def create_variables(self, input_spaces, action_space=None): in_space = input_spaces["inputs[0]"] assert in_space.rank > 0, "ERROR: Must have input Space ({}) with rank larger 0!".format( in_space) # Create weights matrix and (maybe) biases vector. weights_shape = (in_space.shape[0], self.units) self.weights_init = Initializer.from_spec( shape=weights_shape, specification=self.weights_spec) biases_shape = (self.units, ) self.biases_init = Initializer.from_spec( shape=biases_shape, specification=self.biases_spec) # Wrapper for backend. if get_backend() == "tf": self.layer = tf.layers.Dense( units=self.units, activation=get_activation_function(self.activation, *self.activation_params), kernel_initializer=self.weights_init.initializer, use_bias=(self.biases_spec is not False), bias_initializer=(self.biases_init.initializer or tf.zeros_initializer()), trainable=(False if self.trainable is False else True), _reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) # Now build the layer so that its variables get created. # Register the generated variables with our registry. self.register_variables(*self.layer.variables) elif get_backend() == "pytorch": # N.b. activation must be added as a separate 'layer' when assembling a network. # In features is the num of input channels. apply_bias = (self.biases_spec is not False) in_features = in_space.shape[1] if in_space.shape[ 0] == 1 else in_space.shape[0] # print("name = {}, ndim = {}, in space.shape = {}, in_features = {}, units = {}".format( #, ndim, in_space.shape, in_features, self.units)) self.layer = nn.Linear( # In case there is a batch dim here due to missing preprocessing. in_features=in_features, out_features=self.units, bias=apply_bias) # Apply weight initializer if self.weights_init.initializer is not None: # Must be a callable in PyTorch self.weights_init.initializer(self.layer.weight) if apply_bias: if self.biases_spec is not None and self.biases_init.initializer is not None: self.biases_init.initializer(self.layer.bias) else: # Fill with zeros. if self.activation is not None: # Activation function will be used in apply. self.activation_fn = get_activation_function( self.activation, *self.activation_params) # Use unique scope as name. self.register_variables( PyTorchVariable(name=self.global_scope, ref=self.layer))
def create_variables(self, input_spaces, action_space=None): # Create weights matrix and (maybe) biases vector. shape = (self.vocab_size, self.embed_dim) self.initializer = Initializer.from_spec(shape=shape, specification=self.initializer_spec) # TODO: For IMPALA partitioner is not needed. Do this later. self.embedding_matrix = self.get_variable( name="embedding-matrix", shape=shape, dtype=convert_dtype("float"), initializer=self.initializer.initializer, #partitioner=self.partitioners, regularizer=self.regularizers, trainable=self.trainable ) self.ids_space = input_spaces["ids"]
def get_variable(self, name, is_input_feed=False, add_batch_rank=None, add_time_rank=None, time_major=None, is_python=False, local=False, **kwargs): add_batch_rank = self.has_batch_rank if add_batch_rank is None else add_batch_rank batch_rank = () if add_batch_rank is False else (None,) if add_batch_rank is True else (add_batch_rank,) add_time_rank = self.has_time_rank if add_time_rank is None else add_time_rank time_rank = () if add_time_rank is False else (None,) if add_time_rank is True else (add_time_rank,) time_major = self.time_major if time_major is None else time_major if time_major is False: shape = batch_rank + time_rank + self.shape else: shape = time_rank + batch_rank + self.shape if is_python is True or get_backend() == "python": if isinstance(add_batch_rank, int): if isinstance(add_time_rank, int): if time_major: var = [[0 for _ in range_(add_batch_rank)] for _ in range_(add_time_rank)] else: var = [[0 for _ in range_(add_time_rank)] for _ in range_(add_batch_rank)] else: var = [0 for _ in range_(add_batch_rank)] elif isinstance(add_time_rank, int): var = [0 for _ in range_(add_time_rank)] else: var = [] # Un-indent and just directly construct pytorch? if get_backend() == "pytorch" and is_input_feed: # Convert to PyTorch tensors as a faux placehodler. return torch.zeros(shape, dtype=convert_dtype(dtype=self.dtype, to="pytorch")) else: # TODO also convert? return var elif get_backend() == "tf": # TODO: re-evaluate the cutting of a leading '/_?' (tf doesn't like it) name = re.sub(r'^/_?', "", name) if is_input_feed: variable = tf.placeholder(dtype=convert_dtype(self.dtype), shape=shape, name=name) else: init_spec = kwargs.pop("initializer", None) # Bools should be initializable via 0 or not 0. if self.dtype == np.bool_ and isinstance(init_spec, (int, float)): init_spec = (init_spec != 0) if self.dtype == np.str_ and init_spec == 0: initializer = None else: initializer = Initializer.from_spec(shape=shape, specification=init_spec).initializer variable = tf.get_variable( name, shape=shape, dtype=convert_dtype(self.dtype), initializer=initializer, collections=[tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES if local is False else tf.GraphKeys.LOCAL_VARIABLES], **kwargs ) # Add batch/time rank flags to the op. if self.has_batch_rank: variable._batch_rank = 0 if self.time_major is False else 1 if self.has_time_rank: variable._time_rank = 1 if self.time_major is False else 0 return variable
def create_variables(self, input_spaces, action_space=None): in_space = input_spaces["inputs[0]"] # Create kernel and biases initializers. self.kernel_init = Initializer.from_spec( shape=self.kernel_size, specification=self.kernel_spec) self.biases_init = Initializer.from_spec( shape=self.kernel_size, specification=self.biases_spec) # Wrapper for backend. if get_backend() == "tf": self.layer = tf.layers.Conv2D( filters=self.filters, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, strides=self.strides, padding=self.padding, data_format=self.data_format, activation=get_activation_function(self.activation, *self.activation_params), use_bias=(self.biases_spec is not False), kernel_initializer=self.kernel_init.initializer, bias_initializer=(self.biases_init.initializer or tf.zeros_initializer()), trainable=(False if self.trainable is False else True), _reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) # Now build the layer so that its variables get created. # Register the generated variables with our registry. self.register_variables(*self.layer.variables) elif get_backend() == "pytorch": shape = in_space.shape num_channels = get_input_channels(shape) apply_bias = (self.biases_spec is not False) # print("Defining conv2d layer with shape = {} and channels {}".format( # shape, num_channels # )) if self.padding == "same": # N.b. there is no 'same' or 'valid' padding for PyTorch so need custom layer. self.layer = SamePaddedConv2d( in_channels=num_channels, out_channels=self.filters, # Only support square kernels. kernel_size=self.kernel_size[0], stride=self.strides, bias=apply_bias) else: self.layer = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=num_channels, out_channels=self.filters, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, stride=self.strides, padding=0, bias=apply_bias) # Apply weight initializer if self.kernel_init.initializer is not None: # Must be a callable in PyTorch self.kernel_init.initializer(self.layer.weight) if apply_bias: if self.biases_spec is not None and self.biases_init.initializer is not None: self.biases_init.initializer(self.layer.bias) else: # Fill with zeros. if self.activation is not None: # Activation function will be used in `call`. self.activation_fn = get_activation_function( self.activation, *self.activation_params) self.register_variables( PyTorchVariable(name=self.global_scope, ref=self.layer))