def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('Fixing existing GA code into new format')
    cur_code = get_by_name(models.RhodeCodeSetting, 'ga_code')
    val = '''
 // google analytics
 var _gaq_code = '_GACODE_';
 var _gaq = _gaq || [];
 _gaq.push(['_setAccount', _gaq_code]);

 (function() {
  var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
  ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';
  var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);

 rhodecode_statechange_callback = function(url, data){
  // ANALYTICS callback on html5 history state changed
  // triggered by file browser, url is the new url,
  // data is extra info passed from the State object
  if ( typeof window._gaq !== 'undefined' ) {
    _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', url]);
    if cur_code and getattr(cur_code, 'app_settings_value', ''):
        cur_val = getattr(cur_code, 'app_settings_value', '')
        val = val.replace('_GACODE_', cur_val)
        notify('Found GA code %s, migrating' % cur_val)
        new = get_by_name_or_create(models.RhodeCodeSetting, 'pre_code', val)
        new.app_settings_value = val
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('fixing new schema for landing_rev')

    for repo in models.Repository.get_all():
        print u'repo %s old landing rev is: %s' % (repo, repo.landing_rev)
        _rev = repo.landing_rev[1]
        _rev_type = 'rev'  # default

        if _rev in ['default', 'master']:
            _rev_type = 'branch'
        elif _rev in ['tip']:
            _rev_type = 'rev'
                scm = repo.scm_instance
                if scm:
                    known_branches = scm.branches.keys()
                    known_bookmarks = scm.bookmarks.keys()
                    if _rev in known_branches:
                        _rev_type = 'branch'
                    elif _rev in known_bookmarks:
                        _rev_type = 'book'
            except Exception as e:
                print e
                print 'continue...'
                #we don't want any error to break the process

        _new_landing_rev = '%s:%s' % (_rev_type, _rev)
        print u'setting to %s' % _new_landing_rev
        repo.landing_rev = _new_landing_rev
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('Upgrading repositories Caches')
    repositories = models.Repository.getAll()
    for repo in repositories:
        print repo
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('Setting default renderer to rst')
    for cs_comment in models.ChangesetComment.get_all():
        print 'comment_id %s renderer rst' % (cs_comment.comment_id)
        cs_comment.renderer = 'rst'
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    Optional = models.Optional

    def get_by_name(cls, key):
        return cls.query().filter(cls.app_settings_name == key).scalar()

    def create_or_update(cls, key, val=Optional(''), type=Optional('unicode')):
        res = get_by_name(cls, key)
        if not res:
            val = Optional.extract(val)
            type = Optional.extract(type)
            res = cls(key, val, type)
            res.app_settings_name = key
            if not isinstance(val, Optional):
                # update if set
                res.app_settings_value = val
            if not isinstance(type, Optional):
                # update if set
                res.app_settings_type = type
        return res

    notify('Creating upgrade URL')
    sett = create_or_update(models.RhodeCodeSetting, 'update_url',
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('Fixing auth tokens roles')
    _role = models.UserApiKeys.ROLE_ALL
    for token in models.UserApiKeys.get_all():
        print 'setting key %s role to "%s"' % (token, _role)
        token.role = _role
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('Creating repository states')
    _state = models.Repository.STATE_CREATED
    for repo in models.Repository.get_all():
        print 'setting repo %s state to "%s"' % (repo, _state)
        repo.repo_state = _state
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    from pylons import config
    from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import str2bool

    Optional = models.Optional

    def get_by_name(cls, key):
        return cls.query().filter(cls.app_settings_name == key).scalar()

    def create_or_update(cls, key, val=Optional(''), type=Optional('unicode')):
        res = get_by_name(cls, key)
        if not res:
            val = Optional.extract(val)
            type = Optional.extract(type)
            res = cls(key, val, type)
            res.app_settings_name = key
            if not isinstance(val, Optional):
                # update if set
                res.app_settings_value = val
            if not isinstance(type, Optional):
                # update if set
                res.app_settings_type = type
        return res

    notify('migrating options from .ini file')
    use_gravatar = str2bool(config.get('use_gravatar'))
    print('Setting gravatar use to: %s' % use_gravatar)
    sett = create_or_update(models.RhodeCodeSetting,
        'use_gravatar', use_gravatar, 'bool')
    # set the new format of gravatar URL
    gravatar_url = models.User.DEFAULT_GRAVATAR_URL
    if config.get('alternative_gravatar_url'):
        gravatar_url = config.get('alternative_gravatar_url')

    print('Setting gravatar url to:%s' % gravatar_url)
    sett = create_or_update(models.RhodeCodeSetting,
        'gravatar_url', gravatar_url, 'unicode')

    # now create new changed value of clone_url
    clone_uri_tmpl = models.Repository.DEFAULT_CLONE_URI
    print('settings new clone url template to %s' % clone_uri_tmpl)

    sett = create_or_update(models.RhodeCodeSetting,
        'clone_uri_tmpl', clone_uri_tmpl, 'unicode')
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('Adding grid items options now...')

    settings = [
        ('admin_grid_items', 25, 'int'),  # old hardcoded value was 25

    for name, default, type_ in settings:
        setting = get_by_name(models.RhodeCodeSetting, name)
        if not setting:
            # if we don't have this option create it
            setting = models.RhodeCodeSetting(name, default, type_)
        setting._app_settings_type = type_
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('Adding revision look items options now...')

    settings = [
        ('show_revision_number', True, 'bool'),
        ('show_sha_length', 12, 'int'),

    for name, default, type_ in settings:
        setting = get_by_name(models.RhodeCodeSetting, name)
        if not setting:
            # if we don't have this option create it
            setting = models.RhodeCodeSetting(name, default, type_)
        setting._app_settings_type = type_
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('Fixing default auth modules')
    plugins = 'rhodecode.lib.auth_modules.auth_rhodecode'
    opts = []
    ldap_enabled = str2bool(
        getattr(get_by_name(models.RhodeCodeSetting, 'ldap_active'),
                'app_settings_value', False))
    if ldap_enabled:
        plugins += ',rhodecode.lib.auth_modules.auth_ldap'
        opts.append(('auth_ldap_enabled', 'True', 'bool'))

    opts.append(('auth_plugins', plugins, 'list'), )
    opts.append(('auth_rhodecode_enabled', 'True', 'bool'))

    for name, default, type_ in opts:
        setting = get_by_name(models.RhodeCodeSetting, name)
        if not setting:
            # if we don't have this option create it
            setting = models.RhodeCodeSetting(name, default, type_)


    #copy over the LDAP settings
    old_ldap = [
        ('ldap_active', 'false', 'bool'), ('ldap_host', '', 'unicode'),
        ('ldap_port', '389', 'int'), ('ldap_tls_kind', 'PLAIN', 'unicode'),
        ('ldap_tls_reqcert', '', 'unicode'), ('ldap_dn_user', '', 'unicode'),
        ('ldap_dn_pass', '', 'unicode'), ('ldap_base_dn', '', 'unicode'),
        ('ldap_filter', '', 'unicode'), ('ldap_search_scope', '', 'unicode'),
        ('ldap_attr_login', '', 'unicode'),
        ('ldap_attr_firstname', '', 'unicode'),
        ('ldap_attr_lastname', '', 'unicode'),
        ('ldap_attr_email', '', 'unicode')
    for k, v, t in old_ldap:
        old_setting = get_by_name(models.RhodeCodeSetting, k)
        name = 'auth_%s' % k
        setting = get_by_name(models.RhodeCodeSetting, name)
        if not setting:
            # if we don't have this option create it
            setting = models.RhodeCodeSetting(name,

def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('Fixing default created on')

    for usr in models.User.get_all():
        usr.created_on = datetime.datetime.now()

    notify('Migrating LDAP attribute to extern')
    for usr in models.User.get_all():
        ldap_dn = usr.ldap_dn
        if ldap_dn:
            usr.extern_name = ldap_dn
            usr.extern_type = 'ldap'
            usr.extern_name = 'rhodecode'
            usr.extern_type = 'rhodecode'
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('Fixing default options now...')

    settings = [
        ('realm', '', 'unicode'),
        ('title', '', 'unicode'),
        ('ga_code', '', 'unicode'),
        ('show_public_icon', False, 'bool'),
        ('show_private_icon', True, 'bool'),
        ('stylify_metatags', True, 'bool'),

        # defaults
        ('default_repo_enable_locking', False, 'bool'),
        ('default_repo_enable_downloads', False, 'bool'),
        ('default_repo_enable_statistics', False, 'bool'),
        ('default_repo_private', False, 'bool'),
        ('default_repo_type', 'hg', 'unicode'),

        ('dashboard_items', 100, 'int'),
        ('show_version', True, 'bool')

    for name, default, type_ in settings:
        setting = get_by_name(models.RhodeCodeSetting, name)
        if not setting:
            # if we don't have this option create it
            setting = models.RhodeCodeSetting(name, default, type_)

        # fix certain key to new defaults
        if name in ['title', 'show_public_icon']:
            # change title if it's only the default
            if name == 'title' and setting.app_settings_value == 'RhodeCode':
                setting.app_settings_value = default
                setting.app_settings_value = default

        setting._app_settings_type = type_
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('Fixing default created on for repo groups')

    for gr in models.RepoGroup.get_all():
        gr.created_on = datetime.datetime.now()

    repo_store_path = get_repos_location(models.RhodeCodeUi)
    _store = os.path.join(repo_store_path, '.cache', 'largefiles')
    notify('Setting largefiles usercache')
    print _store

    if not models.RhodeCodeUi.query().filter(
            models.RhodeCodeUi.ui_key == 'usercache').scalar():
        largefiles = models.RhodeCodeUi()
        largefiles.ui_section = 'largefiles'
        largefiles.ui_key = 'usercache'
        largefiles.ui_value = _store
def fixups(models, _SESSION):
    notify('Fixing default created on')

    for gr in models.UserGroup.get_all():
        gr.created_on = datetime.datetime.now()