    def __init__(self, rmr_port=4562, rmr_wait_for_ready=True, use_fake_sdl=False, post_init=None):
        Documented in the class comment.
        # PUBLIC, can be used by xapps using self.(name):
        self.logger = Logger(name=__name__)

        # Start rmr rcv thread
        self._rmr_loop = xapp_rmr.RmrLoop(port=rmr_port, wait_for_ready=rmr_wait_for_ready)
        self._mrc = self._rmr_loop.mrc  # for convenience

        # SDL
        self.sdl = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl)

        # Config
        # The environment variable specifies the path to the Xapp config file
        self._config_path = os.environ.get(CONFIG_FILE_ENV, None)
        if self._config_path and os.path.isfile(self._config_path):
            self._inotify = inotify_simple.INotify()
            self._inotify.add_watch(self._config_path, inotify_simple.flags.MODIFY)
            self.logger.debug("__init__: watching config file {}".format(self._config_path))
            self._inotify = None
            self.logger.warning("__init__: NOT watching any config file")

        # run the optionally provided user post init
        if post_init:
    def __init__(self,
        Documented in the class comment.
        # PUBLIC, can be used by xapps using self.(name):
        self.logger = Logger(name=__name__)
        self._appthread = None

        # Start rmr rcv thread
        self._rmr_loop = xapp_rmr.RmrLoop(port=rmr_port,
        self._mrc = self._rmr_loop.mrc  # for convenience

        # SDL
        self.sdl = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl)

        # Config
        # The environment variable specifies the path to the Xapp config file
        self._config_path = os.environ.get(Constants.CONFIG_FILE_ENV, None)
        if self._config_path and os.path.isfile(self._config_path):
            self._inotify = inotify_simple.INotify()
            self.logger.debug("__init__: watching config file {}".format(
            self._inotify = None
            self.logger.warning("__init__: NOT watching any config file")

        # used for thread control of Registration of Xapp
        self._keep_registration = True

        # configuration data  for xapp registration and deregistration
        self._config_data = None
        if self._config_path and os.path.isfile(self._config_path):
            with open(self._config_path) as json_file:
                self._config_data = json.load(json_file)
            self._keep_registration = False
                "__init__: Cannot Read config file for xapp Registration")
            self._config_data = {}

        self._appthread = Thread(target=self.registerXapp).start()

        # run the optionally provided user post init
        if post_init:
def setup_module():
    """module level setup"""

    # swap sdl for the fake backend
    data.SDL = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl=True)

    def noop():

    # launch the thread with a fake init func and a patched rcv func; we will "repatch" later
def test_sdl_set_get():
    test set, get realted sdl methods
    sdl = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl=True)

    # set_if
    sdl.set(NS, "gs.df1", "old")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "gs.df1") == "old"

    sdl.set_if(NS, "gs.df1", "young", "new")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "gs.df1") == "old"

    sdl.set_if(NS, "gs.df1", "old", "new")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "gs.df1") == "new"

    # set_if_not_exists
    sdl.set(NS, "gs.df2", "old")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "gs.df2") == "old"

    sdl.set_if_not_exists(NS, "gs.df2", "new")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "gs.df2") == "old"

    sdl.set_if_not_exists(NS, "gs.df3", "new")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "gs.df3") == "new"

    # find_keys
    assert sdl.find_keys(NS, "gs") == ["gs.df1", "gs.df2", "gs.df3"]
    assert sdl.find_keys(NS, "gs.df1") == ["gs.df1"]
    assert sdl.find_keys(NS, "gs.df2") == ["gs.df2"]
    assert sdl.find_keys(NS, "gs.df3") == ["gs.df3"]

    # delete_if
    sdl.set(NS, "gs.df4", "delete_this")

    assert sdl.delete_if(NS, "gs.df4", "delete") is False
    assert sdl.delete_if(NS, "gs.df4", "delete_this") is True
    assert sdl.get(NS, "gs.df4") is None
def test_sdl():
    test raw sdl functions
    sdl = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl=True)
    sdl.set(NS, "as.df1", "data")
    sdl.set(NS, "as.df2", "data2")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "as.df1") == "data"
    assert sdl.get(NS, "as.df2") == "data2"
    assert sdl.find_and_get(NS, "as.df1") == {"as.df1": "data"}
    assert sdl.find_and_get(NS, "as.df2") == {"as.df2": "data2"}
    assert sdl.find_and_get(NS, "as.df") == {
        "as.df1": "data",
        "as.df2": "data2"
    assert sdl.find_and_get(NS, "as.d") == {
        "as.df1": "data",
        "as.df2": "data2"
    assert sdl.find_and_get(NS, "as.") == {"as.df1": "data", "as.df2": "data2"}
    assert sdl.find_and_get(NS, "asd") == {}

    # delete 1
    sdl.delete(NS, "as.df1")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "as.df1") is None
    assert sdl.get(NS, "as.df2") == "data2"

    # delete 2
    sdl.delete(NS, "as.df2")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "as.df2") is None

    assert sdl.find_and_get(NS, "as.df") == {}
    assert sdl.find_and_get(NS, "") == {}
def test_sdl_remove_and_publish_with_start_event_listener():
    test remove_and_publish* related sdl methods
    CH = "channel"
    EVENT = "event"
    CALLED = None

    def cb(channel, event):
        nonlocal CH
        nonlocal EVENT
        nonlocal CALLED
        CALLED = True
        assert channel == CH
        assert event[0] == EVENT

    sdl = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl=True)
    sdl.subscribe_channel(NS, cb, "channel")

    # remove_and_publish success
    CALLED = False
    sdl.set(NS, "nt.df1", "old")
    sdl.remove_and_publish(NS, "channel", "event", "nt.df1")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "nt.df1") is None
    assert CALLED is True

    # remove_if_and_publish
    CALLED = False
    sdl.set(NS, "nt.df1", "old")
    # fail
    sdl.remove_if_and_publish(NS, "channel", "event", "nt.df1", "new")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "nt.df1") == "old"
    assert CALLED is False
    # success
    sdl.remove_if_and_publish(NS, "channel", "event", "nt.df1", "old")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "nt.df1") is None
    assert CALLED is True

    # remove_all_and_publish
    CALLED = False
    sdl.set(NS, "nt.df1", "data1")
    sdl.set(NS, "nt.df2", "data2")
    sdl.set(NS, "nt.df3", "data3")
    sdl.remove_all_and_publish(NS, "channel", "event")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "nt.df1") is None
    assert sdl.get(NS, "nt.df2") is None
    assert sdl.get(NS, "nt.df3") is None
    assert sdl.find_keys(NS, "*") == []
    assert CALLED is True

    sdl.unsubscribe_channel(NS, "channel")
def test_sdl_set_and_publish_with_handle_events():
    test set_and_publish* related sdl methods
    CH = "channel"
    EVENT = "event"
    CALLED = None

    def cb(channel, event):
        nonlocal CH
        nonlocal EVENT
        nonlocal CALLED
        # test is cb called
        CALLED = True
        assert channel == CH
        assert event[0] == EVENT

    sdl = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl=True)
    sdl.subscribe_channel(NS, cb, "channel")

    # set_and_publish
    CALLED = False
    sdl.set_and_publish(NS, "channel", "event", "nt.df1", "old")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "nt.df1") == "old"
    assert CALLED is True

    # set_if_and_publish fail
    CALLED = False
    sdl.set_if_and_publish(NS, "channel", "event", "nt.df1", "young", "new")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "nt.df1") == "old"
    assert CALLED is False
    # set_if_and_publish success
    sdl.set_if_and_publish(NS, "channel", "event", "nt.df1", "old", "new")
    assert sdl.get(NS, "nt.df1") == "new"
    assert CALLED is True

    # set_if_not_exists_and_publish fail
    CALLED = False
    sdl.set_if_not_exists_and_publish(NS, "channel", "event", "nt.df1",
    assert sdl.get(NS, "nt.df1") == "new"
    assert CALLED is False
    # set_if_not_exists_and_publish success
    sdl.set_if_not_exists_and_publish(NS, "channel", "event", "nt.df2",
    assert sdl.get(NS, "nt.df2") == "latest"
    assert CALLED is True

    sdl.unsubscribe_channel(NS, "channel")
def test_sdl_member():
    test member related sdl methods
    # add_member, remove_member, get_members
    sdl = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl=True)

    sdl.add_member(NS, "group1", "member1")
    assert sdl.is_member(NS, "group1", "member1") is True

    sdl.remove_member(NS, "group1", "not_member")
    assert sdl.is_member(NS, "group1", "member1") is True

    sdl.remove_member(NS, "group1", "member1")
    assert sdl.is_member(NS, "group1", "member1") is False

    # remove_group, group_size
    sdl.add_member(NS, "group2", "member1")
    sdl.add_member(NS, "group2", "member2")
    assert sdl.group_size(NS, "group2") == 2
    sdl.remove_group(NS, "group2")
    assert sdl.group_size(NS, "group2") == 0

    # get_members
    sdl.add_member(NS, "group3", "member1")
    sdl.add_member(NS, "group3", "member2")
    members = sdl.get_members(NS, "group3")
    assert "member1" in members
    assert "member2" in members
import json
import os
import pandas as pd
import schedule
from ricxappframe.xapp_frame import Xapp
from ad_model.ad_model import ad_predict, CAUSE
from ad_train import train
from ricxappframe.xapp_sdl import SDLWrapper
from database import DATABASE, DUMMY
import insert as ins

db = None
cp = None
ue_data = None  # needs to be updated in future when live feed will be coming through KPIMON to influxDB
pos = 0
sdl = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl=True)

def entry(self):
    """  If ML model is not present in the path, It will trigger training module to train the model.
      Calls predict function every 10 millisecond(for now as we are using simulated data).
    if not os.path.isfile('model'):
    schedule.every(0.01).seconds.do(predict, self)
    while True:

def predict(self):
    """Read the latest ue sample from influxDB and detects if that is anomalous or normal..
class _BaseXapp:
    This class initializes RMR, starts a thread that checks for incoming
    messages, provisions an SDL object and optionally creates a
    config-file watcher.  This private base class should not be
    instantiated by clients directly, but it defines many public methods
    that may be used by clients.

    If environment variable CONFIG_FILE is defined, and that variable
    contains a path to an existing file, a watcher is defined to monitor
    modifications (writes) to that file using the Linux kernel's inotify
    feature. The watcher must be polled by calling method

    rmr_port: int (optional, default is 4562)
        Port on which the RMR library listens for incoming messages.

    rmr_wait_for_ready: bool (optional, default is True)
        If this is True, then init waits until RMR is ready to send,
        which includes having a valid routing file. This can be set
        to False if the client wants to *receive only*.

    use_fake_sdl: bool (optional, default is False)
        if this is True, it uses the DBaaS "fake dict backend" instead
        of Redis or other backends. Set this to True when developing
        an xapp or during unit testing to eliminate the need for DBaaS.

    post_init: function (optional, default is None)
        Runs this user-provided function at the end of the init method;
        its signature should be post_init(self)
    def __init__(self,
        Documented in the class comment.
        # PUBLIC, can be used by xapps using self.(name):
        self.logger = Logger(name=__name__)
        self._appthread = None

        # Start rmr rcv thread
        self._rmr_loop = xapp_rmr.RmrLoop(port=rmr_port,
        self._mrc = self._rmr_loop.mrc  # for convenience

        # SDL
        self.sdl = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl)

        # Config
        # The environment variable specifies the path to the Xapp config file
        self._config_path = os.environ.get(Constants.CONFIG_FILE_ENV, None)
        if self._config_path and os.path.isfile(self._config_path):
            self._inotify = inotify_simple.INotify()
            self.logger.debug("__init__: watching config file {}".format(
            self._inotify = None
            self.logger.warning("__init__: NOT watching any config file")

        # used for thread control of Registration of Xapp
        self._keep_registration = True

        # configuration data  for xapp registration and deregistration
        self._config_data = None
        if self._config_path and os.path.isfile(self._config_path):
            with open(self._config_path) as json_file:
                self._config_data = json.load(json_file)
            self._keep_registration = False
                "__init__: Cannot Read config file for xapp Registration")
            self._config_data = {}

        self._appthread = Thread(target=self.registerXapp).start()

        # run the optionally provided user post init
        if post_init:

    def get_service(self, host, service):
        To find the url for connecting to the service

        host: string
            defines the hostname in the url
        service: string
            defines the servicename in the url

            url for the service
        app_namespace = self._config_data.get("APP_NAMESPACE")
        if app_namespace is None:
            app_namespace = Constants.DEFAULT_XAPP_NS
        self.logger.debug("service : {} host : {},appnamespace : {}".format(
            service, host, app_namespace))
        if app_namespace is not None and host is not None:
            svc = service.format(app_namespace.upper(), host.upper())
            urlkey = svc.replace("-", "_")
            url = os.environ.get(urlkey).split("//")
            self.logger.debug("Service urlkey : {} and url: {}".format(
                urlkey, url))
            if len(url) > 1:
                return url[1]
        return ""

    def do_post(self, plt_namespace, url, msg):
        registration of the xapp using the url and json msg

        plt_namespace: string
            platform namespace where the xapp is running
        url: string
            url for xapp registration
        msg: string
            json msg containing the xapp details

            whether or not the xapp is registered
        if url is None:
            self.logger.error("url is empty ")
            return False
        if plt_namespace is None:
            self.logger.error("plt_namespace is empty")
            return False
            request_url = url.format(plt_namespace, plt_namespace)
            resp = requests.post(request_url, json=msg)
            self.logger.debug("Post to '{}' done, status : {}".format(
                request_url, resp.status_code))
            self.logger.debug("Response Text : {}".format(resp.text))
            return resp.status_code == 200 or resp.status_code == 201
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
            self.logger.error("Error : {}".format(err))
            return format(err)
        except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as errh:
            self.logger.error("Http Error: {}".format(errh))
            return errh
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as errc:
            self.logger.error("Error Connecting: {}".format(errc))
            return errc
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout as errt:
            self.logger.error("Timeout Error: {}".format(errt))
            return errt

    def register(self):
            function to registers the xapp

            whether or not the xapp is registered
        hostname = os.environ.get("HOSTNAME")
        xappname = self._config_data.get("name")
        xappversion = self._config_data.get("version")
        pltnamespace = os.environ.get("PLT_NAMESPACE")
        if pltnamespace is None:
            pltnamespace = Constants.DEFAULT_PLT_NS
            "config details hostname : {} xappname: {} xappversion : {} pltnamespace : {}"
            .format(hostname, xappname, xappversion, pltnamespace))

        http_endpoint = self.get_service(hostname, Constants.SERVICE_HTTP)
        rmr_endpoint = self.get_service(hostname, Constants.SERVICE_RMR)
        if http_endpoint == "" or rmr_endpoint == "":
                "Couldn't resolve service endpoints: http_endpoint={} rmr_endpoint={}"
                .format(http_endpoint, rmr_endpoint))
            return False
            "config details hostname : {} xappname: {} xappversion : {} pltnamespace : {} http_endpoint : {} rmr_endpoint "
            ": {} configpath : {}".format(
                hostname, xappname, xappversion, pltnamespace, http_endpoint,
                rmr_endpoint, self._config_data.get("CONFIG_PATH")))
        request_string = {
            "appName": hostname,
            "appVersion": xappversion,
            "configPath": "",
            "appInstanceName": xappname,
            "httpEndpoint": http_endpoint,
            "rmrEndpoint": rmr_endpoint,
            "config": json.dumps(self._config_data)
        self.logger.info("REQUEST STRING :{}".format(request_string))
        return self.do_post(pltnamespace, Constants.REGISTER_PATH,

    def registerXapp(self):
            registers the xapp
        retries = 5
        while self._keep_registration and retries > 0:
            retries = retries - 1
            # checking for rmr/sdl/xapp health
            healthy = self.healthcheck()
            if not healthy:
                    "Application='{}' is not ready yet, waiting ...".format(

                "Application='{}'  is now up and ready, continue with registration ..."
            if self.register():
                    "Registration done, proceeding with startup ...")

    def deregister(self):
            Deregisters the xapp

            whether or not the xapp is registered
        healthy = self.healthcheck()
        if not healthy:
            self.logger.error("RMR or SDL or xapp == Not Healthy")
            return None
        if self._config_data is None:
            return None
        name = os.environ.get("HOSTNAME")
        xappname = self._config_data.get("name")
        pltnamespace = os.environ.get("PLT_NAMESPACE")
        if pltnamespace is None:
            pltnamespace = Constants.DEFAULT_PLT_NS
        request_string = {
            "appName": name,
            "appInstanceName": xappname,

        return self.do_post(pltnamespace, Constants.DEREGISTER_PATH,

    def xapp_shutdown(self):
             Deregisters the xapp while shutting down
        self.logger.debug("Wait for xapp to get unregistered")

    # Public rmr methods

    def rmr_get_messages(self):
        Returns a generator iterable over all items in the queue that
        have not yet been read by the client xapp. Each item is a tuple
        (S, sbuf) where S is a message summary dict and sbuf is the raw
        message. The caller MUST call rmr.rmr_free_msg(sbuf) when
        finished with each sbuf to prevent memory leaks!
        while not self._rmr_loop.rcv_queue.empty():
            (summary, sbuf) = self._rmr_loop.rcv_queue.get()
            yield (summary, sbuf)

    def rmr_send(self, payload, mtype, retries=100):
        Allocates a buffer, sets payload and mtype, and sends

        payload: bytes
            payload to set
        mtype: int
            message type
        retries: int (optional)
            Number of times to retry at the application level before excepting RMRFailure

            whether or not the send worked after retries attempts
        sbuf = rmr.rmr_alloc_msg(vctx=self._mrc,

        for _ in range(retries):
            sbuf = rmr.rmr_send_msg(self._mrc, sbuf)
            if sbuf.contents.state == 0:
                return True

        return False

    def rmr_rts(self, sbuf, new_payload=None, new_mtype=None, retries=100):
        Allows the xapp to return to sender, possibly adjusting the
        payload and message type before doing so.  This does NOT free
        the sbuf for the caller as the caller may wish to perform
        multiple rts per buffer. The client needs to free.

        sbuf: ctypes c_void_p
             Pointer to an rmr message buffer
        new_payload: bytes (optional)
            New payload to set
        new_mtype: int (optional)
            New message type (replaces the received message)
        retries: int (optional, default 100)
            Number of times to retry at the application level

            whether or not the send worked after retries attempts
        for _ in range(retries):
            sbuf = rmr.rmr_rts_msg(self._mrc,
            if sbuf.contents.state == 0:
                return True

        self.logger.warning("RTS Failed! Summary: {}".format(
        return False

    def rmr_free(self, sbuf):
        Frees an rmr message buffer after use

        Note: this does not need to be a class method, self is not
        used. However if we break it out as a function we need a home
        for it.

        sbuf: ctypes c_void_p
             Pointer to an rmr message buffer

    # Convenience (pass-thru) function for invoking SDL.

    def sdl_set(self, namespace, key, value, usemsgpack=True):
        ** Deprecate Warning **
        ** Will be removed in a future function **

        Stores a key-value pair to SDL, optionally serializing the value
        to bytes using msgpack.

        namespace: string
            SDL namespace
        key: string
            SDL key
            Object or byte array to store.  See the `usemsgpack` parameter.
        usemsgpack: boolean (optional, default is True)
            Determines whether the value is serialized using msgpack before storing.
            If usemsgpack is True, the msgpack function `packb` is invoked
            on the value to yield a byte array that is then sent to SDL.
            Stated differently, if usemsgpack is True, the value can be anything
            that is serializable by msgpack.
            If usemsgpack is False, the value must be bytes.
        self.sdl.set(namespace, key, value, usemsgpack)

    def sdl_get(self, namespace, key, usemsgpack=True):
        ** Deprecate Warning **
        ** Will be removed in a future function **

        Gets the value for the specified namespace and key from SDL,
        optionally deserializing stored bytes using msgpack.

        namespace: string
            SDL namespace
        key: string
            SDL key
        usemsgpack: boolean (optional, default is True)
            If usemsgpack is True, the byte array stored by SDL is deserialized
            using msgpack to yield the original object that was stored.
            If usemsgpack is False, the byte array stored by SDL is returned
            without further processing.

            See the usemsgpack parameter for an explanation of the returned value type.
            Answers None if the key is not found.
        return self.sdl.get(namespace, key, usemsgpack)

    def sdl_find_and_get(self, namespace, prefix, usemsgpack=True):
        ** Deprecate Warning **
        ** Will be removed in a future function **

        Gets all key-value pairs in the specified namespace
        with keys that start with the specified prefix,
        optionally deserializing stored bytes using msgpack.

        nnamespaces: string
           SDL namespace
        prefix: string
            the key prefix
        usemsgpack: boolean (optional, default is True)
            If usemsgpack is True, the byte array stored by SDL is deserialized
            using msgpack to yield the original value that was stored.
            If usemsgpack is False, the byte array stored by SDL is returned
            without further processing.

        Dictionary of key-value pairs
            Each key has the specified prefix.
            The value object (its type) depends on the usemsgpack parameter,
            but is either a Python object or raw bytes as discussed above.
            Answers an empty dictionary if no keys matched the prefix.
        return self.sdl.find_and_get(namespace, prefix, usemsgpack)

    def sdl_delete(self, namespace, key):
        ** Deprecate Warning **
        ** Will be removed in a future function **

        Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key in the specified namespace.

        namespace: string
           SDL namespace
        key: string
            SDL key
        self.sdl.delete(namespace, key)

    def _get_rnib_info(self, node_type):
        Since the difference between get_list_gnb_ids and get_list_enb_ids is only node-type,
        this function extracted from the duplicated logic.

        node_type: string
           Type of node. This is EnumDescriptor.
           Available node types
           - UNKNOWN
           - ENB
           - GNB

            List: (NbIdentity)

            SdlTypeError: If function's argument is of an inappropriate type.
            NotConnected: If SDL is not connected to the backend data storage.
            RejectedByBackend: If backend data storage rejects the request.
            BackendError: If the backend data storage fails to process the request.
        nbid_strings: Set[bytes] = self.sdl.get_members(
            sdl_namespaces.E2_MANAGER, node_type, usemsgpack=False)
        ret: List[NbIdentity] = []
        for nbid_string in nbid_strings:
            nbid = NbIdentity()
        return ret

    def get_list_gnb_ids(self):
        Retrieves the list of gNodeb identity entities

        gNodeb information is stored in SDL by E2Manager. Therefore, gNode information
        is stored in SDL's `e2Manager` namespace as protobuf serialized.

            List: (NbIdentity)

            SdlTypeError: If function's argument is of an inappropriate type.
            NotConnected: If SDL is not connected to the backend data storage.
            RejectedByBackend: If backend data storage rejects the request.
            BackendError: If the backend data storage fails to process the request.
        return self._get_rnib_info(Node.Type.Name(Node.GNB))

    def get_list_enb_ids(self):
        Retrieves the list of eNodeb identity entities

        eNodeb information is stored in SDL by E2Manager. Therefore, eNode information
        is stored in SDL's `e2Manager` namespace as protobuf serialized.

            List: (NbIdentity)

            SdlTypeError: If function's argument is of an inappropriate type.
            NotConnected: If SDL is not connected to the backend data storage.
            RejectedByBackend: If backend data storage rejects the request.
            BackendError: If the backend data storage fails to process the request.
        return self._get_rnib_info(Node.Type.Name(Node.ENB))

        Following RNIB methods are made to be inline of the go-lang based RNIB methods.
        Method names are same as in repository:

    def GetNodeb(self, inventoryName):
        Returns nodeb info
        In RNIB SDL key is defined following way: RAN:<inventoryName>

        inventoryName: string


            SdlTypeError: If function's argument is of an inappropriate type.
            NotConnected: If SDL is not connected to the backend data storage.
            RejectedByBackend: If backend data storage rejects the request.
            BackendError: If the backend data storage fails to process the request.
        nbid_string: Set[bytes] = self.sdl_get(sdl_namespaces.E2_MANAGER,
                                               'RAN:' + inventoryName,
        if nbid_string is not None:
            nbinfo = pb_nbi.NodebInfo()
            return nbinfo
        return None

    def GetNodebByGlobalNbId(self, nodeType, plmnId, nbId):
        Returns nodeb identity based on type, plmn id and node id
        In RNIB SDL key is defined following way: <nodeType>:<plmnId>:<nbId>

            nodeType: string
            plmnId: string
            nbId: string


            SdlTypeError: If function's argument is of an inappropriate type.
            NotConnected: If SDL is not connected to the backend data storage.
            RejectedByBackend: If backend data storage rejects the request.
            BackendError: If the backend data storage fails to process the request.
        nbid_string: Set[bytes] = self.sdl_get(sdl_namespaces.E2_MANAGER,
                                               nodeType + ':' + plmnId + ':' +
        if nbid_string is not None:
            nbid = NbIdentity()
            return nbid
        return None

    def GetCellList(self, inventoryName):
        Returns nodeb served cell list from the saved node data
        In RNIB SDL key is defined following way: RAN:<inventoryName>

            nodeType: string
            plmnId: string
            nbId: string

            ServedCellInfo() in case of ENB
            ServedNRCell() in case of GNB

            SdlTypeError: If function's argument is of an inappropriate type.
            NotConnected: If SDL is not connected to the backend data storage.
            RejectedByBackend: If backend data storage rejects the request.
            BackendError: If the backend data storage fails to process the request.
        nodeb = self.GetNodeb(inventoryName)
        if nodeb is not None:
            if nodeb.HasField('enb'):
                return nodeb.enb.served_cells
            elif nodeb.HasField('gnb'):
                return nodeb.gnb.served_nr_cells
        return None

    def GetCellById(self, cell_type, cell_id):
        Returns cell info by cell type and id.
        In RNIB SDL keys are defined based on the cell type:
        ENB type CELL:<cell_id>
        GNB type NRCELL:<cell_id>

        cell_type: string
           Available cell types
           - ENB
           - GNB


            SdlTypeError: If function's argument is of an inappropriate type.
            NotConnected: If SDL is not connected to the backend data storage.
            RejectedByBackend: If backend data storage rejects the request.
            BackendError: If the backend data storage fails to process the request.
        cellstr = None
        if cell_type == pb_cell.Cell.Type.Name(pb_cell.Cell.LTE_CELL):
            cellstr = 'CELL'
        elif cell_type == pb_cell.Cell.Type.Name(pb_cell.Cell.NR_CELL):
            cellstr = 'NRCELL'
        if cellstr is not None:
            cell_string: Set[bytes] = self.sdl_get(sdl_namespaces.E2_MANAGER,
                                                   cellstr + ':' + cell_id,
            if cell_string is not None:
                cell = pb_cell.Cell()
                return cell
        return None

    def GetListNodebIds(self):
        Returns both enb and gnb NbIdentity list

            List: (NbIdentity)

            SdlTypeError: If function's argument is of an inappropriate type.
            NotConnected: If SDL is not connected to the backend data storage.
            RejectedByBackend: If backend data storage rejects the request.
            BackendError: If the backend data storage fails to process the request.
        nlist1 = self._get_rnib_info(Node.Type.Name(Node.ENB))
        nlist2 = self._get_rnib_info(Node.Type.Name(Node.GNB))

        for n in nlist2:
        return nlist1

    def GetCell(self, inventoryName, pci):
        Returns cell info using pci
        In RNIB SDL key is defined following way: PCI:<inventoryName>:<pci hex val>

        inventoryName: string
        pci: int


            SdlTypeError: If function's argument is of an inappropriate type.
            NotConnected: If SDL is not connected to the backend data storage.
            RejectedByBackend: If backend data storage rejects the request.
            BackendError: If the backend data storage fails to process the request.
        cell_string: Set[bytes] = self.sdl_get(sdl_namespaces.E2_MANAGER,
                                                   inventoryName, pci),
        if cell_string is not None:
            cell = pb_cell.Cell()
            return cell
        return None

    def GetRanFunctionDefinition(self, inventoryName, ran_function_oid):
        Returns GNB ran function definition list based on the ran_function_oid
        In RNIB SDL key is defined following way: RAN:<inventoryName>

            inventoryName: string
            ran_function_oid: int

            array of ran_function_definition matching to ran_function_oid

            SdlTypeError: If function's argument is of an inappropriate type.
            NotConnected: If SDL is not connected to the backend data storage.
            RejectedByBackend: If backend data storage rejects the request.
            BackendError: If the backend data storage fails to process the request.
        nodeb = self.GetNodeb(inventoryName)
        if nodeb is not None:
            if nodeb.HasField('gnb') and nodeb.gnb.ran_functions is not None:
                ranFDList = []
                for rf in nodeb.gnb.ran_functions:
                    if rf.ran_function_oid == ran_function_oid:
                return ranFDList
        return None

    def healthcheck(self):
        this needs to be understood how this is supposed to work
        return self._rmr_loop.healthcheck() and self.sdl.healthcheck()

    # Convenience function for discovering config change events

    def config_check(self, timeout=0):
        Checks the watcher for configuration-file events. The watcher
        prerequisites and event mask are documented in __init__().

        timeout: int (optional)
            Number of seconds to wait for a configuration-file event, default 0.

        List of Events, possibly empty
            An event is a tuple with objects wd, mask, cookie and name.
            For example::

                Event(wd=1, mask=1073742080, cookie=0, name='foo')

        if not self._inotify:
            return []
        events = self._inotify.read(timeout=timeout)
        return list(events)

    def stop(self):
        cleans up and stops the xapp rmr thread (currently). This is
        critical for unit testing as pytest will never return if the
        thread is running.

        TODO: can we register a ctrl-c handler so this gets called on
        ctrl-c? Because currently two ctrl-c are needed to stop.
        if self._appthread is not None:


# constants
    os.environ.get("INSTANCE_DELETE_NO_RESP_TTL", 5))
USE_FAKE_SDL = bool(
    distutils.util.strtobool(os.environ.get("USE_FAKE_SDL", "False")))
A1NS = "A1m_ns"
TYPE_PREFIX = "a1.policy_type."
INSTANCE_PREFIX = "a1.policy_instance."
METADATA_PREFIX = "a1.policy_inst_metadata."
HANDLER_PREFIX = "a1.policy_handler."

mdc_logger = Logger(name=__name__)
    mdc_logger.debug("Using fake SDL")
SDL = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl=USE_FAKE_SDL)

# Internal helpers

def _generate_type_key(policy_type_id):
    generate a key for a policy type
    return "{0}{1}".format(TYPE_PREFIX, policy_type_id)

def _generate_instance_key(policy_type_id, policy_instance_id):
    generate a key for a policy instance
class _BaseXapp:
    This class initializes RMR, starts a thread that checks for incoming
    messages, provisions an SDL object and optionally creates a
    config-file watcher.  This private base class should not be
    instantiated by clients directly, but it defines many public methods
    that may be used by clients.

    If environment variable CONFIG_FILE is defined, and that variable
    contains a path to an existing file, a watcher is defined to monitor
    modifications (writes) to that file using the Linux kernel's inotify
    feature. The watcher must be polled by calling method

    rmr_port: int (optional, default is 4562)
        Port on which the RMR library listens for incoming messages.

    rmr_wait_for_ready: bool (optional, default is True)
        If this is True, then init waits until RMR is ready to send,
        which includes having a valid routing file. This can be set
        to False if the client wants to *receive only*.

    use_fake_sdl: bool (optional, default is False)
        if this is True, it uses the DBaaS "fake dict backend" instead
        of Redis or other backends. Set this to True when developing
        an xapp or during unit testing to eliminate the need for DBaaS.

    post_init: function (optional, default is None)
        Runs this user-provided function at the end of the init method;
        its signature should be post_init(self)

    def __init__(self, rmr_port=4562, rmr_wait_for_ready=True, use_fake_sdl=False, post_init=None):
        Documented in the class comment.
        # PUBLIC, can be used by xapps using self.(name):
        self.logger = Logger(name=__name__)

        # Start rmr rcv thread
        self._rmr_loop = xapp_rmr.RmrLoop(port=rmr_port, wait_for_ready=rmr_wait_for_ready)
        self._mrc = self._rmr_loop.mrc  # for convenience

        # SDL
        self.sdl = SDLWrapper(use_fake_sdl)

        # Config
        # The environment variable specifies the path to the Xapp config file
        self._config_path = os.environ.get(CONFIG_FILE_ENV, None)
        if self._config_path and os.path.isfile(self._config_path):
            self._inotify = inotify_simple.INotify()
            self._inotify.add_watch(self._config_path, inotify_simple.flags.MODIFY)
            self.logger.debug("__init__: watching config file {}".format(self._config_path))
            self._inotify = None
            self.logger.warning("__init__: NOT watching any config file")

        # run the optionally provided user post init
        if post_init:

    # Public rmr methods

    def rmr_get_messages(self):
        Returns a generator iterable over all items in the queue that
        have not yet been read by the client xapp. Each item is a tuple
        (S, sbuf) where S is a message summary dict and sbuf is the raw
        message. The caller MUST call rmr.rmr_free_msg(sbuf) when
        finished with each sbuf to prevent memory leaks!
        while not self._rmr_loop.rcv_queue.empty():
            (summary, sbuf) = self._rmr_loop.rcv_queue.get()
            yield (summary, sbuf)

    def rmr_send(self, payload, mtype, retries=100):
        Allocates a buffer, sets payload and mtype, and sends

        payload: bytes
            payload to set
        mtype: int
            message type
        retries: int (optional)
            Number of times to retry at the application level before excepting RMRFailure

            whether or not the send worked after retries attempts
        sbuf = rmr.rmr_alloc_msg(vctx=self._mrc, size=len(payload), payload=payload, gen_transaction_id=True, mtype=mtype)

        for _ in range(retries):
            sbuf = rmr.rmr_send_msg(self._mrc, sbuf)
            if sbuf.contents.state == 0:
                return True

        return False

    def rmr_rts(self, sbuf, new_payload=None, new_mtype=None, retries=100):
        Allows the xapp to return to sender, possibly adjusting the
        payload and message type before doing so.  This does NOT free
        the sbuf for the caller as the caller may wish to perform
        multiple rts per buffer. The client needs to free.

        sbuf: ctypes c_void_p
             Pointer to an rmr message buffer
        new_payload: bytes (optional)
            New payload to set
        new_mtype: int (optional)
            New message type (replaces the received message)
        retries: int (optional, default 100)
            Number of times to retry at the application level

            whether or not the send worked after retries attempts
        for _ in range(retries):
            sbuf = rmr.rmr_rts_msg(self._mrc, sbuf, payload=new_payload, mtype=new_mtype)
            if sbuf.contents.state == 0:
                return True

        self.logger.warning("RTS Failed! Summary: {}".format(rmr.message_summary(sbuf)))
        return False

    def rmr_free(self, sbuf):
        Frees an rmr message buffer after use

        Note: this does not need to be a class method, self is not
        used. However if we break it out as a function we need a home
        for it.

        sbuf: ctypes c_void_p
             Pointer to an rmr message buffer

    # Convenience (pass-thru) function for invoking SDL.

    def sdl_set(self, namespace, key, value, usemsgpack=True):
        ** Deprecate Warning **
        ** Will be removed in a future function **

        Stores a key-value pair to SDL, optionally serializing the value
        to bytes using msgpack.

        namespace: string
            SDL namespace
        key: string
            SDL key
            Object or byte array to store.  See the `usemsgpack` parameter.
        usemsgpack: boolean (optional, default is True)
            Determines whether the value is serialized using msgpack before storing.
            If usemsgpack is True, the msgpack function `packb` is invoked
            on the value to yield a byte array that is then sent to SDL.
            Stated differently, if usemsgpack is True, the value can be anything
            that is serializable by msgpack.
            If usemsgpack is False, the value must be bytes.
        self.sdl.set(namespace, key, value, usemsgpack)

    def sdl_get(self, namespace, key, usemsgpack=True):
        ** Deprecate Warning **
        ** Will be removed in a future function **

        Gets the value for the specified namespace and key from SDL,
        optionally deserializing stored bytes using msgpack.

        namespace: string
            SDL namespace
        key: string
            SDL key
        usemsgpack: boolean (optional, default is True)
            If usemsgpack is True, the byte array stored by SDL is deserialized
            using msgpack to yield the original object that was stored.
            If usemsgpack is False, the byte array stored by SDL is returned
            without further processing.

            See the usemsgpack parameter for an explanation of the returned value type.
            Answers None if the key is not found.
        return self.sdl.get(namespace, key, usemsgpack)

    def sdl_find_and_get(self, namespace, prefix, usemsgpack=True):
        ** Deprecate Warning **
        ** Will be removed in a future function **

        Gets all key-value pairs in the specified namespace
        with keys that start with the specified prefix,
        optionally deserializing stored bytes using msgpack.

        nnamespaces: string
           SDL namespace
        prefix: string
            the key prefix
        usemsgpack: boolean (optional, default is True)
            If usemsgpack is True, the byte array stored by SDL is deserialized
            using msgpack to yield the original value that was stored.
            If usemsgpack is False, the byte array stored by SDL is returned
            without further processing.

        Dictionary of key-value pairs
            Each key has the specified prefix.
            The value object (its type) depends on the usemsgpack parameter,
            but is either a Python object or raw bytes as discussed above.
            Answers an empty dictionary if no keys matched the prefix.
        return self.sdl.find_and_get(namespace, prefix, usemsgpack)

    def sdl_delete(self, namespace, key):
        ** Deprecate Warning **
        ** Will be removed in a future function **

        Deletes the key-value pair with the specified key in the specified namespace.

        namespace: string
           SDL namespace
        key: string
            SDL key
        self.sdl.delete(namespace, key)

    # Health

    def healthcheck(self):
        this needs to be understood how this is supposed to work
        return self._rmr_loop.healthcheck() and self.sdl.healthcheck()

    # Convenience function for discovering config change events

    def config_check(self, timeout=0):
        Checks the watcher for configuration-file events. The watcher
        prerequisites and event mask are documented in __init__().

        timeout: int (optional)
            Number of seconds to wait for a configuration-file event, default 0.

        List of Events, possibly empty
            An event is a tuple with objects wd, mask, cookie and name.
            For example::

                Event(wd=1, mask=1073742080, cookie=0, name='foo')

        if not self._inotify:
            return []
        events = self._inotify.read(timeout=timeout)
        return list(events)

    def stop(self):
        cleans up and stops the xapp rmr thread (currently). This is
        critical for unit testing as pytest will never return if the
        thread is running.

        TODO: can we register a ctrl-c handler so this gets called on
        ctrl-c? Because currently two ctrl-c are needed to stop.