig: out_file_basename = out_dir + "/output" generate_wig(binned_zygosity, roh, window, out_file_basename) else: generate_plots(binned_zygosity, roh, window, pointsize, out_dir)