 def showDomain(self, a=0):
     s = self.state
     # Draw the environment
     if self.domain_fig is None:
         self.move_fig = plt.subplot(111)
         s = s.reshape((self.BOARD_SIZE, self.BOARD_SIZE))
         self.domain_fig = plt.imshow(s,
         plt.xticks(np.arange(self.BOARD_SIZE), fontsize=FONTSIZE)
         plt.yticks(np.arange(self.BOARD_SIZE), fontsize=FONTSIZE)
         # pl.tight_layout()
         a_row, a_col = id2vec(a, [self.BOARD_SIZE, self.BOARD_SIZE])
         self.move_fig = self.move_fig.plot(a_col,
     a_row, a_col = id2vec(a, [self.BOARD_SIZE, self.BOARD_SIZE])
     # print a_row,a_col
     # Instead of '>' you can use 'D', 'o'
     self.move_fig = plt.plot(a_col, a_row, 'kx', markersize=30.0)
     s = s.reshape((self.BOARD_SIZE, self.BOARD_SIZE))
 def showDomain(self, a=0):
     s = self.state
     # Draw the environment
     if self.domain_fig is None:
         self.move_fig = plt.subplot(111)
         s = s.reshape((self.BOARD_SIZE, self.BOARD_SIZE))
         self.domain_fig = plt.imshow(
         plt.xticks(np.arange(self.BOARD_SIZE), fontsize=FONTSIZE)
         plt.yticks(np.arange(self.BOARD_SIZE), fontsize=FONTSIZE)
         # pl.tight_layout()
         a_row, a_col = id2vec(a, [self.BOARD_SIZE, self.BOARD_SIZE])
         self.move_fig = self.move_fig.plot(
     a_row, a_col = id2vec(a, [self.BOARD_SIZE, self.BOARD_SIZE])
     # print a_row,a_col
     # Instead of '>' you can use 'D', 'o'
     self.move_fig = plt.plot(a_col, a_row, 'kx', markersize=30.0)
     s = s.reshape((self.BOARD_SIZE, self.BOARD_SIZE))
文件: RCCar.py 项目: zhexiaozhe/rlpy
    def step(self, a):
        x, y, speed, heading = self.state
        # Map a number between [0,8] to a pair. The first element is
        # acceleration direction. The second one is the indicator for the wheel
        acc, turn = id2vec(a, [3, 3])
        acc -= 1  # Mapping acc to [-1, 0 1]
        turn -= 1  # Mapping turn to [-1, 0 1]

        # Calculate next state
        nx = x + speed * np.cos(heading) * self.delta_t
        ny = y + speed * np.sin(heading) * self.delta_t
        nspeed = speed + acc * self.ACCELERATION * self.delta_t
        nheading    = heading + speed / self.CAR_LENGTH * \
            np.tan(turn * self.TURN_ANGLE) * self.delta_t

        # Bound values
        nx = bound(nx, self.XMIN, self.XMAX)
        ny = bound(ny, self.YMIN, self.YMAX)
        nspeed = bound(nspeed, self.SPEEDMIN, self.SPEEDMAX)
        nheading = wrap(nheading, self.HEADINGMIN, self.HEADINGMAX)

        # Collision to wall => set the speed to zero
        if nx == self.XMIN or nx == self.XMAX or ny == self.YMIN or ny == self.YMAX:
            nspeed = 0

        ns = np.array([nx, ny, nspeed, nheading])
        self.state = ns.copy()
        terminal = self.isTerminal()
        r = self.GOAL_REWARD if terminal else self.STEP_REWARD
        return r, ns, terminal, self.possibleActions()
文件: RCCar.py 项目: zyc9012/rlpy
    def step(self, a):
        x, y, speed, heading = self.state
        # Map a number between [0,8] to a pair. The first element is
        # acceleration direction. The second one is the indicator for the wheel
        acc, turn = id2vec(a, [3, 3])
        acc -= 1  # Mapping acc to [-1, 0 1]
        turn -= 1  # Mapping turn to [-1, 0 1]

        # Calculate next state
        nx = x + speed * np.cos(heading) * self.delta_t
        ny = y + speed * np.sin(heading) * self.delta_t
        nspeed = speed + acc * self.ACCELERATION * self.delta_t
        nheading = heading + speed / self.CAR_LENGTH * np.tan(turn * self.TURN_ANGLE) * self.delta_t

        # Bound values
        nx = bound(nx, self.XMIN, self.XMAX)
        ny = bound(ny, self.YMIN, self.YMAX)
        nspeed = bound(nspeed, self.SPEEDMIN, self.SPEEDMAX)
        nheading = wrap(nheading, self.HEADINGMIN, self.HEADINGMAX)

        # Collision to wall => set the speed to zero
        if nx == self.XMIN or nx == self.XMAX or ny == self.YMIN or ny == self.YMAX:
            nspeed = 0

        ns = np.array([nx, ny, nspeed, nheading])
        self.state = ns.copy()
        terminal = self.isTerminal()
        r = self.GOAL_REWARD if terminal else self.STEP_REWARD
        return r, ns, terminal, self.possibleActions()
 def expectedStep(self, s, a):
     # Returns k possible outcomes
     #  p: k-by-1    probability of each transition
     #  r: k-by-1    rewards
     # ns: k-by-|s|  next state
     #  t: k-by-1    terminal values
     [A, B] = id2vec(a, [self.blocks, self.blocks])
     # Nominal Move:
     ns1 = s.copy()
     ns1[A] = B  # A is on top of B now.
     terminal1 = self.isTerminal(ns1)
     r1 = self.GOAL_REWARD if terminal1 else self.STEP_REWARD
     if self.destination_is_table(A, B):
         p = np.array([1]).reshape((1, -1))
         r = np.array([r1]).reshape((1, -1))
         ns = np.array([ns1]).reshape((1, -1))
         t = np.array([terminal1]).reshape((1, -1))
         return p, r, ns, t
         # consider dropping the block
         ns2 = s.copy()
         ns2[A] = A  # Drop on table
         terminal2 = self.isTerminal(ns2)
         r2 = self.GOAL_REWARD if terminal2 else self.STEP_REWARD
         p = np.array([1 - self.noise, self.noise]).reshape((2, 1))
         r = np.array([r1, r2]).reshape((2, 1))
         ns = np.array([[ns1], [ns2]]).reshape((2, -1))
         t = np.array([terminal1, terminal2]).reshape((2, -1))
         return p, r, ns, t
 def expectedStep(self, s, a):
     # Returns k possible outcomes
     #  p: k-by-1    probability of each transition
     #  r: k-by-1    rewards
     # ns: k-by-|s|  next state
     #  t: k-by-1    terminal values
     [A, B] = id2vec(a, [self.blocks, self.blocks])
     # Nominal Move:
     ns1 = s.copy()
     ns1[A] = B  # A is on top of B now.
     terminal1 = self.isTerminal(ns1)
     r1 = self.GOAL_REWARD if terminal1 else self.STEP_REWARD
     if self.destination_is_table(A, B):
         p = np.array([1]).reshape((1, -1))
         r = np.array([r1]).reshape((1, -1))
         ns = np.array([ns1]).reshape((1, -1))
         t = np.array([terminal1]).reshape((1, -1))
         return p, r, ns, t
         # consider dropping the block
         ns2 = s.copy()
         ns2[A] = A  # Drop on table
         terminal2 = self.isTerminal(ns2)
         r2 = self.GOAL_REWARD if terminal2 else self.STEP_REWARD
         p = np.array([1 - self.noise, self.noise]).reshape((2, 1))
         r = np.array([r1, r2]).reshape((2, 1))
         ns = np.array([[ns1], [ns2]]).reshape((2, -1))
         t = np.array([terminal1, terminal2]).reshape((2, -1))
         return p, r, ns, t
    def step(self, a):
        s = self.state
        # move block A on top of B
        [A, B] = id2vec(a, [self.blocks, self.blocks])
        # print 'taking action %d->%d' % (A,B)
        if not self.validAction(s, A, B):
            print('State:%s, Invalid move from %d to %d' % (str(s), A, B))
            print(id2vec(self.possibleActions(), [self.blocks, self.blocks]))

        if self.random_state.random_sample() < self.noise:
            B = A  # Drop on Table
        ns = s.copy()
        ns[A] = B  # A is on top of B now.
        self.state = ns.copy()
        terminal = self.isTerminal()
        r = self.GOAL_REWARD if terminal else self.STEP_REWARD
        return r, ns, terminal, self.possibleActions()
    def step(self, a):
        s = self.state
        # move block A on top of B
        [A, B] = id2vec(a, [self.blocks, self.blocks])
        # print 'taking action %d->%d' % (A,B)
        if not self.validAction(s, A, B):
            print 'State:%s, Invalid move from %d to %d' % (str(s), A, B)
            print self.possibleActions()
            print id2vec(self.possibleActions(), [self.blocks, self.blocks])

        if self.random_state.random_sample() < self.noise:
            B = A  # Drop on Table
        ns = s.copy()
        ns[A] = B  # A is on top of B now.
        self.state = ns.copy()
        terminal = self.isTerminal()
        r = self.GOAL_REWARD if terminal else self.STEP_REWARD
        return r, ns, terminal, self.possibleActions()
    def step(self, a):
        Move all intruders according to 
        the :py:meth:`~rlpy.Domains.IntruderMonitoring.IntruderPolicy`, default
        uniform random action.
        Move all agents according to the selected action ``a``.
        Calculate the reward = Number of danger zones being violated by
        intruders while no agents are present (ie, intruder occupies a danger 
        cell with no agent simultaneously occupying the cell).
        s = self.state

        # Move all agents based on the taken action
        agents = np.array(s[:self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS * 2].reshape(-1, 2))
        actions = id2vec(a, self.ACTION_LIMITS)
        actions = self.ACTIONS_PER_AGENT[actions]
        agents += actions

        # Generate actions for each intruder based on the function
        # IntruderPolicy()
        intruders = np.array(s[self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS * 2:].reshape(-1, 2))
        actions = [
            for i in xrange(self.NUMBER_OF_INTRUDERS)
        actions = self.ACTIONS_PER_AGENT[actions]
        intruders += actions

        # Put all info in one big vector
        ns = np.hstack((agents.ravel(), intruders.ravel()))
        # Saturate states so that if actions forced agents to move out of the
        # grid world they bound back
        ns = bound_vec(ns, self.discrete_statespace_limits)
        # Find agents and intruders after saturation
        agents = ns[:self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS * 2].reshape(-1, 2)
        intruders = ns[self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS * 2:].reshape(-1, 2)

        # Reward Calculation
        map = np.zeros((self.ROWS, self.COLS), 'bool')
        map[intruders[:, 0], intruders[:, 1]] = True
        map[agents[:, 0], agents[:, 1]] = False
        intrusion_counter = np.count_nonzero(
            map[self.danger_zone_locations[:, 0],
                self.danger_zone_locations[:, 1]])
        r = intrusion_counter * self.INTRUSION_PENALTY
        ns = bound_vec(ns, self.discrete_statespace_limits)
        # print s, id2vec(a,self.ACTION_LIMITS), ns
        self.state = ns.copy()
        return r, ns, False, self.possibleActions()
    def printDomain(self, s, a):
        print '--------------'

        for i in xrange(0, self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS):
            s_a = s[i * 2:i * 2 + 2]
            aa = id2vec(a, self.ACTION_LIMITS)
            # print 'Agent {} X: {} Y: {}'.format(i,s_a[0],s_a[1])
            print 'Agent {} Location: {} Action {}'.format(i, s_a, aa)
        offset = 2 * self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS
        for i in xrange(0, self.NUMBER_OF_INTRUDERS):
            s_i = s[offset + i * 2:offset + i * 2 + 2]
            # print 'Intruder {} X: {} Y: {}'.format(i,s_i[0],s_i[1])
            print 'Intruder', s_i
        r, ns, terminal = self.step(s, a)

        print 'Reward ', r
    def printDomain(self, s, a):
        print '--------------'

        for i in xrange(0, self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS):
            s_a = s[i * 2:i * 2 + 2]
            aa = id2vec(a, self.ACTION_LIMITS)
            # print 'Agent {} X: {} Y: {}'.format(i,s_a[0],s_a[1])
            print 'Agent {} Location: {} Action {}'.format(i, s_a, aa)
        offset = 2 * self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS
        for i in xrange(0, self.NUMBER_OF_INTRUDERS):
            s_i = s[offset + i * 2:offset + i * 2 + 2]
            # print 'Intruder {} X: {} Y: {}'.format(i,s_i[0],s_i[1])
            print 'Intruder', s_i
        r, ns, terminal = self.step(s, a)

        print 'Reward ', r
    def step(self, a):
        Move all intruders according to 
        the :py:meth:`~rlpy.Domains.IntruderMonitoring.IntruderPolicy`, default
        uniform random action.
        Move all agents according to the selected action ``a``.
        Calculate the reward = Number of danger zones being violated by
        intruders while no agents are present (ie, intruder occupies a danger 
        cell with no agent simultaneously occupying the cell).
        s = self.state

        # Move all agents based on the taken action
        agents = np.array(s[:self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS * 2].reshape(-1, 2))
        actions = id2vec(a, self.ACTION_LIMITS)
        actions = self.ACTIONS_PER_AGENT[actions]
        agents += actions

        # Generate actions for each intruder based on the function
        # IntruderPolicy()
        intruders = np.array(s[self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS * 2:].reshape(-1, 2))
        actions = [self.IntruderPolicy(intruders[i])
                   for i in xrange(self.NUMBER_OF_INTRUDERS)]
        actions = self.ACTIONS_PER_AGENT[actions]
        intruders += actions

        # Put all info in one big vector
        ns = np.hstack((agents.ravel(), intruders.ravel()))
        # Saturate states so that if actions forced agents to move out of the
        # grid world they bound back
        ns = bound_vec(ns, self.discrete_statespace_limits)
        # Find agents and intruders after saturation
        agents = ns[:self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS * 2].reshape(-1, 2)
        intruders = ns[self.NUMBER_OF_AGENTS * 2:].reshape(-1, 2)

        # Reward Calculation
        map = np.zeros((self.ROWS, self.COLS), 'bool')
        map[intruders[:, 0], intruders[:, 1]] = True
        map[agents[:, 0], agents[:, 1]] = False
        intrusion_counter = np.count_nonzero(
            map[self.danger_zone_locations[:, 0], self.danger_zone_locations[:, 1]])
        r = intrusion_counter * self.INTRUSION_PENALTY
        ns = bound_vec(ns, self.discrete_statespace_limits)
        # print s, id2vec(a,self.ACTION_LIMITS), ns
        self.state = ns.copy()
        return r, ns, False, self.possibleActions()
 def step(self, a):
     ns = self.state.copy()
     ns = np.reshape(ns, (self.BOARD_SIZE, -1))
     a_row, a_col = id2vec(a, [self.BOARD_SIZE, self.BOARD_SIZE])
     # print a_row, a_col
     # print ns
     ns[a_row, :] = np.logical_not(ns[a_row,:])
     ns[:, a_col] = np.logical_not(ns[:, a_col])
     ns[a_row, a_col] = not ns[a_row, a_col]
     if self.isTerminal():
         terminal = True
         r = 0
         terminal = False
         r = self.STEP_REWARD
     # sleep(1)
     ns = ns.flatten()
     self.state = ns.copy()
     return r, ns, terminal, self.possibleActions()
 def step(self, a):
     ns = self.state.copy()
     ns = np.reshape(ns, (self.BOARD_SIZE, -1))
     a_row, a_col = id2vec(a, [self.BOARD_SIZE, self.BOARD_SIZE])
     # print a_row, a_col
     # print ns
     ns[a_row, :] = np.logical_not(ns[a_row, :])
     ns[:, a_col] = np.logical_not(ns[:, a_col])
     ns[a_row, a_col] = not ns[a_row, a_col]
     if self.isTerminal():
         terminal = True
         r = 0
         terminal = False
         r = self.STEP_REWARD
     # sleep(1)
     ns = ns.flatten()
     self.state = ns.copy()
     return r, ns, terminal, self.possibleActions()
    def step(self, a):
        if self.random_state.random_sample() < self.noise:
            # Random Move
            a = self.random_state.choice(self.possibleActions())
        # Map a number between [0,8] to a pair. The first element is
        # acceleration direction. The second one is the indicator for the wheel
        # a = 4
        acc, turn = id2vec(a, [3, 3])
        acc -= 1                # Mapping acc to [-1, 0 1]
        turn -= 1                # Mapping turn to [-1, 0 1]

        # Calculate next state
        ns = self._action_dynamics(self.state, acc, turn)

        self.state = ns.copy()
        terminal = self.isTerminal()
        r = self._reward(ns, terminal)

        return r, ns, terminal, self.possibleActions()
    def stateID2state(self, s_id):
        Returns the state vector correponding to a state_id.
        If dimensions are continuous it returns the state representing the
        middle of the bin (each dimension is discretized according to

        :param s_id: The id of the state, often calculated using the
            ``state2bin`` function

        :return: The state *s* corresponding to the integer *s_id*.

        # Find the bin number on each dimension
        s = np.array(id2vec(s_id, self.bins_per_dim))

        # Find the value corresponding to each bin number
        for d in xrange(self.domain.state_space_dims):
            s[d] = bin2state(s[d], self.bins_per_dim[d], self.domain.statespace_limits[d,:])

        if len(self.domain.continuous_dims) == 0:
            s = s.astype(int)
        return s
    def stateID2state(self, s_id):
        Returns the state vector correponding to a state_id.
        If dimensions are continuous it returns the state representing the
        middle of the bin (each dimension is discretized according to

        :param s_id: The id of the state, often calculated using the
            ``state2bin`` function

        :return: The state *s* corresponding to the integer *s_id*.

        # Find the bin number on each dimension
        s = np.array(id2vec(s_id, self.bins_per_dim))

        # Find the value corresponding to each bin number
        for d in range(self.domain.state_space_dims):
            s[d] = bin2state(s[d], self.bins_per_dim[d],
                             self.domain.statespace_limits[d, :])

        if len(self.domain.continuous_dims) == 0:
            s = s.astype(int)
        return s
    def step(self, a):
        # Note below that we pass the structure by reference to save time; ie,
        # components of sStruct refer directly to s
        ns = self.state.copy()
        sStruct = self.state2Struct(self.state)
        nsStruct = self.state2Struct(ns)
        # Subtract 1 below to give -1,0,1, easily sum actions
        # returns list of form [0,1,0,2] corresponding to action of each uav
        actionVector = np.array(id2vec(a, self.LIMITS))
        nsStruct.locations += (actionVector - 1)

        # TODO - incorporate cost graph as in matlab.
        fuelBurnedBool = [(actionVector[i] == UAVAction.LOITER
                           and (nsStruct.locations[i] == UAVLocation.REFUEL
                                or nsStruct.locations[i] == UAVLocation.BASE))
                          for i in xrange(self.NUM_UAV)]
        fuelBurnedBool = np.array(fuelBurnedBool) == 0.
        nsStruct.fuel = np.array([
            sStruct.fuel[i] - self.NOM_FUEL_BURN * fuelBurnedBool[i]
            for i in xrange(self.NUM_UAV)
        ])  # if fuel
        self.fuelUnitsBurned = np.sum(fuelBurnedBool)
        distanceTraveled = np.sum(
            np.logical_and(nsStruct.locations, sStruct.locations))

        # Actuator failure transition
        randomFails = np.array([
            self.random_state.random_sample() for dummy in xrange(self.NUM_UAV)
        randomFails = randomFails > self.P_ACT_FAIL
        nsStruct.actuator = np.logical_and(sStruct.actuator, randomFails)

        # Sensor failure transition
        randomFails = np.array([
            self.random_state.random_sample() for dummy in xrange(self.NUM_UAV)
        randomFails = randomFails > self.P_SENSOR_FAIL
        nsStruct.sensor = np.logical_and(sStruct.sensor, randomFails)

        # Refuel those in refuel node
        refuelIndices = np.nonzero(
            np.logical_and(sStruct.locations == UAVLocation.REFUEL,
                           nsStruct.locations == UAVLocation.REFUEL))
        nsStruct.fuel[refuelIndices] = self.FULL_FUEL

        # Fix sensors and motors in base state
        baseIndices = np.nonzero(
            np.logical_and(sStruct.locations == UAVLocation.BASE,
                           nsStruct.locations == UAVLocation.BASE))
        nsStruct.actuator[baseIndices] = ActuatorState.RUNNING
        nsStruct.sensor[baseIndices] = SensorState.RUNNING

        # Test if have communication
        self.isCommStatesCovered = any(sStruct.locations == UAVLocation.COMMS)

        surveillanceBool = (sStruct.locations == UAVLocation.SURVEIL)
        self.numHealthySurveil = sum(
            np.logical_and(surveillanceBool, sStruct.sensor))

        totalStepReward = 0

        ns = self.struct2State(nsStruct)
        self.state = ns.copy()

        ##### Compute reward #####
        if self.isCommStatesCovered:
            totalStepReward += self.SURVEIL_REWARD * \
                min(self.NUM_TARGET, self.numHealthySurveil)
        if self.isTerminal():
            totalStepReward += self.CRASH_REWARD
        totalStepReward += self.FUEL_BURN_REWARD_COEFF * self.fuelUnitsBurned + \
            self.MOVE_REWARD_COEFF * \
            distanceTraveled  # Presently movement penalty is set to 0
        return totalStepReward, ns, self.isTerminal(), self.possibleActions()
文件: PST.py 项目: okkhoy/rlpy
    def step(self, a):
        # Note below that we pass the structure by reference to save time; ie,
        # components of sStruct refer directly to s
        ns = self.state.copy()
        sStruct = self.state2Struct(self.state)
        nsStruct = self.state2Struct(ns)
        # Subtract 1 below to give -1,0,1, easily sum actions
        # returns list of form [0,1,0,2] corresponding to action of each uav
        actionVector = np.array(id2vec(a, self.LIMITS))
        nsStruct.locations += (actionVector - 1)

        # TODO - incorporate cost graph as in matlab.
        fuelBurnedBool = [(actionVector[i] == UAVAction.LOITER and (nsStruct.locations[i] == UAVLocation.REFUEL or nsStruct.locations[i] == UAVLocation.BASE))
                          for i in range(self.NUM_UAV)]
        fuelBurnedBool = np.array(fuelBurnedBool) == 0.
        nsStruct.fuel = np.array([sStruct.fuel[i] - self.NOM_FUEL_BURN * fuelBurnedBool[i]
                                  for i in range(self.NUM_UAV)])  # if fuel
        self.fuelUnitsBurned = np.sum(fuelBurnedBool)
        distanceTraveled = np.sum(

        # Actuator failure transition
        randomFails = np.array([self.random_state.random_sample()
                                for dummy in range(self.NUM_UAV)])
        randomFails = randomFails > self.P_ACT_FAIL
        nsStruct.actuator = np.logical_and(sStruct.actuator, randomFails)

        # Sensor failure transition
        randomFails = np.array([self.random_state.random_sample()
                                for dummy in range(self.NUM_UAV)])
        randomFails = randomFails > self.P_SENSOR_FAIL
        nsStruct.sensor = np.logical_and(sStruct.sensor, randomFails)

        # Refuel those in refuel node
        refuelIndices = np.nonzero(
                sStruct.locations == UAVLocation.REFUEL,
                nsStruct.locations == UAVLocation.REFUEL))
        nsStruct.fuel[refuelIndices] = self.FULL_FUEL

        # Fix sensors and motors in base state
        baseIndices = np.nonzero(
                sStruct.locations == UAVLocation.BASE,
                nsStruct.locations == UAVLocation.BASE))
        nsStruct.actuator[baseIndices] = ActuatorState.RUNNING
        nsStruct.sensor[baseIndices] = SensorState.RUNNING

        # Test if have communication
        self.isCommStatesCovered = any(sStruct.locations == UAVLocation.COMMS)

        surveillanceBool = (sStruct.locations == UAVLocation.SURVEIL)
        self.numHealthySurveil = sum(
            np.logical_and(surveillanceBool, sStruct.sensor))

        totalStepReward = 0

        ns = self.struct2State(nsStruct)
        self.state = ns.copy()

        ##### Compute reward #####
        if self.isCommStatesCovered:
            totalStepReward += self.SURVEIL_REWARD * \
                min(self.NUM_TARGET, self.numHealthySurveil)
        if self.isTerminal():
            totalStepReward += self.CRASH_REWARD
        totalStepReward += self.FUEL_BURN_REWARD_COEFF * self.fuelUnitsBurned + \
            self.MOVE_REWARD_COEFF * \
            distanceTraveled  # Presently movement penalty is set to 0
        return totalStepReward, ns, self.isTerminal(), self.possibleActions()