def main(): """ Interkin - folding kinetics of two interacting RNA molecules * call the pipeline: "RNAsubopt | barriers" in order to get tree files and rate matrices * make a reaction graph composed of uni- and bi-molecular reactions found in the rate matrices * visualize the graph using networkx or D3js * calculate the equilibrium distribution and see how much it differs from the complete cofolded ensemble * dump the graph in order to translate it into a ODE system using the perl SundialsWrapper library TODO: write a landscape library in order to get rid of BarMap dependency """ args = get_interkin_args() """ Read Input & Update Arguments """ name, inseq = ril.parse_vienna_stdin(sys.stdin) if == '': = name else: name = if args.verbose: print "# Input: {:s} {:s} {:6.2f} kcal/mol".format(name, inseq, args.s_ener) if args.s_ener == 0: args.s_ener, args.s_maxn = ril.sys_subopt_range(inseq, nos=args.s_maxn, maxe=20, # args.s_maxe, verb=args.verbose) if args.verbose: print "# Energyrange {:.2f} computes {:d} sequences".format( args.s_ener, args.s_maxn) """ Dirty way to use RNAsubopt symmetry correction as commandline interface """ s_options = ['|', args.spatch] if args.symmetry: s_options.append('-s') """ Choose the set of species for further analysis """ # default: [A, A, AA], [A, B, AB, AA, BB], [A, B, C, AA, AB, AC, BB, BC, CC] # nohomo: [A, B, AB] (for debugging) specieslist = get_species(inseq, args.nohomo) """ Compute folding kinetics """ bionly = False # Debugging option, compute kinetics only from cofold tree RG, nodes = cofold_barriers(name, specieslist, s_ener=args.s_ener, s_maxn=args.s_maxn, s_opts=s_options, barriers='barriers', minh=args.b_minh, maxn=args.b_maxn, k0=args.k0, temp=37.0, moves='single-base-pair', gzip=True, rates=True, bsize=False, saddle=False, bionly=bionly, force=args.force, verb=args.verbose) # NOTE: Hack to check out if crnsimulator works like sundials: from crnsimulator import writeODElib import sympy ntv = dict() vtn = dict() oV = [] for e, n in enumerate(filter(lambda x: nodes[x] != 0, nodes)): var = n[0].translate(string.maketrans("&", "_")) + '_' + str(e) ntv[n] = var vtn[var] = n oV.append(var) NLRG = nx.relabel_nodes(RG, ntv) oR = dict() ode = dict() for r in NLRG.nodes_iter(): if r in vtn: continue rate = 'k' + str(len(oR.keys())) reactants = [] for reac in NLRG.predecessors_iter(r): for i in range(NLRG.number_of_edges(reac, r)): reactants.append(str(reac)) products = [] for prod in NLRG.successors_iter(r): edict = NLRG.get_edge_data(r, prod) oR[rate] = str(edict[0]['weight']) for i in range(NLRG.number_of_edges(r, prod)): products.append(str(prod)) for x in reactants: if x in ode: ode[x].append(['-' + rate] + reactants) else: ode[x] = [['-' + rate] + reactants] for x in products: if x in ode: ode[x].append([rate] + reactants) else: ode[x] = [[rate] + reactants] oM = [] for dx in oV: sfunc = sympy.sympify( ' + '.join(['*'.join(map(str, xp)) for xp in ode[dx]])) ode[dx] = sfunc oM.append(sfunc) oM = sympy.Matrix(oM) oJ = None odefile, odename = writeODElib( oV, oM, jacobian=oJ, rdict=oR, filename='interkin') print 'Happy simulating: ODE system wrote to File:', odefile ''' """ Compute equilibrium properties """ # plot RNAcofold equilibrium properties with a given range of a0s and b0s # plot gradient basin equilibrium for a given range of a0s and b0s # => [seq&seq], [K] kT=0.61632077549999997 a0s = map(lambda x: 10**-x, range(9,8,-3)) b0s = map(lambda x: 10**-x, range(6,1,-1)) eA =0 eB =0 eAA=0 eAB=0 eBB=0 for (name, species) in specieslist : if '&' not in name: continue [seqA, seqB] = species.split('&') [nA, nB] = name.split('&') plotname ='_'+nA+'_'+nB homodimer = (seqA == seqB) """ if it is a homodimer, G_A = G_B and G_AB = G_AA = G_BB """ if not homodimer : [G_A, G_B, G_AB, G_AA, G_BB] = conc.cofold_free_energies(species) print 'ref_cfold', species, nA, G_A, nB, G_B, \ nA+nB, G_AB, nA*2, G_AA, nB*2, G_BB eqdata = conc.cofold_equilibrium(species, a0s, b0s) conc.cofold_plot(eqdata,plotname+'_cofold_plot') """ [G_A, G_B, G_AB, G_AA, G_BB] = basin_free_energies(species) print 'ref_cfold', species, nA, G_A, nB, G_B, \ nA+nB, G_AB, nA*2, G_AA, nB*2, G_BB eqdata = conc.cofold_equilibrium(species, a0s, b0s) """ RNA.cvar.cut_point = len(seqA)+1 [stmp,G_A,G_B,G_AB,waste] = RNA.co_pf_fold(seqA+seqB,None) K = math.e**((G_A+G_B-G_AB)/kT) print 'ref_bimol', species, nA, G_A, nB, G_B, nA+nB, G_AB, "K", K if homodimer : eqdata = conc.bimol_equilibrium(K, b0s, []) conc.homodim_plot(eqdata,plotname+'_bimol_plot') else : eqdata = conc.bimol_equilibrium(K, a0s, b0s) conc.bimol_plot(eqdata,plotname+'_bimol_plot') if not bionly : [G_A, G_B, G_AB] = unimolecular_basins(RG, name, species, args, nodes) K = math.e**((G_A+G_B-G_AB)/kT) print 'uitree', species, nA, G_A, nB, G_B, nA+nB, G_AB, "K", K [G_ApB, G_AB] = bimolecular_cofold_basins( RG, name, species, args, nodes, bionly) K = math.e**((G_ApB-G_AB)/kT) print 'bitree', species, nA+'+'+nB, G_ApB, nA+nB, G_AB, "K", K if homodimer : eqdata = conc.bimol_equilibrium(K, b0s, []) conc.homodim_plot(eqdata, plotname+'_coarse_grain_plot') else : eqdata = conc.bimol_equilibrium(K, a0s, b0s) [a0, b0, eA, eB, eAB] = zip(*eqdata) conc.bimol_plot(eqdata, plotname+'_coarse_grain_plot') if False : # Depricated and a bit ugly code, it is for debugging only """ Compare lists of gradient basin energies for fake and true dimers """ interkin_equilibrium(specieslist, args) # Calculate equilibrium distribution by hand... (like for prions!) # use that as a start for the simulation: # *) calculate the concentrations of species # *) calculate the occupancy of an lmin at equilibrium # *) return the equilibrium starting population for a simulation ... ''' return
def cofold_barriers(_name, species, s_opts=['|', ''], s_ener=None, s_maxn=59000000, barriers='barriers', minh=0.001, maxn=50, k0=1.0, temp=37.0, moves='single-base-pair', gzip=True, rates=True, bsize=False, saddle=False, bionly=False, force=False, verb=False): """ Simulate inter-molecular folding Compute folding kinetics returns the biggest connected component and a list of nodes TODO: *) @h**o-dimers: RNAsubopt-barriers does not correct for two-fold symmetry! """ noLP = False # MUST BE FALSE! circ = False # MUST BE FALSE! mfile = '' if minh > 0.5: print "Warning: increasing the minh option for cofolded barriers may " + \ "destroy the separation of monomer and dimer gradient basins!" RG = nx.MultiDiGraph() sortednodes = c.OrderedDict() hypercount = [0] for spe, seq in species: name = _name + "_" + spe if '&' in name: """ true dimer only run """ name = name.translate(string.maketrans("&", "_")) if s_ener is None: myener, nos = ril.sys_subopt_range( seq, nos=s_maxn, maxe=20, verb=verb) else: myener = s_ener if bionly is False: _fname = name + "_truedimers" s_opts.append('-d') sfile = ril.sys_suboptimals(_fname, seq, ener=myener, opts=s_opts, verb=verb, force=force) [sfile, bfile, efile, rfile, psfile] = ril.sys_barriers(_fname, seq, sfile, barriers=barriers, minh=minh, maxn=maxn, k0=k0, temp=temp, verb=verb, force=force) # this function modifies sortednodes and hypercount... not # nice! add_edges( RG, bfile, rfile, 'uni', spe, seq, sortednodes, hypercount) s_opts.pop() _fname = name sfile = ril.sys_suboptimals(_fname, seq, ener=myener, opts=[], verb=verb, force=force) [sfile, bfile, efile, rfile, psfile] = ril.sys_barriers(_fname, seq, sfile, barriers=barriers, minh=minh, maxn=maxn, k0=k0, temp=temp, verb=verb, force=force) if bionly: add_edges( RG, bfile, rfile, 'bionly', spe, seq, sortednodes, hypercount) else: add_edges( RG, bfile, rfile, 'bi', spe, seq, sortednodes, hypercount) elif bionly: continue else: if s_ener is None: myener, nos = ril.sys_subopt_range( seq, nos=s_maxn, maxe=20, verb=verb) else: myener = s_ener _fname = name sfile = ril.sys_suboptimals(_fname, seq, ener=myener, opts=[], verb=verb, force=force) [sfile, bfile, efile, rfile, psfile] = ril.sys_barriers(_fname, seq, sfile, barriers=barriers, minh=minh, maxn=maxn, k0=k0, temp=temp, verb=verb, force=force) add_edges( RG, bfile, rfile, 'uni', spe, seq, sortednodes, hypercount) print "connected components", print [len(comp) for comp in sorted(nx.strongly_connected_components(RG), key=len, reverse=True)] for e, comp in enumerate( sorted(nx.strongly_connected_components(RG), key=len, reverse=True)): # print 'e', comp if e == 0: continue print "Discarding connected component!", len(comp) # , comp for i in comp: sortednodes[i] = 0 return max(nx.strongly_connected_component_subgraphs( RG), key=len), sortednodes
def main(): """ Interkin - folding kinetics of two interacting RNA molecules * call the pipeline: "RNAsubopt | barriers" in order to get tree files and rate matrices * make a reaction graph composed of uni- and bi-molecular reactions found in the rate matrices * visualize the graph using networkx or D3js * calculate the equilibrium distribution and see how much it differs from the complete cofolded ensemble * dump the graph in order to translate it into a ODE system using the perl SundialsWrapper library TODO: write a landscape library in order to get rid of BarMap dependency """ args = get_interkin_args() """ Read Input & Update Arguments """ name, inseq = ril.parse_vienna_stdin(sys.stdin) if == '' : = name else : name = if args.verbose: print "# Input: {:s} {:s} {:6.2f} kcal/mol".format(name, inseq, args.s_ener) if args.s_ener == 0 : args.s_ener, args.s_maxn = ril.sys_subopt_range(inseq, nos=args.s_maxn, maxe=20, #args.s_maxe, verb=args.verbose) if args.verbose: print "# Energyrange {:.2f} computes {:d} sequences".format( args.s_ener, args.s_maxn) """ Dirty way to use RNAsubopt symmetry correction as commandline interface """ s_options = ['|', args.spatch] if args.symmetry : s_options.append('-s') """ Choose the set of species for further analysis """ # default: [A, A, AA], [A, B, AB, AA, BB], [A, B, C, AA, AB, AC, BB, BC, CC] # nohomo: [A, B, AB] (for debugging) specieslist = get_species(inseq, args.nohomo) """ Compute folding kinetics """ bionly = False # Debugging option, compute kinetics only from cofold tree RG, nodes = cofold_barriers(name, specieslist, s_ener = args.s_ener, s_maxn = args.s_maxn, s_opts = s_options, barriers='barriers', minh=args.b_minh, maxn=args.b_maxn, k0=args.k0, temp=37.0, moves='single-base-pair', gzip=True, rates=True, bsize=False, saddle=False, bionly=bionly, force=args.force, verb=args.verbose) ##### NOTE: Hack to check out if crnsimulator works like sundials: from crnsimulator import writeODElib import sympy ntv = dict() vtn = dict() oV = [] for e, n in enumerate(filter(lambda x : nodes[x] != 0, nodes)): var = n[0].translate(string.maketrans("&", "_"))+'_'+str(e) ntv[n] = var vtn[var] = n oV.append(var) NLRG = nx.relabel_nodes(RG, ntv) oR = dict() ode = dict() for r in NLRG.nodes_iter() : if r in vtn: continue rate = 'k'+str(len(oR.keys())) reactants = [] for reac in NLRG.predecessors_iter(r) : for i in range(NLRG.number_of_edges(reac, r)) : reactants.append(str(reac)) products = [] for prod in NLRG.successors_iter(r) : edict = NLRG.get_edge_data(r, prod) oR[rate] = str(edict[0]['weight']) for i in range(NLRG.number_of_edges(r, prod)) : products.append(str(prod)) for x in reactants: if x in ode : ode[x].append(['-'+rate] + reactants) else : ode[x]= [['-'+rate] + reactants] for x in products: if x in ode : ode[x].append([rate] + reactants) else : ode[x]= [[rate] + reactants] oM = [] for dx in oV : sfunc = sympy.sympify(' + '.join(['*'.join(map(str,xp)) for xp in ode[dx]])) ode[dx] = sfunc oM.append(sfunc) oM = sympy.Matrix(oM) oJ = None odefile, odename = writeODElib(oV, oM, jacobian=oJ, rdict=oR, filename='interkin') print 'Happy simulating: ODE system wrote to File:', odefile ''' """ Compute equilibrium properties """ # plot RNAcofold equilibrium properties with a given range of a0s and b0s # plot gradient basin equilibrium for a given range of a0s and b0s # => [seq&seq], [K] kT=0.61632077549999997 a0s = map(lambda x: 10**-x, range(9,8,-3)) b0s = map(lambda x: 10**-x, range(6,1,-1)) eA =0 eB =0 eAA=0 eAB=0 eBB=0 for (name, species) in specieslist : if '&' not in name: continue [seqA, seqB] = species.split('&') [nA, nB] = name.split('&') plotname ='_'+nA+'_'+nB homodimer = (seqA == seqB) """ if it is a homodimer, G_A = G_B and G_AB = G_AA = G_BB """ if not homodimer : [G_A, G_B, G_AB, G_AA, G_BB] = conc.cofold_free_energies(species) print 'ref_cfold', species, nA, G_A, nB, G_B, \ nA+nB, G_AB, nA*2, G_AA, nB*2, G_BB eqdata = conc.cofold_equilibrium(species, a0s, b0s) conc.cofold_plot(eqdata,plotname+'_cofold_plot') """ [G_A, G_B, G_AB, G_AA, G_BB] = basin_free_energies(species) print 'ref_cfold', species, nA, G_A, nB, G_B, \ nA+nB, G_AB, nA*2, G_AA, nB*2, G_BB eqdata = conc.cofold_equilibrium(species, a0s, b0s) """ RNA.cvar.cut_point = len(seqA)+1 [stmp,G_A,G_B,G_AB,waste] = RNA.co_pf_fold(seqA+seqB,None) K = math.e**((G_A+G_B-G_AB)/kT) print 'ref_bimol', species, nA, G_A, nB, G_B, nA+nB, G_AB, "K", K if homodimer : eqdata = conc.bimol_equilibrium(K, b0s, []) conc.homodim_plot(eqdata,plotname+'_bimol_plot') else : eqdata = conc.bimol_equilibrium(K, a0s, b0s) conc.bimol_plot(eqdata,plotname+'_bimol_plot') if not bionly : [G_A, G_B, G_AB] = unimolecular_basins(RG, name, species, args, nodes) K = math.e**((G_A+G_B-G_AB)/kT) print 'uitree', species, nA, G_A, nB, G_B, nA+nB, G_AB, "K", K [G_ApB, G_AB] = bimolecular_cofold_basins( RG, name, species, args, nodes, bionly) K = math.e**((G_ApB-G_AB)/kT) print 'bitree', species, nA+'+'+nB, G_ApB, nA+nB, G_AB, "K", K if homodimer : eqdata = conc.bimol_equilibrium(K, b0s, []) conc.homodim_plot(eqdata, plotname+'_coarse_grain_plot') else : eqdata = conc.bimol_equilibrium(K, a0s, b0s) [a0, b0, eA, eB, eAB] = zip(*eqdata) conc.bimol_plot(eqdata, plotname+'_coarse_grain_plot') if False : # Depricated and a bit ugly code, it is for debugging only """ Compare lists of gradient basin energies for fake and true dimers """ interkin_equilibrium(specieslist, args) # Calculate equilibrium distribution by hand... (like for prions!) # use that as a start for the simulation: # *) calculate the concentrations of species # *) calculate the occupancy of an lmin at equilibrium # *) return the equilibrium starting population for a simulation ... ''' return
def cofold_barriers(_name, species, s_opts = ['|', ''], s_ener = None, s_maxn = 59000000, barriers='barriers', minh=0.001, maxn=50, k0=1.0, temp=37.0, moves='single-base-pair', gzip=True, rates=True, bsize=False, saddle=False, bionly=False, force=False, verb=False): """ Simulate inter-molecular folding Compute folding kinetics returns the biggest connected component and a list of nodes TODO: *) @h**o-dimers: RNAsubopt-barriers does not correct for two-fold symmetry! """ noLP=False # MUST BE FALSE! circ=False # MUST BE FALSE! mfile='' if minh > 0.5 : print "Warning: increasing the minh option for cofolded barriers may " + \ "destroy the separation of monomer and dimer gradient basins!" RG = nx.MultiDiGraph() sortednodes = c.OrderedDict() hypercount = [0] for spe, seq in species : name = _name + "_" + spe if '&' in name : """ true dimer only run """ name = name.translate(string.maketrans("&", "_")) if s_ener is None : myener, nos = ril.sys_subopt_range(seq, nos=s_maxn, maxe=20, verb=verb) else : myener = s_ener if bionly is False : _fname = name + "_truedimers" s_opts.append('-d') sfile = ril.sys_suboptimals(_fname, seq, ener=myener, opts=s_opts, verb=verb, force=force) [sfile, bfile, efile, rfile, psfile] = ril.sys_barriers(_fname, seq, sfile, barriers=barriers, minh=minh, maxn=maxn, k0=k0, temp=temp, verb=verb, force=force) # this function modifies sortednodes and hypercount... not nice! add_edges(RG, bfile, rfile, 'uni', spe, seq, sortednodes, hypercount) s_opts.pop() _fname = name sfile = ril.sys_suboptimals(_fname, seq, ener=myener, opts=[], verb=verb, force=force) [sfile, bfile, efile, rfile, psfile] = ril.sys_barriers(_fname, seq, sfile, barriers=barriers, minh=minh, maxn=maxn, k0=k0, temp=temp, verb=verb, force=force) if bionly : add_edges(RG, bfile, rfile, 'bionly', spe, seq, sortednodes, hypercount) else : add_edges(RG, bfile, rfile, 'bi', spe, seq, sortednodes, hypercount) elif bionly : continue else : if s_ener is None : myener, nos = ril.sys_subopt_range(seq, nos=s_maxn, maxe=20, verb=verb) else : myener = s_ener _fname = name sfile = ril.sys_suboptimals(_fname, seq, ener=myener, opts=[], verb=verb, force=force) [sfile, bfile, efile, rfile, psfile] = ril.sys_barriers(_fname, seq, sfile, barriers=barriers, minh=minh, maxn=maxn, k0=k0, temp=temp, verb=verb, force=force) add_edges(RG, bfile, rfile, 'uni', spe, seq, sortednodes, hypercount) print "connected components", print [len(comp) for comp in sorted(nx.strongly_connected_components(RG), key=len, reverse=True)] for e, comp in enumerate( sorted(nx.strongly_connected_components(RG), key=len, reverse=True)) : #print 'e', comp if e == 0 : continue print "Discarding connected component!", len(comp)#, comp for i in comp: sortednodes[i] = 0 return max(nx.strongly_connected_component_subgraphs(RG), key=len), sortednodes
def main(args): """ BarMap-v2.0 -- cotransriptional folding Dependencies: RNAsubopt, barriers, treekin The implementation is split into 4 steps ... """ # Read Input & Update Arguments name, seq = ril.parse_vienna_stdin(sys.stdin) # One name, just to be clear ... (, name) = (, if else (name, name) if args.stop is None: args.stop = len(seq) else: seq = seq[:args.stop] print("# Input: {:s} {:s}".format(name, seq)) if args.s_ener is None: args.s_ener, args.s_maxn = ril.sys_subopt_range(seq, nos=args.s_maxn, maxe=args.s_maxe, verb=(args.verbose > 0)) print("# Energyrange {:.2f} computes {:d} sequences".format( args.s_ener, args.s_maxn)) elif args.verbose: args.s_ener, args.s_maxn = ril.sys_subopt_range(seq, nos=0, maxe=args.s_ener, verb=False) print("# Energyrange {:.2f} computes {:d} sequences".format( args.s_ener, args.s_maxn)) if not args.tmpdir: args.tmpdir = 'BarMap_' + if not os.path.exists(args.tmpdir): os.makedirs(args.tmpdir) """# Starting with BarMap computations ... """ while True: print("""# writing RNAsubopt files ... """) sname = "{}/{}-ener_{:.2f}".format(args.tmpdir,, args.s_ener) #if args.circ: myfile += '_circ' if args.noLP: sname += '_noLP' sfiles = barmap_subopts(sname, seq, args) print("""# writing barriers files ... """) bname = "{}-minh_{}-maxn_{}-k0_{}".format(sname, args.b_minh, args.b_maxn, args.k0) bfiles = barmap_barriers(bname, seq, sfiles, args) print("""# writing/parsing mapping information ... """) plist = barmap_mapping(bname, seq, args) print("""# simulations using treekin ... """) try: tfiles = barmap_treekin(bname, seq, bfiles, plist, args) break except LostPopulationError as e: if args.adaptive: args.s_ener += 2 print('repeating caluclations with higher energy:', args.s_ener) else: print('caluclations failed with current suboptimal energy range:', args.s_ener) break except SubprocessError as e: if args.adaptive: args.s_ener += 2 print('repeating caluclations with higher energy:', args.s_ener) else: print('caluclations failed with current suboptimal energy range:', args.s_ener) break if args.xmgrace or args.pyplot: print("""# Processing treekin results for plotting ... """) courses = get_plot_data(tfiles, plist, args) if args.xmgrace: grfile = plot_xmgrace(courses, plist, args) print("# Your results have been plotted in the file: {}".format(grfile)) if args.pyplot: plotfile = plot_matplotlib(name, seq, courses, plist, args) print("# Your results have been plotted in the file: {}".format(plotfile)) print("# Thank you for using BarMap b(^.^)d")
def main(args): """ BarMap-v2.0 -- cotransriptional folding Dependencies: RNAsubopt, barriers, treekin The implementation is split into 4 steps ... """ # Read Input & Update Arguments name, seq = ril.parse_vienna_stdin(sys.stdin) # One name, just to be clear ... (, name) = (, if else (name, name) if args.stop is None: args.stop = len(seq) else: seq = seq[:args.stop] print("# Input: {:s} {:s}".format(name, seq)) if args.pourRNA: args.s_ener = args.max_energy else: if args.s_ener is None: args.s_ener, args.s_maxn = ril.sys_subopt_range(seq, nos=args.s_maxn, maxe=args.s_maxe, verb=(args.verbose > 0)) print("# Energyrange {:.2f} computes {:d} sequences".format( args.s_ener, args.s_maxn)) elif args.verbose: args.s_ener, args.s_maxn = ril.sys_subopt_range(seq, nos=0, maxe=args.s_ener, verb=False) print("# Energyrange {:.2f} computes {:d} sequences".format( args.s_ener, args.s_maxn)) if not args.tmpdir: args.tmpdir = 'BarMap_' + if not os.path.exists(args.tmpdir): os.makedirs(args.tmpdir) """# Starting with BarMap computations ... """ while True: bfiles = None plist = None sname = "{}/{}-ener_{:.2f}".format(args.tmpdir,, args.s_ener) bname = "{}-minh_{}-maxn_{}-k0_{}".format(sname, args.b_minh, args.b_maxn, args.k0) if args.pourRNA: print("""# computing pourRNA... """) bfiles = barmap_pourRNA(bname, seq, args) print("""# writing/parsing mapping information ... """) plist = barmap_mapping_pourRNA(bname, seq, args) else: #if args.circ: myfile += '_circ' if args.noLP: sname += '_noLP' print("""# writing RNAsubopt files ... """) sfiles = barmap_subopts(sname, seq, args) print("""# writing barriers files ... """) bfiles = barmap_barriers(bname, seq, sfiles, args) print("""# writing/parsing mapping information ... """) plist = barmap_mapping(bname, seq, args) print("""# simulations using treekin ... """) try: tfiles = barmap_treekin(bname, seq, bfiles, plist, args) break except LostPopulationError as e: if args.adaptive: args.s_ener += 2 print('repeating caluclations with higher energy:', args.s_ener) else: print('caluclations failed with current suboptimal energy range:', args.s_ener) exit() except SubprocessError as e: if args.adaptive: args.s_ener += 2 print('repeating caluclations with higher energy:', args.s_ener) else: print('caluclations failed with current suboptimal energy range:', args.s_ener) exit() if args.xmgrace or args.pyplot: print("""# Processing treekin results for plotting ... """) courses = get_plot_data(tfiles, plist, args) if args.xmgrace: grfile = plot_xmgrace(courses, plist, args) print("# Your results have been plotted in the file: {}".format(grfile)) if args.pyplot: plotfile = plot_matplotlib(name, seq, courses, plist, args) print("# Your results have been plotted in the file: {}".format(plotfile)) print("# Thank you for using BarMap b(^.^)d")